
Configuration refers to a process of defining all the system accessibility components of an information system. Configuration in the System Configuration section facilitates you (System Administrator) to define and maintain the user accessibility details within the Infrastructure system.

You (System Administrator) need to have SYSADM function role mapped to your role to access and modify the Configuration details. Click  from the header to display the Administration tools in Tiles menu. Click System Configuration from the Tiles menu to view a submenu list and click Configure System Configuration to view the Configuration window, or click  button to access the Navigation List, click System Configuration, and click Configure System Configuration to view the Configuration window.

The Configuration window consists of four sections namely General Details, Guest Login Details, Optimization, and Others. By default the General Details window is displayed with the pre-configured details of the Server and Database that you are currently working on and allows you to modify the required information.

Update General Details

OFSAAI supports four types of authentications:

·       SMS Authentication & Authorization- By default, this is selected.

·       LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization- Ensure that the LDAP servers are up and running if you are selecting this option. You can configure multiple LDAP servers. While logging in to OFSAA instance, you can select the appropriate LDAP Server to be authenticated against.

·       SSO Authentication & SMS Authorization- Ensure SSO server is configured if you are selecting this option.

·       SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization

Specify the configuration details as tabulated:




Number of invalid logins

This field is not applicable if you are selecting SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the number of attempts permitted for the user to enter wrong passwords, after which the user account will be disabled.

Path for Application Packaging

Enter the Application Packaging path where the JSP's generated through DEFQ is saved.

Session Timeout Value (in minutes)

Enter the permitted duration of inactivity after which the session will be automatically timed out and the user will be requested to login again.

Note the following:

·       The session time out depends on the specified Session Timeout Value and web server internal session maintenance. It may vary for different web servers.

·       If SSO authentication is selected, ensure you set the Session Timeout Value equivalent to the configured server session time to avoid improper application behavior after session expired.

Session Timeout Popup Interval (in minutes)

Enter the time left in the session timeout at which a popup should appear and display a timer that shows time remaining for the session to end.

For example, if you enter 50 minutes to the Session Timeout Value and enter 5 minutes to the Session Timeout Popup Interval, the popup appears on the screen after 45 minutes of inactivity and displays the timer (starts from 5 minutes and ends at 0) for the session timeout.

Environment Details

Enter the system environment details such as Development, UAT, Production, and so on which are displayed in the application top banner as the “In Setup” info.

SSO Enabled

Select this check box to enable SSO Authentication & SMS Authorization.

Authentication Type

Select the required authentication type from the drop-down list. The options are :

·       SMS Authentication & Authorization

·       LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization

When you select Authentication Type as LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization, the LDAP Server Details popup is displayed. For more details, see LDAP Server Details.

However, if the SSO Enabled checkbox is selected, the options displayed for Authentication Type are:

·       SSO Authentication & SMS Authorization

·       SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization

If the SSO Enabled checkbox is selected

SSO Method

This field is displayed only if you have selected Authentication Type as SSO Authentication and SMS Authorization.

Select the required SSO method. These methods are to specify how the user id should be passed from the SSO engine.

·       HTTP Request Header - Returns the value of the specified request header as a string from the server. If selected, you need to specify the header value in SSO Header Value field. For example, SM_USER and iv-user header values are supported in OAM.

·       HTTP Request Remote User - Returns the login details of the user who is requesting access to the application remotely.

·       HTTP Request User Principal - Returns a “” object containing the name of the current authenticated user.

SSO Logout URL

This field is displayed only if you have selected Authentication Type as SSO Authentication and SMS Authorization.

Enter the URL of the page to invalidate SSO session.

SSO Redirect URL

This field is displayed only if you have selected Authentication Type as SSO Authentication and SMS Authorization.

Enter the URL of the page to which the user should be redirected after SSO session is invalidated.

OFSAA as Service Provider

This field is displayed only if you are selecting Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Select this checkbox if you want to register OFSAA as service provider. If the checkbox is not selected, OFSAA will act as Oneway SAML Authentication. That is, OFSAA will only assert the identity.

For more details on how to register OFSAA as Service Provider, see SSO Authentication (SAML) Configuration section in OFSAAI Administration guide available on the OHC.

Identity Provider URL

This field is displayed only if you have selected the OFSAA as Service Provider checkbox.

Enter the IdP SingleSignOnService URL in the Identity Provider URL field.

Note: Enter the fully qualified domain URL used to access the Identity Provider.

Generate Logout Request

This field is available in version and is displayed only if you have selected Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Select to generate a SAML request for logout. Deselect this field to direct users to the URL specified in the SAML Logout URL field for logout.  

Sign Authentication Request

This field is available in version and is displayed only if you have selected Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Select this field and the following fields appear, which provide capabilities to generate signed SAML requests:

·       Private Key

·       X509 Certificate

·       Signature Algorithm

Private Key

Update this field with the private key used to sign the SAML request.

X509 Certificate

Update this field with the certificate to sign the SAML request. Update the sp_metadata.xml file with the same certificate. For more information, see the  Configuration with Certificate section in the  OFSAAI Administration Guide.

Signature Algorithm

Enter the URI of the algorithm. The following are a few examples from





Note: If you leave this field blank, the system applies the default signature RSA-SHA256.

SAML User Attribute

This field is displayed only if you are selecting Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Enter the user attribute name, which is used to pass the User ID in SAMLResponse. If this parameter is not set, users are retrieved from “Subject” by default.

SAML Certificate Absolute Path

This field is displayed only if you are selecting Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Enter the absolute path where the SAML Certificate from Identity Provider is stored. It is required for SAML Assertion. If this parameter is not set, signature from SAMLResponse will not be verified.

Note: Make sure the path is accessible to the OFSAA application.


This field is displayed only if you are selecting Authentication Type as SSO Authentication (SAML) and SMS Authorization.

Enter the URL of the SAML logout page to be called on logout operation.

Allow user to login from multiple machines

Select the checkbox to allow concurrent user login.

Allow Data Redaction

Select the checkbox to enable Data Redaction. For more details, see the section Data Redaction in the OFS AAI Administration Guide.

Encrypt Login Password

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Select the checkbox to encrypt the login password for more protection.

Note: For LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization, this checkbox should not be selected.

CSRF Enabled

Select this checkbox to enable protection for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the application.

Hierarchy Security Type

Select the hierarchy security node type from the drop-down list. The available options are:

·       Group Based Hierarchy Security

·       User Based Hierarchy Security

Depending on the selection, the user/ group details are displayed in the Hierarchy Security window.

Dormant Days

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the number of inactive days permitted after which the user is denied to access the system.

Inactive Days

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the number of inactive days permitted after which the user access permissions are removed and the delete flag status is set as “Y”.

Ensure that the number of Inactive days is greater than or equal to Dormant days.

Note that, the user details still exist in the database and can be revoked by changing the status flag.

Working Hours

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the working hours (From and To) to restrict the user to login to the system within the specified time range. The time is accounted in 24 hours and hh:mm format.

Frequency of Password Change

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the number of days after which the login password will be expired and the user is navigated directly to the Change Password window.

Password History

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Enter the number of instances the old passwords need to be maintained and the user will be restricted not to use the same password again. A maximum of last 10 passwords can be recorded.

Password Restriction

This field is not applicable if you have selected SSO Enabled check box.

Select one of the following options:

·       Restricted - To impose additional rules and parameters for users while defining a password.

·       Un Restricted - To allow users to define any password of their choice ensuring that the password is alphanumeric without any special characters.

Disclaimer Text

Enter any disclaimer information that you want to make available for the users of the application on the login window.

These fields are displayed only if you select Restricted option for Password Restriction.

Specify the following password restriction parameters:

·       Password Length - Enter the minimum and maximum characters permitted for setting a password. The default range is between 6 and 20 characters.

·       Numbers - Enter the minimum and maximum numeric characters permitted.

·       Upper Case - Enter the minimum and maximum numbers of upper case characters are permitted.

·       Lower Case - Enter the minimum and maximum numbers of lower case characters are permitted.

·       Special Characters Occurrence Allowed - Select the checkbox if special characters are allowed in passwords.

·       Special Character - Enter the minimum and maximum numbers of special characters are permitted.

·       Special character occurrence Frequency - Enter the number of times the same special character can occur in the password.

·       Disallowed Special Characters - Enter the special characters (without spaces) which are not permitted in a password.

·       Running Alphabets - Select the checkbox to allow running alphabets in a password. For example, abc, xyz, AbC and so on.

·       Sequence Of Running Alphabets- Enter the number of times the sequence is permitted.

·       Running Numbers - Select the checkbox to allow running numbers in a password. For example, 123, 456, and so on.

·       Sequence Of Running Numbers- Enter the number of times the sequence is permitted.

Security Question Enable

Select to enable security questions that users would have to answer before they can reset their passwords. This feature enhances user authenticity validation. Enter information for the following fields:

·       Question 1 – Enter the first question to be displayed on the password reset page.

·       Answer 1 – Enter the answer to the first question.

·       Question 2 - Enter the second question to be displayed on the password reset page.

·       Answer 2 – Enter the answer to the second question.

·       Question 3 - Enter the third question to be displayed on the password reset page.

·       Answer 3 – Enter the answer to the third question.

The following illustration is an example:


Click Save to save the General tab details.

LDAP Server Details

This feature allows you to configure and maintain multiple LDAP servers in the OFSAA instance. You can add a new LDAP server, modify/ view LDAP server details, and delete an existing LDAP server.

The LDAP Server Details window displays the details such as ROOT Context, ROOT DN, LDAP URL, LDAP SSL Mode, and LDAP Server name.

To add a new LDAP Server

1.      Select LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization from the Authentication Type drop-down list in the General Details tab, the LDAP Server Details window is displayed.

2.     Click  button in the toolbar. The LDAP Server Details window is displayed.

3.     Enter the details as tabulated:




Fields market with * are mandatory.

LDAP Server Details


Enter the LDAP URL from which the system authenticates the user.

For example, ldap://hostname:3060/.

LDAP Server

Enter the LDAP Server name.

For example,

Enable Anonymous Bind

Select this option to login to the database anonymously and perform functions. This is useful when you are searching for a user in the system and cannot find the user. For example, you cannot find a cn due to a name change and you have to map the user to the correct dn. You can use a property such as email to search for the dn and map it correctly.

Note: Selecting this field disables ROOT DN and ROOT Password fields.


Select the checkbox to enable LDAP over SSL to ensure encryption of user credentials when transferred over a network.


Enter the ROOT Distinguished Name.

For example, cn=orcladmin,cn=Users,dc=oracle,dc=com.

ROOT Password

Enter the LDAP server root password for authentication.

LDAP User Details

User Search Base

Enter the full path of the location of the active directory in the LDAP server from which to start the user search. This is a comma-delimited parameter. For example, cn=User,dc=oracle,dc=com

User Search Filter

Enter search filters to limit the user search for the results obtained from ‘User Search Base’. For example, objectclass=organizationalPerson.

User Filter Classes

Enter a user search filter to include specific user groups. For example, enter ‘top’ for the search to access groups up to the top-level in the directory.

Login ID Attribute

Specify the login ID attribute (user name) to be used in the system for users. For example, enter ‘cn’ to use the common name as the login id attribute.

Login Name Attribute

Specify the attribute that maps to the Login ID. This is used for authentication purposes. For example, ‘sn’ maps to ‘cn’.

User Enabled Attribute

Enter the attribute to enable or disable a user. For example, ‘orclisEnabled’ is to enable a user account in the LDAP server.

User Start Date

Enter the attribute that stores the user-account start-date information. For example, ‘orcActiveStartdate’ contains start dates of all users.

User End Date

Enter the attribute that stores the user-account end-date information. For example, ‘orclActiveEndDate’ contains start dates of all users.

LDAP Group Details

Group Search Base

Enter the full path of the location of the active directory in the LDAP server from which to start the group search. This is a comma-delimited parameter. For example, cn=Groups,dc=oracle,dc=com

Group Search Filter

Enter search filters to limit the group search for the results obtained from ‘Group Search Base’. For example, objectclass=groupOfNames.

Group Filter Classes

Enter a group search filter to include specific groups. For example, groupOfNames.

Group Member Attribute

Enter a member attribute listed for the Groups. For example, ‘member’.

Group ID Attribute

Enter the attribute that identifies the group name. For example, ‘cn’.

Group Name Attribute

Enter the attribute that specifies the full name of the group. For example, description


4.    Click Save.

When a business user accesses OFSAA login window where multiple LDAP servers are configured in the OFSAA instance, the LDAP Server drop-down list is displayed. If the user selects an LDAP server, he will be authenticated only against the selected LDAP server. If the user does not select any LDAP server, he will be authenticated against the appropriate LDAP server.



SYSADMN/ SYSAUTH/ GUEST users need not select any LDAP server as they are always authenticated against SMS store. Additionally, if a specific user is marked as “SMS Auth Only” in the User Maintenance window, then that user is authenticated against the SMS store instead of the LDAP store even though the OFSAA instance is configured for LDAP authentication. The user has to enter password as per SMS store.


SSO Authentication and SMS Authorization

Before you configure SSO authentication, ensure that:

·       You have configured OAM (Oracle Access Manager) or equivalent server for SSO user authentication.

·       The configured SSO server is up and running and an SSO login page is displayed for users to provide the authentication details.

·       The configuration fields are updated correctly before saving the details.

·       /<context-name>/login.jsp should be the only resource that is protected.

·       The following URLs are there in the excluded URL list in SSO server:



3.     Rest Service for Object Migration :- $PROTOCOL$://$WEBSERVERHOST$:$WE BSERVERPORT$/$CONTEXT$/rest-api/migrationrest/MigrationRESTService/invokeMigrationService

4.    Rest Service for WSMRE :- $PROTOCOL$://$WEBSERVERHOST$:$WEBSERVERPORT$/$CONTEXT$/rest-api/rrfmrerest/RestfulMREService/RestfulMREInvoke

5.     Data Redaction = $PROTOCOL$://$WEBSERVERHOST$:$WEBSERVERPORT$/$CONTEXT$/rest-api/redaction/redact/summary

6.    $PROTOCOL$://$WEBSERVERHOST$:$WEBSERVERPORT$/$CONTEXT$/servlet/com.iflex.fic.ficml.FICMaster

7.     $PROTOCOL$://$WEBSERVERHOST$:$WEBSERVERPORT$/$CONTEXT$/servlet/com.iflex.fic.icc.iccwl.ICCComm





The place holders such as $PROTOCOL$, $WEBSERVERHOST$, $WEBSERVERPORT$, and $CONTEXT$ in the URLs should be updated appropriately


In case of any errors, the mapped users will not be able to login to the application and you may need to correct the details by logging to the system as sysadmn.

For System Users:

·       You can access OFSAAI Application using <Protocol (http/https)>://<IP/ HOSTNAME>:<SERVLET PORT>/<CONTEXT NAME>/direct_login.jsp.

·       You have to select the appropriate user id from the drop-down list.

For Application Users:

·       The login page will be their respective SSO Authentication page.

·       After successful login, you can change your locale from the Select Language link in the application header of the landing page. Move the pointer over the link and select the appropriate language from the listed languages. Based on the locales installed in the application, languages will be displayed.

·       The Change Password link will not be available in the application header.

Update Guest Login Details

You (System Administrator) can facilitate Guest Users to login to the Infrastructure system by configuring the Guest Login Details. If a password is defined, then the guest users are required to enter the password during logon and would then be navigated to the specific modules based on the mapped Roles and Functions.

Ensure the following before configuring the guest user details:

·       Functions and Roles should be mapped appropriately for tracking the guest user activities on the system.

For example, when a guest user is permitted to modify Metadata, the change done cannot be tracked since the system recognizes Guest User as Modifier.

·       When there is a provision for Guest User to access the Infrastructure system from an external machine, a specific set of .jsp’s (web pages) has to be defined to the Guest User and maintained in the “urllist.cfg” in ficweb/conf folder.

For example, if the “urllist.cfg” contains “ficportal/Testing.jsp” and “fiv/OpenView.jsp’s”, Guest users can view and execute Testing and OpenView.jsp’s from ficportal and fiv contexts.

§       Any number of pages can be defined within the “urllist.cfg” file

§       The additions into the CFG file will be done manually.

§       Only the links specified in the urllist.cfg file can be accessed through the guest login.

·       You can also specify access based on wild card entries. A wildcard character can be applied at the main folder level only and not to a subset of files within a folder.

For example, if access is provided to ficportal/testing/*, then all the pages under ficportal/testing folder are accessible from Guest login.

1.      Select Guest Login tab and update the details as tabulated:




Guest Login

Select one of the following option from the drop-down list:

ENABLED - To enable guest users and allow them to login to the system.

DISABLED - To restrict access to guest users.

Guest Password

You can select the Guest Password as one of the following from the drop-down list only if you have ENABLED guest Login:

Required - Guest users need to specify a password to logon.

Not Required - Guest users can logon directly.

Guest Password

You can specify the Guest Password only if you have selected the previous Guest Password field option as Required.

Enter the Guest Password as indicated:

·       If Password Restrictions is set in the General Details tab, the specified password must satisfy all the defined parameters. However Guest Users do not comply to change password, invalid login attempts, or logging from multiple workstations,

·       If no Password Restrictions is set, ensure that the specified password is alphanumeric without any extra spaces.


2.     Click Save and save the guest login configuration details.

Update Optimization Details

1.      Select Optimization Details tab and update the details as tabulated:

The Optimization details such as Hints, Scripts, and Using ROWID instead of Primary Keys can be specified to optimize Merge statements. The defined configurations are also fetched as Query Optimization Settings while defining Rule definition properties.




Hint used for MERGE statement

Specify the SQL Hint that can be used to optimize Merge Query.

For example, “/*+ ALL_ROWS */”

In a Rule Execution, Merge Query formed using definition level Merge Hint precede over the Global Merge Hint Parameters defined here. In case the definition level Merge Hint is empty / null, Global Merge Hint (if defined here) is included in the query.

Hint used for SELECT statement

Specify the SQL Hint that can be used to optimize Merge Query by selecting the specified query.

For example, “SELECT /*+ IS_PARALLEL */”

In a Rule Execution, Merge Query formed using definition level Select Hint precede over the Global Select Hint Parameters defined here. In case the definition level Select Hint is empty / null, Global Select Hint (if defined here) is included in the query.

Script executed before MERGE statement

Refers to a set of semicolon (;) separated statements which are to be executed before Merge Query on the same connection object.

In a Rule Execution, Global Pre Script Parameters defined here are added to a Batch followed by Rule definition level Pre Script statements if the same has been provided during rule definition. However, it is not mandatory to have a Pre Script either at Global or definition level.

Script executed after MERGE statement

Refers to a set of semicolon (;) separated statements which are to be executed after Merge Query on the same connection object.

In a Rule Execution, Global Post Script Parameters defined here are added to a Batch followed by Rule definition level Post Script statements if the same has been provided during rule definition. However, it is not mandatory to have a Post Script either at Global or definition level.

User ROWID in ON clause of MERGE statement

You can select the ROWID checkbox to create a Merge Statement based on specified ROWID instead of Primary Keys.

In a Rule Execution, ROWID is considered while creating Merge Statement if Use ROWID checkbox is selected in either Global Parameters defined here or Rule definition properties.

If Use ROWID checkbox is not selected in either Global Parameters defined here or Rule definition properties, then the flag is set to “N” and Primary Keys are considered while creating in Merge Statements.


2.     Click Save and save the Optimization details.

Updating Others Tab

1.      Select the Others tab and update the details as tabulated:

You can modify the Others tab details as tabulated below:




Limit on number of mappings displayed

Specify the number of mappings which are to be displayed in Rule Definition window. A maximum of 9999 records can be displayed.

Page size used in tree pagination

Specify the number of subcomponents that can be displayed in each Component from the Process Component Selector window. A maximum of 9999 records can be displayed.

Application uses new Run Rule Framework

Selecting this option will display only the new Run Rule Framework links in Metadata Browser and Enterprise Modeling windows.

Enable audit log through Security Management System

You can select this checkbox to enable Infrastructure system to log all the usage and activity reports. A System Administrator can to generate Audit Trail Reports in HTML format to monitor user activity on regular intervals.

Note: This is currently applicable for Run Rule Framework only.

Populate Execution Statistics

This feature is disabled by default.

Select the check box to determine which case statement of a rule has updated how many corresponding records. Though there is no impact in Rule execution, an insert query is used in the back-end to list the number of records processed by each condition in the rule.

For more information, see Populate Execution Statistics in References section.

Allow Correction on DI Source

Select the checkbox to allow data correction on the data source. This enables the data correction to be executed along with data quality checks.

If the checkbox is not selected, data corrections will be done with T2T (LOAD DATA) executions, that is while loading the data to the target table.

By default, the checkbox is selected.


2.     Click Save and save the Others tab changes.