18 Work with Screen Design Aid

This chapter contains these topics:

18.1 About Screen Design Aid

Screen Design Aid (SDA) is an interactive feature you use to design and maintain screens. This full-screen editor validates your work against the Data Dictionary and adds records to vocabulary overrides. You can work with multiple record formats simultaneously and you can move fields from one format to another.

Below is a list of some features of SDA:

  • Design is conducted in a safe work environment. If you make a mistake you can exit without changing a screen's Data Description Specifications (DDS).

  • Screen specifications are stored in data structures in the QRECOVERY library. This is similar to the IBM recovery of SEU.

  • You can create a screen in normal mode (80 columns by 24 rows) or wide mode (132 columns by 27 rows). You can also design wide screens on 80 column devices using a windowing facility.

  • Answering initial yes/no options allows you to create a basic screen skeleton for a subfile, non-subfile or window-style screen.

  • SDA is fully integrated with the Data Dictionary and vocabulary override files. You can place fields on the screen by referring to a Data Dictionary name and override default attributes, if necessary. You can place vocabulary override fields on the screen and, if desired, modify their contents through the full screen.

  • SDA is fully integrated with the system database. You can select fields from the system database, create a pick list and then reorder fields in the pick list. You can place fields on the screen individually or all at once by pinpointing locations on the full screen with an ampersand (&) or asterisk (*).

  • SDA has full screen capability. You can add, change, move, or delete fields by entering control characters directly on the screen.

  • Unlike the IBM SDA, JD Edwards World SDA allows you to work with multiple record formats at one time. You can display and change any combination of formats simultaneously (as long as they do not overlap). You can also move fields from one format to another.

  • SDA allows you to simulate a screen at program execution time. You can run the simulation for any set of conditioning indicators to represent a particular error condition or other program functions.

18.2 Editing Commands

Standard editing commands available in SDA include:

Command Description
*DEL Delete fields (used in Field Definition window)
d (cannot be uppercase D) Delete fields (used in Field Definition window)
<<, >> Shift fields to the left or right
(xx...xx) 'xx...xx' Literals (use apostrophes)
- Move from position.
= Move to position.
- - Move block from position
= Move block to position.
F7 Restore the screen if you accidentally press Field Exit or a power failure knocks you off.

Precautions and automatic features of the SDA include:

  • Do not use the INSERT or DELETE keys while in the actual design portion of SDA.

  • SDA automatically assigns editing indicators.

    • Indicators 40 to 79 are reserved for editing.

    • Indicator 40 is reserved for the Action Code field.

    • Indicator 41 is reserved for the key fields.

    • If you use all available indicators, you will get an error message.

  • Indicator 37 is used in subfile screens to highlight all fields on the last line of the subfile to indicate that no more records exist.

18.3 Prefix Standards

Prefix standards for use in the SDA include:

Prefix Description
VD Screen display fields.
  • VD fields display database information from the file being used for the screen and you can use them to enter database information.

  • Default size is the size specified in the Data Dictionary for the data item being displayed.

  • Reside in the based on file and can be input/output.

SF Subfile fields.
  • Same as VD fields, but they are in a subfile.

  • Default size is the size specified in the Data Dictionary for the data item being displayed plus editing characters.

SH Subfile Hidden fields.

SH fields store data that is not displayed on a screen.

18.4 Field Name Standards

Field name standards for use in SDA include:

Field Standard
VC0 - Screen constants VC0 (zero) fields display definitions or descriptions for a single piece of data or for a group of data.

VC0 fields are always output fields and the description that is loaded into the VC0 field is obtained from a separate file

  • For example, if creating a screen using the Item Master file (F92801), you need to take the Item Master Business Unit field and chain out to the Business Unit Master file (F0006) to get the description for that Business Unit.

  • You enter *VC0 for the Field Name field in the Field Definition window when adding a new constant or description field.

  • The default size for VC0 fields is 30.

VTX - Screen text These fields display the row description or column headings from the Data Dictionary.
  • The text that displays in the VTX fields is stored in the Vocabulary Overrides file (F9220).

  • You can type directly over Vocabulary Override fields in SDA.

You enter *VTX in the Field Name field in the Field Definition window for the next sequential text field name.

  • The default size for VTX fields is 16.

Line 24 is always VDL24 You cannot change the text for Line 24 by using the Field Definition window because it is too large.

Type over the text in Line 24 to change it.

TTL@ Uses the default title from Vocabulary Overrides if the screen program is called from another program.

Uses the menu selection text if the screen is called from a menu.

ACTION Action Code field.
  • The name assigned by SDA.

  • The default cursor keyword is assigned to the action code field.

*LITER - Literal fields Literals are added by placing apostrophes around the text on the screen and pressing Enter. (For example, 'V928011').

18.5 Updating or Adding Fields through SDA

Field Explanation
* - Field Definition Window Allows you to update existing fields and add new fields without using the Pick List feature. Place the * one space to the left of the first character of the requested field to display the Field Definition window.
  • To add a field, place an asterisk (*) on the SDA design area where you want to add the field.

  • To update a field, place an asterisk in the attribute character (first position to the left) of the field you want to update.

You can pull in the screen field, the Row Description/ Column Headings (VTX), and a 30 character description field (VC0) all at the same time by making special entries in the Field Name field on the window (*BOTH or *ALL).

& - Field Selection Window Allows you to add new fields using the Pick List feature

Causes the Field Selection window to display.

To place a field on the screen from your Pick List, place an ampersand (&) on the SDA design area where you want to place the first character of the field.

Allows you to pull in one or all of the following at the same time:

  • The Row Description/Column Headings (VTX)

  • The screen field

  • A description field (VC0)

18.6 Working with Screen Design Aid

To work with Screen Design Aid you must have access to the source file.

To work with Screen Design Aid

  1. Inquire on a screen in SVR.

  2. Copy the production source code down to a development environment using selection 3.

  3. Choose option 10 to access the appropriate Design Aid screen based on the member's Function Code value.

Figure 18-1 Item Search screen

Description of Figure 18-1 follows
Description of "Figure 18-1 Item Search screen"

18.7 Function Key Exits

F12 - Return to Previous Panel

F12 - Exits you out of the current screen or utility and returns to the screen you were on previously.

Use F12 instead of F3; however, if you are calling another program outside of SDA (for example: F13, F24), you must use F3 to return to SDA.

18.8 Updating an Existing Field

To update an existing field

Place an asterisk (*) in front of the field (in the attribute character). This will bring up the Field Definition window.

Figure 18-2 Field Definition portion of the Item Search screen

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Field Definition portion of the Item Search screen"

Field Explanation
Dict Name Identifies the four-byte data item name from the Data Dictionary.

This is the only required field for most data items, the rest will default.

Text Describes the Dictionary Name.

VTX fields contain the soft coded description from the Data Dictionary that updates F9220 (Vocabulary Overrides).

Data Type S – Numeric data items.

A – Alphanumeric.

Blank – (w/decimal position blank in Size field)defaults to A.

Blank– (w/decimal position defined in Size field) defaults to an S.

All – JD Edwards World fields are defined as A.

Field Name Identifies a screen field name.
  • *VTX (VTX001-VTX200) automatically assigns next available.

  • *VC0 (VC0001-VC0200) automatically assigns next available.

  • *LITER literal fields.

  • *BOTH or *ALL to bring in screen (VD), VC0, and/or VTX fields.

Row/Column Two 3-digit fields that define the row and column location of field.
Field Use How the data is to be used on the screen.

I – Input only

O – Output only

B – Both input and output

H – Hidden field

M – IBM Message field

Size Two fields identify the length of the data item and for numeric fields, the decimal places.
  • If left blank, automatically fills.

Text Form For VTX fields, identifies the field from the Data Dictionary that is used for headings.

R – Row Description.

C – Column Heading 1.

D – Column Heading 2.

Dft Cursor Starting cursor position on a data entry screen, Y or N.
Edited Should the field be checked for error conditions, Y or N.
  • Will assign an indicator for error handling and default Condition Indicator information.

  • Assigns error indicators 40-79.

  • Key fields, K. Assigns indicator 41.

Lower Case To allow lowercase, Y or N.
Change CHANGE keyword is in effect, Y or N. The indicator will be set on whenever the value in this field is changed.
OVERDTA OVRDTA keyword is in effect, Y or N. Used with PUTOVR to override data that is in a field already on the screen.


You should edit all input capable fields. (There will be a "Y" or "K" in the "Edited" field).
Field Explanation
Duplicate Duplicate the data. Only valid for a SFL format. Puts the DUP keyword in the screen/report DDS but the Program Generator does not generate any code to enable this.
OVRATR OVRATR keyword is in effect, Y or N. Used with PUTOVR to override display attributes of a field on the screen.
Field Cond Field Conditioning Indicators. Determines if the user can see the field or not.
Condition Indicators To set a condition indicator on a field, enter a Y in the first blank to the right of the desired condition. You have the option of entering up to 3 indicators to be associated with the condition. Three spaces are provided to allow an N prior to the two digit indicator to create a negative condition. The allowed conditions are:

RI – Reverse Image

HI – Highlight

UL – Underline

ND – Nondisplay

BL – Blink

PR – Protect

PC – Place Cursor

A blank or N will deactivate the condition.

Color F8 toggles to display the color attributes for the field. The first blank to the right of each color controls the order that multiple colors will appear in the DDS (1-7). If multiple colors are defined, the first enabled color displays and the remaining colors are ignored. A blank or N disables the color. The color values default based on whether you selected JD Edwards World or SAA colors in QJDF.

18.9 Accessing Fast Path Create for a New Screen

When you design the format for a new screen, you have the option to use Fast Path Create.

To access Fast Path Create for a new screen

  1. Locate your screen and enter selection 10.

    If SDA cannot find the existing DDS for your screen, the Create New Screen displays:

    Figure 18-3 Create New Screen

    Description of Figure 18-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-3 Create New Screen"

    Field Explanation
    Screen and Text Description Taken from the SVR entry for this member.
    Fast Path Create Automatically create record formats, fields, file, and record level parameters.
    Action Code Automatically create an Action Code field.
    Window Screen is a window.
    Wide Screen Screen is in wide format (132 columns by 27 rows) or normal format (80 columns by 24 rows).
    Subfile Create subfile format.
    Subfile Fold Create a fold area in the subfile using SFLDROP and SFLFOLD keywords.
    Subfile Clear Use SFLCLR (Y) OR SFLINZ (N).
    Selection Exits Create selection exits to allow the user to exit the program using selection codes.
    PUTOVR The screen record format uses the PUTOVR keyword. Causes the screen to be erased and redisplayed when a window is displayed.
    OVERLAY The screen record format uses the OVERLAY keyword. Will not erase and redisplay screen when a window is displayed. Most JD Edwards World screens use OVERLAY.

  2. Press Enter and SDA begins the creation of your screen based on what you specified.

Figure 18-4 Example - Screen with Action Code and No Subfile

Description of Figure 18-4 follows
Description of "Figure 18-4 Example - Screen with Action Code and No Subfile"

Example - Screen with Action Code and Subfile

Figure 18-5 Item Maintenance screen

Description of Figure 18-5 follows
Description of "Figure 18-5 Item Maintenance screen"

Figure 18-6 Example - Screen with Action Code, Subfile, and Selection Exits

Description of Figure 18-6 follows
Description of "Figure 18-6 Example - Screen with Action Code, Subfile, and Selection Exits"

18.10 Adding Fields without Using a Pick List

To add a Screen Text Field (VTX)

  1. Place an asterisk (*) on the SDA design area where you want to place the screen text field.

    Figure 18-7 Item Master Information screen

    Description of Figure 18-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-7 Item Master Information screen"

  2. When the Field Definition window displays, do the following:

    • In the Dict Name field, enter the Data Dictionary item name.

    • In the Field Name field, specify *VTX.

    The system assigns the next available VTX number.

  3. Enter a value in the Text Form field to indicate whether the row description or a column heading from the Data Dictionary should be used as the text.

    • R - Row Description.

    • C - Column Heading 1.

    • D - Column Heading 2.


    Text defaults from the Data Dictionary based upon the Text Form value. The default value is R for non-subfile formats.
  4. Enter a value in the Size field only if you want to override the default length of 16 for the Row Description that will be brought in.


You should start your fields in column two (unless selection exits exist). This allows you to place an asterisk to the left of the first field in column one.

To add a Database Screen Field (VD)

  1. Place an * on the SDA design area where you want the field to be placed.

    Figure 18-8 Item Master Information screen

    Description of Figure 18-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-8 Item Master Information screen"

  2. On the Field Definition window, enter the Data Dictionary item name in the Dict Name field.

  3. Specify a field use:

    • The default for field use is O for output.

    • Editing indicators are not assigned for output fields.

  4. The Data Type, Size, and Text default from the Data Dictionary.

To add a Screen Constant Field (VC0)

  1. Place an * on the SDA design area where you want to place the description or constant field.

    Figure 18-9 Item Master Information screen

    Description of Figure 18-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-9 Item Master Information screen"

    The Field Definition window displays.

  2. On the Field Definition window, specify *VCO in the Field Name field.

    The system assigns the next available VC0 number.

  3. To override the default length of 30, enter a value in the size field.

18.11 Adding a Literal Field

JD Edwards World standard is that the only literal on a screen is the program ID in the top left corner.

To add a literal field

Figure 18-10 Blank Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-10 follows
Description of "Figure 18-10 Blank Item Master Information screen"

  1. Enter the literal text in the SDA Design area.

  2. Enclose the text within single quotes.

  3. Press Enter.

18.12 Using the *BOTH and *ALL Features

The Field Definition window allows you to enter some special keywords in the Field Name field. Two of these special keywords are *BOTH and *ALL.

This feature provides for placement of multiple fields with a single entry.

18.12.1 Using *BOTH

If you use the keyword *BOTH with a valid data dictionary item, screen design will place a VTX field and a screen (VD) field on the screen.

To use *BOTH

On Field Definition

Figure 18-11 Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-11 follows
Description of "Figure 18-11 Item Master Information screen"

Type "*BOTH" in the Field Name

When you enter *BOTH, the following screen displays in the SDA design area for the Unit of Measure field:

Figure 18-12 Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-12 follows
Description of "Figure 18-12 Item Master Information screen"

18.12.2 Using *ALL

If you use the keyword *ALL with a valid Data Dictionary item, screen design places a VTX field, a screen (VD) field, and a VC0 field on the screen.

To use *ALL

On the Field Definition window

Figure 18-13 Field Definition portion of the Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-13 follows
Description of "Figure 18-13 Field Definition portion of the Item Master Information screen"

Type "*ALL" in the Field Name.

When you enter *ALL, the following screen displays in the SDA design area for the Unit of Measure field:

Figure 18-14 Unit of Measure Field on the Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-14 follows
Description of "Figure 18-14 Unit of Measure Field on the Item Master Information screen"

Field Default Values

The following are field defaults in SDA:

Field Explanation
VD - Screen Display field
  • Output only

You can enter a B in the Field Use field to override the default and change it to both input and output.

  • No Editing

If you enter B in the Field Use field, the Edited field defaults to Y. The Condition Indicators default to Y and the next available editing indicator is assigned to that field.

VTX - Screen Text field
  • 16 bytes long
  • Defaults to Row description rather than column description

VC0 - Screen Constant field
  • 30 bytes long

18.12.3 Understanding the SDA Exit/Save Function Key

F3 - Design Aid Exit/Save

F3 - Saves, exits, or does both from Screen Design Aid.

Figure 18-15 Design Aid Exit/Save screen

Description of Figure 18-15 follows
Description of "Figure 18-15 Design Aid Exit/Save screen"

Field Explanation
Save DDS (Y/N) Saves the DDS and updates or creates Vocabulary Overrides and Function Key definitions.
Member ID The record of the Software Versions Repository member to be copied.

Screen-specific information

Name of the screen.

File ID Identifies the file that will contain the source code.
Src Library Identifies the library where the source code resides.
Description The description of a record in the Software Versions Repository file. The member description is consistent with the base member description.
Function Code Should be DSPF for a Screen.
Return to Edit (Y/N) EOJ or allows return to SDA.

18.13 Compiling Your Screen

To compile your screen

From the Software Versions Repository screen

Figure 18-16 Software Versions Repository screen

Description of Figure 18-16 follows
Description of "Figure 18-16 Software Versions Repository screen"

Enter 14 next to the member in the subfile to create.

18.14 Screen Design Standards and Tips

18.14.1 Title

A screen title is limited to 30 characters and should match the Software Versions Repository (F9801). The title you enter in SDA updates the vocabulary overrides record for the screen. If you access the screen using a menu selection, the menu selection name overrides the screen title. If you access the screen using a selection option or function key, the vocabulary overrides title is used.

18.14.2 Line 24

You should document function keys on the right side of line 24 and you should document options on the left side. The following guidelines should also be followed:

  • List both the options and function keys in numeric order.

  • F24 should always appear and should say MORE KEYS or MORE.

  • F4 should always read MORE DETAIL or DETAIL.

  • Do not include standard exits of F3, F7, F22, Help, Rollup, Rolldown.

  • Line 24 should be in reverse image during an error condition. Line 24 is conditioned to appear in reverse image on screens based on indicator 93.

  • If you specify *SAME for the field "Error Text" for Line 24 in vocabulary overrides, then the text displayed is the same as the text specified for the normal Line 24.

18.14.3 Windows

Within a window, line 24 should include F3 and F24 when the window is initially displayed. When designing windows in SDA, fill in unused line space with literal fields to prevent data on the calling screen from showing through on the window. You can add the literal fields on the SDA screen as blanks with a single quote on each end or through the Field Definition window.

Figure 18-17 Unused Line Space

Description of Figure 18-17 follows
Description of "Figure 18-17 Unused Line Space"

18.14.4 Default Cursor

You set the default cursor attribute to Action Code for the input field closest to the upper-left corner of the screen.

18.14.5 Fold Area

Keep the number of Fold Area lines to no more than two lines to avoid excessive use of the cursor keys when the Fold Area is open.

18.14.6 Description Fields

Define all description input fields to allow for uppercase and lowercase letters DDS keyword CHECK(LC). Use VC0 descriptions when a field's value has no obvious meaning and you can retrieve a description from a master file or user defined codes.

18.14.7 Alpha Fields

Because of the dynamic nature of international currency, you must define every field as alpha. The only exception is that you can define hidden fields as numeric. JD Edwards World scrubbing routines handle the two-way conversion between numeric data in the file and formatted alpha screen fields.

18.14.8 General Aesthetics

The following are things you might want to consider when designing screens. They are guidelines that will give your screens a more professional look.


Line up fields vertically. This includes row descriptions, input fields, and description fields. Fields on the left side of the screen should be in column space 2 (column 1 is needed for the attribute byte).

Figure 18-18 Lining Up Fields Vertically

Description of Figure 18-18 follows
Description of "Figure 18-18 Lining Up Fields Vertically"

Grouping Fields

When entering a descriptive heading to group related fields, use up to 40 characters for the description (or as long as space permits). Highlight the heading and end it with a colon. Underneath the heading, indent the group of fields one space to the right.

Figure 18-19 An Example of Grouped Fields

Description of Figure 18-19 follows
Description of "Figure 18-19 An Example of Grouped Fields"


Use the following as your standards when spacing different screen elements:

Figure 18-20 Standards for Spacing Screen Elements

Description of Figure 18-20 follows
Description of "Figure 18-20 Standards for Spacing Screen Elements"

  • Separate column headings with one space.

Figure 18-21 An Example of Separating Columns

Description of Figure 18-21 follows
Description of "Figure 18-21 An Example of Separating Columns"

  • End row descriptions with at least one period followed by a single space before you begin associated input fields.

Figure 18-22 Ending Row Descriptions

Description of Figure 18-22 follows
Description of "Figure 18-22 Ending Row Descriptions"

  • Indent Fold Area fields one or more spaces to offset them from regular subfile.

Figure 18-23 Indenting Fold Areas

Description of Figure 18-23 follows
Description of "Figure 18-23 Indenting Fold Areas"

  • Use two or more spaces to separate Fold Area data fields from row descriptions that follow on the same line. End Fold Area row descriptions with a colon instead of periods to aid legibility.

Figure 18-24 Ending Fold Area Row Descriptions

Description of Figure 18-24 follows
Description of "Figure 18-24 Ending Fold Area Row Descriptions"

  • Insert a blank line between header and subfile information.

Figure 18-25 Separating the Header and Subfile Rows

Description of Figure 18-25 follows
Description of "Figure 18-25 Separating the Header and Subfile Rows"

  • When possible, insert a blank line between the title and first field. Begin fields on line 3 unless you need to use the upper right corner of line 1 and 2.

18.15 Adding Screen Fields Using Pick List

To add screen fields

From the SDA screen:

  1. Access the Records Formats List using the F10 key.

  2. Complete the Record Formats List screen.

  3. Press F10 to display the Record Formats List.

    Figure 18-26 Record Formats List screen

    Description of Figure 18-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-26 Record Formats List screen"

    Use this screen to select database fields and maintain record formats, record types, fast path files, and record format keywords.

Field Explanation
Opt Enter the appropriate number to indicate you want to select one of the following values:
  • File/field pick list for ampersand functions.

  • File/field pick list for fast path functions.

  • List of defined fields in the format.

  • Delete format.

  • Record format keywords.

Format Name Screen record format.

The format name will be the screen ID followed by a specific suffix value. Typically, the suffix values are:

  • subfile control format

  • subfile format

  • record format

If additional formats are required, each format name must be unique so new format suffix values must be assigned.

Type Record format type. See types listed below.
Fast Path File The database file you want to select fields from.
Start/End Lines Specifies the line number range of the format.
Related Record Field that ties a subfile to a control record format. Required in all SFLCTL record formats.
# Fields Selected The number of database fields that have been selected for use on the format.
Fld Pfx Screen field prefix to be used for the screen fields: VD, SF.

18.15.1 About Record Formats

Several Record Format Types are valid for screens. Currently, they include:


    Present in all screens. In subfile screens, contains VDL24 (line 24 text). In non-subfile screens, can contain all fields on the screen, including VDL24.

  • SFLMSG - Subfile Message

    Displays error message text. JD Edwards World does not use this format because errors are handled through RPG programs.

18.16 Selecting Database Fields

There are two methods of selecting database fields for placement on the screen:

  • With Fast Path

  • With the File Selection List

Method Description
Fast Path Type 1 next to the format on which you want to place the fields and enter a file name under the Fast Path File column.
File Selection List Type 1 next to the format on which you want to place the fields but do not enter a file name.

Accesses a file selection screen where you can specify multiple files and libraries from which to select database fields.

To select a database field using Fast Path

  1. On the Record Formats List screen, enter a Fast Path File for the specified format.

  2. For database field selection, choose option 1.

    Figure 18-29 Record Formats List screen

    Description of Figure 18-29 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-29 Record Formats List screen"

    The Field Selection List displays.

    Figure 18-30 Field Selection List screen

    Description of Figure 18-30 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-30 Field Selection List screen"

  3. Press F21 to select all the fields for the file instead of selecting them individually.

    Based on the record format for which you are using the Field Selection List, the following information is the default:

    • For a subfile control record format, the HDG field will default to R for the type of heading and the Use field will default to B for input/output.

    • For a subfile record format, the HDG field will default to D for the type of heading and the Use field will default to B for input/output.

    • For a non-subfile screen, the HDG field will default to R for the type of heading and the Use field will default to B for input/output.

    • For a report, the HDG field will default to D for the type of heading and the Use field will default to O for output.

Field Explanation
Seq No Sequence Number to indicate which data items you want on the screen you are creating and what order you want them to be displayed in the Pick List window accessed from SDA.
Field Name The name given to a field for a screen, report, or database table. If the field is a key field in the file, K01, K02, etc will be displayed.
Description The Data Dictionary row description.
Data Item Type The type of data. The data item types are defined in User Defined Codes, system code '98', record type 'DT'.
Data Item Size The field size of the data item.

Note: All amount fields should be entered as 15 bytes, 0 decimals, and the data item type should be P (packed).

HDG Which heading to use from the Data Dictionary.
  • Row Description (R)

  • Column 1 heading (C)

  • Column 1 and 2 heading (D)

D Used to indicate whether a 30 character VC field should be included for constant information.
Use Specifies how the data field is to be used on the screen:
  • Input only (I).

  • Output only (O) (default).

  • Both input and output (B).

  • IBM Message field (M).

  • Subfile Hidden (H).

To select database fields using the File Selection List

From the Record Formats List screen:

  1. Choose option "1" but do not specify a file.

    Figure 18-31 Record Formats List screen

    Description of Figure 18-31 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-31 Record Formats List screen"

    The File Selection List displays.

    Figure 18-32 Field Selection List screen

    Description of Figure 18-32 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-32 Field Selection List screen"

  2. Enter the files from which you want to select fields.

    Fields for files requested will be displayed through the Field Selection List screen.

    Figure 18-33 Field Selection List screen

    Description of Figure 18-33 follows
    Description of "Figure 18-33 Field Selection List screen"

  3. Select fields using the same techniques as in the Fast Path method.


If you select a key field, that field is edited as the key of the screen. An edit indicator of 41 is assigned.

18.17 Placing Fields on a Screen Using a Pick List

To place fields on a screen using a Pick List

On the Item Master Information screen

Figure 18-34 Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-34 follows
Description of "Figure 18-34 Item Master Information screen"

  1. Type either one or more ampersands (&) on the SDA screen where you want to place the fields from the pick list you created.

    If you place more than one &, make sure that you allow room for all of the fields that are returned to the screen, so that you do not overlap fields.

  2. On the Field Selection screen, verify the information that is on the screen (VTX field - HDG, 30-character description - D, and field Use - USE), as well as the order that they will be brought back (the sequence number), and row description length.

  3. To add a Fold Area to a subfile, place an asterisk (*) or ampersand (&) on the second line in the subfile format of your screen. If you need a second line in the Fold Area, you can place an asterisk (*) or ampersand (&) on the third line of the subfile format. HDG should be "R" when adding fields to the fold.

18.18 Function Key Exits from Screen Design Aid

Function Description
F2 Access a command line to enter a JD Edwards World or IBM command without having to exit to Command Entry or a menu.

If you are secured out of Command Entry or Menu Traveling, you still get this command line, but you cannot execute commands or menu travel.

F5 Shows the Format Display Control window.

Example F5 - Format Display Control window.

Figure 18-35 Format Display Control portion of the Item Search screen

Description of Figure 18-35 follows
Description of "Figure 18-35 Format Display Control portion of the Item Search screen"

The following table provides an explanation of the fields in the Format Display Control window.

Field Explanation
Selection Controls the display of record formats.

1 – Format is displayed.

Blank – Format is not to be displayed.

Format Lists the DDS format names for the screen screen.

All names begin with Screen name

  • Subfile control formats end with C.

  • Subfile formats end with S.

  • Record (non-subfile) formats end with 1.

Type Describes the format type.
Boundaries Two 3-digit numbers that define the range (rows) for the DDS.
Window Allows access to fields outside the boundaries.
Browse (Y/N) Allows user to enable/disable the browse mode and view the screen as it would appear when executed.
  • Cannot change or access any item while in browse mode.

Function Description
F4 Provides the following:
  • Toggle between displaying the Fold Area or not for a subfile screen.

  • Must set Browse (Y) in Format Display Control Window (F5).

F6 This screen provides access to other repository services within JD Edwards World.
F8 Provides the following:
  • Will display your screen in monochrome or color.

  • If accessing the Field Definition window, will toggle between Condition Indicators and Color Attributes.

F10 Displays the Format Keyword Maintenance screen.

Example F10 - Format Keyword Maintenance screen

Figure 18-36 Format Keyword Maintenance screen

Description of Figure 18-36 follows
Description of "Figure 18-36 Format Keyword Maintenance screen"

Field Explanation
PUTOVR (Y/N) The screen record format uses the PUTOVR keyword. Causes the screen to be erased and redisplayed when a window is displayed.
OVERLAY (Y/N) The screen record format uses the OVERLAY keyword. Will not erase and redisplay screen when a window is displayed. Most JD Edwards World screens use OVERLAY.
Subfile Fold Create a fold area in the subfile using SFLDROP and SFLFOLD keywords.
Type (A/F) Further identifies subfile fold area:

A – Will lose modified data in the subfile when you press F4.

F – Data is retained.

Subfile Clear This option specifies if you want to use SFLCLR or SFLINZ. The default is SFLCLR. This option is ignored when designing non-subfile screens.

Y – means you want SFLCLR

N – will give you SFLINZ

Subfile Next Change Whether or not to use SFLNXTCHG (Y/N). Will require the user to correct any errors in the subfile before further execution of the program.
Subfile Page Identifies the number of records on one subfile page, with the fold area open, if applicable.
  • 1 to 27 inclusive (Number of lines in SFL area divided by number of lines in fold.)

Subfile Size Identifies the total number of records in the subfile that will be loaded in one program cycle.
  • 1 to 9999 inclusive

Function Description
F13 Displays the Function Key/Opt Definition screen.
  • Used to define the function keys for the screen.

  • Function Key Definition files (F9601 and F9611.

Example F13 Function Key/Opt Definition screen

Figure 18-37 Function Key/Opt Definition screen

Description of Figure 18-37 follows
Description of "Figure 18-37 Function Key/Opt Definition screen"

Field Explanation
Action Code One character field used to indicate the action that the user wants to take on the record requested.

Inquire on a record before you attempt to change it.

Screen Screen The name of the screen or report record to be copied. All records for soft coding will be displayed.
Screen Title The vocabulary overrides title used on screens and reports. On screens, the title is retrieved from the Menu file. If a record is not found, then the title is retrieved from the Vocabulary Overrides file. Report titles are retrieved from the DREAM Writer Version ID (F98301).
Include Whether or not to include the function or option key on the screen.
Description Describes the function or option exit.

Cannot exceed 40 characters.

Key/Opt Identifies the function key number or option.

Special values:

  • Helps.

  • Roll Up.

  • Roll Down.

Field Identifies the name of the function or option exit.

Values always begin with a # (pound sign).

Function Description
F14 Displays the Indicator Control portion of a simulated program execution screen.
  • Used with the Browse mode to simulate a screen at program execution.

  • Desired indicators can be set on/off to test field conditioning.

Figure 18-38 Example F14 - Indicator Control Portion of a Simulated Program Execution screen

Description of Figure 18-38 follows
Description of "Figure 18-38 Example F14 - Indicator Control Portion of a Simulated Program Execution screen"

Function Description
F16 Displays the List of Defined Fields screen.
  • Used to maintain the defined fields and add hidden fields.

  • Only shows fields for the formats that are active.

Figure 18-39 Example F16 - List of Defined Fields screen

Description of Figure 18-39 follows
Description of "Figure 18-39 Example F16 - List of Defined Fields screen"

18.18.1 Hidden Fields

Used to store hidden field information.

To add a hidden field to a screen

  1. Roll to the bottom blank line of the format that contains the field.

  2. Choose option 5, Display/Update.

  3. Enter the field with a prefix of SH, description, type, size, and press Enter.

    This information should be the same as the associated database field.

Option 5 - Select Field Definition

Figure 18-40 Option 5 - Select Field Definition screen

Description of Figure 18-40 follows
Description of "Figure 18-40 Option 5 - Select Field Definition screen"

Accesses the Field Definition screen, just as if you had entered an asterisk (*) for the field.

Function Description
F17 Used to define soft coding (Vocabulary Override) fields.
  • To define VTX fields other than row and column headings on the screen. This is used to create a VTX field which stores a message which the application program uses for display purposes on a screen or report.

  • You can specify the literal text that will be loaded into a *VC0 field.

  • You must save your screen at least once in order to be able to update vocabulary overrides and/or function key definitions by this method. This is because when you are first defining a screen, the vocabulary override record and function key definition record are not created until you save the screen.

Note: After changing the size of a VTX field, you should execute the Rebuild Vocabulary Override Field Lengths program (11/G9642). This displays the correct VTX field lengths in the Field Size field in Vocabulary Overrides.

Figure 18-41 Example F17 - Define Soft Coding Fields screen

Description of Figure 18-41 follows
Description of "Figure 18-41 Example F17 - Define Soft Coding Fields screen"

Function Description
F19 Used to window left.

Note: This function key is applicable only when designing wide screens (132 by 27 rows) on 80 column terminal.

F20 Used to window right.

Note: This function key is applicable only when designing wide screens (132 by 27 rows) on 80 column terminal.

18.19 Changing Subfile Boundaries

Be careful when changing the size of a subfile through SDA. Consider using these processes to make such changes easier and less confusing.

To make a subfile smaller

  1. To access the Record Formats List screen, press F10.

  2. Change the starting line number for the subfile form at (VxxxxxS).

  3. To return to SDA, press Enter.

  4. To access the Record Formats List screen again, press F10.

  5. Change the ending line number for the control format (VxxxxxC).

  6. To return to SDA, press Enter.

  7. Move or add headings.

To make a subfile larger

You can reverse the above steps if you want to make the subfile larger. You must move the control format fields up before changing the starting line number for the subfile format.

  1. Move headings.

  2. To access the Record Formats List screen, press F10.

  3. Change the ending line number for the control format (VxxxxxC).

  4. To return to SDA, press Enter.

  5. To access the Record Formats List screen again, press F10.

  6. Change the starting line number for the subfile format (VxxxxxS).

  7. To return to SDA, press Enter.

  8. In SDA, press F10 to alter the format.

  9. Enter 5 on the control format field.

  10. Change subfile page size, as needed.


When you change the subfile, you must change the subfile page and subfile size to correctly reflect the size of the new subfile.

18.20 Process Overview - Placing Selected Fields

Once you have established your field pick list, use the ampersand (&) to specify where you want to locate the field.

Figure 18-42 Ampersand in the Item Master Information screen

Description of Figure 18-42 follows
Description of "Figure 18-42 Ampersand in the Item Master Information screen"

The ampersand (&) calls up the pick list in the Field Selection screen where you can order the fields and further define their specifications.

Figure 18-43 Field Selection List screen

Description of Figure 18-43 follows
Description of "Figure 18-43 Field Selection List screen"

18.20.1 Options

The following options are available:

  • Override Row Description length

  • Resequence fields in list

  • Select headings (Row, Column headings) *VTX

  • Description Field (*VC0)

  • Usage (O=Output, B=Both Input and Output)

After you have sequenced the fields, they are retrieved from the file and placed on the design area.

Figure 18-44 Design Area Showing Field Selection List

Description of Figure 18-44 follows
Description of "Figure 18-44 Design Area Showing Field Selection List"

18.21 Process Overview - Revising the Field Definition

Figure 18-45 Process Flow to Revise the Field Definition

Description of Figure 18-45 follows
Description of "Figure 18-45 Process Flow to Revise the Field Definition"

18.22 Process Overview - Revising Vocabulary and Function Keys

Figure 18-46 Process Flow to Revise the Vocabulary and Function Keys

Description of Figure 18-46 follows
Description of "Figure 18-46 Process Flow to Revise the Vocabulary and Function Keys"

18.23 Function Keys for Screen and Display Format Control

Figure 18-47 Function Keys for Screen and Display Format Control

Description of Figure 18-47 follows
Description of "Figure 18-47 Function Keys for Screen and Display Format Control"

18.24 Summary of Screen Design Aid

Editing options:

  • d, *DEL

  • <<, >>

  • 'xx...xx'

  • -, =

  • - -, =

  • * and &

You should not use the INSERT and DELETE keys while in SDA.

F7 restores a screen if you accidentally press Field Exit.

Standard prefixes:

  • VD, SF, SH

Special Fields:

  • *VTX, *VC0, *LITER, *DATE, *TIME


  • VDL24

  • TTL@

Error indicators 40 to 79 are automatically assigned to VD and SF fields that are defined as input or input/output.

Update fields by using *.

You have two methods of adding fields to a screen:

  • * (non-pick list method)

  • & (pick list method)

You can pull in VTX, VC, and the screen database fields all at the same time for one database field.

You have two methods of selecting database fields:

  • Fast Path

  • Non-Fast Path - Accesses File Selection screen

If you are changing subfile boundaries, you should use the outlined processes to make this process easier.

You must save a screen at least once before updating vocabulary overrides or Function Key Definitions because the exit from SDA creates these records.

You add hidden fields from the List of Defined Fields screen, which you access by pressing F16 from SDA:

  • You add hidden fields one at a time.

  • You must enter a selection exit 5 to actually add the field.