6 Double Byte Environments

This chapter contains these topics:

6.1 Double Byte Overview

This section applies to the following Asian Languages:

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Traditional Chinese

  • Japanese

  • Korean

The following information gives you an overview of the double-byte system and its requirements.

6.2 Concepts

A double-byte string begins with a shift-out character (Oe), and ends with a shift-in character (Of). A double-byte character requires two bytes, and it cannot be displayed if one of the shift characters is missing. Therefore, you must use a truncation routine (C9822 and E9822) when a description requires it to make sure the shift characters are properly placed.

Double-byte characters are not sequenced in any order. Therefore, you cannot use them to sort or search. Each double-byte character has a single-byte representation for sorting or searching purposes. They are phonetic versions of the double-byte characters, and can be alpha characters or any special characters used for Asian languages (for example, Chinese or Japanese).

A re-engineering module will automatically modify all display files to handle double-byte entry fields. It converts the data type of descriptive fields from A (Alpha) to '0' (Open) based on the definition in the data dictionary. Report files do not need to be modified to print double-byte characters.

If any programs use special characters, such as, ~, , and so on, be aware that these characters could have the same code point as any of the double-byte characters. For example, program help, uses ~ for underlines and for highlights.

Lowercase alpha characters do not display on Japanese double-byte terminal. In addition, Japanese Kana characters, which are single byte, do not display on a single-byte terminal because they have the same code point.

Four bytes are needed to represent one double-byte character. Two bytes are used for shift-out and shift-in characters, and two more are used for the double-byte character itself. Two double-byte characters usually are needed to have a meaningful string. Therefore, for headings and column titles in videos and reports, six bytes at a minimum should be used. No abbreviation exists for double-byte characters.

To handle double byte, all programs that check alphanumeric characters for data type A are modified to check also for data type '0'. Many technical programs and report writer programs (DREAM Writer, FASTR, and World Writer) are also modified.

The following items must have both single-byte and double-byte versions with the same name so that the searching routine will function correctly.

  • Alpha Name

  • Address Lines

  • Menu Descriptions

  • Item Descriptions

  • Account Descriptions

  • Data Item Descriptions

  • Business Unit Descriptions

For Alpha Name, you can display either the single-byte or double-byte alpha name.

JD Edwards World has special tools to convert software from single byte to double byte. However, this process cannot be reversed. The process is described later on this chapter. Contact Global Customer Support for assistance.

X0028 contains date routines for all single & double byte.

6.3 Different Versions for the Same Release

This section provides information about the various single-byte and double-byte versions JD Edwards World makes available for a single release.

6.3.1 How many versions of the same release do we have?

  • Single byte - uppercase/lowercase English

  • Double byte - uppercase/lowercase. Only one version of Double Byte software is delivered. Customers control the Upper Casing using F8 off the Merge Information screen.

6.3.2 Who uses which version?

  • For single byte, customers that use the 697 Character Set

  • For double byte (uppercase/lowercase), clients that have locations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and China and need these respective languages installed

  • For double byte (uppercase/lowercase), customers located in Japan with Japanese language installed will upper case data via F8 off the Merge Information screen.

6.3.3 What about upgrade procedures?

  • Upgrade guides are the same for both single byte and double byte

6.3.4 What are the major differences between single-byte and double-byte versions?

  • File level IDs

  • Open data type in database files

  • Open data type in display files (videos)

  • Keyword IGCDTA(*YES) for printer files (reports)

  • Conversion programs

  • Upgrade libraries - JDFINS, JDEINSTAL

  • An extra field for search function


Software functions for all double byte versions should be the same. Also, the installation and reinstallation procedures for all double byte versions are exactly the same.

6.3.5 Can I run Single Byte software on a Double Byte machine?

  • Yes. You can run a single byte environment on a double byte machine without any special processes

6.3.6 What is needed to run Double Byte?

  • DB Operating System

  • DB Client Access

  • DB printers

  • DB windows settings

6.4 Converting Single Byte Environment to Double Byte Environment


This section is a process flow document only. Refer to installation workbooks where required.


If you are planning to upgrade to A9.4 Double Byte from A7.3, A8.1, A9.1, A9.2, or A9.3 Single Byte, Upgrade to A9.4 Single Byte first. Upgrade the A73 or A81 Single Byte environment to A9.4 Single Byte first. Refer to the A9.4 Quick Installation Guide and JD Edwards World Upgrade Guide for A9.4 for this process.


For the Address Book application, duplicate the ABALPH to ABALP1 field and WWMLNM to WWMLN1 field using World Writer. This is to make sure that the name search and other application inquiries and reports show the alpha name and the mailing name.

ALPH is used to store true DB data where the ALP1 field is used to store single byte data then used in the C0040 compression subroutine to populate the ADBC (Description-Compressed) field. Name Search uses the Compressed Description field.

6.4.1 Before Migrating to Double Byte

  1. Install the A9.4 Double Byte Base release.

    Install A9.4 as a *INSTALL. The libraries in your plan will include only: JDFOBJ, JDFDATA, and JDFSRC (optional). Remember that on the Merge information screen in the planner the libraries for the control files will all point to JDFDATA. Also be aware to set the DB flag in the advanced options (F8) off the Merge information screen in the planner for any upgrades from this point on.

  2. Create User Data Libraries.

    You must now run the utility off of menu G9645, Create User data libraries. This facility will separate out common DB (double byte) files into a common library and also DB data files into a proddta library.

    If you use a SECURITY library this would be a manual step to copy the security files from JDFDATA in to a SECLIB.

    You can now restore your production libraries from your Single Byte System i to the DB machine. You will be copying the data from the Single Byte libraries into the Double Byte libraries created earlier in this step.


    Single Byte System i Library Names Double Byte Library Names
    SEC94 SEC94DB

    Once libraries are restored to the DB machine, you must do CPYFs *MAP *DROP *REPLACE from your single byte libraries into these DB libraries. It's best of course, that you write a CL that will do this for you since JDE does not have a utility for this.

  3. Run Base Language merge(s).

    You can now set up a plan for the language merges. Run the A9.4 base language merge as directed in the Language Upgrades for Customers with Non-English as the Base Language section of this document.

  4. Uppercasing your files - For Japanese Installs Only.

    Refer to Doc ID 1455379.1 on My Oracle Support.

  5. Double Byte Printing Considerations.

    • Printer capable of printing Double Byte characters

    • Use the IBM command DSPFD QSYSPRT and check the IGCDTA field is being set to *YES. If it is set to *NO, use command CHGPRTF FILE(QSYSPRT) IGCDTA(*YES) to set it to *YES

    • Specify the type of data stream that will be used for your printer device file. Use the command CHGPRTF for a specific print file. For possible values settings press F1 on the Printer device type field. Contact IBM and your printer manufacturer for required values

  6. PC Settings.

    To display double byte characters on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, you need to install the language and set it as your default. Windows XP has an Advanced tab where you will also select the language for non-unicode programs. Refer to the guide for your PC operating system for specific instructions on Regional Settings. To return to English-only, just change your default to English.

    IBM iSeries Access automatically installs some languages. You can identify the languages that are installed, and install others through IBM iSeries Access for Windows. Click "Selective Setup," then "5250 Display and Printer Emulator". Log onto your system and on the Communication menu, select Configure, and select your language from the Host code page pull-down menu.

If you have questions, call Oracle Global Customer Services Technical Support.