
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z  


  • Access points
    • counting assets 1 , 2
  • Accounts
    • serial console 1
  • Add Assets 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
  • Add Assets to Group 1
  • Add Content 1
  • Add LUNs 1 , 2
  • Add monitoring rules 1
  • Add Multiple SAN LUNs 1
  • Address Allocation Method 1
  • Add Storage 1 , 2
  • agentadm
    • requirements 1
  • Agent Controller
    • Oracle Solaris 11 1
  • Agent Controllers
    • access point 1
    • installing 1 , 2 , 3
    • monitoring 1
    • uninstalling 1
  • Agentless 1
  • Alert Monitoring Rules 1
  • Alerts
    • disabling and enabling 1
  • ALOM 1
  • Alternate IPS Repository
    • Local IPS Repository 1
  • Answering prompts
    • jobs 1
  • API
    • JMX 1 , 2
  • Asset attributes
    • adding 1
    • deleting 1
    • method 1
    • monitoring 1 , 2
    • query 1 , 2 , 3
    • viewing 1
  • Asset groups 1
  • Asset management
    • access points 1
    • actions 1
    • adding assets to a group 1
    • additional information 1
    • Agent Controller 1
    • asset attributes 1
    • changing groups 1
    • counting 1 , 2
    • credentials
      • copying 1
      • deleting 1
      • editing 1
      • updatng 1
      • upgrading 1
    • deleting groups 1
    • grouping 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
    • jobs 1
    • moving groups 1
    • Oracle Solaris 11 1
    • Oracle Solaris Clusters 1
    • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliances 1 , 2
    • removing assets 1
    • removing assets from a group 1
    • roles 1
    • Sun SPARC Enterprise M-Series Servers 1 , 2
    • system-defined groups 1
    • user-defined groups 1
    • viewing 1
    • Windows 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
  • Assets
    • counting 1 , 2
  • Assigning networks
    • network domains 1
  • Audit log 1 , 2
  • Automatic method 1
  • Available LUNs 1


  • Backup 1
  • Badges
    • default library 1
  • Bandwidth flow 1
  • Bandwidth management 1 , 2
  • Block storage
    • deleting LUNs 1
    • dynamic 1
    • LUNs
      • cloning 1
      • creating 1
      • names 1
      • selecting 1
      • specifying 1 , 2
    • static 1
  • Boolean Control 1


  • Chassis 1
  • CIDR
    • Classless Inter-Domain Routing 1 , 2
  • Cisco switches 1
  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing
    • CIDR 1 , 2
  • CLI
    • deleting plans or profiles 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • plan 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
  • Complex deployment plans 1
  • Configuration
    • jobs 1
  • Configuration file 1
  • Configure Parent Repositories 1
  • Connectivity
    • networks 1
  • Connectivity check interval 1
  • Console timeout 1
  • Control domain
    • storage libraries 1
  • Copying a deployment plan 1
  • Copying a discovery profile 1
  • Copying a operational plan 1
  • Copying a operational profile 1
  • Copying a rofile 1
  • Copy Policy 1
  • Counting assets 1 , 2
  • Create Credential 1
  • Create Policy 1
  • Create Update Library 1
  • Credentials
    • access points 1
    • asset management
      • copying 1
      • deleting 1
      • editing 1
      • upgrading 1
    • authentication 1 , 2 , 3
    • creating 1 , 2 , 3
    • roles 1 , 2
    • serial console 1 , 2
    • SNMP 1
    • SNMPV3 1
    • ssh 1
    • SSH 1
    • sudo 1
  • Critical 1
  • Custom content 1
  • Customize user interface 1
  • custom manifest 1


  • Data center 1
  • Data link
    • bandwidth 1 , 2
  • Declaring servers
    • operating systems 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • service processors 1
  • Declaring Servers 1
  • Default network domain 1
  • Default Policy icon 1
  • Delete Access Point 1
  • Delete Asset 1
  • Delete Group 1
  • Delete Local Component File 1
  • Delete Version 1
  • Deleting a LUN 1
  • Deleting plans or profiles 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
  • Deleting versions 1
  • Deployable systems 1
  • Deployment plan
    • copying 1
  • Deployment plans
    • applying 1
    • complex 1
    • deleting 1
    • editing 1
    • local content 1
    • multi-step 1
    • simple 1
    • templates 1 , 2 , 3
  • Deployment Plans 1
  • Development plans
    • shared profiles 1
  • Disable Multiple Sessions 1
  • Discovery
    • assets 1
    • declaring servers 1
    • M-Series 1
    • Oracle Solaris Cluster 1
    • Oracle Solaris Clusters 1
    • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliances 1
    • properties 1
    • servers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
    • service tags 1
    • Sun SPARC Enterprise M-Series Servers 1
  • Discovery file 1 , 2
  • Discovery profile
    • copying 1
    • creating a profile 1
    • deleting a profile 1
  • Discovery profiles 1
  • Disk image 1
  • Disovery
    • ALOM 1
  • Documentation 1 , 2
  • documentation library 1
  • Dynamic block storage 1
  • Dynamic Block Storage Library 1
  • Dynamic private networks 1
  • Dynamic System Domains 1 , 2


  • EC Library
    • changing 1
    • Initial EC Library 1
    • updating 1
  • Edit Group 1
  • Editing attributes 1
  • Editing monitoring rules 1 , 2
  • Edit Local Component File 1
  • Edit Storage 1
  • Edit Tags 1
  • Enumerated Control 1
  • Ethernet network 1
  • Exadata Storage Servers
    • SPARC SuperCluster 1
  • Execute Operation 1
  • Exporting log files 1
  • Expression 1
  • eXtended System Control Facility
    • See XSCF 1
  • Extract a Monitor Policy 1 , 2


  • Fabrics
    • fully-managed 1
    • host-managed 1
    • physical 1
    • unmanaged 1
  • Failure policy 1
  • Fibre Channel SAN 1
  • File servers 1 , 2
  • File system libraries 1
  • File System Used Space Percentage 1 , 2
  • Find Assets 1
  • Firmware
    • creating a profile 1
    • images 1 , 2 , 3
    • metadata 1 , 2
    • PDU 1
    • power distribution units 1
  • Fully-managed fabrics 1


  • Global zones
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Groups
    • adding assets 1
    • attributes 1
    • changing groups 1
    • changing position 1
    • creating groups 1 , 2
    • deleting 1
    • editing 1
    • monitoring 1
    • removing assets 1
    • system-defined 1
    • system groups 1
    • tags 1
    • user-defined 1 , 2
    • viewing data 1
  • Guest
    • storage 1
  • GUID
    • LUN 1
    • WWN 1


  • Help 1
  • High Availability
    • storage 1
  • Historical data 1 , 2
  • Host-managed fabrics 1


  • Icons
    • Add Content 1
    • Default Policy 1
  • Image Packaging System 1
  • Images
    • backup 1
    • disk image 1
    • import 1
    • ISO 1
    • location in UI 1
    • OS 1
  • Import Image 1
  • Import images 1
  • InfiniBand network 1
  • Info 1
  • Initial EC Library 1
  • Initialize Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library 1 , 2
  • Internet Connection Firewall. 1
  • IPMP groups
    • creating 1 , 2
  • IPS 1 , 2
  • IPS Repository 1
  • IPv4 1
  • IPv6 1
  • iSCSI storage arrays 1
  • ISO image 1


  • Java object 1
  • JMX 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
  • Job Details 1
  • Jobs
    • actions 1 , 2
    • Actual Run 1
    • additional information 1
    • by asset 1
    • configuration 1
    • configuring 1
    • copying 1
    • debugging 1
    • deleting 1
    • details 1
    • event logs 1
    • failure policy 1
    • location in UI 1
    • modifying 1
    • order of tasks 1
    • properties 1
    • repeating 1
    • rerunning 1
    • roles 1
    • Run ID 1
    • searching 1
    • Simulated 1
    • status 1
    • stopping 1
    • synchronize 1
    • targets 1
    • tasks 1
    • viewing 1
  • Jobs pane 1
  • Job status popup duration 1
  • JumpStart Enterprise Toolkit 1


  • Knowledge Base 1


  • LACP 1
  • Launch Web Console 1
  • Libraries
    • images 1 , 2
    • local content 1
    • software 1
    • storage libraries 1
  • Link aggregation
    • creating 1 , 3 , 4
  • Linux, Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library 1
  • Linux and Oracle Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library 1
  • Linux and Oracle Solaris 8–10 Software Update Library
    • Local content 1
  • Local actions 1
  • Local Categories 1
  • Local Category 1
  • Local Component File 1 , 2
  • Local Configuration File 1
  • Local content
    • actions 1
    • categories 1
    • changing 1
    • configuration files 1
    • editing 1 , 2
    • packages 1
  • Local Content
    • Oracle Solaris 11 1
  • Local libraries
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Local Packages 1
  • Local storage
    • File system storage 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
  • Log files 1
  • Logging events 1
  • Logical domains
    • adding LUNs 1
    • monitoring policies 1
    • storage 1 , 3
  • Logical Units
    • See LUNs 1
  • LUN
    • GUID 1
  • LUNs
    • Add LUNs 1
    • changing storage library 1
    • cloning 1
    • creating 1
    • deleting 1
    • selecting 1
    • specifying 1 , 2
    • volume groups 1


  • Macros 1
  • Maintenance 1
  • Managed assets 1
  • manifest
    • custom 1
  • Manually Adding LUNs 1
  • Maximum Transmission Unit 1
  • Membership graph
    • preferences 1
  • Metadata
    • firmware 1
    • guest 1
  • Monitored attributes
    • collection 1
    • simple 1
    • struct-like 1
    • structure 1
  • Monitoring
    • actions 1
    • additional information 1
    • disabling and enabling 1
    • location in UI 1
    • roles 1
    • thresholds 1
  • Monitoring policies
    • chassis 1
    • Cisco switches 1
    • copying 1
    • creating 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • default 1 , 2
    • deleting 1
    • details 1
    • Dynamic System Domains 1
    • extracting 1 , 2 , 3
    • file servers 1
    • global zones 1
    • groups 1
    • groups of assets 1
    • iSCSI storage arrays 1
    • local libraries 1
    • logical domains 1
    • modifying 1
    • M-Series servers 1
    • NAS libraries 1
    • non-global zones 1
    • operating systems 1
    • Oracle VM Server for SPARC 1
    • Oracle VM Server for x86 1
    • power distribution units 1
    • Remote Oracle Engineered System 1
    • SAN libraries 1
    • SAN storage arrays 1
    • server pools 1
    • Servers 1
    • Solaris Cluster 1
    • Solaris Cluster Node 1
    • Solaris Cluster Zone Cluster Group 1
    • Solaris Cluster Zone Cluster Node 1
    • Storage 1
    • switches 1
    • system-defined 1 , 2
    • user-defined 1
    • viewing assets 1
    • Virtual machines 1
  • Monitoring Policy Threshold 1 , 2
  • Monitoring rules
    • active 1
    • adding 1
    • Critical 1
    • disabled 1
    • editing 1 , 2
    • enabled 1
    • inactive 1
    • state 1
    • system-defined 1
    • thresholds 1
    • user-defined 1 , 2
    • Using Expression monitoring rules 1
    • Warning 1
  • Monitoring tab 1 , 2
  • Move Asset to Group 1
  • Move Group 1
  • Move LUN 1
  • MPxIO 1
  • M-Series
    • discovering 1
  • M-Series servers
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Multipathing 1
  • Multpath
    • storage 1
  • My Preferences 1


  • NAS storage
    • monitoring policies 1
    • NFS 1
  • NAS Storage Appliances
    • NFS share 1
  • NAS storage libraries 1
  • Network
    • properties 1
  • Network-attached storage
    • See NAS 1
  • Network devices
    • PCIe 1
  • Network domains
    • default 1
    • editing attributes 1
    • user-defined 1
  • Network File Service
    • See NFS 1
  • Network Interface Card 1
  • Networks
    • actions 1
    • additional information 1
    • assigning 1
    • Connectivity 1
    • IPMP groups 1
    • link aggregations 1
    • location in UI 1
    • MTU 1
    • private 1
    • profiles 1
    • public 1
    • requirements 1
    • roles 1
    • routing mode 1
    • static route 1
    • switches 1 , 2
    • utilization 1
  • NFS Client 1
  • NFS Server 1 , 2
  • NIC 1
  • Non-global zones
    • monitoring policies 1


  • OCDoctor
    • debugging a job 1
  • online Help 1
  • Opaque storage 1
  • Operating systems
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Operational plans
    • copying 1
    • creating 1
    • deleting 1
  • Operational Plans 1
  • Operational profiles
    • copying 1
    • creating 1
    • scripts 1
    • variables 1
  • Oracle Engineered Systems
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Oracle Knowledge Base 1
  • Oracle Linux 1
  • Oracle Solaris 10
    • updates 1
  • Oracle Solaris 11
    • Agent Controller 1
    • local content 1
    • repository 1
  • Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository 1 , 2
  • Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library
    • adding content 1
    • alternate repository 1
    • deleting 1
    • initializing 1
    • parent repositories 1
    • status 1
    • synchronizing 1
    • viewing 1
  • Oracle Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library 1
  • Oracle Solaris Cluster
    • discovering 1
  • Oracle Solaris Clusters
    • discovery 1
    • monitoring policy 1
  • Oracle Solaris Zones
    • storage libraries 1
  • Oracle VM Manager 1
  • Oracle VM Server 1
  • Oracle VM Server for SPARC
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Oracle VM Server for x86
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Oracle VM Storage Repositories 1
  • Oracle VM Storage Repository 1
  • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance
    • user interface 1
  • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliances
    • ASR 1
    • capacity 1
    • discovery 1
  • OS image 1
  • OS Images
    • requirements 1


  • Parent repositories
    • Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library 1
    • synchronizing 1
  • parent repository 1
  • Partition keys 1
  • PCIe Endpoints 1
  • PDU
    • firmware 1
    • profile 1
  • Physical fabric 1
  • Physical network interface card 1
  • Plan
    • applying 1
  • Plan Management
    • Monitoring policies 1
  • Plans
    • copying 1 , 2
    • creating 1
    • deleting 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • deployment 1
    • editing 1
    • operational 1
    • roles 1
    • versions 1
  • Plans and profiles
    • actions 1
    • additional information 1
  • Plans and Profiles
    • location in UI 1
  • PNIC 1 , 2
  • Policies
    • monitoring 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
    • update 1
  • Power distribution units
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Presentation tier 1
  • Private networks
    • dynamic 1
    • static 1
  • Profiles
    • copying 1 , 2 , 3
    • creating 1
    • creating a profile 1
    • deleting 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
    • details 1
    • discovery 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
    • editing 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
    • firmware 1
    • network 1
    • operational 1 , 2
    • Referrers 1
    • roles 1
    • storage 1
    • versions 1
  • Proxy Controllers 1
  • Public networks 1 , 2
  • Publisher 1


  • Query Language 1


  • RAID Controller 1
  • Remove Asset from Group 1
  • Repositories
    • Oracle Solaris 11 Package Repository 1
    • Oracle VM Server 1
    • parent 1
    • publisher 1
  • Repository
    • Oracel VM Manager 1
  • Resizing console window 1
  • Roles
    • asset management 1
    • credentials 1 , 2
    • jobs 1
    • monitoring 1
    • networks 1
    • plans and profiles 1
    • software libraries 1
    • storage libraries 1
    • user interface 1
  • Routing mode 1
  • Rules for monitoring 1
  • Run ID 1


  • SAN storage
    • monitoring policies 1
  • SAN storage arrays
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Scripts 1
  • SDK 1 , 2 , 3
  • Serial console
    • credentials 1 , 2
  • Serial Console 1
  • Server pools
    • monitoring policies 1
    • storage libraries 1
  • Servers
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Service tags 1 , 2 , 3
  • Service tier 1
  • Sessions 1
  • Session timeout 1
  • Shareable storage 1
  • Shared storage 1
  • Shell scripts 1
  • Show Graph 1
  • SNMP 1
  • SNMPV3 1
  • Software Developer’s Kit (SDK)
    • SUNWxvmoc-sdk.pkg 1
  • Software Development Kit 1
  • Software libraries
    • actions 1
    • category 1
    • creating 1 , 2 , 3
    • EC Library 1
    • file system 1
    • Firmware images 1
    • images 1
    • local 1
    • NAS 1 , 2
    • Oracle Linux 1
    • Oracle Solaris 1
    • OS images 1
    • roles 1
    • specifying EC Library 1
    • uploading 1 , 2
    • viewing 1 , 2
  • Software Libraries
    • additional information 1
    • location in UI 1
    • status 1
  • SR-IOV 1
  • ssh
    • console access 1
    • custom key 1
  • SSH
    • sudo 1
  • Start page preferences 1
  • Static block storage 1
  • Static Block Storage Library 1
  • Static IP 1
  • Static private networks 1
  • Static route 1
  • Status
    • jobs 1
  • Storage
    • actions 1
    • additional information 1
    • iSCSI SAN 1
    • location in UI 1
    • monitoring policies 1
    • moving LUNs 1
    • shared 1
    • storage libraries 1
  • Storage Connect Plugin 1 , 2
  • Storage Connect Plug-ins
    • Oracle VM Manager 1
  • Storage libraries
    • block storage
      • dynamic 1
      • static 1
    • control domain 1
    • file system 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
    • high availability 1
    • local
      • creating 1
      • deleting 1
      • editing 1
      • viewing 1
    • metadata 1
    • NAS 1
    • Oracle Solaris Zones 1
    • repositories 1
    • roles 1
    • SAN 1
    • server pools 1
    • virtual datacenter 1
  • Storage servers
    • Exadata 1
  • Subnets 1
  • sudo 1 , 2 , 3
  • Switches
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Sync 1
  • Synchronizing Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library 1
  • System-defined monitoring policies 1 , 2
  • System-defined rules 1
  • System properties 1


  • Table refresh frequency 1
  • Tags
    • asset attributes 1 , 2 , 4 , 5
    • service 1
  • Task Execution Order 1
  • Templates
    • complex deployment plan 1
    • multi-step deployment plan 1
    • simple deployment plan 1
  • Terminal
    • resize 1
  • Threshold 1 , 2
  • Thresholds 1 , 2 , 3
  • Time interval 1


  • UAR
    • import 1
  • Unconfigured assets 1
  • Unified Archive 1
  • Unmanaged fabrics 1
  • Update policies 1
  • Upload
    • results 1
  • Uploading
    • local content 1
  • Upload Local Action 1
  • Upload Local Configuration File 1
  • Upload Local Software Packages 1
  • useradd 1
  • User-defined monitoring policies 1 , 2
  • User-defined rules
    • Boolean Control 1
    • Enumerated Control 1
    • Expression 1
    • parameters 1
    • rule types 1
    • thresholds 1
  • User interface
    • Images 1
    • Jobs 1
    • Monitoring 1
    • networks 1
    • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 1
    • Plans and Profiles 1
    • Software Libraries 1
    • Storage 1
  • User interface preferences
    • connectivity check interval 1
    • console timeout 1
    • job status popup duration 1
    • membership graph 1
    • session timeout 1
    • start page 1
    • table refresh frequency 1
    • time interval 1
  • User preferences
    • by role 1
    • membership graph preferences 1
    • options 1
    • summary 1


  • Version history
    • profiles 1
  • Versions 1 , 2
  • View Associated Assets 1
  • View Plugin Details 1
  • Virtual Datacenter
    • storage libraries 1
  • Virtual disk 1
  • Virtual functions 1
  • Virtual image
    • metadata 1
  • Virtualization stack 1
  • Virtual machines
    • monitoring policies 1
  • Virtual network 1
  • Virtual switch 1
  • VNIC 1


  • Warning 1
  • Windows
    • discovering 1
    • Windows Firewall 1
    • WMI 1
  • Windows Firewall 1 , 2
  • Windows Management Instrumentation
    • See WMI 1
  • WMI 1


  • ZFS Storage Appliances
    • firmware 1
  • ZPool Usage Percentage 1 , 2