A Common & Production Library Files

This appendix lists the files that are automatically created in the common and production libraries during the installation process.

Common Library Files Automatically Created by JD Edwards World Build Programs

The following chart lists files automatically generated from the Data Dictionary as a result of a build program that JD Edwards World offers from a menu. It is recommended that these files be maintained in your common library along with the Data Dictionary.

File Name File Description System Code
F98FRF@ Field Reference - "@" Data Items 98
F98FRF$ Field Reference - "$" Data Items 98
F98FRFA thru Field Reference - "A" Data Items through 98
F98FRFZ Field Reference - "Z" Data Items 98

Physical and Logical Files Created in a Common Library

On the SVR screen, there are two fields which govern the location and content of data files in user libraries during an install.

  • The first field is Common File. If a file has this field set to "Y", the file will be created in the user's Common library, if one is specified.

  • The second field is Copy Data (Y/N). Most files to be located in the Common library will have Copy Data Y but there are some exceptions such as F0016. Most non-Common (User data) files will be Copy Data N but there are exceptions such as F0010 and F0009. No data will be copied for a logical file.

  • Inquire on a file in SVR to see if it should be located in Common or not.

  • Inquire on a file in SVR to see if data from the pristine environment should be copied into it.