Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Install and Update Local Software Packages

12c Release 3 (


June 2015

This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.


In Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, you can install and update local software packages for an operating system. After an operating system is installed, you can download and provision additional software packages and use patches to update existing components.

The software packages are stored in software libraries provisioned by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. You can install a component that is part of a software library in a discovered and managed operating system. Before you install a local software package, verify that the version of the software is adequate for the operating system and the type of server where you intend to install it.

This example describes how to install the Apache Ant 1.7.1 version software package for Oracle Solaris 10, running in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC. The example then describes how to update the Apache Ant software to the 1.8.2 version.

In this example, the local software package is installed by using an update profile and a deployment plan, and it is updated by modifying a system catalog.

For Oracle Solaris 11, the View/Modify Catalog action is not supported.

See Related Articles and Resources for links to related information and articles.

What You Will Need

You will need the following to install and update the local software package:

  • Enterprise Controller installed and configured in connected mode.

  • A user with the Storage Admin role to import software packages, and Update Admin role to update the Oracle Solaris 10 operating system.

  • An Oracle VM Server for SPARC with Oracle Solaris 10 OS provisioned.

  • A Linux and Oracle Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library to store the software package.

  • A Oracle Solaris 10 (SPARC) file in pkg format downloaded to the /var/tmp directory on the Enterprise Controller system. This example uses the ant.1.7.1.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg and ant.1.8.2.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg files from

Installing Local Software Packages

The following are the tasks to install and update a local software package for Oracle Solaris 10 OS:

Uploading a Local Software Package

In Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, software packages are stored in software libraries. For Oracle Solaris 10, 9, and 8 and for Oracle Linux, a dedicated software library called Linux, Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library contains the packages, updates, and site-specific scripts and configuration files for these operating systems.

In this example, the ant.1.7.1.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg and ant.1.8.2.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg packages that are saved locally in the system where Enterprise Controller is installed, are uploaded to the Linux, Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library. The ant.1.7.1.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg file is used to install the Apache Ant 1.7.1 version and the ant.1.8.2.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg file is used later to update the software to the 1.8.2 version.

The following procedure details the steps required to upload the software package:

  1. Expand Libraries in the Navigation pane, select Software Libraries and then select Linux, Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library.

    Description of swlibraries.png follows
    Description of the illustration swlibraries.png

  2. Click Upload Local Software Packages in the Actions pane.

    Description of actionspane.png follows
    Description of the illustration actionspane.png

  3. In the Tag as security fix option select No.

  4. Select SOLARIS10_SPARC from the Distribution list.

  5. In the Parent Category section, click Browse to locate a category.

    Description of uploadswpkg1.png follows
    Description of the illustration uploadswpkg1.png

  6. Select SOLARIS10_SPARC from the Distribution list, and select the Local PKGs option. Click OK to confirm the parent category.

    Description of parentcategory.png follows
    Description of the illustration parentcategory.png

  7. In the Files section, click Add to see the list of files. Locate the ant.1.7.1.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg file in your system. In this example the file is located in /var/tmp. Select the file and click OK.

    Description of select_localfile.png follows
    Description of the illustration select_localfile.png

  8. Click Add and locate the ant.1.8.2.SPARC.64bit.Solaris.10.pkg file. Select the file and click OK.

    Description of select_localfile2.png follows
    Description of the illustration select_localfile2.png

  9. Click Upload. The file is uploaded to the Linux, Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library in the category you specified.

    Description of uploadswpkg3.png follows
    Description of the illustration uploadswpkg3.png

After you upload the software package, the ant-1.7.1-0 [02/17/2011] and ant-1.8.2-0 [02/17/2011] components are added to the list of components for the SOLARIS10_SPARC distribution:

Description of swpkg_apant.png follows
Description of the illustration swpkg_apant.png

Creating an Update Profile

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center provides the option to create Update Profiles that help define which components must be installed or updated.

In this example an update profile is created and the ant-1.7.1-0 [02/17/2011] component is selected to be installed.

The following procedure details the steps required to create the update profile:

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and select Profiles and Policies.

  2. Click Update Profiles.

    Description of updateprofiles.png follows
    Description of the illustration updateprofiles.png

  3. Click New Profile in the Actions pane.

    Description of newprofile.png follows
    Description of the illustration newprofile.png

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Name – Enter the name of the profile

    • Type – Enter the type as Install

    • Description – Enter the description of the profile

  5. In the Search Criteria menu, select SOLARIS10_SPARC from the Distribution list, all from the Category list, and All Versions from the Version list

  6. Type ant in the Search field and click the Search icon.

    Description of profilesearch.png follows
    Description of the illustration profilesearch.png

  7. Locate and select the ant-1.7.1-0 [02/17/2011] component from the Component tree and click the Install icon to add the selected component in the Profile Contents.

    Description of profileinstall.png follows
    Description of the illustration profileinstall.png

  8. Click Create OS Update Profile to create the profile.

    Description of profilecreate.png follows
    Description of the illustration profilecreate.png

After the profile is created, you can view the profile in the center pane.

Description of listprofile.png follows
Description of the illustration listprofile.png

Creating a Deployment Plan

Deployment plans enable you to automate a variety of detailed workflows into a single plan. The deployment plan used to install or update a local software package for Solaris 10 is the Software Deployment / Update deployment plan.

The following procedure details the steps required to create a deployment plan:

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and the select Software Deployment / Update.

    Description of swdep_plan.png follows
    Description of the illustration swdep_plan.png

  2. Click Create Plan from Template in the Actions pane.

    Description of create_depplan.png follows
    Description of the illustration create_depplan.png

  3. Enter a plan name and the plan description. Select the Failure Policy as Complete as much as possible.

  4. Select Install Software from the Deployment Plan Steps table. In the Associated Profile/Deployment Profile column, select the update profile that you created in the previous procedure. Click Save to create the deployment plan.

    Description of save_depplan.png follows
    Description of the illustration save_depplan.png

  5. After the plan is created, you can view the plan in the center pane.

    Description of depplan_final.png follows
    Description of the illustration depplan_final.png

Applying the Deployment Plan

After you create a deployment plan, select the target asset for the deployment plan to install the local software package.

The following procedure details the steps to apply the deployment plan:

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and select Software Deployment / Update. Select the deployment plan that you created in the previous procedure.

    Description of select_depplan.png follows
    Description of the illustration select_depplan.png

  2. Click Apply Deployment Plan in the Actions pane.

    Description of apply_devpplan.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_devpplan.png

  3. Select the Oracle Solaris 10 OS asset and click Add to Target List. Select Apply the plan with minimal interaction. Click Next to review the values of the deployment steps.

    Description of apply_addtarget.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_addtarget.png

  4. Select the Do not review steps that are not included in the plan option and click Next.

    Description of apply_donotreviewsteps.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_donotreviewsteps.png

  5. For the Global Update Settings window, select the Execution Mode as Perform Update, then click Next.

    Description of apply_performupdate.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_performupdate.png

  6. You can review the profile to be applied. Click Next.

    Description of apply_summary.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_summary.png

  7. Select Now to execute the deployment plan on the selected targets and click Apply to submit the job and execute the deployment plan.

    Description of apply_final.png follows
    Description of the illustration apply_final.png

    After the job is complete, you can open a terminal window and verify that Apache Ant 1.7.1 version is installed.

    Description of ant_171.png follows
    Description of the illustration ant_171.png

Updating the Local Software Package

You can update a software package that is already installed in an operating system. The patches or update packages necessary to update the software must be downloaded and saved locally in the machine where the Enterprise Controller is installed.

In this example, the Apache Ant software is updated from the 1.7.1 version to the 1.8.2 version. The update package was uploaded to the library as part of the Uploading a Local Software Package task.

In this example, the Apache Ant software package is updated by modifying a system catalog of the software system where the software is installed. A system catalog is a list of operating system software components that are installed on a managed system.

The following procedure details the steps required to update a local software package by modifying a system catalog:

  1. Select the target operating system from the Assets section in the Navigation pane.

    Description of selecttargetos.png follows
    Description of the illustration selecttargetos.png

  2. Click View/Modify Catalog in the Actions pane.

    Description of actionspane2.png follows
    Description of the illustration actionspane2.png

  3. In the Search Criteria menu, select Current Inventory from the Catalog list, SOLARIS10_SPARC from the Distribution list, all from the Category list, All from the View list, All Versions from the Version list, and All from the State list.

  4. Type ant in the Search field and click the Search icon.

    Description of modifycatalog_search.png follows
    Description of the illustration modifycatalog_search.png

  5. Locate and select the ant-1.7.1-0 [02/17/2011] component from the Component tree and click the Upgrade icon to add the selected component in the Modification List. The ant-1.7.1-0 [02/17/2011] component is updated to the ant-1.8.2-0 [02/17/2011] that is also displayed in the list of components.

    Description of modifycatalog_upgrade.png follows
    Description of the illustration modifycatalog_upgrade.png

  6. Click Modify Catalog. The New Update OS Job wizard is displayed.

    Description of modifycatalog_modify.png follows
    Description of the illustration modifycatalog_modify.png

  7. Enter a Job Name. Select Use the same Targets for all tasks in the job as the Target Setting, Actual Run as the Run Type, Complete as much of the job as possible as the Task Failure Policy, Sequential as the Task Execution Order. Click Run Now to start the job immediately.

    Description of modifycatalog_apply.png follows
    Description of the illustration modifycatalog_apply.png

    The job is launched to apply the update of the software package.

    When the job is complete, you can open a terminal window and verify that Apache Ant 1.8.2 version is installed.

    Description of ant_182.png follows
    Description of the illustration ant_182.png

What's Next?

After installing the local software package you can use the software in the machine where you installed it to build Java applications. You can also install newer versions of the software or install other software packages.

Related Articles and Resources

See the following for more information:

See the Deploy Software Libraries Workflow in the Deploy How To library at

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Install and Update Local Software Packages, 12c Release 3 (


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