
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


# Fields Selected
defined, 18.15


8009 (CASE Profiles), 8.2


About attention MENU window, 33.1
About CASE profiles, 8.1
About common subroutines, 22.2.2, 22.3
About data dictionary repository, 16.1
About designing the report, 19.1.10
About development environments, 4.1
About file servers, 26.1
About functional servers, 27.1
About group jobs, 31.1
About performance issues, 30.1
About program specifications, 21.1
About programming tools, 13.1
About record formats, 18.15.1
About report design aid, 19.1
About SAR log, 9.1
About SAR system setup, 6.1
About screen design aid, 18.1
About setting up universal file converter, 36.1
About software scan and replace, 29.1
About source debugger, 28.1
About standard subroutines, 22.2.1
About subroutines, 23.1
About the conversion rule program, 37.6
About the data file design aid, 17.1
automatic reference to field reference files, 17.1.1
data dictionary validation, 17.1.1
enforced naming conventions, 17.1.1
enforced prefixes, 17.1.1
resequencing, 17.1.1
About the field reference file, 16.10
About the JD Edwards World message file, 16.11
About the program overview, 22.1
About user indexes, 25.1
About user spaces, 24.1
About using IBM pass-through with group jobs, 34.1
About version control, 3.1
Accessing CASE profiles, 8.2
Accessing report design aid, 19.2
Accessing SAR log inquiry, 9.4
Accessing the JD Edwards World attention MENU window, 33.2
Accessing the JD Edwards World group job window, 32.2
Accessing the software versions repository, 7.2
Accessing the user index, 27.7.21
Accessing the user space, 27.7.20
Accessing versions setup, 36.3
Action Code
defined, 18.9
Activating suspended group jobs, 32.4
promotion path, 10.3
Add Cross Over Instructions form (00312), 37.3
Adding a literal video field
adding, 18.11
Adding fields, 37.3
Adding record types, 5.4
Address numbers
searching for, 5.2.1
Advanced functions of the JD Edwards World group job window, 32.9.1
entering commands, 32.9.2
hidden selections, 32.9.1
using, 18.12.2
Application development cycle, 1.1
project SABs, 10.4
promotion paths, 10.4
Attention MENU window, 33.1
accessing, 33.2
functions summary, 33.3
ATTN key program
setting, 32.1.1


Based On File
defined, 17.5
Basic accounting transactions
graphic, 27.7.1, 27.7.3
using, 18.12.1
BOTH and *ALL features
using, 18.12, 18.12
Build Transfer Library form (P98312), 12.1
Building blocks
JD Edwards World software, 1.2


Calculation specifications, 21.4, 21.6
Call Program form (CALL), 32.8
CASE profiles, 8.1
accessing, 8.2
summary, 8.4
CASE Profiles form (P98009), 8.2, 9.2
Change Library List form (CHGLIBL), 32.8
Changing compile option defaults for reports, 19.5
Changing record types, 5.5
Changing subfile boundaries, 18.19
to make larger, 18.19
to make smaller, 18.19
Changing to non-group mode, 32.6
Compile option defaults for reports
changing, 19.5
Compiling a report, 19.4
Compiling your video, 18.13
Conducting a search, 15.1.3
Continue execution
source debugger, 28.3
Control Files Copy form (P924127), 11.4.1
Control parameters, 26.6
Control specifications, 21.2
naming, 7.4
Conversion forms
creating, 40.1
Conversion rule program, 37.6
fifth parameter, 37.6
first parameter, 37.6
fourth parameter, 37.6
second parameter, 37.6
third parameter, 37.6
Copy DD, VO, DW, UDC, SVR, Menus form (P99630), 4.8.4, 12.1
Copy File form (CPYF), 4.5.1, 4.8.3
Copy modules, 7.7.3
COPY modules
functional servers, 27.7.18
Copying a file, 4.8.2
Copying a library, 4.8.1
Copying a record, 4.8.3
Copying data to your development environment, 4.8
Copying JD Edwards World record types, 4.8.4
Create Library form (CRTLIB), 4.5
Create New Screen form (P92510), 18.9
Create Source Physical File form (CRTSRCPF), 4.5.2
Creating a development enviroment, 4.1.1
Creating a development source, 4.5
Creating conversion forms, 40.1, 40.2
Creating development object libraries, 4.4.2
Creating JDESRC with JD Edwards World program generator, 4.5.1
Creating JDESRC without the program generator, 4.5.2
Creating libraries, 4.4
Creating new job groups, 32.3
Creating record type codes, 6.2
Creating the transfer library, 12.1
Creating user space and user index, 27.7.19
Cross Reference form (P980014), 7.9
Crossover rules
working with, 37.1
Crossover Rules form (0031), 37.1, 37.2, 37.2


defined, 18.16
Data dictionary
security, 16.4.1
user defined help instructions, 16.7
working with, 16.4
Data Dictionary form (P9201), 16.4, 41.2
Data dictionary glossary
groups, 16.6
working with, 16.6
working with by file, 41.2
Data dictionary repository, 16.1
Data dictionary structure
data field display text, 16.2
data field specifications, 16.2
data item aliases, 16.2
data item alpha description, 16.2
data item master, 16.2
error message program ID, 16.2
key index file, 16.2
understanding, 16.2
Data Field Alias form (P9204), 16.5
Data field descriptions
working with, 16.8
Data Field Descriptions form (P9202), 16.8
Data file design aid, 17.1
entering, 17.3
Data File Design Aid form (P92102), 17.3, 17.3.2, 17.3.3
Data file design aid summary, 17.6
Data integrity logic, 27.7.5
Data item alias
revisions, 16.5
Data Item Glossary Revisions form (P92001), 16.6.1, 16.7, 41.2
Data item name
locating, 16.3
Data Item Size
defined, 18.16
Data Item Type
defined, 18.16
Data modeling
accessing, 14.2
selection exits, 14.2.3
working with, 14.1
Data Modeling form (P98042), 14.2
Database fields
selecting, 18.16
using with interactive program, 28.2
with batch program, 28.3
project, 12.1
promotion path, 12.1
promotion path for control tables, 10.3.1
promotion path for source code members, 10.3
Defining a project, 10.4
Defining a promotion path, 10.3
Defining access for a user profile using J98INIT, 4.7.1
Defining record type titles, 6.3
Deleting records, 37.4
defined, 18.9, 18.16
Design Aid Exit/Save form (P92590), 18.12.3
Designing the report, 19.1.10
Detail Spec. Over Titles form (P48002), 5.5
Detail Spec. Types form (P00051), 5.4
Detailed explanation of a line, 14.2.1
program environment, 28.2
Developer’s Workbench form (G9362), 9.4
Development cycle, 1.1
Development environment
copying data to, 4.8
Development environments, 4.1
rules for creating, 4.1.1
defined, 14.2.1
Displaying field descriptions, 37.2
documentation, 22.5
Domestic Field Begin Pos
defined, 37.1
Domestic Field Data Type
defined, 37.1
Domestic Field Decimal Positions
defined, 37.1
Domestic Field Description
defined, 37.1
Domestic Field Name
defined, 37.1
Domestic Field Size In Bytes
defined, 37.1
Domestic File Name
defined, 37.1
Domestic Number of Digits
defined, 37.1


Edit and Promote form (P92412), 11.2
Editing commands, 18.2
End debug (ENDDBG), 28.4.1
ENDDBG (end debug), 28.4.1
Entry program
setting up business rules, 27.5
Error message
index line (COORIX), 27.10
production and development, 4.3
program being debugged, 28.2
source debugger, 28.3
Existing field
updating, 18.8
function key, 18.7


Fast path create
accessing for a new form, 18.9
Fast Path Create
defined, 18.9
Fast Path File
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
system integration, 2.1
Field definition
revising, 18.21
Field Definition report (P928400), 19.3
Field definition window
report design aid vs. screen design aid, 19.1.2
Field descriptions
displaying, 37.2
Field in RDA
updating, 19.2, 19.3
Field Name
defined, 18.16
Field name standards, 18.4
Field reference file, 16.10
rebuild, 16.10.1
Field Selection List form (P92524), 18.16, 18.16, 18.17
# Fields Selected, 18.15
Action Code, 18.9
add hidden, 18.18.1
adding, 37.3
adding without using pick list, 18.10
Based On File, 17.5
cover page
graphic, 19.1.3
D, 18.16
Data Item Size, 18.16
Data Item Type, 18.16, 18.16
Description, 18.9, 18.16
Direction, 14.2.1
Domestic Field Begin Pos, 37.1
Domestic Field Data Type, 37.1
Domestic Field Decimal Positions, 37.1
Domestic Field Description, 37.1
Domestic Field Name, 37.1
Domestic Field Size In Bytes, 37.1
Domestic File Name, 37.1
Domestic Number of Digits, 37.1
Fast Path Create, 18.9
Fast Path File, 18.15, 19.3.1
Field Name, 18.16
File Description, 17.2, 17.5
Fld Pfx, 18.15, 19.3.1
Foreign File Name, 37.1
Format Name, 18.15, 19.3.1
HDG, 18.16
Logical Files, 17.5
Opt, 18.15, 19.3.1
Ordering of Fields, 17.5
PUTOVR, 18.9
Quantifier, 14.2.1
Related Record, 18.15, 19.3.1
report header
graphic, 19.1.4
Selection Exits, 18.9
Seq No, 18.16
Start/End Lines, 18.15, 19.3.1
Subfile, 18.9
Subfile Clear, 18.9
Subfile Fold, 18.9
Subfile portion of screen, 14.2.1
Type, 14.2.1, 18.15, 19.3.1
Unique Keys, 17.5
Use, 18.16
Version, 37.1
Wide Screen, 18.9
Window, 18.9
work, 22.6.1
File conversion
working with, 38.1
File Description
defined, 17.2, 17.5
File description specifications, 21.3
File prefix, 17.2
File Selection List form (P92522), 18.16
File servers, 26.1
advantages, 26.3
commonly used, 26.11
disadvantages, 26.4
function, 26.5
implementing, 26.8
tips when using, 26.10
types, 26.2.1
Fld Pfx
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
Flow of typical program
graphic, 27.2
Foreign File Name
defined, 37.1
Format Keyword Maintenance form (P92537), 18.18
Format Name
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
Add Cross Over Instructions, 37.3
Build Transfer Library, 12.1
Call Program, 32.8
CASE Profiles, 8.2, 9.2
Change Library List, 32.8
Control Files Copy, 11.4.1
Copy DD, VO, DW, UDC, SVR, Menus, 4.8.4, 12.1
Copy File, 4.8.3
Copy File (CPYF), 4.5.1
Create Library (CRTLIB), 4.5
Create New Screen, 18.9
Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF), 4.5.2
Cross reference, 7.9
Crossover Rules, 37.1, 37.2, 37.2
Data Dictionary, 16.4, 41.2
Data Field Alias, 16.5
Data Field Descriptions, 16.8
Data file design Aid, 17.3
Data File Unit Programs and IDs
P92102 (data file design aid), 17.3.3
Data Item Flossary Revisions, 16.6.1, 16.7
Data Item Glossary Revisions, 41.2
Data Modeling, 14.2
Design Aid Exit/Save, 18.12.3
Detail Spec. Over Titles, 5.5
Detail Spec. Types, 5.4
Developer’s Workbench, 9.4
Edit and Promote, 11.2
field Selection List, 18.16, 18.16
File Selection List, 18.16
Format Keyword Maintenance, 18.18
FRF & JD Edwards World Msg File, 16.12
Function Key/Opt Definition, 18.18
Item Maintenance, 18.9, 18.9
Item Master Information, 18.10, 18.11, 18.12.1, 18.12.1, 18.12.2, 18.12.2, 18.17, 18.18.1, 18.20, 18.20.1
Item Search, 18.6, 18.8
JD Edwards World Passthru Network, 34.3
JD Edwards World Visual Debug, 28.2, 28.3, 28.3, 28.4, 28.4
Library List Revisions, 4.7
List of Defined Fields, 18.18
Load Transferred Library, 12.1
Manage Program Paths, 10.3
Manage Projects, 10.4
Next Numbers, 16.9
Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal, 16.9.1
Object Cross Reference Repository, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.1.3
Pre Promotion Edit Details, 11.3
Pre Promotion Edit History, 11.3
Print Transfer Report, 12.1
Processing Options Revisions, 34.2, 36.3, 38.1, 40.2, 41.4
Project Elements, 10.4
Project Promotion Paths, 10.4, 11.3
Promotion Path, 10.3
Promotion Path Control Files, 10.3.1
Promotion Path Members, 10.3
Record Formats List, 18.15, 18.16, 18.16
Record Type Titles, 6.3.1
Remove Member (RMVM), 4.5.1
Restore Library, 12.1
SAR Log Inquiry, 9.4
SAR Log Transfer, 11.2
Save Library, 12.1
Single D/B Relation Entry, 18.14.8, 18.14.8
Software Scan and Replace, 29.1
Software Transfer, 11.4.1
Software Versions Repository, 7.2, 7.4, 7.7.1, 7.7.2, 7.7.3, 7.7.4, 7.8, 8.2, 9.4, 17.2, 18.13, 19.2, 19.4, 28.2
Start Pass-Through, 34.3
Universal File Converter, 36.2.1, 38.1
User Defined Code Revisions, 6.2
User Defined Codes Window, 15.1.3
User Information, 32.1.1, 33.1.1
User Signon List Revisions, 4.7
Versions List, 36.3
Versions Setup, 34.2
FRF & JD Edwards World Msg File form (P98FRF), 16.12
Function key
exits from screen design aid, 18.18
Function key exits
return to previous panel, 18.7
Function key exits from screen design aid, 18.18
Function Key/Opt Definition form (P9601), 18.18
Function keys, 7.9
data dictionary, 16.4.2
flow program/illustrate file models, 7.9
function key/opt definition, 18.18
JD Edwards World command line, 18.18
subfile drop, 18.18
toggle monochrome/color display, 18.18
Functional server
interactive program cycle, 27.7.22
Functional server error messages
graphic, 27.7.12
Functional server interface, 27.7.14
graphic, 27.7.10
Functional server parameters, 27.7.15
Functional server program sections
graphic, 27.11
Functional server transaction data
graphic, 27.7.11
Functional server user index, 27.7.17
Functional server user space, 27.7.16
Functional servers, 27.1
advantages, 27.3
call parameters, 27.8
COPY modules, 27.7.18
disadvantages, 27.4
highlights, 27.6
how they function, 27.6
parameters, 27.7.15
user indexes, 27.7.17
user space, 27.7.16
what are they, 27.2
navigation, 7.8
Functions and options
delete records, 37.7


General aesthetics, 18.14.8
alignment, 18.14.8
grouping fields, 18.14.8
spacing, 18.14.8
project attributes, 10.2
Group job window
accessing, 32.2
advanced functions, 32.9
entering commands, 32.9.2
hidden selections, 32.9.1
working with, 32.1
Group job window summary, 32.10
Group jobs, 31.1
activating suspended, 32.4
signing off with suspended, 32.7
terminating, 32.5
working with non-JD Edwards World, 32.8
Guidelines, 10.3.2
scan and replace, 29.2.1


defined, 18.16
Hidden fields, 18.18.1


IBM pass-through
setting up access to remote locations, 34.2
using with group jobs, 34.3
working with, 34.1
file information, 7.3.5
maintenance on a logical file, 7.3.3
member, 7.3
member relationship and compiling information, 7.3.2
processing a screen, 7.3.4
type, use, and associated systems, 7.3.1
where members are maintained, 7.3.6
Implementing a file server, 26.8
Index line (COORIX)
error message, 27.10
source debugger, 28.2, 28.3
Input specifications, 21.5
Interactive program cycle using a functional server, 27.7.22
Internal RPG subroutines within JD Edwards World programs, 23.1.1
Item description
graphic, 19.1.5
Item Maintenance form (P92700), 18.9, 18.9
Item Master Information form (P928011), 18.10, 18.11, 18.12.1, 18.12.1, 18.12.2, 18.12.2, 18.17, 18.18.1, 18.20, 18.20.1
Item Search form (P928200), 18.6, 18.8, 18.15.1


defining access for a user profile, 4.7.1
JD Edwards World group job window summary, 32.10
JD Edwards World open application architecture
graphic, 27.7.8
JD Edwards World Passthru Network form (B98P), 34.3
JD Edwards World Visual Debug form (P3701), 28.2
JD Edwards World Visual Debug form (P93701), 28.3, 28.3, 28.4, 28.4
Job groups
creating new, 32.3
Join logical files, 7.7.2


Keywords, 37.5
business unit, 37.5
check data dictionary, 37.5
data dictionary default, 37.5
dates, 37.5
default constant, 37.5
initialize, 37.5
next number, 37.5
user defined code lookup, 37.5


copying, 4.8.1
creating, 4.2, 4.4
creating common, 4.4.1
creating development object, 4.4.2
data, 4.2
install, 4.2
JD Edwards World, 4.2
object, 4.2
plans, 4.2
security, 4.2
source, 4.2, 4.2
understanding development source, 4.5
library, 4.5
Library List Revisions form (P0094), 4.7
List of Defined Fields form (P92540), 18.18
Literal field
adding, 18.11
Load Transferred Library form (P98312), 12.1
Loading the transfer library, 12.1
a project, 10.4
Locating a data item name, 16.3
Locating the next numbers facility, 16.9
Locating the rebuild FRF and JD Edwards World Msg file form, 16.12
data integrity, 27.7.5
user interface, 27.7.4
Logical file
sample, 17.3.1
Logical files, 7.7.1
join, 7.7.2
Logical Files
defined, 17.5
Logical files with omits
sample, 17.3.3


Manage Projects form (P92413), 10.4
Manage Promotion Paths form (P92403), 10.3
Member identifiers, 7.3
Menu flow, 17.2
Message file
JD Edwards World, 16.11
locating rebuild FRF & JD Edwards World Msg, 16.12
rebuilding, 16.11.1
Miscellaneous items, 22.6
key list (KLIST), 22.6
naming conventions, 22.6


Naming conventions, 7.4
Naming conventions for objects, 7.4, 7.6
Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal form (P00021), 16.9.1
Next numbers facility
locating, 16.9
working with, 16.9
working with by company & fiscal year, 16.9.1
Next Numbers form (P0002), 16.9
Non-group mode
changing to, 32.6


Object cross reference repository
working with, 15.1
Object Cross Reference Repository form (P980014), 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.1.3
Open application architecture
graphic, 27.7.9
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
Optional files workbench, 7.7
Ordering of Fields
defined, 17.5
Output specifications, 21.7
defined, 18.9


call, for the functional server, 27.8
control, 26.6
functional servers, 27.7.15
returned, 26.7
Performance issues, 30.1
Placing fields on a form using a pick list, 18.17
Pre Promotion Edit Details form (P92431), 11.3
Pre Promotion Edit History form (P9243), 11.3
Prefix standards, 18.3
SAR system, 12.1
Print Transfer Report form (P98312), 12.1
Printing a report, 39.1
Process overview - placing selected fields, 18.20
Process overview - revising the field definition, 18.20.1
Processing Options Revisions form (P98312), 34.2, 36.3, 38.1, 40.2, 41.4
Production and development examples, 4.3
basic development environment, 4.3.2
basic production environment, 4.3
common shared library, 4.3.2
no source in production environment, 4.3.2
one source and object library, 4.3.4
defining access for using J98INIT, 4.7.1
understanding user, 4.6
Prog rams and IDs
P928200 (item search), 18.15.1
Program being debugged
executing, 28.2
Program environment
determining, 28.2
Program generator
creating JDESRC, 4.5.1
creating JDESRC without, 4.5.2
Program overview, 22.1
Program specifications, 21.1
Program Structure, 23.1
Programs and IDs
0031 (crossover rules), 37.1, 37.2, 37.2
00312 (add cross over instructions), 37.3
B98P (JD Edwards World passthru network), 34.3
CALL (call program), 32.8
CHGLIBL (change library list), 32.8
CPYF (copy file), 4.5.1, 4.8.3
CRTLIB (create library), 4.5
CRTSRCPF (create source physical file), 4.5.2
G9362 (developer’s workbench), 9.4
G9841 (universal file converter), 36.2.1, 38.1
P0002 (next numbers), 16.9
P00021 (next numbers by company/fiscal), 16.9.1
P00051 (detail spec. types), 5.4
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 6.2
P0092 (user information), 32.1.1, 33.1.1
P0093 (user signon list revisions), 4.7
P0094 (library list revisions), 4.7
P08332 (single d/b relation entry), 18.14.8, 18.14.8
P3701 (JD Edwards World visual debug), 28.2
P48002 (detail spec. over titles), 5.5
P48002 (record type titles), 6.3.1
P81QM (user defined codes window), 15.1.3
P9, 8.2
P90630 (Copy DD, VO, DW, UDC, SVR, Menus), 12.1
P92001 (data item glossary revisions), 16.6.1, 16.7, 41.2
P9201 (data dictionary), 16.4, 41.2
P9202 (data field descriptions), 16.8
P9204 (data field alias), 16.5
P92102 (data file design aid), 17.3, 17.3.2
P9240 (promotion path), 10.3
P92401 (promotion path members), 10.3
P92402 (promotion path control files), 10.3.1
P92403 (manage program paths), 10.3
P92411 ( project promotion paths), 10.4
P92411W ( project promotion paths), 11.3
P92412 ( project elements), 10.4
P92412 (edit and promote), 11.2
P924124 (software transfer), 11.4.1
P924127 (control files copy), 11.4.1
P92413 (manage projects), 10.4
P9242 (SAR log transfer), 11.2
P9243 (pre promotion edit history), 11.3
P92431 (pre promotion edit details), 11.3
P92510 (create new screen), 18.9
P92520 (record formats list), 18.15, 18.16, 18.16
P92522 (file selection list), 18.16
P92524 (field selection list), 18.16, 18.16
P92537 (format keyword maintenance), 18.18
P92540 (list of defined fields), 18.18
P92590 (design aid exit/save), 18.12.3
P92700 (item maintenance), 18.9, 18.9
P928011 (item master information), 18.10, 18.11, 18.12.1, 18.12.1, 18.12.2, 18.12.2, 18.17, 18.18.1, 18.20, 18.20.1
P928200 (item search), 18.6, 18.8
P928400 (field definition report), 19.3
P93701 (JD Edwards World visual debug), 28.3, 28.3, 28.4, 28.4
P9601 (function key/opt definition), 18.18
P980014 (cross reference), 7.9
P980014 (Object Cross Reference Repository), 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.1.3
P98009 (CASE profiles), 9.2
P9801 (software versions repository), 7.2, 7.4, 7.7.1, 7.7.2, 7.7.3, 7.7.4, 7.8, 8.2, 9.4, 17.2, 18.13, 19.2, 19.4, 28.2
P98042 (data modeling), 14.2
P9810 (SAR log inquiry), 9.4
P98300 (versions list), 36.3
P98300 (versions setup), 34.2
P98312 (build transfer library), 12.1
P98312 (load transferred library), 12.1
P98312 (print tranfer report), 12.1
P98312 (processing options revisions), 34.2, 36.3, 38.1, 40.2, 41.4
P98810 (software scan and replace), 29.1
P98FRF (FRF & JD Edwards World Msg file), 16.12
P99630 (copy DD, VO, DW, UDC, SVR, Menus), 4.8.4
RMVM (remove member), 4.5.1
RSTLIB (restore library), 12.1
SAVLIB (save library), 12.1
STRPASTHR (start pass-through), 34.3
define, 12.1
defining, 10.4
promoting, 11.1, 11.3, 11.4
to promote, 11.4.1
Project Elements form (P92412), 10.4
Project Promotion Paths form (P92411), 10.4
Project Promotion Paths form (P92411W), 11.3
Project SABs
to assign, 10.4
Project updates
promoting, 12.1
project, 11.4.1, 12.1
Promoting a project, 11.1, 11.4
Promoting project updates, 12.1
Promotion path
define, 12.1
validating, 11.3
Promotion Path Control Files form (P92402), 10.3.1
Promotion Path form (P9240), 10.3
Promotion Path Members form (P92401), 10.3
Promotion paths
defining, 10.3
to add, 10.3
to assign, 10.4
to define for control tables, 10.3.1
to define for source code members, 10.3
to validate, 11.3
understanding, 10.2
Promotion paths and projects
working with, 10.1
merge functions, 17.5.1
defined, 18.9


defined, 14.2.1


Reading from a user space, 24.7
Record formats, 18.15.1
Record Formats List form (P92520), 18.15, 18.16, 18.16
Record type codes
creating, 6.2
Record type titles
defining, 6.3
verifying, 6.3.2
Record Type Titles form (P48002), 6.3.1
Record types
adding, 5.4
chaning, 5.5
copying, 4.8.4
copying, 4.8.3
deleting, 37.4
merge functions, 17.5.1
Related Record
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
Remove Member form (RMVM), 4.5.1
compiling, 19.4
printing, 39.1
scan and replace, 29.2
Report design aid, 19.1
accessing, 19.2
Report design standards, 19.1.6
general aesthetics, 19.1.9
JD Edwards World standards/record formats, 19.1.8
RDA features, 19.1.7
Report formats, 19.1.5
Field Definition, 19.3
Print Install Records, 12.1
Software Scan and Replace, 29.2
Universal File Converter, 39.1
Restore Library form (RSTLIB), 12.1
Restoring the transfer library from tape, 12.1
Retrieving data from a user index, 25.7
Returned parameters, 26.7
Review an RPG program’s source, 23.1.2
RPG program’s source
review, 23.1.2
Rules for creating development environments, 4.1.1


SAR information
selecting types to log, 9.3
SAR log, 9.1
SAR log inquiry
accessing, 9.4
summary, 9.5
SAR Log Inquiry form (P9810), 9.4
SAR Log Transfer form (P9242), 11.2
SAR logging
seting up user input options, 9.2
SAR system
setup, 6.1
to prepare, 12.1
updating, 11.2
Save Library form (SAVLIB), 12.1
Saving the transfer library to tape, 12.1
Scan and replace, 29.1
guidelines, 29.2.1
report, 29.2
working with, 29.1
Screen design aid, 18.1
summary, 18.24
working with, 18.6
Screen design standards and tips, 18.14.1
alpha fields, 18.14.7
default cursor, 18.14.4
description fields, 18.14.6
fold area, 18.14.5
line 24, 18.14.2
title, 18.14.1
window, 18.14.3
SDAExit/save function key, 18.12.3
conducting, 15.1.1, 15.1.3
Searching for key lists, 26.9
Selected fields
placing, 18.20
Selecting database fields, 18.16
Selecting types of SAR information to log, 9.3
Selection exits
data modeling, 14.2.3
fields, 14.2.3
software versions repository, 7.10
where used, 14.2.3
Selection Exits
defined, 18.9
Selection exits from the scheduling workbench, 5.3.1
processing options, 5.3.2
Seq No
defined, 18.16
Setting the break point
source debugger, 28.3
Setting up universal file converter, 36.2.1
Setting up user input options for SAR logging, 9.2
Signing off with suspended group jobs, 32.7
Single D/B Relation Entry form (P08332), 18.14.8, 18.14.8
Softrware Versions Repository form (P9801), 9.4
Software Scan and Replace form (P98810), 29.1
Software Scan and Replace report (P98810), 29.2
Software Transfer form (P924124), 11.4.1
Software versions repository
accessing, 7.2
selection exits, 7.10
Software Versions Repository
working with, 7.1
Software Versions Repository form (P9801), 7.2, 7.4, 7.7.1, 7.7.2, 7.7.3, 7.7.4, 7.8, 8.2, 17.2, 18.13, 19.2, 19.4, 28.2
Source debugger, 28.1
continue execution, 28.3
execute the program, 28.3
features, 28.4
initiating, 28.2, 28.3, 28.3
set the break point, 28.3
field name, 18.4
prefixes, 18.3
screen design, 18.14
Start Pass-Through form (STRPASTHR), 34.3
Start/End Lines
defined, 18.15, 19.3.1
defined, 18.9
Subfile boundaries
changing, 18.19
Subfile Clear
defined, 18.9
Subfile Fold
defined, 18.9
Subfile portion of screen
defined, 14.2.1
Subroutines, 22.2
common, 22.2.2
internal RPG, within JD Edwards World programs, 23.1.1
standard, 22.2.1
Summary of CASE profiles, 8.4
Summary of JD Edwards World attention MENU window functions, 33.3
Summary of screen design aid, 18.24
Summary of the SAR log inquiry, 9.5
Suspended group jobs
signing off with, 32.7
System integration, 2.1
features, 2.1


Terminating group jobs, 32.5
Tips when using file servers, 26.10
To work with software scan and replace, 29.1
Tracking information if writing variable length records, 24.6.1
Traditional architecture
graphic, 27.7.6
Transferring individual control table records, 12.1
defined, 14.2.1, 18.15, 19.3.1


Understanding development source libraries, 4.5
Understanding promotion paths, 10.2
Understanding the data dictionary structure, 16.2
Understanding the SDA exit/save function key, 18.12.3
Understanding the select all function key, 18.16
Understanding the universal file converter setup, 36.2
Understanding user profiles, 4.6
Unique Keys
defined, 17.5
Universal building blocks of JD Edwards World software, 1.2
Universal file converter, 35.1
business unit, 35.1
check data dictionary, 35.1
data dictionary default, 35.1
database considerations, 35.1.1
dates, 35.1
default constant, 35.1
graphic, 35.1
initialization, 35.1
next number, 35.1
numeric fields, 35.1
setting up, 36.1, 36.3
special processing, 35.1
understanding set up, 36.2
user defined code lookup, 35.1
user responsibilities, 35.1.2, 35.1.2
Universal File Converter form (G9841), 36.2.1, 38.1
Universal File Converter report (P98300), 39.1
Updating the SARs, 11.2
Updating/adding fields through SDA, 18.5
indicator, 22.4
defined, 18.16
User Defined Code Revisions form (P00051), 6.2
User Defined Codes Window form (P81QM), 15.1.3
User defined help instructions
data dictionary, 16.7
User index
how does it function, 25.3
User indexes, 25.1
accessing, 27.7.21
advantages, 25.2
creating, 25.4, 27.7.19
functional servers, 27.7.17
retrieving data from, 25.7
writing to, 25.5
User Information form (P0092), 32.1.1, 33.1.1
User interface logic, 27.7.4
User Signon List Revisions form (P0094), 4.7
User space, 24.1, 24.2
accessing, 27.7.20
advantages, 24.3
creating, 24.5, 27.7.19
functional servers, 27.7.16
how it functions, 24.4
reading from, 24.7
writing to, 24.6
Using *ALL, 18.12.2
Using *BOTH, 18.12.1
Using IBM pass-through with group jobs, 34.2


promotion path, 11.3
Variable length records
tracking information, 24.6.1
defined, 37.1
Version control, 3.1
Versions List form (P98300), 36.3
Versions Setup form (P98300), 34.2
compiling, 18.13
Video fields
adding, 18.15
record formats list, 18.15


Wide Screen
defined, 18.9
defined, 18.9
Windows, 7.7.4
W.O. Detail form
accessing, 5.2.1
Work fields, 22.6.1
option files, 22.6.1
Work with non-JD Edwards World group jobs, 32.8
optional files, 7.7
Working with data field descriptions, 16.8
Working with data item alias revisions, 16.5
Working with data modeling, 14.1
Working with file conversion, 38.1
Working with next number by company and fiscal year, 16.9.1
Working with promotion paths and projects, 10.1
Working with screen design aid, 18.6
Working with Software Versions Repository, 7.1
Working with the crossover rules form, 37.1
Working with the data dictionary, 16.4
Working with the data dictionary glossary, 16.6.1
Working with the data dictionary glossary by file, 41.2
Working with the next numbers facility, 16.9
Working with user defined help instructions, 16.7