3 Set Up Alternate Chart of Accounts and User Defined Codes

This chapter contains these topics:

3.1 Setting up an Alternate Chart of Accounts


From General Accounting (G09), choose Organization and Account Setup

From Organization and Account Setup (G09411), choose Accounts by Business Unit

You can define the local chart of accounts in the Account Master file (F0901) by object and subsidiary, or in category codes 21, 22, and 23. This might depend on the use of your corporate chart of accounts, especially if your company is multi-national.

You can set up an alternate chart of accounts if your corporate reporting requirements are different than the local reporting requirements of the country in which you are doing business. For example, if you set up the local chart of accounts by object and subsidiary, but you need to provide fiscal reports that reflect a chart of accounts that is different from your local chart of accounts, you can set up and maintain an alternate chart of accounts in category codes 21, 22, and 23.

Whether you define the local chart of accounts by object and subsidiary, or in category codes 21, 22, and 23, the accounts that you set up in the category codes are referred to in JD Edwards World software as "alternate descriptions" of your accounts.


The software identifies individual accounts in your chart of accounts based on a system-assigned number that is unique for each account. This number is the Account Short ID. The Account Short ID is the key the system uses to distinguish between accounts when you access, change, and delete the account information in any of JD Edwards World tables. The system stores the short identification number in data item AID.

To set up an alternate chart of accounts

On Accounts by Business Unit

Figure 3-1 Accounts by Business Unit screen

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-1 Accounts by Business Unit screen''

  1. Choose the Expanded Category Codes/3rd Account Formats function.

  2. To specify a business unit, complete the following field:

    • Business Unit

  3. To enter an alternate chart of accounts, complete the following fields:

    • Account

    • Subsidiary

    • Description

    • Level

    • Posting Edit

    • Category Code 21 (Statutory)

    • Category Code 22

    • Category Code 23

Field Explanation
Object Account The object account portion of a general ledger account. The term "object account" refers to the breakdown of the Cost Code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into subcategories (for example, dividing labor into regular time, premium time, and burden). If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object is set to 6 digits, JD Edwards World recommends that you use all 6 digits. For example, entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456, because the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object.
Subsidiary A subdivision of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include more detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account.
Description A user defined name or remark.
Account Level of Detail A number that summarizes and classifies accounts in the general ledger. You can have up to 9 levels of detail. Level 9 is the most detailed and 1 the least detailed. Example:

3 Assets, Liabilities, Revenues, Expenses

4 Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Current Liabilities, and so on

5 Cash, Accounts Receivable, Inventories, Salaries, and so on

6 Petty Cash, Cash in Banks, Trade Accounts Receivable, and so on

7 Petty Cash - Dallas, Petty Cash - Houston, and so on

8 More Detail

9 More Detail

Levels 1 and 2 are reserved for company and business unit totals. When using the Job Cost system, Levels 8 and 9 are reserved for job cost posting accounts.

Screen-specific information

In the Level of Detail field at the top of the Account Structure by BU screen, enter a level of detail (LOD) number. This limits the account information to accounts whose LOD is equal to or greater than the LOD you specify. Leave this field blank to display all LODs. After you press Enter to inquire on a business unit, the level of detail appears in the L field next to each account.

Posting Edit: A code that controls G/L posting and account balance updates in the Account Master file (F0901). Valid codes are:

blank Allows all posting. Posts subledgers in detailed format for every account transaction. Does not require subledger entry.

B Only allows posting to budget ledger types starting with B or J.

I Inactive account. No posting allowed.

L Subledger and type are required for all transactions. Posts subledgers in detailed format for every account. The system stores the subledger and type in the Account Ledger and Account Balances tables. If you want to report on subledgers in the Financial Reporting feature, you should use this code.

M Machine-generated transactions only (post program creates offsets).

N Non-posting. Does not allow any post or account balance updates. In the Job Cost system, you can still post budget quantities.

S Subledger and type are required for all transactions. Posts subledgers in summary format for every transaction. The system stores the subledger detail in the Account Ledger table.

This code is not valid for budget entry programs.

U Unit quantities are required for all transactions.

X Subledger and type must be left blank for all transactions. Does not allow subledger entry for the account.

Category Code - G/L 021 Category code 21 associated with the Account Master file (F0901). This is a user defined code (system 09, type 21) for use in flex account mapping and in printing selected account information on reports.
Category Code - G/L 022 Category code 22 associated with the Account Master file (F0901). This is a user defined code (system 09, type 22) for use in flex account mapping and in printing selected account information on reports.
Category Code - G/L 023 Category code 23 associated with the Account Master file (F0901). This is a user defined code (system 09, type 23) for use in flex account mapping and in printing selected account information on reports.

3.2 Setting Up User Defined Codes for Brazil


From Localizations - Brazil (G76B), enter 29

From Localization Setup - Brazil (G76B41B), choose User Defined Codes

From User Defined Codes - Brazil (G76B411), choose an option

User Defined Codes may also be accessed from the General Systems menu G00

Many fields throughout JD Edwards World software accept only user defined codes. You can customize your system by setting up and using user defined codes that meet the specific needs of your business environment.

User defined codes are either soft-coded or hard-coded. You can customize any user defined code that is soft-coded to accommodate your specific business needs. You can also set up additional soft-coded user defined codes. You cannot customize a user defined code that is hard-coded.

You can access all user defined code tables through a single user defined code screen. After you select a user defined code screen from a menu, change the System Code field and the User Defined Codes field to access another user defined code table.


User defined codes are central to JD Edwards World systems. You should be thoroughly familiar with user defined codes before you change them.


You may use any available item or address book category code for UDCs that have a numeric value in the type section of this chapter. For example, the Address Book Free Zone Indicator UDC must be system 01, but you may select any available category code.

Set up the following user defined codes to process business transactions:

Code Description
Document Types (system 00, type DT) Set up document types so that you can identify, group, and process similar transactions. For example, JE is the document type for journal entries.

In Code(KY), enter the document type

In Description (DSC-1), enter a description for the document type

In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout JD Edwards World software, you can set up soft-coded document types that are based on your specific business needs. For example, you might set up the following document types for Brazil:

NF - Nota Fiscal purchasing

NR - Non-stock recoverable Nota Fiscal

NS - Nota Fiscal sales

NR - Nota Fiscal return

For Nota Fiscal Document Types:

Press F4 (Details)

Enter a valid value in the Special Handling Code field


Paper Nota Fiscal


Sao Paulo Nota Fiscal


Electronic Nota Fiscal


Telephone Nota Fiscal

This value determines the nota fiscal number and series format.

Payment Instrument (system 00, type PY) Set up user defined codes to identify each payment instrument that you use. You can associate payment instruments with documents so that you can process similar documents together. For example, you might set up payment instruments for checks, Bordero, and bank collection.
Item Master/Branch Plant Free Zone Indicator Set up this code to indicate whether the item qualifies for free-zone discounts. This category code functions as AZONE in UDC 76/CN.

N - Do not apply free-zone discount

Y - Apply free-zone discount

Mark Up Level Set up this code to identify ICMS Substitution mark up level rates for specific customers. This category code functions as MARKUP in UDC 76/CN. For example, you might set up the following codes:

* - Default

SMK - Supermarkets

CAR - Car Dealers

TOB - Tobacco Manufacturers

Manufactured/ Purchased Indicator Distinguish between manufactured or purchased products. This category code functions as NATUR in UDC 76/CN. You set up the following item category codes for Brazil:

1 - Manufactured Product

2 - Purchased Product

Address Book Print Repasse Indicator Set up to identify whether repasse should be printed on the Nota Fiscal. This category code functions as PREPAS in UDC 76/CN.

N - Do not print Repasse

Y - Print Repasse

Address Book Print Pricing Rules Discounts Indicator Set up to indicate whether pricing rules discounts are printed on the Nota Fiscal for specific customers. This category code functions as PRULES in UDC 76/CN.

N - Don't print pricing rules discount

Y - Print pricing rules discount

Address Book Print Trade Discount Indicator Set up to indicate whether trade discounts are printed on the Nota Fiscal for specific customers. This category code functions as PTRADE in UDC 76/CN.

N - Do not print discounts in Nota Fiscal

Y - Print discounts in Nota Fiscal

Address Book Print Free Zone Discount Indicator Set up to indicate whether free-zone discounts are printed on the Nota Fiscal. This category code functions as PZONE in UDC 76/CN.

N - Do not print free-zone discount

Y - Print free-zone discount

Print/Tape Program - Payments (system 04, type PP) Set up each of the print or tape programs that you use to write payments as a user defined code. The following programs are available for Brazil:

P04572CB1 - Print Plus Bordero - Brazil

P04572DB - Bordero Print - Brazil

P04572DB1 - A/P Payments - Brazil

P04572RB - Bordero - Brazil

Landed Cost Components (system 40, type CA) Set up landed cost components so that you can identify the costs that exceed the purchase price of an item. For example, you might set up the following landed cost codes for Brazil:

FRT - Brazil Freight

INS - Brazil Insurance

OTH - Brazil Other expenses

In the Special Handling Code of each expense, enter the G/L class. The G/L class is defined in UDC 41/9.

Price Adjustment Name (system 40, type TY) You must set up special handling codes as price adjustment names Advanced Pricing uses. The tax calculator must find these adjustment names to determine which category codes to use. For example, in order for the tax calculator to find the Repasse discount (REPASSE), you must enter PREPAS as a special handling code. In the following list, the first name is the special handling code, and the second name is the adjustment name. Note that the adjustment names appear identical to names found in UDC 76/CN, but here the system uses them for a different purpose. Valid codes include:

CLIENTE - PTRADE - Percentage discount for a customer

REGRAS - PRULES - Percentage discount payable due to rules of advanced pricing

LOSEASON - PRULES - Low season percentage discount

REPASSE - PREPAS - Percentage discount on ICMS

ZONAFRC - PZONE - Percentage discount on Free Zone or Free Trade

Print Adjustment Name (system 42, type FR) Determine who pays the freight for Nota Fiscal. For example, you might set up the following codes:

1 - Freight - Ship From

2 - Freight - Ship To

Bank/Interest Account by KCO (system 76, type BI) Identifies the bank account and G/L interest account. These account numbers are necessary for bank tape processing.
Taxpayer Code (system 76, type CC) In Brazil, different tax rules apply to different types of taxpayers. You can set up user defined codes to identify the types of taxpayers in your system. For example, you might set up codes to identify tax payers as follows:

1 - Taxpayer

2 - Consumer

3 - Taxpayer and consumer

4 - Supplier

5 - Other

The value in the Special Handling Code field identifies a taxpayer as an intermediate or end consumer. The code 0 is for use for intermediate/business consumers. The code 1 indicates an end consumer. The system includes the codes in the electronic nota fiscal.

Category Code Name/ Code (system 76, type CN) Set up codes to route the sales order tax calculator program to category code locations you define. The first name in all capital letters is the specific category code name the program recognizes. The second name in all capital letters that ends with a number is the data dictionary name of the category code we suggest you use to support the function.

AZONE - SRP5 - Free-zone discount indicator (item/branch)

MARKUP - AC30 - ICMS substitution mark-up level (address book). NOTE: This must match the mark up field on P7608B.

NATUR - SRP6 - Item nature (item/branch)

PREPAS - AC09 - Print repasse indicator (address book)

PRULES - AC11 - Print pricing rules discount (address book)

PTRADE - AC08 - Print trade discount indicator (address book)

PZONE - AC10 - Print free-zone discount indicator (address book)

Taxing Code (system 76, type CT) Define tax codes to identify whether transactions are subject to IPI or ICMS tax. For example, you might set up tax codes for Brazil as follows:

01 - Domestic product, subject to IPI and ICMS

02 - Domestic product, suspend IPI and exempt from ICMS

03 - Domestic product, suspend IPI and subject to ICMS

11 - Imported product, subject to IPI and ICMS

DCT codes (system 76, type ES) Set up this code for reporting on the Brazilian legal document type Especies. For example, you might set up codes for the following Especies:

N1 - Nota Fiscal - Fatura

NE - Nota Fiscal de Entrada

NF - Nota Fiscal

NS - Nota Fiscal de Servico de Transporte

For each code, identify the register type in the Description - 2 field. Define register type codes on user defined codes table 76/IR.

Fiscal Book Code (system 76, type FB) Set up fiscal book codes as follows:

DG - Transaction journal

DP - Auxiliary journal (accounts payable)

DR - Auxiliary journal (accounts receivable)

Fiscal Message/ Observation Codes (system 76, type FM) Set up fiscal message codes to associate message text with Nota Fiscal documents. The system prints Nota Fiscal messages on the fiscal reports for inbound and outbound transaction registers.
Free Port Zone Flag (system 76, type FR) Set up free port zone codes to indicate whether a company is located in a free port zone. For example, you might set up free port zone codes as follows:

0 - Not a free port zone

1 - Free port zone

GL/Class Code Cross Reference (system 76, type GL) Define G/L Class Cross References.

Populate Code (KY) with a 7-digit code. The 7-digit code has 2 parts: The first three digits indicate the type of tax (hardcoded)

The last four digits indicate the item GL class

Valid values for the first three digits are:

ICM - ICMS tax

IPI - IPI tax

SUB - ICMS Substitution

SBR - ICMS Substitution - Recoverable

IPR - IPI - Recoverable

ICR - ICMS - Recoverable

REP - ICMS Discount (Repasse)

TDC - Business Discount

The three digit tax type codes are then combined with the four digit GL class codes. For example, you might set up GL class code cross references as follows:

ICMIN10 - ICMS tax, GL code IN10

IPIBR10 - IPI tax, GL code BR10

SUBIN10 - ICMS Substitution tax, GL code IN10

Populate Description (DL01) with the G/L Class that will be used to retrieve the Account Number. This value must be set up in user defined code G/L Posting Category (41/9).

Populate Description2 (DL02) with tax identification.

ICMS Code Fiscal Value (system 76, type II) You can set up fiscal value codes for ICMS tax to indicate whether transactions are taxable, exempt, or eligible for a reduced tax rate. You can also use this code to indicate whether the tax can be recovered for a transaction.

Set up the following fiscal value codes to match the sales order tax calculator:

1 - Taxable, tax recoverable

2 - Exempt, tax not recoverable

3 - Other, tax not recoverable

4 - ICMS reduction (taxable/other), tax recoverable

5 - ICMS reduction (taxable/exempt), tax recoverable

6 - Not taxable, tax not recoverable

To set up ICMS fiscal value codes, you must enter a special handling code to identify whether the code is subject to tax. Enter 1 (one) in the special handing code for taxable codes and 0 (zero) for nontaxable codes.

Item Origin (system 76, type IO) Use the Item Origin code to specify the origin of a product. Values are hard coded.

Valid values are:

0: National, and does not meet requirements for codes 3, 4, 5, or 8.

1: Imported; foreign supplier

2: Imported; Brazilian supplier

3: National, where over 40% of the cost are from foreign components.

4: National, where the production is compliant with local production rules.

5: National, where under or 40% of the cost are from foreign components

6: Foreign, acquired abroad, does not have similar in the domestic market, and belongs to CAMEX list and natural gas.

7: Foreign, acquired on domestic market, does not have similar goods in the domestic market and belongs to CAMEX list and natural gas.

8: National, with imported content over 70%.

Doc Types - Sales Reverse(system 76, type RD) You can set up document types to identify sales reversals. For example:

VC - Sales Order

IPI Code Fiscal Value (system 76, type IP) You can set up fiscal value codes for IPI tax to indicate whether transactions are taxable, exempt, or eligible for a reduced tax rate. You can also use this code to indicate whether the tax can be recovered for a transaction.

Set up fiscal value codes as follows:

1 - Taxable, tax recoverable

2 - Exempt, tax not recoverable

3 - Other, tax not recoverable

To set up IPI fiscal value codes, you must enter a special handling code to identify whether the code is subject to tax. Enter 1 (one) in the special handing code for taxable codes and 0 (zero) for nontaxable codes.

Register identification (system 76, type IR) Set up register identification codes to identify the types of registers that you set up on user defined codes table 76/ES. For example:

06 Type 50

ISS Code Taxing Type (system 76, type IS) Use the ISS taxing type to indicate whether a transaction is eligible for ISS tax or exempt.
Message - Inbound and Outbound Remark Codes (system 76, type MC) Set up inbound and outbound message codes to associate message text with Nota Fiscal documents. The system uses this code to print amounts. The amounts are totalled at the end of the fiscal reports for inbound and outbound transaction registers.
Months (system 76, type MO) Relates a two-digit number to a month. The numbers progress from January (01) to December (12).
Nota Fiscal Type (system 76, type NF) Use Nota Fiscal type codes to identify different Nota Fiscal documents in the system. The following codes for Nota Fiscal are hard-coded in the system:

1 - Standard stand-alone entry

2 - Nota Fiscal complementary

3 - Nota Fiscal informal receipt

4 - Nota Fiscal formal process

5 - Standard Nota Fiscal

6 - Nota Fiscal complementary

7 - Formal Nota Fiscal SOP

Purchase Use (system 76, type PU) Set up purchase use codes to indicate whether you can recover the tax from the purchase. Typically, this depends on how a purchase will be utilized in your business.

For example, you might set up codes to identify purchases as follows:

AF - Fixed asset, tax not recoverable

AFR - Fixed asset, tax recoverable

CON - Internal consumption

MPA - Raw material for sample, tax not recoverable

MPV - Raw material, tax recoverable

You must enter a two-digit special handling code. The first digit identifies whether the code is IPI recoverable and the second digit identifies whether the code is ICMS recoverable. Enter 1 (one) for recoverable and 0 (zero) for nonrecoverable., i.e.;


IPI and ICMS not recoverable


ICMS recoverable


IPI recoverable


IPI and ICMS recoverable

Receive Transaction Status (system 76, type RS) Set up receive transaction status codes to indicate the status of the Duplicata that you receive from the bank that is responsible for the collection of your Accounts Receivable invoices.

You should establish these codes in conjunction with your bank for effective communication.

States that add IPI/Imported (system 76B / SI) Identify states that add IPI to the ICMS base for imported goods.
Bank Send Code (system 76, type SC) Set up send transaction status codes to indicate the status of the Duplicata that you send to the bank, that is responsible for the collection of your Accounts Receivable invoices.

You should establish these codes in conjunction with your bank for effective communication.

Send Transaction Status (system 76, type SS) Set up send transaction status codes to indicate the status of the Duplicata that you send to the bank that is responsible for the collection of your Accounts Receivable Invoices.

You should establish these codes in conjunction with your bank for effective communication.

Tax Summary (system 76, type ST) Describes ICMS tax situation, by breaking down a wide number of possibilities into three categories:


Foreign product, direct import

Foreign, acquired domestically

There are nine ICMS tax possibilities under each of the above categories. Select the code that your task indicates.

Free port zone exceptions (system 76, type ZF Set up codes to identify purchased items that do not benefit from the free zone (zona franca) discount. This code is no longer used by the system (obsolete).
Doc Types - Sales Return (system 76, type SR) Set up document types to identify sales and purchase returns. For example:

VR - Sales Return

BP - Purchase Return

In/Outbound Book-Message Code (system 76B, type CM) Message code associated with Input/Output Nota Fiscal. For example:

001 - Free Port Zone Discount

002 - Expenses

003 - Scrap Sale

004 - ICMS difference

Fiscal Message / Observations (system 76B, type M1) Set up message codes to be printed in the Fiscal Book, associated with Input/Output Nota Fiscal.
Fiscal Amount Codes - ICMS (system 76B, type CV) Set up flags to indicate the ICMS tax type. For example:


1 - Taxable

2 - Exempt or not taxable

3 - Others

4 - Reduced ICMS (Taxable/Others)

5 - Reduced ICMS (Taxable/Exempt)

Fiscal Values Codes - IPI (system 76B, type CW) Set up flags to indicate the IPI tax type. For example:

1 - Taxable

2 - Not Taxable

3 - Other

NF Transaction Nature Shipment (system 76B, type EN) Set up only if you are upgrading from a release prior to A7.3 Cumulative Update 16. This table is used by the conversion programs on menu G76BCONV. Set up codes that map your old 3 digit Transaction Nature codes to the new 4 digit codes.