5.4 Tracking Features

Use the Features page to track features from initial concept through implementation. You can organize features by release, assignee, tags, or associated milestones.

5.4.1 Viewing the Features Report

To view features:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears. The Features Dashboard displays an overview of features defined within the workspace.

  3. You can customize the display by making selections from the Assignee, Release, or Application lists and clicking Set.

  4. Click the Report tab.

    The Features Report page appears. To customize the appearance of the page, use the Search bar at the top of the page.

5.4.2 Creating a Feature

To create a feature:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click Create Feature.

  4. Fill in the appropriate fields. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

    To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help. See "Viewing Field-Level Help."

  5. To add new values to editable select lists, enter a value in the field with the title New. For example, to add name to the Owner list, enter a value in New Owner.

    The value you enter is added.

  6. Click Create Feature.

5.4.3 About Creating Parent Features

You can group features hierarchically using the Parent Feature attribute. Selecting a Parent Feature creates a parent/child relationship. When viewing features in Tree view, features are grouped first by release and then by parent.

5.4.4 Updating a Feature

To update a feature:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Report tab.

    The Report page appears.

  4. To edit a feature, click the feature name.

  5. Edit the appropriate fields.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

5.4.5 How to Attach Files to a Feature

If enabled at the workspace-level, you can attach files to features.

See Also:

"Viewing File Attachments" and "Enabling Support for File Upload in Team Development" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide. Attaching a File to a Feature


To use this feature, you must set the Enable File Repository attribute to Yes in Administration, Manage Service, Set Workspace Preferences.

To attach a file to a feature:

  1. Navigate to the Feature. See "Updating a Feature."

  2. From Actions, click Add File.

  3. On Add File:

    1. File - Locate the file to be uploaded.

    2. Description - Enter a description of the file.

    3. Click Add File.

    A new region, called Files, displays at the bottom of the Feature page. Viewing, Editing, and Removing Attached Files

To view, edit, or remove attached files:

  1. Navigate to the Feature page. See "Updating a Feature."

  2. Scroll down to Files.

  3. Click View and Manage Files.

    The Files page appears.

  4. To view a file, click the name.

  5. To edit the file description, click the Edit icon.

  6. To delete an attached file, click the red Delete icon.

5.4.6 Viewing Other Feature Reports

This section describes feature reports available in Team Development. Viewing the Features Tree

To view the Features tree:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Tree tab.

    The Tree page displays features in a hierarchical tree by release.

    To select a new release, make a selection from the Release list and click Set. The feature number and percent complete display to the right of the feature name. To hide or display the percent complete, select Yes or No from Include Percent Complete and click Set. To edit a feature, simply click it.

    Features are grouped first by release and then by parent. To expand a grouping, click the small triangle to the left of the feature name.


    When displaying features by a given release, features with parent or children features in different releases do not display.

    Click the Expand All and Collapse All buttons to expand or collapse all grouping. To view or edit a feature, click the feature name. To create a feature, click Create Feature and follow the online instructions. Viewing the Features Calendar

To view the Features Calendar:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Calendar tab.

    The Calendar page displays features by due date or date completed in a calendar format.

    If a parent features have been defined, the due date or date completed displays in a calendar format. Click the Previous and Next buttons to view other months. To view feature milestones for the current day, click Today. To view a specific feature, click the feature name. To create a feature, click Create Feature and follow the online instructions. Viewing The Feature History Report

To view the Feature History report:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the History tab.

    The Feature History report displays an interactive report of recently changed features, including the old value and new value and who made the update. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page.

  4. To view a specific feature, click the feature name. Viewing the Feature Progress Log

To view the Feature Progress Log:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Progress Log tab.

    The Progress Log page displays as an interactive report of progress log entries. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page.

  4. To edit the log, click the Edit icon. Viewing the Feature Focus Areas Chart

To view the Feature Focus Areas chart:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Focus Areas tab.

    The Focus Areas page displays a chart of the number of features per defined focus area by release. To alter the chart, select another release or another assignee and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset. Viewing the Feature Owners Chart

To view the Features Owner chart:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. Click the Features icon.

    The Features Dashboard appears.

  3. Click the Feature Owners tab.

    The Feature Owners page displays a chart of the number of features by owner. To alter the chart, select another release, Minimum Status, or Maximum Status, and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset. Feature Utilities

Use the Feature Utilities - Choose Action page to manage milestones for multiple features. Select one of the following and follow the on-screen instructions:

  • Assign milestones to features (only those with no milestone currently assigned).

  • Set feature due date to milestone date (only affects features).

  • Change milestone for overdue features.

  • Push due date of open features.