Business Processors

Business Processor refers to a uniquely named data element of relevance which can be used to define views within the data warehouse. It typically implies aggregated information as opposed to information at a detailed granular level that is available before adequate transformations. A Business Processor encapsulates a business logic for assigning a value to a measure as a function of observed values for other measures. Business Processors are required Measurements that require complex transformations that entail transforming data based on a function of available base measures.

Measurements that require complex transformations that entail transforming data based on a function of available base measures require Business Processors. A supervisory requirement necessitates the definition of such complex transformations with available metadata constructs. Business Processors are metadata constructs that are used in the definition of such complex rules. Business Processors are designed to update a measure with another computed value. When a rule that is defined with a Business Processor is processed, the newly computed value is updated on the defined target.

The roles mapped to Business Processor are as follows:

The Business Processor window displays the list of pre-defined Business Processors with their Code, Short Description, Long Description, Dataset, and Measure. The Business Processor window allows you to generate values that are functions of base measure values. Using the metadata abstraction of a business processor, power users have the ability to design rule-based transformation to the underlying data within the data warehouse / store. You can search for specific Business Processors based on Code, Short Description, or Authorized status.

Delete Business Processor

You can remove Business Processor definition(s) which are no longer required in the system by deleting from Business Processor window.

  1. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the Business Processor codes whose details are to be removed.

  2. Click Delete button from the Business Processor tool bar.

  3. Click OK in the Warning dialog to confirm deletion.

The selected Business Processor definitions are removed.

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