1 Phase One - Upgrade Process Overview

This chapter contains these topics:

The following graphic is a high-level overview of the upgrade process:

Figure 1-1 Upgrade Process

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Upgrade Process"

1.1 Upgrade Methodology

JD Edwards World highly recommends that you always upgrade your software in an alternate (test) environment before you upgrade your production environment. This benefits you in the following ways:

  • Allows users to test the upgraded JD Edwards World software with copies of your data files. When you are satisfied with the testing, you can then upgrade your production environment.

  • Users can be trained in the alternate environment while continuing your daily processing in the production environment.

  • Modified or custom programs can be updated and tested in the alternate environment to verify they work with the upgraded software.

  • Timings from file conversions in the alternate environment will help you plan for upgrading the production environment.

The procedures in this publication guide you through upgrading an alternate environment and then using the alternate to upgrade your production environment.

1.1.1 Alternate Environment Set up


Before setting up the Alternate Environment, make sure you have performed the instructions in the A9.4 Quick Installation Guide.

The only libraries that will exist in the alternate environment before you start the A9.4 upgrade are copies of your production libraries. This includes data, control, and security files. You should restore the libraries from a backup tape. Until the A9.4 upgrade is complete, you will not be able to sign into the alternate environment.

1.1.2 Disk Space Considerations

It is recommended that you have enough disk space to restore a copy of your data libraries, space for a full A9.4 set of software, which is 7 gigabytes and another 10% of your data libraries combined size. For A9.4, most conversions are done as in place conversions, thus extra space is not needed for an additional copy of the file as in upgrades prior to A9.1.

1.1.3 Duplicate Files Rule

The upgrade process does not allow duplicate files to exist in the customer data libraries defined in an upgrade plan (control, data, and security files). In preparation for the upgrade in the alternate environment, remove duplicate files from the appropriate library. The validation process of the upgrade identifies any remaining duplicate files and produces a report. Any duplicate files on the report need to be cleaned up before initiating the upgrade. Evaluate the number of records in each duplicate file and note that the system updates the first file in the library list before removing a duplicate file. The file that is going to be deleted must not contain any records needed for processing.

1.1.4 Control File Dependencies

To avoid problems when you use or upgrade JD Edwards World software, make sure specific sets of control files and their associated logical files are together in the same library on your machine. For a list of the control files, see Section A, "Control File Dependencies."

1.1.5 Monitor Changes to JD Edwards World Control Files

You will need to apply manual changes to the JD Edwards World control files (for example, data dictionary, menus, DREAM Writer, and so on) as part of the upgrade process. If you can follow one of the three methods below, you will need to perform most of the changes only once. If not, you will need to apply all manual changes twice (to the alternate environment, and then to the production environment).

Dual Maintenance

Apply all changes made to the JD Edwards World production control files and the alternate environment. Synchronize the files in both places. For a list of control files, refer to the Control File Changes Monitored chart in Section 6.6.2, "Update Your Applications."


If you use system 12 (Fixed Assets) or system 83 (FASTR) and plan to monitor the changes to DREAM Writer, you must use the dual maintenance method to monitor your changes and maintain your STAR and FASTR versions in both the production and alternate environments. When you upgrade your production environment in Phase Six, you need to copy these system files along with the DREAM Writer files. For more information, see the Note in the Section 6.6.2, "Update Your Applications."

Control Changes

Do not allow users to change JD Edwards World production control files between the time you create the alternate environment and the time you upgrade the production environment.

Track Changes

Make note of all changes made to JD Edwards World production control files after you create the alternate environment, and then apply the same changes to the alternate environment.

You can use Data Base Audit Manager to track changes made to control files. For more information, refer to the JD Edwards World Database Audit Manager Guide.

1.2 Pre-Upgrade Application and Technical Instructions

1.2.1 Sign on to Production Environment

The instructions in this section should be performed in your production environment. In the next Phase, you will back up and restore the data libraries from your production environment to set up your A9.4 alternate (test) environment.


As of A9.3, J98INIT as the Initial Program on the IBM profile is obsolete. Only J98INITA is supported for A9.4.

1.2.2 Run Integrity Reports

Run all standard integrity reports to ensure that all critical files are in balance before starting the upgrade.

1.2.3 Accounts Payable

The F04571, F04572, and F04573 files will be cleared in your data library as part of the upgrade process. If you have open payment groups, you need to use the Undo key to remove payments that cannot be completed before the upgrade.

1.2.4 Menu History File

Be aware that the Menu History File (F0082H) is cleared during the Upgrade process.

1.2.5 Custom Menus

If you have Custom menus that begin with 'G', you need to have them coded to systems 55-59.

1.2.6 Contract Billing and Service Billing

All Invoice Generation and Journal Generation processes should be completed before starting the upgrade process. By completing these processes the F48910 and F48911 work files will be empty.

1.2.7 Delete Vocabulary Override Record

Use option 13 on menu G90 to delete the V06053A1 Vocabulary Override record with Application Override 77 (77 in the Applic. Override field) if the record exists.

1.2.8 Manufacturing - A7.3 Customers

Rate Schedules are not converted during the A9.4 upgrade. Rate Schedule files and programs changed significantly between A7.3 and A8.1/A9.4. Rate Schedules were replaced with Repetitive Schedules which use the same menu, G3115.

Prior to the upgrade, close all open Rate Schedules in A7.3. Open new Repetitive Schedules in A9.4.

See Doc ID 662219.1 on My Oracle Support.

Close all work orders and run manufacturing and variance accounting before the upgrade.

1.2.9 Sales Orders and Purchase Orders - A7.3 and A8.1 Customers

Software Updates A738355623 and A814653295 are available from the Update Center to assist customers in identifying duplicate sales lines at an open status in the Sales Order (F4211) file. The duplicate sales lines must be cleaned up before setting up the alternate environment or the F4211 file conversion will fail. The update also checks for duplicates in the F4301 file for customers who also use the localization file F76431.


For A738355623, the Print Duplicate Sales Line is option 17 on menu G4231.

1.2.10 EnterpriseOne (OneWorld) Files - A7.3 Customers

Customers who previously installed EnterpriseOne, are likely to have EnterpriseOne formatted files in their environment. Those files have 'F' for format name instead of 'I' when doing DSPFD on the file. You must delete those files from your environment before setting up your alternate environment in Phase Two. Failure to delete the EnterpriseOne files affects the file conversion process of the upgrade. A Software Update (A738428634) is available from the Update Center to assist you in determining if you have EnterpriseOne formatted files in your environment. Run the P98670 job over your A73 production data libraries.

1.2.11 Database Audit Manager and Other Triggers

If you have used Database Audit Manager to attach triggers to files in your production environment, you must deactivate the triggers in your production environment before you save the copy of the production data libraries which you will restore in Phase Two to set up the alternate environment.

Access menu G946 option 4 and verify if any files have the Status *ACTIVE, if yes, then enter a 5 in front of each file listed to turn the trigger off. If you have Option 7, Deactivate All Configurations, on menu G946, you can use this option.


Triggers cannot be turned off or on if the file is locked.

If you have triggers attached to other files, they must also be removed before saving the production libraries. To identify files with triggers attached, use the PRTTRGPGM command to produce a report. Use the RMVPFTRG command to remove triggers from the files.

Step 2 of the upgrade process will halt if triggers are attached to files and you will need to remove the triggers in the alternate environment before continuing with file conversion.

After the production data libraries are saved you can reactivate the Database Audit Manager triggers in the production environment (menu G946 option 8). For other triggers you removed, use the results from the PRTTRGPGM report and then ADDPFTRG command or whatever method you use to add the triggers back to the production files.