5 Performing Pre-Migration Tasks

ONLY if you are migrating from JD Edwards World A9.2.1, A9.3.1, or A9.4, you need to complete the pre-migration tasks listed on the Post Install Menu (GH9619).

This graphic describes the Post Install (GH9619) menu

5.1 Localization Tasks

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
P76B2002 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.2.1, A9.3.1, or A9.4 releases and using Brazil Localization module. None. Translates the three-digit Transaction Nature Codes and two-digit Transaction Nature Suffixes to four-digit Transaction Nature codes when migrating the F7615B from World to EnterpriseOne. The cross reference must be setup prior to running the Table Conversion Workbench.

This graphic describes the Work With CFOP Cross References

5.2 Setting Up a Cross Reference for Transaction Nature codes for Brazil (Migration)


This section is ONLY for customers migrating from JD Edwards World A9.2.1, A9.3.1, or A9.4.

This section provides an overview of cross-references for transaction nature codes and discusses how to set up a cross-reference, in case of migration.

5.2.1 Understanding Cross-References for Transaction Nature Codes

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne uses three digits for Transaction Nature Codes and two digits for Transaction Nature Suffixes. However, some states in Brazil require a four-digit code to define the Transaction Nature. You can use the CFOP From/To Maintenance – Migration program (P76B2002) to create a cross-reference between the standard three-digit and two- digit codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software and the four-digit codes that are required for Brazil. You set up the cross-references by company.

5.2.2 Forms Used to Set Up a Cross-Reference

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
CFOP Cross Reference – Migration [Work With CFOP Cross References (Migration)] W76B2002A Fiscal Reports – Brazil (G76B111), Setup Transaction Nature Cross Reference Access forms to set up cross-references.
CFOP Cross Reference (Migration) -[CFOP Cross Reference (Migration)] W76B2002B Click Add on Work With CFOP Cross References (Migration). Add a cross-reference between a three-digit / two-digit, and a four-digit transaction nature code.

5.2.3 Setting Up a Cross-Reference for Transaction Nature Codes (Migration)

Access the CFOP Cross References (Migration) form. Setting Up a Cross Reference for Transaction Nature codes for Brazil (Migration)

Graphic describes the CFOP Cross Reference Revision form To set up a cross-reference for Transaction Nature Codes (Migration)
  • From CFOP

    Enter a three-character code that, for tax purposes, identifies a type of transaction. To enter values for the transaction nature code, use this convention: X.YY where X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound), and YY defines the transaction as a whole, such as a sales transaction. Values for X are:

    • 1:Inbound, inside the state.

    • 2:Inbound, other states.

    • 3:Inbound, import.

    • 5:Outbound, inside state.

    • 6:Outbound, other states.

    • 7:Outbound, export.

    Examples of transaction nature codes:

    • 511: In-state sale.

    • 611: Out-of-state sale.

  • Suffix

    Complete this two-character field in conjunction with the transaction nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents a inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible for a certain type of tax.

    Values might include:

    • 01: Bonus

    • 02: Demo

    • 03: Sample

    • 04: Return merchandise

    • 05: Back order

    • 06: Donation

    Examples of transaction nature codes with suffixes:

    • 511 01: In-state sale, bonus.

    • 511 05: In-state sale, back order.

  • To CFOP

    Use this four-character code to indicate different types of transactions for tax purposes. This code is included in the list of legal fiscal codes for transaction nature (Códigos Fiscais de Operações E Prestações) published by the SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda do Brasil).

    Values might include:

    • 1101: Purchasing of Rural Production or Industrialization

    • 2251: Purchasing of Electrical Energy for commercialization or distribution.

    • 5102: Sales of acquired or received merchandise from third parties.

    • 6124: Industrializations performed for other company.

  • Effective Date

    Enter the date on which you confirm that a specific order line was shipped.