11 Using the Windows Interface

This chapter explains how to use the Windows interface version of Oracle Test Manager. The Windows interface version includes a subset of the features in the Web interface version.

11.1 Configuring Databases

You can add an existing database to Oracle Test Manager or you can create a new one. In addition, you can create tables in an empty SQL database. When you add a database, Oracle Test Manager creates a user account for the default user and the administrator. Use Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator to add more users and to customize projects.

Select Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Configuration from the Oracle Application Testing Suite - Tools menu to open the Configure Databases dialog box.

Refer to Chapter 9, "Configuring Databases" for instructions on adding, deleting, and updating databases.

11.2 Logging In

To start the Windows version of Oracle Test Manager:

  1. Select Oracle Test Manager - Win32 Client from the Tools menu on the Oracle Application Testing Suite start menu to start Oracle Test Manager.

  2. Enter your username.

  3. Enter your password.

  4. Select the database to which you want to log in.

  5. Select the view type.

  6. Click OK.

11.3 Windows

The Oracle Test Manager Main window is where you perform Oracle Test Manager activities. The main window consists of the menu options, toolbar, and once a project is opened, the left pane and right pane. The left pane is a tree view that lists scripts, requirements, or issues, depending on the tab that is selected. The right pane displays the detailed information related to the item selected in the left pane.

The left pane has the following tabs:

Requirements - lists the requirements that must be tested for this project. From here, you can add, edit, or delete requirements. Once added, you can associate tests with them so you know which tests address the requirement.

Tests - lists the test cases that pertain to this project. From here you can insert, edit, and delete test cases. Once added, you can associate requirements and issues with them so you know which requirements the test addresses and whether there are any issues pertaining to the test. You can run individual tests, an entire branch, or all tests in the project.

Issues - lists the issues created as a result of running the tests in the project. From here you can insert, edit, and delete issues. Once added, you can associate tests and other issues with them so you to know which test the issue effects and any related issues. You can group issues in several ways using the right-click menu.

11.3.1 Custom Fields

In addition to the default information displayed in the right pane, there may be optional custom fields. These fields are created by your system administrator.

11.3.2 Requirements Tab

The Requirements tab lets you work with requirements.

You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view by clicking on the plus and minus signs.

  • Move requirements by dragging and dropping them into their new locations.

  • Search requirements by selecting Find from the Edit menu.

  • Group requirements using the View menu or right-click menu.

  • Filter the requirement list using the View menu or right-click menu.

The color of the icon in front of the requirement indicates its priority. The color is determined by the display order of the priority field as set up in Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator. The default colors are as follows:

  • Red, high priority

  • Yellow, medium priority

  • Green, low priority

If you add additional priorities in Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator, the colors will be blue, silver, purple, dark orange, light blue, and gray.

The right pane lists the selected requirement's details. In the upper right corner, associated tests and issues are listed as well as attachments. You can:

  • Click Edit this requirement to open the Edit Requirement dialog box.

  • Click on an associated test or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments or associated items.

11.3.3 Tests Tab

The Tests tab lets you work with tests.

You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view using the plus and minus signs.

  • Move tests by dragging and dropping them into their new locations.

  • Search tests by selecting Find from the Edit menu.

  • Group tests using the View menu or right-click menu.

  • Filter the test list using the View menu or right-click menu.

The icon in front of the test indicates the type of test as follows:

  • Manual test - blue with a pencil.

  • Test folder - blue with a spiral.

  • Test group - blue with a plus sign.

The color of the icon in front of the test indicates the last result from running the test, as follows:

  • Green, passed

  • Red, failed

  • Yellow, warning

  • Blue, not run

  • Silver, currently running

The right pane lists the selected test's details. Test steps and run history are displayed. You can:

  • Click Edit this test to open the Edit Test dialog box.

  • Click Run this test to execute the test.

  • Click Delete Results to display the Delete Results dialog box for deleting results from particular test runs.

  • Click Download Test Script to save Visual Scripts that have been saved in the database to your hard drive.

  • Click the date in the Run History section to display result details for a particular run.

In the upper right corner or the right pane, associated requirements and issues are listed as well as attachments. You can:

  • Click on an associated requirement or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments or associated items.

11.3.4 Issues Tab

The Issues tab lets you work with issues.

You can:

  • Group issues using the View menu or right-click menu.

  • Filter the issue list using the View menu or right-click menu.

  • Search issues by selecting Find from the Edit men u.

The color of the icon in front of the issue indicates its priority. The default colors are as follows and can be changed by changing the order of the Issue Priorities in Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator:

  • Red, high priority

  • Yellow, medium priority

  • Green, low priority

The number inside the icon corresponds to the status number.

The right pane lists information about the selected issue including the issue's details, solution, priority, and status. You can:

  • Click Edit this issue to open the Edit Issue dialog box.

In the upper right corner of the right pane, associated requirements, tests, and issues are listed as well as attachments. You can:

  • Click on an associated test, requirement, or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments or associated items.

11.4 Toolbar

The Toolbar has the following buttons:

Open- displays the Select Project dialog box.

Cut - copies the selected component to the clipboard and deletes it when it is pasted.

Copy - copies the selected component to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard into the left pane at the current location.

Find - displays the Find dialog box for searching requirements, tests, and issues.

History - displays the History dialog box for viewing the selected item's history.

Add Requirement - displays the Add Requirement dialog box.

Add Test - displays the Add New Test dialog box.

Add Issue - displays the Add Issue dialog box.

Delete - deletes the selected item.

Edit - displays the Edit Requirement, Edit Test, or Edit Issue dialog box, based on the selected item.

Move Up - moves the selected item up one spot at its current level.

Move Down - moves the selected item down one spot at its current level.

Outdent - moves the selected item to the same level as its parent.

Indent - moves the selected item to a sub menu of the previous item.

Run - runs the selected test.

Abort Test - stops the running test.

View Schedule - displays the Schedule dialog box.

Activate Schedule - starts the schedule.

Deactivate Schedule - stops the schedule.

Help - displays the help system contents.

Select Toolbar from the View menu to show or hide the toolbar.

11.5 Overview of the Menu Options

The menus provide options for accessing the various Oracle Test Manager features. Many of these menu options have corresponding links in the right detail pane.

11.5.1 Project Menu

The Project menu options let you work with Oracle Test Manager projects.

Open - displays the Select Project dialog box for opening an existing project. More than one project can be open at one time.

Close - closes the project.

Properties - displays the name of the project and the database in which it is located.

Exit- closes Oracle Test Manager.

11.5.2 Edit Menu

The Edit menu options let you add, edit, and delete components as well as and associate them with one another. The options on this menu vary depending on which tab is selected in the left pane.

Cut - deletes the selected component and places it on the clipboard.

Copy - copies the selected component to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard into the left pane.

Find - displays the Find dialog box for searching requirements, tests, and issues.

11.5.3 View Menu

The View menu lets you show or hide the toolbar and status bar, refresh the display, group issues, and view test history and reports.

Toolbar - when checked, the toolbar is displayed.

Status Bar - when checked, the status bar is displayed.

Refresh - refreshes the display and reloads the tree from the database.

Filter - lets you select which items to display in the left pane based on field values.

  • No filter - shows all items.

  • Customize Filters - shows only the requested items.

Group by - lets you select how to sort items in the left pane. It has the following options.

  • No Grouping - lists items sequentially.

  • Group by <field> -sorts items into folders by the indicated field. The options available differ for requirements, tests, and issues.

  • Customize Groupings - displays the Customize Groupings dialog box for multi-level sorting. For example, you could sort by assigned to and then priority within assigned to.

Requirement/Test/Issue History - displays the History dialog box for viewing changes, by date, that have been made to the selected item.

Schedule - displays the Schedule dialog box for creating or editing the schedule.

Activate Schedule - starts the schedule.

Deactivate Schedule - stops the schedule.

Display Unique IDs - displays unique IDs for requirements and tests.

11.5.4 Actions Menu

The Actions menu lets you add, edit, and move requirements, tests, and issues. It also lets you attach files, associate items, and run tests.

Add - displays the options for adding requirements, tests, or issues based on the selected tab.

  • Add Requirement/Test/Issue - displays the Add Requirement, Add Test, or Add Issue dialog box for adding a new component. The component is added after the selected component at the same level.

  • Insert Requirement/Test- displays the Insert Requirement or Insert Test dialog box for inserting a component directly above the selected component. This option is not available for issues.

  • Add Sub Requirement/Sub Test - displays the Add Child Requirement or Add Child Test dialog box for adding a component at the level below the selected component. This option is not available for issues.

Edit Requirement/Test/Issue - displays the Edit Requirement, Edit Test, or Edit Issue dialog box for editing the selected component.

Delete Requirement/Test/Issue - deletes the selected component and its sub components.

Move - displays the following options for moving the selected item in the tree view.

  • Move Up - moves the selected item up one spot at its current level.

  • Move Down - moves the selected item down one spot at its current level.

  • Outdent - moves the selected item to the same level as its parent.

  • Indent - moves the selected item to a submenu of the previous item.

Associate - displays the options for associating requirements, tests, and issues based on the selected tab.

Attach File - displays the Attach File dialog box.

Run Test - displays the following options for running tests. These options are only available when the Test tab is selected.

  • Run Test - executes the selected test.

  • Run Test Branch - executes all tests in the selected branch.

  • Run All Tests - executes all tests in the project.

  • Abort Test - stops the running test.

Edit Test Steps - displays the Test Steps dialog box for editing test steps. This option is only available when the Test tab is selected.

Delete Test Results - displays the Delete Results dialog box for selecting the results to delete. This option is only available when the Test tab is selected.

Schedule Test- displays the Schedule Test dialog box for adding the selected test to the schedule.

11.5.5 Tools Menu

The Tools menu lets you set options, user properties, configurations, and import and export items.

Options - displays the Options dialog box for setting Oracle Test Manager options.

User Properties - displays the User Properties dialog box for changing your password, name, or email address.

Configure Databases - displays the Configure Databases dialog box for adding, removing, and updating databases.

Import - lets you import data from an external XML or CSV file.

Export - lets you export data to an XML file. It has the following options.

  • Export Requirement/Test/Issue - exports the selected item.

  • Export Requirement/Test/Issue Branch - exports the selected branch.

  • Export All Requirements/Tests/Issues - exports all items.

  • Export Project - exports the project to an XML file.

11.5.6 Help Menu

Contents - opens the help system contents.

About Oracle Test Manager - provides version number and copyright information.

11.6 Setting Options

You can set options that determine:

  • whether Oracle Test Manager automatically creates issues for failed tests,

  • the number of test results to display.

To set options:

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Automatically create issues for failed tests - Oracle Test Manager automatically creates issues for tests that fail.

    Copy results with tests - copies both the test and its results.

    Limit number of displayed test results - when selected, you can enter the maximum number of test results you want to show, otherwise all test results are shown.

  2. Select the options you want to enable.

  3. Click OK.

11.7 Changing User Properties

You can change your user name, email address, password, and enable or disable email notification for each database to which you have access. To change your user information:

  1. Select User Properties from the Tools menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Database - select the database for which you want to change your user information.

    First Name - displays your first name.

    Last Name - displays your last name.

    E-mail - displays the e-mail address to which e-mail notification will be sent if the Enable E-mail notification option is selected.

    Enable E-mail notification - enables and disables e-mail notification. Notification is sent when a new requirement, test, or issue is created and when an issue's owner or assigned to field is changed.

    Password - lets you change your password.

    • Old - enter the current password.

    • New - enter the new password.

    • Confirm - enter the new password again.

  2. Select the database for which you want to change your information.

  3. Make any changes.

  4. Click OK.

11.8 Grouping Items

You can change the order in which requirements, tests, and issues are displayed by changing the way they are grouped. The default view is not grouped. Items are listed in order. Oracle Test Manager provides some standard grouping selections or you can customize the grouping according to the information that is most important to you.

11.8.1 Using the Standard Grouping Selections

To group items:

  1. Select the tab corresponding to the category you want to group, requirements, tests, or issues.

  2. Select Group by from the View menu.

  3. Select the way you want to sort the items. Items are redisplayed grouped into folders and subfolders.

Click the folder level to display a list of items in the folder. Click the item for which you want to view details.

11.8.2 Using Customized Grouping

To customize groups:

  1. Select the tab corresponding to the category you want to group, requirements, tests, or issues.

  2. Select Group by from the View menu then select Customize Groupings. You can group items up to four levels.

  3. Select how you want to group issues. You can group by both default and custom fields.

  4. Click OK. Items are redisplayed grouped into folders and subfolders.

Click the folder level to display a list of items in the folder. Click the item for which you want to view details.

11.9 Filtering Items

You can filter requirements, tests, and issues to display only those items in which you are interested. You can filter by both default and custom fields. Requirements and tests must be grouped before they can be filtered. Issues can be filtered whether or not they are grouped.

To filter items:

  1. Select the tab corresponding to the items you want to filter, Requirements, Tests, or Issues.

  2. If you are filtering requirements or tests, group them first as described above.

  3. Select Filter from the View menu then select Customize Filters to display the Filter dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Field - select the field that you want to use to select the items to display.

    Value - enter or select the value of the field that you want to use to select the items to display.

    Equals - causes only items that match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

    Not Equal - causes only items that do not match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

  4. Select the field by which you want to filter.

  5. Select or enter the value by which you want to filter.

  6. Select Equals if you want to display items that match the value. Select Not Equal if you want to display items that do not match the value.

  7. Repeat these steps to filter to three levels, if required.

  8. Click OK. The left pane is redisplayed according to your selections.


Items that are not displayed are still in the database. To display the default view select Filter from the View menu then select No Filters.

11.10 Working with Projects

The following sections explain the project options.

11.10.1 Opening Projects

To open a project:

  1. Select Open from the Project menu.

  2. Select the database that contains the project you want to open. The projects displayed are only those in the selected database.

  3. Select the project you want to open.

  4. Click OK.

11.10.2 Copying Between Projects

You can copy requirements and tests from one project to another.

  1. Open both projects by selecting Open from the Project menu.

  2. Select Tile from the Window menu so that both projects can be viewed.

  3. Make sure the same tab is selected in both projects. For example, if you are copying requirements, select the Requirements tab in both windows. If you do not do this, nothing will be copied.

  4. Select the item you want to copy and select Copy from the Edit menu.

  5. Select the destination project and select Paste from the Edit menu. Note that associations are not copied.

11.10.3 Viewing Project Properties

You can view the project name and its location. To view project properties, select Properties from the Project menu.

This dialog box has the following options:

Name - displays the project name.

Database - displays the name of the database in which the project is located.

Version - displays the database version.

11.11 Using Attachments

You can attach files containing additional or related information to requirements, tests, or issues. The attachment will open in a separate window in the appropriate program.

11.11.1 Attaching Files to Requirements, Tests, or Issues

To attach a file:

  1. Select the Requirement, Test, or Issue to which you want to add an attachment.

  2. Select Attach File from the Actions menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    File - displays the full path and name of the attachment.

    Location - displays Database if the attachment was stored in the database; otherwise displays the path.

    Close - closes the dialog box.

    Add - displays the Open dialog box.

    Remove - either removes the reference to the attachment or deletes the attachment from the database. Attachments are not deleted from the local machine.

    Copy to DB/Update DB - for attachments stored in the database, updates the selected attachment, otherwise stores the attachment in the database.

    Save Local - for attachments stored in the database, displays the Save As dialog box for saving the attachment to the local machine.

  3. Click Add to display the Open dialog box.

  4. Navigate to the file you want to attach and select it.

  5. Select Store in Database to save the attachment in the database. This allows the attachment to be opened on other machines.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Click Close.

11.11.2 Opening Attachments

Attachments are opened in a separate window in their associated application. You can open attachments that are stored in the database or located on the machine you are using. You can also edit attachments stored in the database. If you do, Oracle Test Manager asks you if you want to save the changes to the database when you close the window.

To open an attachment:

  1. Select the Requirement, Test, or Issue containing the attachment.

  2. Click the attachment that you want to open in the Attachment section of the right pane.

11.12 Viewing History

You can view, by date, the history of changes for an individual requirement, test, or issue.

To view history:

  1. Select the requirement, test, or issue that you want to view.

  2. Select Requirement, Test, or Issue History from the View menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Date - lists the dates on which changes were made to the selected item.

    <Detail> - displays the details of the selected item as of the selected date.

  3. Select the date you want to view.

  4. Click OK when you are done.

11.13 Searching Projects

You can search requirements, tests, and issues based on the value of individual fields. To search:

  1. Select Find from the Edit menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Project - lets you select whether to search the current project only or all projects in the current database.

    • Current Project - searches only the current project.

    • Current Database - searches all projects in the current database.

    Component - specifies the component to search:

    • Requirements - searches through requirements.

    • Tests - searches through tests.

    • Issues - searches through issues.

    Criteria - specifies the search criteria:

    • Field - select the field to search through. The fields listed are determined by the selected component.

    • Value - select or enter the value to search for. The values listed are determined by the selected field. Not all fields let you enter a value.

    • Equals - returns only exact matches.

    • Contains - returns matches if the field contains the value.

    Results - lists the matches. Double-click on an item to display it in Oracle Test Manager.

  2. Select whether to search only the current project or all projects in the database.

  3. Select the component through which you want to search.

  4. Select the search criteria.


    You can use SQL characters for searching. For example, if you wanted to find all issues that contained Joe Smith and Mary Jones in the description field, you could enter %Joe Smith%Mary Jones% in the value field.
  5. Click Search. Double-click on an item in the Results list to display it in Oracle Test Manager.

11.14 Importing and Exporting Data

You can import and export data to and from Oracle Test Manager. Data is exported as an .xml file. Data can be imported from either an .xml file or a Comma Separated Value (.CSV) file. This is useful for example, if you have created your test cases using a third party tool.

11.14.1 Importing an XML File

If you are importing an .xml file that was previously exported from Oracle Test Manager, you will need any .bin files that were also created during the export. Data being imported is put in the current project. Only one project can be imported from any one .xml file. If an .xml file has more than one project, import it using Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator.

To import an .xml file:

  1. Select Import from the Tools menu to display the Open dialog box.

  2. Select the file type .xml.

  3. Select the file you want to import.

  4. Click Open to display the Import dialog box.

    This dialog box lists the requirements, tests, and issues that will be imported. It lets you review the data before importing it.

  5. Click OK to import the data.

11.14.2 Importing a CSV File

To import data from a .csv file, Oracle Test Manager must match the columns in the .csv file with the fields in the database. It assumes that the first row in the .csv file contains labels indicating the type of data in the columns. Oracle Test Manager lets you either manually map the columns to the database fields or lets you choose to let Oracle Test Manager automatically map the columns to the database fields.

To import a .csv file:

  1. Select Import from the Tools menu to display the Open dialog box.

  2. Select the file type .csv.

  3. Select the file you want to import.

  4. Click Open to display the Import CSV File dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Type - indicates the type of data you are importing. Select Issues, Requirements, or Tests. The list of fields changes based on your selection.

    # - lists the column number in the .csv file.

    CSV Column - displays the column label in the .csv file found in the header row.

    Field - lists the Oracle Test Manager database fields for the type of data you are importing, Requirements, Tests, or Issues.

    CSV Column - displays the column label in the .csv file that matches the Oracle Test Manager database field. This column is blank until you either click Auto Match or manually associate the labels.

    Row - when a column is selected, displays the data in the column. This is useful when you want to verify the data in the .csv file.

    <Up arrow> - scrolls up the rows in the .csv file displaying the data for the selected column.

    <Down arrow> - scrolls down the rows in the .csv file displaying the data for the selected column.

    <Left arrow> - when a field is selected, removes the association between the .csv file label and the Oracle Test Manager database field.

    <Right arrow> - when both a field and a column label are selected, moves the selected column label into the column field on the left, indicating that the data in this column corresponds to the expected data for the database field.

    Auto Match - Oracle Test Manager tries to match the .csv file column labels with the database fields. If it finds matches, they are listed to the right of the Field column.

  5. Select the type of data you are importing. Only one type of data can be imported from any one .csv file because the column labels and data are different for requirements, tests, and issues.

  6. Match the column labels with the database field names. You can do this in two ways:

    • automatically by clicking Auto Match.

    • manually by selecting a field and a column label and clicking the left arrow. To view the data in the .csv file, select the column label and use the up and down arrow keys.

  7. Click OK when you are finished matching columns.

    This dialog box lists the requirements, tests, and issues that will be imported. It lets you review the data before importing it.

  8. Click OK.

11.14.3 Exporting Data

You can export an entire project, an individual requirement, test, or issue, a branch of requirements, tests, or issues, or all requirements, tests, or issues to an .xml file. In addition to the .xml file, several .bin files are created that contain associated data such as attachment files. If you are copying or emailing the exported data to another location for later import, you will need the .xml file and all of the associated .bin files. To export data:

  1. Select the data you want to export:

    • Select Export Project from the Tools menu to export the entire project.

    • Select the tab of the type of data you want to export, select an individual item or branch if you are exporting a subset of an item, then select Export from the Tools menu and whether you want to export the selected item, the selected branch, or all items in this category.

  2. If you are exporting the entire project, you will be asked if you want to export attachments.

  3. If you have selected an item that has associated items, you are asked if you want to export them as well. Click Yes to export associated items.

  4. The Save As dialog box is displayed. Enter a file name and select a location to save the file.

  5. Click Save.

11.15 Working With Requirements

Requirements reflect the test plan for the project. Similar requirements can be grouped together into branches for easy management. Once entered, they can be associated with the tests that address them. Requirements are automatically numbered when you add them. You can reorder them using the move buttons.

11.15.1 Adding Requirements


The fields and options available to you may be different than those shown in the following examples if your system has been customized by your system administrator.

Requirements are automatically numbered when you add them. You can reorder them by dragging them to the new location. To add a requirement:

  1. Select the Requirements tab.

  2. Select Add from the Actions menu then select one of the following options:

    • Add Requirement - to add a requirement after the selected requirement at the same level.

    • Insert Requirement - to add the requirement above the selected requirement at the same level.

    • Add Sub Requirement - to add a requirement one level below the selected requirement.

    The Add Requirement dialog box is displayed. This dialog box has the following options:

    Name - enter the name of the requirement.

    Type - enter the type of requirement. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Owner - select the user that owns the requirement. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Status - select the status of the requirement. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Priority - select the priority of the requirement. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Description - enter additional details about the requirement.

    Attachment - lets you add an attachment to this requirement. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

  3. Enter the requirement details.

  4. Click OK.

11.15.2 Deleting Requirements

To delete requirements:

  1. Select the requirement or branch that you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete Requirement from the Actions menu.

  3. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion. The requirement and all its sub requirements are deleted from the database.

11.15.3 Editing Requirements

To edit a requirement:

  1. Select the requirement you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit Requirement from the Actions menu.

  3. Make any changes.

  4. Click OK.

11.16 Associating Tests With Requirements

To associate tests with a requirement:

  1. Select the requirement with which you want to associate a test.

  2. Select Associate from the Actions menu then select Associate Test.

    This dialog box lists all of the tests in the project in an expanded tree view. Associated tests have an "x" in the checkbox in front of them. It has the following options:

    <test list> - click tests to add and delete them from the list of associated tests.

    OK - closes the dialog box and saves changes.

    Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving changes.

    Select All - selects all tests.

    Clear All - deselects all tests.

    Next - moves to the next associated test.

    Previous - moves to the previous associated test.

  3. Select the tests you want associated with this requirement. The number of selected items is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click OK. The tests will be listed in the right pane under associated tests.

11.17 Working With Tests

For manual tests, you enter the individual test steps. When you run a manual test, a wizard guides you through each step, allowing you to enter the results.

Tests can be grouped together into branches for easy management. Once entered, they can be associated with the requirements they address or any issues that result from running the test.

Scripts are saved in the database so that the tests can be run from other machines.

11.17.1 Adding Tests


The fields and options available to you may be different than those shown in the following examples if your system has been customized by your system administrator.

Tests are automatically numbered when you enter them. You can reorder them by dragging them to the new location. To add a test:

  1. Select the Tests tab.

  2. Select Add from the Actions menu, then select one of the following options:

    • Add Test - to add a test after the selected test at the same level.

    • Insert Test - to add the test above the selected test at the same level.

    • Add Sub Test - to add a test one level below the selected test.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Name - displays the test name.

    Type - displays the type of test. The last type selected is displayed first in the last.

    • Manual Test - manual tests are entered, performed, and kept track of manually.

    • Test folder - high level descriptions for grouping tests together.

    • Test Group - a list of tests that are sequentially run together that can also be scheduled. In addition, the overall results are tracked and displayed.

    Owner - displays the user that owns the test.

    Functionality - displays the description of the functionality the test is designed to verify.

    Priority - displays the priority of the test. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Description - displays the test description.

    Attachment - lets you add an attachment to this test. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

  3. Enter the name of the test. If you are adding more than one test script at the same time, you do not need to enter a name.

  4. Select the owner of the test.

  5. Select the test priority.

  6. Enter the file name for an attachment or click Browse to locate the file or files.

  7. Select the files you want to add and click Open.

  8. Click Ok.


If you are adding a manual test, select Edit Test Steps from the Actions menu to add details about the test. If you are adding a Test Group, click Add/Edit in the right pane in the Test List area to add tests to the group.

11.17.2 Adding Tests to a Test Group

Once you have created a Test Group, you can add tests to it. The tests in the group are run sequentially, and the group can also be scheduled. To add tests:

  1. Click the Tests tab.

  2. Select the Test Group to which you want to add tests.

  3. In the right pane, click Add/Edit in the Test List area to display the Tests dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    All Tests - displays the project's tree view for selecting the tests that you want to add to the group.

    <right and left arrows> - let you add and remove tests from the group.

    Tests in Group - displays the tests that are in the group. To remove a test, select it and click the left arrow.

  4. Select the tests that you want to add.

  5. Click the right arrow to move them into the group.

  6. Click OK.

11.17.3 Editing Test Steps

For manual tests, you can add, delete, or edit the test steps.

To edit test steps:

  1. Select the manual test you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit Test Steps from the Actions menu.

    This dialog box lets you edit and keep track of test steps for manual tests.

    Step - displays the step number.

    Page - displays the page being tested by the step.

    Comment - displays additional information about the step.

    This dialog box has the following options for manual tests:

    Step - displays the step number.

    Action - displays the action to perform.

    Expected Result - displays a description of what is expected to happen as a result of this step.

    Comment - displays additional information about the step.

    Delete - deletes the selected step.

    Move Up - moves the selected step up one position in the list.

    Move Down - moves the selected step down one position in the list.

    This dialog box has the following options for all tests:

    OK - exits the dialog box and accepts changes.

    Cancel - exits the dialog box without accepting changes.

  3. Select the step you want to edit or click New to add a step.

  4. Repeat for all steps you want to edit or add.

  5. Click OK.

11.17.4 Deleting Tests

To delete a test from the project:

  1. Select the test you want to delete. If the test has sub tests these are also deleted.

  2. Select Delete Test from the Actions menu.

  3. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion.

11.17.5 Editing Tests


The fields and options available to you may be different than those shown in the following examples if your system has been customized by your system administrator.

To edit tests:

  1. Select the test you want to change.

  2. Select Edit Test from the Actions menu.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Name - displays the test name.

    Type - displays the type of test. This field cannot be changed.

    Owner - displays the owner of the test.

    Functionality - displays the description of the functionality the test is designed to verify.

    Priority - displays the test's priority. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Description - displays the test description.

    Attachment - lets you add an attachment to this test. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

  3. Make any necessary changes.

  4. Click OK.

11.18 Running Tests

You can run all of the tests in the project, all tests in a branch of the project, or individual tests. Manual tests are not run when you run all tests or a test branch. They can only be run individually or as part of a Test Group. When you run a manual test, the Manual Test wizard runs to guide you through the steps and to allow you enter results.

You can set up Oracle Test Manager to automatically create an issue and associates it with the test if the test fails. Refer to Setting Oracle Test Manager Options in Chapter 2.


You cannot run OpenScript tests using the Win 32 Client user interface.

11.18.1 Running a Manual Test

To run a manual test:

  1. Select the test you want to run.

  2. Select Run Test from the Actions menu then select Run Test to start the manual test wizard.

    The Run Test dialog box has the following options. It may have additional fields if your administrator has added custom fields.

    Build Version - enter the version of the software you are testing.

  3. Enter the version number of the software you are testing and custom fields, if any, and click Next.

    The step dialog box appears for each step in the test. It has the following options:

    Action - displays the action to perform.

    Expected Result - displays the expected result.

    Comment - displays additional information about the step.

    Result - select the outcome of the step after performing it.

    Summary - enter additional information about the step.

    Create an issue - automatically adds an issue stating that the test had a status of failed or warning. This option is only available when Failed or Warning is selected.

  4. The Run Manual Test - Step dialog box is displayed for each step in the test. When you have completed the step, select the result and enter a comment.

  5. Click Next to go to the next step.

    The summary dialog box appears after all of the steps in the test have been completed. It has the following options:

    Result - enter the overall outcome of the test.

    Summary - enter additional information about the test.

  6. After the last step, the Run Manual Test - Summary dialog box is displayed. Enter the overall test result and any summary comments and click Finish.

11.18.2 Running a Test Group

When you run a Test Group, Oracle Test Manager runs the tests in the group in sequence. If there are any manual tests in the group you will be informed that human intervention may be required and asked if you want to continue. If you choose to continue, the Run Manual Test wizard prompts you through any manual tests in the group.

To run a test group:

  1. Select the test group and select Run Test from the Actions menu then select Run Test.

  2. Enter the version number of the software you are testing and any custom field information, if any, and click OK.

  3. If there are manual tests in the group, you will be asked if you want to continue. Click Yes.

  4. Oracle Test Manager runs the tests in sequence. The Run Manual Test wizard prompts you through any manual tests. The results are displayed when all tests have been run.

11.18.3 Deleting Test Results

You can delete test results based on the date and time the test was run.

To delete test results:

  1. Select Delete Test Results from the Actions menu.

  2. Select the results that you want to delete. You can select more than one test result by clicking on each test result that you want to delete.

  3. Click OK.

11.19 Associating Requirements With Tests

To associate requirements with a test:

  1. Select the test with which you want to associate a requirement.

  2. Select Associate from the Actions menu then select Associate Requirement.

    The Associate Requirements dialog box lists all of the requirements in the project in an expanded tree view. Associated requirements have an "x" in the checkbox in front of them. It has the following options:

    <requirements list> - click requirements to add and delete them from the list of associated requirements.

    OK - closes the dialog box and saves changes.

    Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving changes.

    Select All - selects all requirements.

    Clear All - deselects all requirements.

    Next - moves to the next associated requirement.

    Previous - moves to the previous associated requirement.

  3. Select the requirements you want associated with this test. The number of selected requirements is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click OK. The requirements will be listed in the right pane under associated requirements.

11.20 Associating Issues With Tests

To associate issues with a test:

  1. Select the test with which you want to associate an issue.

  2. Select Associate from the Actions menu then select Associate Issues.

    The Associate Issues dialog box lists all of the issues in the project in an expanded tree view using the same grouping as the Issues tab. Associated issues have an "x" in the checkbox in front of them. It has the following options:

    <issues list> - click issues to add and delete them from the list of associated issues.

    OK - closes the dialog box and saves changes.

    Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving changes.

    Select All - selects all issues.

    Clear All - deselects all issues.

    Next - moves to the next associated issue.

    Previous - moves to the previous associated issue.

  3. Select the issues you want associated with this test. The number of selected issues is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click OK. The issues will be listed in the right pane under associated issues.

11.21 Viewing Test Details

You can view the result details for each test run. To view test details:

  1. Select the test for which you want to view details.

  2. In the Run History section of the right pane, click the date of the test for which you want to view details.

11.22 Viewing the Results Report

The Results report is displayed in a browser window and gives detailed information about the test run. To view the Results report:

  1. Select the test for which you want to view the report.

  2. In the Run History section of the right pane, click the date of the test for which you want to view the report.

  3. Click View Report in the Result Detail Summary section of the right pane.

11.23 Working With Schedules

You can create a schedule to automatically run tests at a specified time. Once you have created a schedule, you can enable it. Oracle Test Manager must be running to enable a schedule, although you do not have to be logged in to a database. The schedule is automatically disabled when you exit Oracle Test Manager.

11.23.1 Scheduling Tests

To schedule a test:

  1. Select the test that you want to schedule.

  2. Select Schedule Test from the Actions menu to display the Schedule Test dialog box.

    The Schedule Tests dialog box has the following options:

    Database - indicates the database in which the test is located.

    Project - indicates the project to which this test belongs.

    Test - indicates the name of the test.

    Type - select the frequency with which you want to run the test. The options are:

    • Once - runs the test one time.

    • Daily - runs the test daily at the selected time.

    • Weekly - runs the test weekly at the selected date and time.

    • Monthly - runs the test once a month on the selected date and time.

    Date - click on the day, month, or year to edit the date or click the down arrow to display a calendar to select the date.

    Time - enter the time at which you want to run the test or click the arrows to change the time.

    Version - enter or select the version.

    Enable - enables the test so that it executes when the schedule is enabled. Disabled tests will not execute.

  3. Select the frequency with which you want to run the test.

  4. Select the date and time at which you want to run the test.

  5. Click OK.

11.23.2 Editing the Schedule

To edit the schedule:

  1. Select Schedule from the View menu to display the Schedule dialog box.

    The Schedule dialog box has the following options:

    Test List - lists the tests in the schedule. You can sort the schedule by any of the following columns by clicking the column title:

    • Test - displays the name of the test.

    • Type - displays the type of test.

    • Date - displays the date that the test is scheduled to run.

    • Time - displays the time that the test is scheduled to run.

    • Enabled - indicates whether the test is enabled or disabled.

    Close - exits the dialog box.

    Edit - displays the Edit Schedule dialog box for the selected test.

    Delete - deletes the selected test from the schedule.

  2. Select the test that you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit to display the Edit Schedule dialog box.

  4. Make any changes and click OK.

  5. Click Enable All to enable all tests or click Disable All to disable all tests.

  6. Click Close.

11.23.3 Enabling and Disabling the Schedule

Oracle Test Manager must be running for the schedule to execute. You do not have to be logged in to a database to enable or disable the schedule.

To enable the schedule, select Activate Schedule from the View menu. A check in front of this option indicates that the schedule is enabled.

To disable the schedule, select Deactivate Schedule from the View menu. A blank in front of this option indicates that the schedule is disabled.

11.24 Adding Issues


The fields and options available to you may be different than those shown in the following examples if your system has been customized by your system administrator.

When you add an issue, it is automatically assigned the next available number in the database and is added at the bottom of the list. This number cannot be changed. You can group issues using the right-click menu or by selecting Group by from the View menu. To add an issue:

  1. Select Add from the Actions menu then select Add Issue.

    The Add Issue dialog box has the following options:

    Summary - enter the title of the issue.

    Component - select the component associated with the issue. Components are entered by your system administrator using the Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator.

    Assigned To - select the person responsible for the issue. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Status - select the issue's status. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Priority - select the issue's priority. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Severity - select the severity of the issue. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Version - select or enter the version of the software that was being tested.

    Platform - select or enter the platform on which the issue occurred. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Description - enter details about the issue.

    Solution - enter details about the issue's resolution.

    Attachment - lets you add an attachment to this issue. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

  2. Enter the issue details.

  3. Click OK.

11.25 Deleting Issues

To delete issues:

  1. Select the issue you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete Issue from the Actions menu.

  3. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion.

11.26 Editing Issues


The fields and options available to you may be different than those shown in the following examples if your system has been customized by your system administrator.

To edit an issue:

  1. Select the issue you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit Issue from the Actions menu.

    The Edit Issue dialog box has the following options:

    Summary - enter the title of the issue.

    Component - select the component associated with the issue. Components are entered by your system administrator using the Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator.

    Assigned To - select the person responsible for the issue. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Status - select the issue's status. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Priority - select the issue's priority. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Severity - select the severity of the issue. These options can be changed by your system administrator.

    Version - select or enter the version of the software that was being tested.

    Platform - select or enter the platform on which the issue occurred.

    Add Description - enter a new description. This text is appended to previous description text.

    Edit Text - Select this option to display and edit previously entered description text. The text is displayed when the box is checked.

    Add Solution - enter a new resolution. The text is appended to previous solution text.

    Edit Text - Select this option to display and edit previously entered solution text. The text is displayed when the box is checked.

    Attachment - lets you add an attachment to this issue. Click Browse to display the Open dialog box for selecting the file to attach.

  3. Make any changes.

  4. Click OK.

11.27 Associating Issues With Issues

To associate issues with an issue:

  1. Select the issue with which you want to associate another issue.

  2. Select Associate from the Actions menu then select Associate Issues.

    This dialog box lists all of the issues in the project in an expanded tree view in the same grouping as the Issues tab. Associated issues have an "x" in the checkbox in front of them. It has the following options:

    <issues list> - click issues to add and delete them from the list of associated issues.

    OK - closes the dialog box and saves changes.

    Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving changes.

    Select All - selects all issues.

    Clear All - deselects all issues.

    Next - moves to the next associated issue.

    Previous - moves to the previous associated issue.

  3. Select the issues you want associated with this issue. The number of issues selected is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click OK. The issues will be listed in the right pane under associated issues.

11.28 Associating Tests With Issues

To associate tests with an issue:

  1. Select the issue with which you want to associate a test.

  2. Select Associate from the Actions menu then select Associate Test.

    This dialog box lists all of the tests in the project in an expanded tree view. Associated tests have an "x" in the checkbox in front of them. It has the following options:

    <test list> - click tests to add and delete them from the list of associated tests.

    OK - closes the dialog box and saves changes.

    Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving changes.

    Select All - selects all tests.

    Clear All - deselects all tests.

    Next- moves to the next associated test.

    Previous - moves to the previous associated test.

  3. Select the tests you want associated with this issue. The number of tests selected is displayed at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click OK. The tests will be listed in the right pane under associated tests.