Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Operate Logical Domains Workflow

12c Release 3 (


July 2016

This workflow provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.


Workflows are divided into two categories: Deploy and Operate. Each workflow is a compilation of several examples.

This workflow is an example of how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to operate logical domains.

You can either use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center UI or the native CLI to create logical domains. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center provides more robust actions for operating logical domains created using the UI. This workflow assumes that the logical domains are created using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center UI.

The UI provides various options to operate the logical domains from the UI such as modifying the logical domain configuration, reboot, start, shut down, migrate, and recover logical domains. You can also add storage and network resources to the logical domains.

Depending on the requirement, you can select the appropriate action to operate the logical domains from the UI.

Required Permissions and Roles

The following permissions and roles are required to operate the logical domains:

  • Virtualization Admin

    Operate the logical domains

  • Asset Admin

    Provision operating systems


Figure 1-1 shows the prerequisites and the tasks to operate logical domains in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Ensure that you have the network and storage resources available for usage when you want to add resources to the logical domains.

Figure 1-1 Operate Logical Domains Workflow

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Operate Logical Domains Workflow"

What's Next?

You can either update the operating system of the logical domain or monitor the logical domain for resource usage.

Related Articles and Resources

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 3 documentation is available at

For information about logical domains and the resources that support them, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Virtualize Reference.

See the Deploy How To library at and the Operate How To library at for deployment and operational examples.

For current discussions, see the product blog at

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center Operate Logical Domains Workflow, 12c Release 3 (


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