2 Phase Two - Planning and Upgrading the Alternate Environment

This chapter contains these topics:

2.1 Overview

For this phase of the upgrade, first, restore a set of your A7.3, A8.1, A9.1, A9.2, or A9.3 data libraries. Next, use the DVD for PC or download the A9.4 software from Oracle's Software Delivery Cloud site. Set up an upgrade plan, which defines which data libraries will convert during the upgrade process and the libraries which will contain the new A9.4 software. After the upgrade plan is set up, initiate the upgrade command.

2.2 Set Up an Environment


If you plan to convert multiple environments, please contact Oracle Support Services, JD Edwards World Technical group.

The first step in the upgrade process is to use a recent backup tape to restore your data libraries to another set of libraries. This includes libraries for data, control, and security files. Do not restore a copy of your production object, source or JDFDATA libraries as the A9.4 copy will be restored during the upgrade process.


Library names must not be more than 9 characters.

If you were unable to deactivate triggers from the files used to create your alternate environment, you must remove the triggers from the files in your alternate libraries.

Refer to menu G946 option 2 in your production environment for a list of files that have *ACTIVE status.

To remove the triggers from the files in your alternate environment, on a command line, use the IBM command RMVPFTRG for each file in your alternate environment on the list from the prior step.

Next, clear the F98201, F98202, F98203, and F98204 database audit manager files in your alternate library using the CLRPFM command.


Ensure that you entered the alternate environment library name in the RMVPFTRG and CLRPFM commands.

2.3 ALL CUSTOMERS - JDEORACLE Object Type Authority

The A9.4 software is delivered locked down. During the OUI process, library JDEORACLE was restored to your machine. This library contains DEFAULT objects for each object type delivered in the software. The authority for the DEFAULT objects is *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE. Before starting the upgrade, the Security Administrator MUST set the authority for each DEFAULT object appropriately. Use the EDTOBJAUT command to verify the authority setting you have in your current JDE environment for each object type. The DEFAULT objects will be referenced during the upgrade. When an object is created, the new object will have the authority of the DEFAULT object in library JDEORACLE.

The authority for the DEFAULTLIB object in library JDEORACLE should match the authority for the CRTLIB command on your machine.

Additionally, the authority for the JDEORACLE library must be at a minimum *PUBLIC *USE.

You may also change the owner of the DEFAULT objects in library JDEORACLE using the CHGOBJOWN command. All users must then have *ADD rights to that user profile.

2.4 Check for DDM Files

DDM files cannot exist in the data libraries you restored in the step above for the upgrade to work successfully. Use the WRKDDMF command to check for DDM files. If any exist, delete the files using the DLTF command.

2.5 IBM Journaling

IBM Journaling must be turned off on files that are part of the upgrade plan before you start the A9.4 upgrade.

2.6 Payroll - A7.3 Customer

For release A9.4, for customers upgrading from A7.3, the upgrade process moves all user-defined codes and data dictionary items associated with the previous Payroll system (06) to the Enhanced Payroll system (07). Review customized User Defined Codes and Data Dictionary items as they will also be moved to system code 07.

Some A7.3 customers have an entry for User Defined Codes 07/BC, 07/DB, 07/DM, 07/GR, 07/PC, 07/PF, 07/PG, 07/SC, 07/SG 07/ST, or 07/WP. These values and the UDC Code Type (F5 from the UDC screen) need to be deleted in order to bring over the values correctly. If you have entries for any of these User-defined Codes, you must delete them now. Use option 3 on menu G90 to view User Defined Codes.

2.7 Delete Files

  • CRTLIB templib

  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74R0430L*) where dtalib is your data library

  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74R0430)

  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74R0433)


  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74R0411)


  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74SC165)


  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F76B620L*)

  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F76B620)


  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74SL349)


  • DLTF FILE(dtalib/F74SL7TA)

2.8 DREAM Writer Work Files

Check to see if there are records in the F9835 and F9837 files in your data library using the DSPPFM command. If there are records, use CLRPFM for both the F9835 and F9837 files.

2.9 Create and Validate Upgrade Plan

2.9.1 Sign on as JDEINSTAL to Access the Software Upgrade Menu

Figure 2-1 Software Upgrade Menu screen

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Software Upgrade Menu screen"

2.9.2 Create Upgrade Plan

From the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE), select Work with Upgrade Planner. The Plan the Upgrade screen appears.

Figure 2-2 Plan the Upgrade screen

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Plan the Upgrade screen"

This screen is the first of a series of upgrade planner screens, all of which are described below. For more information on the upgrade planner screens - see Appendix B, "Upgrade Planner Screens."

The Plan the Upgrade screen lets you begin to add or change an environment upgrade plan. JD Edwards World recommends that you use the ZJDE_ALT upgrade plan model to create your plan for the alternate environment.

  1. From the Plan the Upgrade screen, inquire on ZJDE_ALT (an upgrade plan model supplied by JD Edwards World).

  2. In the Action Code field, type A (Add).

  3. In the Plan Name field, type a name for the new upgrade plan.


    Do not begin your plan name with ZJDE, numbers, or any special characters except underscore (__). Do not use a name for a plan that already exists as a library on your system. Your plan name cannot exceed nine (9) characters.
  4. In the Description field, type a description for the new upgrade plan.

  5. To add the new upgrade plan, press Enter.

  6. Inquire on the new upgrade plan, and then press F5.

    The Libraries for This Plan screen appears.

Figure 2-3 Libraries for This Plan screen

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 Libraries for This Plan screen"

2.9.3 Indicate the Libraries for this Plan

The Libraries for This Plan screen allows you to specify your current and new JD Edwards World release levels, whether you want to install object and data only or source only, and the libraries that define one complete environment. If you have payroll in a separate data library, it must be included as a second DTA type in the plan. It is recommended that you install source.

You can view source only first, set the Install Source Library value to '1' and the Install Object/Data Libraries value to '0'. If you are installing source only, the plan needs to have a JDF and OBJ type library that are populated. You can specify your A7.3, A8.1, A9.1, A9.2, or A9.3 libraries.

For the Production LSF Library line, fill in the name of your production object library, which contains the F99LSF file. The information from the F99LSF file is copied to the new A9.4 object library during the upgrade process.

MULTI-PLANS: All plans must have the same Current and New JD Edwards World Release Level values. They also must have the same object, JD Edwards World data (JDFDATA), and source library names (library types OBJ, JDF, and SRC). If you need assistance setting up Multi-Plans, contact JD Edwards World Technical support for assistance.

If you make changes to this screen, press Enter. If one or more libraries you specify on this screen do not exist on your machine, the Create Plan Library screen appears. Verify the name of the library, or change it, and then press Enter to create it. The JDF, OBJ, and SRC type libraries are always created for the alternate upgrade.


If the Coded Character Set ID (CCSID) for your system value QCCSID is set to 65535, and if the CCSIDs associated with your data dictionary and DREAM Writer files do not match each other, the Reinstall Language Exception window appears. Enter the correct CCSID.

Press Enter. The Merge Information screen appears.

Figure 2-4 Merge Information screen

Description of Figure 2-4 follows
Description of "Figure 2-4 Merge Information screen"

2.9.4 Indicate the Merge Information

The Merge Information screen allows you to specify modes in which you want the merges to run and the library locations of the control files. For more detailed information on the merges - see Appendix B, "Upgrade Planner Screens."


JD Edwards World recommends that you do not change the merge modes. If the library locations are not correct, blank out the library name fields and press Enter. Your libraries will be searched and the correct locations will be retrieved.

MULTI-PLANS: If the plans share the same common files, you do not need to set the merge modes for the shared control files to run for the second and subsequent plans.

From this screen, you can access two screens that allow you to override printer file defaults and select advanced functions for the upgrade process. Review these screens to make sure your plans are correct.

  • To access the Printer Information screen, press F5 (Printer Overrides).

  • To access the Advanced Options screen, press F8 (Advanced Options).

2.9.5 Indicate the Printer Information

Figure 2-5 Printer Information screen

Description of Figure 2-5 follows
Description of "Figure 2-5 Printer Information screen"

The Printer Information screen allows you to override the default values set for various printer attributes, such as form length, form type, and line spacing.

If you make changes to this screen, press Enter twice. Otherwise, press Enter once. The Merge Information screen reappears.

2.9.6 Select Advanced Options

Figure 2-6 Advanced Options screen

Description of Figure 2-6 follows
Description of "Figure 2-6 Advanced Options screen"

The Advanced Options screen lets you select from several advanced upgrade functions, including enabling or disabling:

  • Hold on print queue option

  • Control file conversion

  • Data dictionary glossary update

  • User defined codes detail text update

You can also indicate whether the environment you are upgrading is double byte, and whether you want to convert all display data to uppercase characters.

If you make changes to the screen, press Enter twice. Otherwise, press Enter once. Press Enter to move to the Data Dictionary Field Ownership screen.

2.9.7 Designate the Data Dictionary Field Ownership information

The Data Dictionary Field Ownership screen allows you to indicate fields in the Data Dictionary you want to automatically update with the Data Dictionary merge, which runs during the upgrade process. These are fields that customers may have chosen to modify for their business needs. Other fields that are not modified by customers such as system code are also updated by the Data Dictionary merge.

A 'J' in any field, indicates that the upgrade overrides the value in the customer's library for this field with the value from the JDF type library in your plan.

A 'C' in any field indicates that the upgrade does not replace the value for that field in the customer's library.

After the upgrade, you use the Data Dictionary Workbench to view and reconcile differences for fields with a value of 'C'.

Figure 2-7 Data Dictionary Field Ownership screen

Description of Figure 2-7 follows
Description of "Figure 2-7 Data Dictionary Field Ownership screen"

If you do not have many custom Data Dictionary items, enter 'J' in all of the fields and later re-enter your custom Data Dictionary changes. The Data Dictionary merge produces reports and the Data Dictionary Workbench allows you to view the before and after value for all of the fields on the Data Dictionary Field Ownership screen.

Press Enter.

2.9.8 Validate Your Upgrade Plan

The upgrade planner creates the Upgrade Planner Validation Report (R96004YR) when you select Print Upgrade Validation Report from the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE). The validation process also creates the Duplicate Files Found Report (R97281) if a processing option for the Upgrade Planner Validation Report is set to a '1'. The DD Field Ownership Report (R96004) prints as part of the validation process.

MULTI-PLANS: You must validate each plan.

Create the validation reports

  1. Be sure you are signed on as JDEINSTAL.

  2. From the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE), select Print Upgrade Validation Report. A Processing Options Revisions screen appears.

    Figure 2-8 Processing Options Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 Processing Options Revisions screen"

  3. Enter the appropriate information in the processing option fields. Specify in the first field an upgrade plan name.

    Specify 0 in the second field and 1 in the third field, which indicates you want a report created that checks for duplicate files. Specify *REINSTALL in the fourth field.

  4. After you verify your information, press Enter.

    The report submits to batch.

  5. If you receive a message that one or more errors occurred, you have errors listed in the Upgrade Planner Validation Report (R96004YR) and/or duplicate files listed in the Duplicate Files Found Report (R97281). If the duplicate files report shows T files in a data library, you need to delete them as they only belong in the object library.

The Upgrade Planner Validation Report

The report (R96004YR) identifies errors in the information you specified in your upgrade plan. It lists the plan information as you entered it and prints error codes to the right of the incorrect information. A total number of errors are given at the end of the plan information. The error codes that appear on the report are fully described at the end of it, including error descriptions, cause statements, and instructions about resolving the errors. The report must have an error count of zero before you can begin the upgrade process.

Figure 2-9 Upgrade Planner Validation Report, part 1

Description of Figure 2-9 follows
Description of "Figure 2-9 Upgrade Planner Validation Report, part 1"

Figure 2-10 Upgrade Planner Validation Report, part 2

Description of Figure 2-10 follows
Description of "Figure 2-10 Upgrade Planner Validation Report, part 2"

The Duplicate Files Found Report

The report (R97281) identifies any duplicate files in the environment you ran the report against. This report will be created when you create the Upgrade Planner Validation Report. If you set the processing option for the Upgrade Planner Validation Report to check for duplicate files, the report will list the file and the library in which the duplicate was found for each duplicate file, or it will indicate "NO DUPLICATE FILES FOUND."

You need to clean up any duplicate files on the report before you initiate the upgrade. Evaluate the number of records in each duplicate file and note that the system updates the first file in the library list before removing a duplicate file. When you delete files, you must verify that they do not contain any records needed for processing.

Figure 2-11 Duplicate Files Found Report

Description of Figure 2-11 follows
Description of "Figure 2-11 Duplicate Files Found Report"

The DD Field Ownership Report

The report (R96004) prints the values you filled in on the DD Field Ownership screen for your plan.

2.10 Start the Upgrade and Track Progress

2.10.1 Change Messages to Break Mode

From the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE), select Change Messages to Break Mode. This changes the QSYSOPR message queue to break mode.

2.10.2 Start the Upgrade

  1. From the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE), select Start the Upgrade.

    Figure 2-12 JDE Upgrade Command screen

    Description of Figure 2-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-12 JDE Upgrade Command screen"

  2. In the Upgrade Type field, enter *REINSTALL.

  3. In the Plan Name field, type the name of the upgrade plan that defines the environment you want to upgrade.

    MULTI-PLANS: If you are upgrading more than one environment (multiple plans), enter a plus character (+) in the second Plan Name field, press Enter and then enter the additional plans in the fields provided.

  4. In the Source Media field, type *SAVF.

  5. In the Current JDE Release Level field, type the current JD Edwards World software release level of the environment you want to upgrade (A73, A81, A91, A92, and A93 are valid values).

    This release level must match the current JD Edwards World release level specified in the upgrade plan.

  6. In the New JDE Release Level field, type A94.

    This release level must match the new JD Edwards World release level specified in the upgrade plan.

    Leave the default value for the Run Validator program field.

  7. For the Restore SQL *SAVF field, if you use Adopted Authority, change this field to '1'. Otherwise, leave the default value of '0'. As of A9.4, during the upgrade process, there will be a second restore to the object library for SQL programs if the value is '1'. Press Enter.

  8. Leave the default value for the Hold on job Queue field.

  9. Press Enter.

2.10.3 Track the Progress of the Upgrade

The first part of the upgrade process (UPG_STEP1) restores the software from the save files in the JDEINSTAL2 library and sends you a message when system 00 is restored. All systems are included in system 00.

The second part of the upgrade process will be jobs (J97910) that will update the objects in the JDF, OBJ, SRC type libraries in your upgrade plan based on the DEFAULT security and ownership values you set up for each object type in the JDEORACLE library before you started the upgrade. There will be a job for each JDF type in your upgrade plan. The spool files (JDEOBJAUT, JDEDTAAUT, and JDESRCAUT (if source is installed)) produced by the J97910 jobs will show the changes made to the objects in the JDF libraries.

The last part of the upgrade process (UPG_STEP2) submits merges and converts files. These jobs run in the JDEINSTAL subsystem in separate job queues.


UPG_STEP2 will halt if there are trigger programs attached to files in your alternate environment data libraries. A query report is produced listing the files with triggers attached. Use the RMVPFTRG command to remove the triggers. You may restart the Upgrade by typing *ALT for the Upgrade Type and *DISK for Source Media on the Start the Upgrade command.

After UPG_STEP2 completes, the upgrade process submits the following job automatically:

  • Rebuild field reference files (FRFs) and the JD Edwards World message file (J98FRFGEN)

    MULTI-PLANS: UPG_STEP1 builds work files for all plans before it begins the restore process. UPG_STEP2 performs file conversions and merges for the first environment. An ALT_STEP2 job performs file conversions and merges for each subsequent plan.


JDE and JDEPROD job descriptions are changed in Step 2 to the libraries in the Upgrade Plan. You should not use JDE or JDEPROD as the job description for other user profiles.


The upgrade process produces job logs (QPJOBLOG) for UPG_STEP1 and UPG_STEP2. Keep job log files (QPJOBLOG) in an output queue where they will not be deleted. They are extremely useful for resolving upgrade issues.

The UPG_STEP1 job log shows what happened during the DVD or Save File restore portion of the upgrade process. The UPG_STEP2 job logs (and ALT_STEP2 if upgrading multiple environments) show what happened during file conversions and merges.

2.10.4 Inquire on File Conversion Status

After UPG_STEP2 completes, check for file conversions that completed abnormally and resolve any problems. For detailed information on the File Conversion process, see Appendix C, "File Conversions."

MULTI-PLANS: You must inquire on file conversion status for each plan. Specify each plan name and the associated library name. Do not check file conversion status for an upgrade plan until the associated STEP2 job has finished. The message STEP 2 Completed for Plan name appears for each plan.

  1. From the Software Upgrade Menu (A97JDE), select Inquire on File Conversion Status.

    Figure 2-13 File Conversion Status Inquiry screen

    Description of Figure 2-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-13 File Conversion Status Inquiry screen"

  2. In the Plan Name field, type the name of the upgrade plan for which you want to check file conversion status.

  3. In the Library Name field, type the name of your common library.

  4. In the Conversion Sts field, enter CA (Completed Abnormally).

  5. To display the job log for a file conversion listed on this screen, in the OP (Option) field next to a file conversion job, enter 1 (Display the job log).

  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for your data and security libraries.

  7. Note any files that failed conversion and resolve any problems before you continue with the upgrade. For assistance, call JD Edwards World Technical Support. If you need to run single file conversion programs, first you need to perform the following two steps (as noted in Phase Three):

    • Change the QJDF Data Area in JDFOBJALT.

    • Sign On as the Security Administrator User ID you entered during the OUI process. This is the only user who will be able to access the Alternate Environment you want to update until you perform Post Install jobs and evaluate how you want to open up security in the environment. In A9.4, the security setup is delivered in a ”no access” state.


If for any reason you must start the upgrade process again because file conversion status showed significant errors, call JD Edwards World Technical Support for assistance.

Go to the Next Phase