139 Fee and Interest Generation

This chapter contains these topics:

This program lets you generate fees or interest amounts against A/R invoices. It is based on the A/R Account Ledger file (F0311) and is controlled by the fee tables in the A/R Fee Interest file (F1525). During the generation, the system does the following:

  1. Locates open amounts in the A/R Account Ledger file that have been posted. For a fee, the system searches for an amount that is positive (a debit). For interest, the open amount is negative (a credit).

  2. Checks the Billing Code Extension file (F1512) to determine whether the invoiced bill code is eligible for the generation. A processing option controls whether this step is required. If it is required, the Subject to Late Fees field in the file must contain Y (Yes).

  3. Matches the appropriate fee and interest table with the respective information for the invoice. To do this, it searches the A/R Fees Interest file according to the 12 search levels and beginning with level 1.

  4. Compares the date the last generation was performed on the invoice to the date of the current generation in the processing options. If the current date is prior to the last date, the processing stops for the invoice.

  5. Processes each detail line (record) in the table according to the specified sequence.

    • Determines the range of dates the fee table is in effect. To do this, the system uses the start date, grace periods, and maximum periods. If the date of the current generation does not fall within that date range, the processing stops for the invoice.

    • Calculates the fee or interest amount for each generation period that exists between the dates of the last and current generations.

    • Creates a pay item from the sum of the generation amounts if the record is non-compounding.

    • Creates an adjustment from the sum of the generation amounts if the record is compounding. The adjustment is to the original invoice.

  6. Creates the invoice with as many pay items as there are non-compounding records.

Note that the generation type for fee and interest is 5. A processing option controls whether the system creates a batch of invoices or only prints a report so you can preview the information to be processed. For an overview of fees and interest, see Chapter 136, "Fee and Interest Process" in this guide.


From the Real Estate Management System menu (G15), choose Fees and Interest.

From the Fees and Interest menu (G1527), choose Fee and Interest Generation.

139.1 Fee and Interest Generation Report

Figure 139-1 FASB 13 Lease Control Generation

Description of Figure 139-1 follows
Description of "Figure 139-1 FASB 13 Lease Control Generation"

139.2 Fee and Interest Generation Procedures

When you choose the program from the menu, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. From this screen, you can copy, change, or run a version of the program. For an overview of the DREAM Writer facility, see Appendix B, "DREAM Writer Overview" in this guide.

JD Edwards World recommends that you set up a different DREAM Writer version of this program for each type of fee you process. This eliminates the need to change the processing options and data selection for each generation.

139.4 Guidelines

  • On the Data Selection screen for a DREAM Writer version, note the following:

    • The Gross Amount data field controls whether the generation relates to debits for a fee or credits for interest. For a fee, the Selection fields for the amount are set to greater than (GT) zero (000000000000000). For interest, the fields are set to less than (LT) zero (000000000000000).

    You can make the selection more specific. For example, you might not want to charge a late fee of $25.00 plus interest on a $5.00 unpaid portion of a billing. To prevent this, you could set the Selection fields to greater than (GT) 100.00. The system would not process amounts below the threshold amount of $100.00.

    • Because the generation is based on the A/R Account Ledger file, the system can include open amounts that are in accounts unrelated to the Real Estate Management system. To avoid this, set the Selection fields for the Purchase Order Document Type data field equal (EQ) to leases (LS). This field is data item PDCT.

  • Because fee and interest generation can occur on a daily basis, billing control and catch-up billing have a different design compared with other billing modules for Real Estate Management. The Service/Tax Date fields in the A/R Account Ledger file are updated for each pay item of an open invoice involved in the generation. For the next generation, the system goes back in the search only as far as that date. The fields are then updated with the date of the current generation.

  • Unlike other billing generation programs, the Fee and Interest Generation program cannot automatically run Print Billing Edit/Register. Therefore, it must be run manually before you can proceed with the post.