2.13 FS-10600 to FS-10649

FS-10600 Oracle Net configuration file updated: %s
Cause: The Oracle Net configuration file has been updated.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10601 Oracle Net listener %s started
Cause: The Oracle Net listener has been started.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10602 Oracle Net listener %s restarted
Cause: The Oracle Net listener has been restarted.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10603 Oracle Net listener %s stopped
Cause: The Oracle Net listener has been stopped.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10604 Oracle Net listener %s deleted
Cause: The Oracle Net listener has been deleted.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10605 Oracle Net listener %s created
Cause: The Oracle Net listener has been created.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10606 Listener configuration updated in database parameter file: %s
Cause: The database parameter file has been updated for the listener configuration.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10607 Entry %s added to %s
Cause: The specified Oracle Net entry was added to the tnsnames.ora file.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10608 Entry %s updated in %s
Cause: The specified Oracle Net entry was updated in the tnsnames.ora file.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10609 Entry %s deleted from %s
Cause: The specified Oracle Net entry was deleted from the tnsnames.ora file.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10610 Failed to write to file %s
Cause: A write operation to the specified file failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10611 Failed to open file %s for read
Cause: An operation to open the specified file in read mode failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10612 Failed to create or open file %s for write
Cause: An operation to create or open the specified file in write mode failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10613 Failed to delete file %s
Cause: An operation to delete the specified file failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10614 Failed to copy file from %s to %s
Cause: An operation to copy the specified file failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10615 Failed to delete Windows service %s
Cause: The specified Windows service could not be deleted.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10616 Failed to open Windows service %s
Cause: The specified Windows service could not be opened.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10617 Failed to obtain the Windows Service Control Manager database lock
Cause: The Windows Service Control Manager database lock was not granted.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10618 Failed to change the configuration for Windows service %s
Cause: The specified Windows service configuration could not be modified.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10619 Failed to authenticate user %s on node %s for Windows service %s
Cause: Failed to authenticate the specified user name and password. The Windows service uses this user name and password to log on at startup time.
Action: Enter a valid user name (including domain) and password. Check the secondary error.
FS-10620 Account %s on node %s does not have the Log on as a service user right
Cause: The specified account does not have the ”Log on as a service” user right. This user right is required for a Windows service to log on the user at service startup time.
Action: Grant the ”Log on as a service” right to the account on the specified node.
FS-10621 Failed to open the registry key %s
Cause: The specified registry key could not be opened.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10622 Failed to read the registry variable %s
Cause: The specified registry variable could not be read.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10623 Failed to stop Windows service %s
Cause: The specified Windows service could not be stopped.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10624 Failed to remove directory %s
Cause: The specified directory could not be removed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-10625 Failed to access the disk where directory %s resides
Cause: The most likely cause of this error is that the disk where the specified directory resides is not online.
Action: Bring the disk online and retry the operation.
FS-10626 Created Windows service %s
Cause: Created the specified Windows service.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10627 Deleted Windows service %s
Cause: Deleted the specified Windows service.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10628 Account %s on node %s does not have the Log on as a service user right. Do you want to grant this user right?
Cause: The specified account does not have the ”Log on as a service” user right. This user right is required for a Windows service to log on the user at service startup time.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to grant the ”Log on as a service” right to the user on the specified node. Click No if you do not want the user right granted.
FS-10629 Do you want to delete Windows service %s on node %s?
Cause: Oracle Fail Safe needs to know to delete the specified Windows service.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to delete the specified Windows service. Click No to continue without deleting.
FS-10630 Host not found
Cause: No such host is known. The name is not an official host name or alias, or it cannot be found in the database or databases being queried.
Action: Make sure a valid host name is used.
FS-10631 Host unreachable
Cause: A socket operation failed because the host is unreachable.
Action: Make sure a valid host name is used and that the host is reachable. (Make sure you can ping the host name.)
FS-10632 Valid host name, but no data record of requested type
Cause: The requested host name is valid and was found in the database, but the host name does not have an IP address mapped to it.
Action: Make sure you can resolve the host name before using it with Oracle Fail Safe. Make sure the host name is mapped to an IP address (in the HOST file or through WINS or DNS).
FS-10633 Unspecified network error
Cause: An unspecified Windows Socket error occurred.
Action: Report the problem to your network administrator.
FS-10634 Error %d occurred calling the Windows Socket function %s
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while calling the specified Windows Socket function.
Action: Look up the specified error in the Windows Socket include file or manual.
FS-10635 Created file %s
Cause: Created the specified file.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10640 Internal error: Simple parser: entry not found
Cause: This is for internal use only.
Action: Report the problem to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10641 Internal error: Simple parser: bad use of API
Cause: This is for internal use only.
Action: Report the problem to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10644 %s : Verifying Oracle homes
Cause: Starting verification of the Oracle homes.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10645 %s has home %s in %s
Cause: Reporting on a specific Oracle home.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10646 The following Oracle homes do not exist on all cluster nodes: %s
Cause: At least one Oracle home does not exist on all cluster nodes. Any resources in such a home cannot be made highly available using Oracle Fail Safe.
Action: Install the resource provider software so that it exists in the same home on all cluster nodes to make a resource in that home highly available.
FS-10647 The resource provider %s has been enabled. The dependent software was found to be installed
Cause: The specified resource provider has been enabled because the required dependent software was found. For example, to use the database resource provider, a supported version of Oracle Database must be installed.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10648 The resource provider %s has been disabled. The dependent software must be installed before it can be enabled
Cause: The specified resource provider has been disabled because the required dependent software was not found. For example, to use the database resource provider, a supported version of Oracle Database must be installed.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10649 The %s software installed in the %s home directory exists on one cluster node only
Cause: At least one home on each cluster node must contain the same version of the resource provider software.
Action: Install the resource provider software so that it exists in the same home on all cluster nodes.