Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Discover and Manage a Fujitsu M10 Server


December, 2015

This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.


Describes the Fujitsu M10 Server.

You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to manage and monitor a variety of data center assets, including server hardware, chassis, racks, network equipment, operating systems, virtualization software, and clustering software. Discovering and managing your assets is a prerequisite for almost every action in the software. The discovery feature makes adding assets quick and easy. You discover assets using a profile, which specifies the targets, protocols, and credentials for accessing and managing the assets.

The Fujitsu M10 Server is a sun4v SPARC enterprise server powered by the SPARC64 X processor developed by Fujitsu. A SPARC64 X processor offers 16 cores x 2 threads. These servers are categorized under the M-series servers.

The following scenario is applicable to all three models of the Fujitsu M10 Server:

  • M10-1, one CPU socket server with no building block capability.

  • M10-4, four CPU sockets server with no building block capability.

  • M10-4S, four CPU sockets server with building block capability, offering scalability of up to 16 building blocks.

A building block consists of 4 CPU sockets, several memory DIMMs, and IO devices. The M10-4S model supports up to 16 building blocks, which translate to a maximum of 64 CPU sockets.

The Fujitsu M10 Servers are discovered through an eXtended Service Control Facility (XSCF) Service Processor.

What You Will Need

Requirements for discovering a Fujitsu M10 Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  • Access to a system running Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  • Ops Center Admin role to discover assets, and Ops Center Security Admin role to create credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  • One or more Fujitsu M10 Servers with configured XSCF service processors.

  • XSCF SSH or Telnet credentials.

  • The correct IP Address for the XSCF Service Processor. If the M10 server has redundant XSCFs, you must use the takeover IP address between the master and standby XSCFs.

Discovering a Fujitsu M10 Server

Lists the procedures for discovering and managing a Fujitsu M10 Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can discover a Fujitsu M10 Server with a configured service processor using a discovery profile. A discovery profile is a combination of an asset type, a set of host names or IP addresses, and a set of credentials.

Perform the following steps to discover a Fujitsu M10 Server:

  1. Enabling the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and SNMP Traps

  2. Creating Credentials

  3. Creating a Discovery Profile for an XSCF Service Processor

  4. Using the Discovery Profile

Enabling the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and SNMP Traps

Lists the procedures for configuring SNMP in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

SNMP Traps are disabled by default on XSCF. You must enable SNMP Traps before discovering a server. The following procedures describe how to verify and change the SNMP settings on the XSCF console.

Verifying the SNMP Configuration

Procedure for showing the current state of SNMP.

To verify if SNMP is disabled:

  1. Log into the XSCF console with platadm privileges.
  2. Type the showsnmp command.
  3. Check the status of the Agent and Trap Hosts. If Agent Status is Disabled and the value for Trap Hosts is None, enable SNMP on XSCF.

Enabling the SNMP Agent and SNMP Traps

Procedure for allowing SNMP actions in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  1. Log into the XSCF console.
  2. SNMP v1v2 is enabled with the community parameter set to public.
    setsnmp enablev1v2c public
  3. Enter the following command.
    setsnmp enable SP_MIB

    Agent Enabled displays on the console and the SP MIB module is enabled.

  4. Display the SNMP configuration:

    The Agent Status is now set to Enabled and the Trap Hosts value displays HostName, Port, Type, Community String, Username and Auth Protocol.

For more information about XSCF settings on the M10 server, go to the Fujitsu website listed in Related Articles and Resources.

Creating Credentials

Lists the types of credentials Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses to discover the XSCF service processor.

Assets are discovered using a set of credentials. Based on the choice of server type, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center displays only those protocols that are relevant to the asset. To discover an XSCF service processor, SSH or TELNET credentials are required.

Creating SSH Credentials

Procedure for creating SSH credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Use XSCF SSH credentials to discover XSCF service processors.

To create SSH credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Plan Management on the Navigation pane, then click Credentials.
  2. Click Create Credentials on the Actions pane. The Create Credentials wizard appears.
  3. Select SSH from the drop-down list in the Protocol field.
  4. Enter a name for the discovery credentials in the Name field.
  5. Enter a description for your credentials in the Description field.
  6. Enter the user name of the service processor credentials in the Login User field.
  7. Enter the password of the service processor credentials in the Password field. Retype the same password in the Confirm Password field.
  8. Change the SSH port number as needed. The default port number is 22.
  9. Click Create. The user credential is created.

Creating TELNET Credentials

Procedure for creating Telnet credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

XSCF TELNET credentials can also be used to discover XSCF service processors.

To create TELNET credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Plan Management on the Navigation pane, then click Credentials.
  2. Click Create Credentials on the Actions pane. The Create Credentials wizard opens.
  3. Select TELNET from the drop-down list in the Protocol field.
  4. Enter a name for the discovery credentials in the Name field.
  5. Enter a description for your credentials in the Description field.
  6. Enter the user name of the service processor credentials in the Login User field.
  7. Enter the password of the service processor credentials in the Password field. Retype the same password in the Confirm Password field.
  8. Click Create. The user credential is created.

Creating a Discovery Profile for an XSCF Service Processor

Procedure for specifying how Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center discovers the XSCF service processor.

Discovery profiles simplify managing multiple sets of discovery criteria and offer persistent storage of access credentials. You can create a discovery profile and then run a discovery using the profile. You can provide discovery information such as the discovery credentials during profile creation or when the profile is run.

Perform the following steps to create a discovery profile for an XSCF service processor:

  1. Click Plan Management in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Discovery under Profiles and Policies.
  3. Click Create Profile in the Actions pane. The Identity Profile wizard appears.
  4. Enter a name and description for the discovery profile.
  5. Select XSCF Service Processor in the Asset Type, under Server Hardware. Click Next.
  6. The Tags page appears. Tags are optional in this example. Click Next.
  7. The IP Ranges page appears. You can add the IP address for your Fujitsu M10 Server or IP ranges for multiple servers in the IP Ranges page, or do it later when you run the Add Assets job. Click Next.
  8. Click Select in the Discovery Credentials dialog and choose the SSH or TELNET credentials that you have created. Click Next.
  9. Review the summary information, then click Finish to create a Discovery Profile.

Using the Discovery Profile

Procedure for discovering the Fujitsu M10 Server using a discovery profile in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

After you have created the discovery profile, you can use it to discover and manage a Fujitsu M10 Server.

In this example, the XSCF service processor discovery profile is used.

  1. Click All Assets in the Assets section of the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Add Assets in the Actions pane.
  3. Select Add and manage various types of assets via discovery probes, then click Next.
  4. Select the discovery profile created in the previous section (see Creating a Discovery Profile for an XSCF Service Processor).
  5. Enter the host name or IP address for the Fujitsu M10 Server XSCF, then click Add Now to launch the discovery job. You can also discover multiple servers with a comma separated list of either the host names or IP addresses. This might take a few minutes to complete.

    After the discovery job completes successfully, the service processor is visible in the Navigation pane under the M-Series Servers tree, located in the Assets pane as shown in the following figure.

What's Next?

Describes the current state of the Fujitsu M10 Server when the procedures are completed.

After you have discovered the Fujitsu M10 Server, you can manage and monitor the hardware asset. You can also discover and manage the operating system on the hardware.

Related Articles and Resources

See the following for more information:

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center Discover and Manage a Fujitsu M10 Server,


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