69 Fiscal Reports Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

69.1 Processing Options for Nota Fiscal of Input (P76B0411)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company number.  
Enter Status of Notas Fiscal.  
2. Enter Business Unit.  
3. Enter '1' if you want to suppress information of Accessories Expenses.  
4. Enter '1' if you want to suppress information of Importation Tax.



69.2 Processing Options for Exit Review Fiscal Note Online (P76B0421)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number  
2. Enter Status  
3. Enter Cost Center  
4. Enter '1' to omit information of Additional Expenses



69.3 Processing Options for Conversion Program (Input) (P76B591)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Fiscal Company Code to be processed.

OBS: Mandatory to inform it in Data Selection.

2. Enter Status to write on System 76B when entry conversion records.  
3. Message Code to include in Fiscal Registration in case of IPI without right to credit.

OBS: If it isn't informed will be considered Note Message.

4. Enter A/B Message Code for No Contributor Vendor with right to recover

50% of IPI.

OBS: Codes in Option 3 and 4 are mutually excluding (never will be reported together in Registration Book

5. Enter '1' to execute in Final Mode.

Blanks will not be Files Update but report will be printed.

6. Enter '1' to update records that have been transferred to system 76B.

Blanks, if records exist, will not be processed.

7. Enter Message Code for Fiscal Registration for non zero amounts:

- Free Zone Discount . . . . . . . .

- Indirect Expenses . . . . . . . . .

8. Enter Suffix for Transaction Nature and a ICMS Tax Indicator.

(Example : for Importation)

- Suffix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- ICMS Tax Indicator. . . . . . . . .

OBS.: Not use suffix 99 (not accumulate Accounting Amount)

9. Enter Suffix for Transaction Nature for Palette Fiscal Note, and the related message code.  
10. Enter '1' if IPI will do part of ICMS Base Calculation in use and consume goods purchasing.  

69.4 Processing Options for Conversion Program (Output) (P76B592)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to Update records that have been transferred.

Blank, will not be updated.

2. Enter '1' for Final Mode.

Blank, will not update Files, but will generate report.

3. Enter the Note Status for Fiscal Book  
4. Enter the Status for canceled Note  
5. Enter Order Type Document for stand alone Notes.  
6. Enter message code to include in the Fiscal Registration for amounts:

- Free Zone Discount

- Indirect Expenses

- Tax Substitution

7. Enter Suffix for Transaction Nature for Palette Fiscal Note, and the related message code.  
8. Enter '1' if Fiscal Note Document Type will be used. Blank, Order Type Document will be used.



69.5 Processing Options for Output Transaction Ledger - Model 2 (P76B45111)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Code . . . . . . . . .  
2. Enter Period Initial Date. . . . . .

Period Final Date. . . . . . .

3. Enter '1' to Final Mode and update to Next Status (blanks to proof). .  
4. Enter '1' to print Closing Term

(blanks to avoid printing). . . . .

5. Enter '1' to print Monthly Summary

(blanks will not print it). . . . .

6. Enter a Suffix of Operation Nature to Identify Future Nota Fiscal

- Simple Invoicing . . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entry. . . . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid using Suffix 99 (will not add to Accounting Value)

7. Enter Text with value to be printed at the end of the report.

1. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

2. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

3. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

4. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

5. Text. . . . .

Value .

6. Text. . . . .

Value . .


8. Enter '1' to print Accounting Amnt. by Operation Nature. . . . . . . . .  
9. Enter '1' to use CFO with 4 digits

(Blanks to use CFO with 3 digits). .


69.6 Processing Options for Entry Registry (P76B45041)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Company code. . . . . .  
2. Enter Processing Dates (dd/mm/aa) .

From. . . .

Thru. . . .

3. Enter '1' for Update to next status

(blanks for Proof mode). . . . . . .

4. Enter '1' to print the Closing Limit

(blanks will not print this field).

5. Enter '1' to print Supplier code

(blanks will print Emitter's CNPJ).

6. Enter '1' to print Monthly Summary

(blanks will not print summary)

7. Print Operation Nature suffix to identify Future Nota Fiscal:

- Simple Invoicing. . . . . . . . .

- Entrance Effective. . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid using suffix 99 (does not add to Acct.amount)

8. Enter the Text and Values to be printed at the end of the report if needed:

1. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

2. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

3. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

4. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

5. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

6. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

9. Enter '1' to print Accounting Value by Operation Nature. . . . . . . . .



69.7 Processing Options for Entry Registry - Proof Mode (P76B45031)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Company code. . . . . . .  
2. Enter Processing Dates (dd/mm/aa) .

From. . . .

Thru. . . .

3. Enter '1' for Update to next status

(blanks for Proof mode). . . . . . .

4. Enter '1' to print the Closing Limit

(blanks will not print this field).

5. Enter '1' to print Supplier code

(blanks will print Emitter's CNPJ).

6. Enter '1' to print Monthly Summary

(blanks will not print summary)

7. Print Operation Nature suffix to identify Future Nota Fiscal:

- Simple Invoicing. . . . . . . . .

- Entrance Effective. . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid using suffix 99 (does not add to Acct.amount)

8. Enter the Text and Values to be printed at the end of the report if needed:

1. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

2. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

3. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

4. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

5. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

6. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

9. Enter '1' to print Accounting Value by Operation Nature. . . . . . . . .



69.8 Processing Options for Output Transactions - WO IPI Rate Break (P76B45131)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Code . . . . . . . . .  
2. Enter Period Initial Date. . . . . .

Period Final Date. . . . . . .

3. Enter '1' to Final Mode and update to Next Status (blanks to proof). .  
4. Enter '1' to print Closing Term

(blanks to avoid printing). . . . .

5. Enter '1' to print Monthly Summary

(blanks will not print it). . . . .

6. Enter a Suffix of Operation Nature to Identify Future Nota Fiscal

- Simple Invoicing . . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entry. . . . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid using Suffix 99 (will not add to Accounting Value)

7. Enter Text with value to be printed at the end of the report.

1. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

2. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

3. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

4. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

5. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

6. Text. . . . .

Value . . .

8. Enter '1' to print Accounting Amnt. by Operation Nature. . . . . . . . .  

69.9 Processing Options for Entry Registry - Proof Mode (P76B45021)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Company code. . . . .  
2. Enter Processing Dates (dd/mm/aa) .

From. . . .

Thru. . . .

3. Enter '1' for Update to next status

(blanks will not be updated). . . .

4. Enter '1' to print the Closing Limit

(blanks will not print this field).

5. Enter '1' to print Supplier code

(blanks will print Emitter's CNPJ).

6. Enter '1' to print Monthly Summary

(blanks will not print summary)

7. Print Operation Nature suffix to identify Future Nota Fiscal:

- Simple Invoicing. . . . . . . . .

- Entrance Effective. . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid using suffix 99 (does not add to Acct.amount)

8. Enter the Text and Values to be printed at the end of the report if needed:

> Text. . . . .

Value . . .

> Text. . . . .

Value . . .

9. Enter '1' to print the Accounting amount by Operating Nature. . . . .



69.10 Processing Options for Statement of DIPAM (P76B4911)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Year for records selection for DIPAM. (Format AAAA)  
2. Enter Company Number:



69.11 Processing Options for Statement of DECLAN (P76B49111)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Year for records selection for DIPAM. (Format AAAA)  
2. Enter Company Number:

End. .


69.12 Processing Options for Notas Fiscais with Detailed ICMS (P76B4711)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. .Enter Compány number  
2. .Period : from (ddmmyy) to (ddmmyy)  
3. .Enter Operation Type Suffix to iden- tify future Nota Fiscal.

- Simple Invoicing . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entry . . . . . . . . .

Obs.: Not use Suffix 99 (not adds)

4. .Enter processing type.

Ex.: 1 = IPI

2 = ICMS more...


6. Enter '1' to totalize by rate

9. . Enter '1' to print Close and Open Term.  
10. Enter '1' to Final Mode.  
11. Enter '1' to print ICMS by rate.  
12. Enter '1' to print a summary of Tax Substitution when the amounts are in zero.



69.13 Processing Options for Notas Fiscais with Detailed IPI (P76B4711)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. .Enter Compány number  
2. .Period : from (ddmmyy) to (ddmmyy)  
3. .Enter Operation Type Suffix to identify future Nota Fiscal.

- Simple Invoicing . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entry . . . . . . . . .

Obs.: Not use Suffix 99 (not adds)

4. .Enter processing type.

Ex.: 1 = IPI

2 = ICMS more...

6. Enter '1' to totalize by rate.  
9. . Enter '1' to print Close and Open Term.  
10. Enter '1' to Final Mode.  
11. Enter '1' to print ICMS by rate.  
12. Enter '1' to print a summary of Tax Substitution when the amounts are in zero.



69.14 Processing Options for GIA Report Generation (P76B4741)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number:  
2. Enter Period



3. Enter Demonstrative of the GIA :

Example 1 = Total

2 = Interstate



69.15 Processing Options for Statement of ICMS - Entry (P76B6001)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number:  
2. Enter Dates Initial :

Final :

3. Enter Suffix of Operation Nature to Identify Future Fiscal Note.

- Simple Invoicingn . . . . . . . .

- Entered Effective . . . . . . . .

NOTE: Not Use Suffix 99.

(Not Use comma - Value Accountant) End...


69.16 Processing Options for Statement of ICMS - Exits (P76B6051)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number:  
2. Enter Dates Initial :

Final :

3. Enter Suffix of Operation Nature to Identify Future Fiscal Note.

- Simple Invoicingn . . . . . . . .

- Entered Effective . . . . . . . .

NOTE: Not Use Suffix 99.

(Not Use comma - Value Accountant)



69.17 Processing Options for DIPI Report - Entries (P76B4881)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number:  
2. Enter Reference Year (Format YYYY):  
3. Enter Period

Month Inicial :

Month Final :

These parameters should be informed in the selection of data.

4. Balance Transfer Year Previous:

Format 15 digits included 2 decimals.



69.18 Processing Options for Relatorio da DIPI - 20 Maiores (P76B4871)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number:  
2. Enter Reference Year (Format YYYY):  
3. Enter Period

Initial Month :

Final Month :



69.19 Processing Options for GIA ICMS - Annual Entries (P76B4801)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Period


Final :

2. Enter Company Number:



69.20 Processing Options for GI/ICMS - Outputs (P76B4802)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1 - Enter period

from :

thru :


2 - Enter Company to be processed

End. . .


69.21 Processing Options FOR Interstate Operations - Tape File (P76B45711)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Fiscal Period

Initial Month. . . . . . . . . . .

Final Month. . . . . . . . . . . .

Year (AAAA). . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Enter '1' to print Fiscal Registry Summary report (blanks will not print). . . . . . . . . . . . .  
3. Enter the Company code . . . . . . .  
Enter the State initials to be processed (blanks for all States)  
5. Enter the Identification Codes:

- First digit according to table of field 10 in record type 10. . .

-Second digit according to table of field 11 in record type 10.

6. Enter the Tape File Finality (Note: Complete according to table of field 12 in record type 10). .  
7. Enter the Contact Name. . . . . . .  
8. Enter the Contact Phone Number

(12 digits with zeros at left). . .

9. Enter the Company's Fax Number

(10 digits with zeros at left). . .

10. Enter the Equipment Model used . . .  
11. Enter the Record Density . . . . . .  
12. Enter '1' to generate Record 50. . .  
13. Enter '1' to generate Record 51. . .  
14. Enter '1' to generate Record 53. . .  
15. Enter '1' to generate Record 54. . .

- Format accord.to Conv. ICMS 69/02

16. Enter '1' to generate Record 55. . .  
17. Enter '1' to generate Record 70. . .  
18. Enter '1' to use Second Item Number, for the first 14 characters (blanks will use Short Item). . . . . . .  
19. Enter the Operation Nature suffix to identify Future Nota Fiscal:

- Simple Invoicing . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entry. . . . . . . . .

Note: Avoid suffix 99 (will not add in Accounting amount).

20. Enter Address . . . . . . . . . .  
21. Enter Address Number. . . . . . . .  
22. Enter Complementary Address  
23. Enter Neighborhood. . . . . . . . .  
24. Enter Fiscal Classification (if blanks, will keep in blank in case Fiscal Classification does not exist). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



69.22 Processing Options for Fiscal Books As Of Generation (P761BA)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following values:

' ' To print records with missing information only.

'1' To print all selected records.

'2' No report will be printed.

NOTE: This program will erase all prior records and write the AS-OF file with the Fiscal Notes ready for Payment/Collection.


69.23 Processing Options for Average Cost and Beginning Balance Calculation (P76B1301)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Company  
2. Enter the Accountant Period  
3. Enter the Fiscal Year  
4. Enter the Accountant Period to be deleted  
5. Enter the Fiscal Year to be deleted  
6. Enter the Century  
7. Enter the Document Type of Limit Date  
8. Enter the Record Type to be processed each time (UDC 76B/RT):  
9. Enter '1' to clear Inventory Registry file. Period selected in option 4 is not used here, because the file will be completely clear.  
10. Enter '1' to process Inventory

Registry file generation.



69.24 Processing Options for Generate Movements for Book Model 3 (P76B3011)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Reason Code for IPI  
2. Movement Code



69.25 Processing Options for Inventory Register (P76B460)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number  
2. Enter Fiscal Year  
3. Enter Fiscal Period  
4. Enter Century of Fiscal Year  
5. Enter '1' to print quantitys in zero


6. Enter '1' to print open and close terms.  
7. Enter '1' to update Page Number and

Ledger Number.



69.26 Processing Options for Inventory Register by MCU (P76B461)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to print Closing Term.

If leave blank will not print.


69.27 Processing Options for Transaction Report of Model 3 (P76B3021)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to use 3rd. Item


2. Period and Company data



Fiscal Year


3. Enter '1' for test mode  
4. Enter '1' for Terms of Opening  

69.28 Processing Options for General Journal (P76B415)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter company code  
2. Enter Fiscal year  
3. Enter from month:

thru month:

4. Enter '1' for test mode.

If left blanks the page number will be updated.

5. Enter '1' to print Beginning/Closing Limits.  
6. Enter month and year to be printed in the heading of Journal(MMYY)  
7. Enter '1' to suppress the Date - For

G/L (and Voucher) of the heading

8. Enter the issue date of the report.

If left blanks, the date of the day will be taken. Ex.: (DDMMYY)

More ...

9. Historic

Enter '1' to print Alpha Explanation,

'2' to print Remark Explanation, blanks for both.

10. Enter the G/L Journal Page Number that will be incorporated in the General Journal.  

Enter '1' to print the Sub Ledger.

In left blanks it will not be printed.

12. Printing in LASER

Enter '1' to print on both sides (Beginning/Closing Limits will be printed in separate pages)

13. Lines before Heading

Enter the number of lines in blanks to be printed before the heading



69.29 Processing Options for Transaction Journal (P76B420)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Company Number 00000  
2. Enter Period to process 00  
3. Enter Fiscal Year to process 00  
4. Enter range of Provision and Expenses

Accounts :

. Beginning

. End

5. Enter '1' to print movements with value zero.


6. Enter '1' for Monthly Balance, '2' for Semester, '3' for Annual.  
7. Historic

Enter '1' to print first historic, '2' for second or ' ' for both.

8. Enter Report Emission Date (DDMMYY).

If blank, assumes current date.

9. Enter '1' to print movements with



10.Enter '1' to print movements with

Enhanced Subledger 1

Enhanced Subledger 2

Enhanced Subledger 3

Enhanced Subledger 4

11. Enter 'P' to process only posted movements. Blank for non-posted.

'@' for both.

12. Enter Ledger Type.  

69.30 Processing Options for Four Columns Balance Sheet (P76B4121)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Month/Fiscal year for which the Balance Sheet must be prepared.

Default blanks current financial re- port date will be used.

MM/YY format:

2. Enter a Ledger Type. Leave blanks for Ledger Type 'AA'.  
3. Enter a company. Blanks for all companies.  
4. Subledger detail:

Y - Yes, balance sheet will print subledger level detail.

N - No.

If "Y", Enter "N" for Numeric Sub- ledger Classification or "A" for

Alphabetical Order.

5. Account Level of Detail to consider.

Blanks, it assumes Level 9

6. Enter an object account range for

Balance Sheet report: Beginning. .

7. Enter '1' to omit printing of accounts with zero balance.  
8. To select Account Format to print in Balance Sheet, enter:

1 - Default, format MCU.OBJ.SUB

2 - Account Short Id. AID

3 - Flexible account mode

4 - Format OBJ.SUB / MCU

9. Edit Code (UDC 98/EC) recommended value "R"  
10. Print format

1 - Compressed, one line for each account (15 cpi, to 202 cpl)

2 - Normal, two lines for each account (10 cpi, to 132 cpl) If use format 2 change Printer File parameters:

Characteres per inch = 10 Width-positions per line = 132

11. Control Total Option:

Y - Yes, prints Control Total of Balance Sheet in additional page N - Not prints Control Total

12. Cost Center Detail Y - Yes, Balance Sheet will print Cost Center level detail.

N - No.

13. Enter the initial page number to include this report in Legal Ledger

(4 digits with left zeroes).



69.31 Processing Options for Auxiliary Journal of Accounts Receivable (P76B416)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1 - Enter company code  
2 - Dates



3 - Beginning/Closing Limits

Enter '1' to print it.

4 - Processing with updates

Enter '1' to update

Enter '0' not to update

more ...

5 - Enter '1' to print the alpha name If left blanks the Name - Mailing will be printed.



69.32 Processing Options for Auxiliary Journal of Accounts Payable (P76B417)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1 - Enter company code  
2 - Dates



3 - Beginning/Closing Limits

Enter '1' to print it.

4 - Processing with updates

Enter '1' to update

Enter '0' not to update

more ...

5 - Enter '1' to print the alpha name If left blanks the Name - Mailing will be printed.



69.33 Processing Options for Fiscal Note Transp. Reg. 75 - C/Units Fed (P76B0601)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Fiscal Period

Initial Month

Final Month

Year 4 Digits (Example:1996)

2. Print added report to Fiscal Registry on Tape File.

( S - Yes )

( N - No (Default))

3. Company  
4. Identification Code:

- First Digit of Table of field 10 of record type 10.

- Second Digit of Table of field 11 of record type 10.

5. Final Code of Magnetic File


Fill of table of field 12 of records type 10.

6. Contact Name  
7. Contact Phone (Enter Only Digits)  
8. Supplier/Customer Fax Number (Enter Only Digits) )  
9. Computer Equipment Model  
10. Recording Density  
11. Enter '1' to create Record Type 50  
12. Enter '1' to create Record Type 51  
13. Enter '1' to create Record Type 53  
14. Enter '1' to create Record Type 54

Enter '1' to select format:

- Format Use Conv ICMS 69/02

15. Enter '1' to create Record Type 55  
16. Enter '1' to create Record Type 70

Use UDC 76B / NO.

17. Enter '1' to create Record Type 74  
18. Enter Category Code number of the

Business Unit containing possessing type of the goods.

1 - Informant possession.

2 - Third part possession.

3 - Informant possession of third part.

19. Enter Suffix of Transac. Nature to Identify Future Fiscal Note.

- Simple Invoicing. . . . . . . . . .

- Effective Entrance. . . . . . . . .

NOTE: Not Use suffix 99 (not adding Accounting Amnt.)

20. Enter Item Code Type to Use:

- Blanks use Short Item

- Enter '1' to use Second Item Number (uses maximum length 14 first digit of second item number.)

21. Enter Address  
22. Enter Address Number  
23. Enter Additional Address  
24. Enter Address Neighborhood  
25. Enter Fiscal Classific. (Default)
