2.12 FS-10550 to FS-10599

FS-10550 The group contains resources from different Oracle homes
Cause: Resources in the group are from different Oracle homes.
Action: Remove the resources from the group and then add them again, including only those that are from the same Oracle home.
FS-10551 Cannot determine the Oracle home for this group
Cause: The group does not contain enough information for Oracle Fail Safe to determine its Oracle home.
Action: Report the problem (including the circumstances under which the error was produced) to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10552 Failed to list the Oracle homes in the cluster
Cause: Unable to list the Oracle homes in the cluster.
Action: Ensure that Oracle Fail Safe server (fssvr.exe) is up and running on the node that owns the Cluster Group group.
FS-10553 Cannot locate a common Oracle home (same home name and database version) in the cluster
Cause: Unable to find an Oracle home that is the same on all nodes in the cluster. A matching Oracle home name and version of the Oracle home must exist on each cluster node.
Action: Update the Oracle homes in the cluster so that they are symmetrical.
FS-10554 Database %s belongs to an Oracle home %s that does not exist on node %s
Cause: Tried to reference a database from an Oracle home that exists on one node of the cluster only. A matching Oracle home must exist on each node of the cluster.
Action: Update the Oracle homes in the cluster so that they are symmetrical.
FS-10555 Version %s of Oracle home %s does not exist on node %s
Cause: The specified version of an Oracle home exists on only one node of the cluster. A matching Oracle home must exist on each node of the cluster.
Action: Update the Oracle homes in the cluster so that they are symmetrical.
FS-10556 Resource %s belongs to Oracle home %s. It cannot be added to a group with resources from Oracle home %s
Cause: A group can contain resources from only one Oracle home. The resource being added is not from the same Oracle home as resources already in the group.
Action: Put resources from only one Oracle home in a group.
FS-10557 Failed reading Oracle home information from Windows registry
Cause: An attempt was made to read Oracle home information from the Windows registry.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle home information in the Windows registry is correct.
FS-10558 Cannot determine the Oracle home for this resource %s
Cause: The operation cannot determine to which Oracle home this resource belongs.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle home information in the Windows registry is correct.
FS-10559 Failed processing Oracle home information for the given path
Cause: The operation cannot process the Oracle home information for the specified path.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle home information in the Windows registry is correct. Also ensure that the specified home is part of the Windows path.
FS-10560 %s : Starting to create group %s
Cause: Starting to create the group in the cluster.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10561 %s : Creating cluster resources for IP address %s and network name %s
Cause: Creating IP address and network name resources in the group.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10562 %s : Validating virtual server information for %s
Cause: Validating the network information of the virtual server.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10563 %s : Group %s has been created successfully and is online on node %s
Cause: The Create Group operation has completed successfully.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10565 The Oracle Net configuration is not correct on node %s. Do you want Oracle Services for MSCS to fix it?
Cause: The verify operation found a problem with the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the problem. Click No to try to fix the problem yourself. If you click No, the verify operation will continue. See Oracle Fail Safe Concepts and Administration Guide for Microsoft Windows for suggestions on how to troubleshoot Oracle Net configuration problems.
FS-10566 The Oracle Net client configuration (tnsnames.ora) is incorrect on node %s. Do you want it to be fixed?
Cause: The verify operation found a problem with the Oracle Net client configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the problem. Click No to try to fix the problem yourself. If you click No, the verify operation will continue. See the Oracle Fail Safe Concepts and Administration Guide for Microsoft Windows for suggestions on how to troubleshoot Oracle Net configuration problems.
FS-10567 Node %s does not own this database, but references it in its Oracle Net configuration. Remove the reference?
Cause: The Validate Standalone Database operation found a reference to the database in the Oracle Net configuration on the non-owning cluster node. This may lead to future problems when you try to add the database to a group.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the problem by removing the reference. Click No to try to fix the problem yourself. If you click No, the verify operation will continue. See Oracle Fail Safe Concepts and Administration Guide for Microsoft Windows for suggestions on how to troubleshoot Oracle Net configuration problems.
FS-10568 Node %s does not own this database, but refers to it in its Oracle Net configuration. Remove the reference?
Cause: The Validate Standalone Database operation found a reference to the database in the Oracle Net client configuration file (tnsnames.ora) on the non-owning cluster node. Oracle Fail Safe cannot verify the information on the remote node. Therefore, the reference should be deleted.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the problem by removing the reference. Click No to try to fix the problem yourself. If you click No, the verify operation will continue. See Oracle Fail Safe Concepts and Administration Guide for Microsoft Windows for suggestions on how to troubleshoot Oracle Net configuration problems.
FS-10569 Node %s does not own the database, but has a duplicate database instance %s. Remove the duplicate?
Cause: The Validate Standalone Database operation found a duplicate instance on the non-owning cluster node. This will cause problems if you attempt to add this database to a group. The standalone database instance must be unique in the cluster to make the database fail-safe.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the problem by removing this instance. Click No to try to fix the problem yourself. If you click No, the verify operation will continue.
FS-10570 An Oracle Net configuration problem was detected on node %s, but not repaired
Cause: The verify operation found a problem with the Oracle Net configuration but when asked if Oracle Fail Safe should repair the problem, you clicked No. The verify operation tries to continue without fixing the specified problem.
Action: Fix the problem manually or rerun the verify operation and click Yes when prompted.
FS-10571 A duplicate database instance %s was detected on node %s, but not removed
Cause: The verify operation found a duplicate database instance on the specified node but when asked if Oracle Fail Safe should repair the problem, you clicked No. The verify operation tries to continue without fixing the specified problem.
Action: Fix the problem manually or rerun the verify operation and click Yes when prompted.
FS-10572 Oracle Net listener %s should not listen for SID %s. Remove the SID to solve this problem
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the Verify Standalone Database operation.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10573 Oracle Net listener %s should listen for SID %s. Add the SID to solve this problem
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the Verify Standalone Database operation.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10574 Oracle Net listener %s should not listen for SID %s. Delete the listener to solve this problem
Cause: The problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the Verify Standalone Database operation.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10575 Error validating virtual server information for %s
Cause: Failed to validate the virtual server information.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10576 Error determining owner node for clusterwide operation
Cause: Failed to determine the owner or starting node for the clusterwide operation.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10577 Oracle Net default listener should listen for SID %s. Create the default listener to solve this problem
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the Verify Standalone Database operation.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10579 Failed to perform default listener check
Cause: Failed to perform the default listener check.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10580 File %s not found. Need to create new file for Oracle Net listener %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10581 Oracle Net listener %s for the group is not found
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10582 Oracle Net listener %s has incorrect TCP address entries
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10583 Oracle Net listener %s has missing strings
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10584 Oracle Net listener %s does not listen for SID %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10585 Oracle Net listener %s address list must be updated due to virtual host changes
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10586 Oracle Net listener %s has incorrect IPC address entries
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10587 Verification for this resource cannot be done. Use an alternate method
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: See the secondary error message.
FS-10588 Use MSCS Cluster Administrator to remove all database resources from the group, then run Verify Standalone Database
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Use Windows Failover Cluster Manager to remove all database resources from the group. For each database that was in the group, run the Verify Standalone Database command. Afterwards, you can add each database to the group again.
FS-10589 Database initialization file %s has incorrect LOCAL_LISTENER parameter
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10590 File %s not found. Create file to make service name %s available
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10591 Service name %s has incorrect SID name in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10592 Service name %s has incorrect network name in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10593 Service name %s has incorrect address parameters in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10594 Service name %s does not exist in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10595 Service name %s has too many addresses in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10596 Service name %s has too few addresses in %s
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10597 Do you want to enable OCI automatic application failover for service name %s in the tnsnames.ora files?
Cause: Additional data in the service name entry is necessary for the OCI automatic application failover feature.
Action: Click Yes to enable the OCI automatic application failover feature.
FS-10598 Service name %s should not exist on %s because this is not the owner node of the database
Cause: This problem was reported by the Oracle Net validation portion of the group Validate action.
Action: Answer the question asked in the secondary error message.
FS-10599 File %s cannot be parsed because of syntax errors or file corruption. The file must be fixed manually
Cause: The file cannot be parsed by Oracle Net syntax rules.
Action: Repair the file manually.