Oracle® Database Mobile Server

Getting Started - Quick Guide

Release 12.1.0


January 2015

This document provides information for downloading and installing the Database Mobile Server (DMS) and its dependencies. DMS uses a middle-tier application server to communicate between the mobile clients and the backend Oracle database. Different application servers are supported for DMS, including WebLogic Server, Oracle Glassfish, Glassfish Server Open Source Edition and Apache TomEE.

1 Introduction

This Getting Started Guide demonstrates the following:

  • How to install DMS on top of Oracle Glassfish server on a Windows platform

  • How to create a publication using Mobile Development Workbench

  • How to publish the Transport Application to the Mobile Server

  • How to run the Transport Application on the client device

See the sections below:

The following sections provide information on the transport demo and how to publish the transport application:

1.1 InstalIation of Java Development Kit (JDK)

You should use a supported JDK for DMS install. For information on what JDK to use, refer to Section 4.3.2 JDK Platform Support in the Installation Guide.

To download JDK, go to:

Double click on the "Installation Executable" and go through the required installation steps. By default, after the installation, you can find the JDK in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java on a 32-bit Windows platform or C:\Program Files\Java on a 64-bit Windows platform.

1.2 Installation Packages (for Windows)

Install and run the following products:


To install and run all the above products, first, you need to install the latest JDK 7 or JDK 8.

1.3 Installation of Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE)

To install Oracle Database XE, follow the steps below:

  1. Extract Oracle Database XE ZIP package in the current directory.You will get directory DISK1. Double click DISK1\setup.exe to install Oracle XE (see, Figure 1).

    Figure 1 Welcome Screen of Oracle Database XE Install Wizard

    Surrounding text describes Figure 1 .
  2. On the "License Agreement" screen, choose "I accept the terms in the license agreement", then click "Next", as seen in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 License Agreement

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2 .
  3. On the "Choose Destination Location" screen, click "Browse…" to select the path to install Oracle Database XE, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3 Choose Destination Location

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3 .
  4. On the "Specify Database Password" screen, enter password for both the SYS and the SYSTEM database accounts, as shown in Figure 4. Keep note of these as they will be required throughout the rest of the DMS setup process.

    Figure 4 Specify Database Passwords

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4 .
  5. The "Summary" page shows current installation setting (before proceeding with the installation), as shown in Figure 5. If all the settings are as expected, click "Install" to start the installation, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 5 Summary

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5 .

    Figure 6 Installation Process

    Surrounding text describes Figure 6 .
  6. End of installation, click "Finish", as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7 Installation Complete

    Surrounding text describes Figure 7 .
  7. After installation, the Install Wizard will create a shortcut on the desktop, as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8 Oracle Getting Started Page

    Surrounding text describes Figure 8 .
  8. Double click this shortcut and it will run the default internet browser and show the home page of Oracle Database XE, as shown in Figure 9. Click the link on the home page to check the status of database.

    Figure 9 Home Page of Oracle Database XE

    Surrounding text describes Figure 9 .

1.4 Installation of Oracle Glassfish

To install Oracle Glassfish server, follow the steps below:

  1. Double click Oracle Glassfish installation executable file to start installation. On the "Introduction" page, click "Next" to proceed (see, Figure 10).

    Figure 10 Introduction

    Surrounding text describes Figure 10 .
  2. Choose "Installation Type". Here, we choose the default type "Typical Installation", as seen in Figure 11.

    Figure 11 Installation Type

    Surrounding text describes Figure 11 .
  3. On the "Install Directory" screen, click the "…" button to select the path to install Oracle Glassfish. Click "Next" as shown in Figure 12.

    Figure 12 Install Directory

    Surrounding text describes Figure 12 .
  4. On the "Update Tool" screen, you can check for Oracle Glassfish updates periodically or you can disable it, as shown in Figure 13.

    Figure 13 Update Tool

    Surrounding text describes Figure 13 .
  5. The "Ready To Install" screen shows the current installation setting before proceeding with the installation, as shown in Figure 14.

    Figure 14 Ready to Install

    Surrounding text describes Figure 14 .
  6. The installation process begins, as shown in Figure 15.

    Figure 15 Installation Process

    Surrounding text describes Figure 15 .
  7. Configure the Oracle Glassfish administration settings. See Figure 16.

    Figure 16 Configure Administration Settings

    Surrounding text describes Figure 16 .
  8. For the configuration results and summary, see Figure 17 and Figure 18.

    Figure 17 Configuration Result

    Surrounding text describes Figure 17 .

    Figure 18 Summary

    Surrounding text describes Figure 18 .

1.5 Installation of Database Mobile Server (DMS)

Refer to Section "Installation of the Mobile Server" in the Oracle Database Mobile Server Installation Guide for instructions on how to install Database Mobile Server.


During the installation of Database Mobile Server you must do the following:
  1. On the Specify Application Server Home screen, select the installation directory of your Oracle Glassfish server installation.

  2. On the Please Provide the Repository Database Information screen, provide the URL of the Oracle Database XE you have installed.

  3. On the Enter Database Administrator Account Information page, you can use the user SYSTEM created during the installation of Oracle Database XE, since it has database administrative privileges.

After you have installed Database Mobile Server, run <ORACLE_HOME>\Mobile\Server\bin\runmobileserver.bat to start the server, where <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle Home where you have installed the Database Mobile Server.

To verify your installation, open your browser, input Mobile Server URL http://<Mobile_Server_hostname>:<port>/mobile, and check that the Mobile Manager login page is displayed, as shown in Figure 19.

Log on to the Mobile Manager with the Mobile Server Administrator user name and password and the Mobile Server Farm Page is displayed, as shown in Figure 20.

If DMS is not running, you will see an error page: "The webpage cannot be displayed or Unable to Connect". Start the DMS and refresh the page.

Figure 19 Mobile Manager Login Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 19 .

Figure 20 Mobile Server Farm Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 20 .

1.6 Installation of Mobile Development Kit (MDK)

Refer to Section "Installation of Mobile Development Kit" in the Oracle Database Mobile Server Installation Guide for instructions on how to install Mobile Development Kit.

2 Transport Demo

Once DMS and MDK are installed, you are ready to move on to the next step - the application development and deployment models.For more information, see your mobile client platform-specific version of the Transport demo tutorial included in the MDK:

  • For Win32/WinCE: <ORACLE_HOME>\Mobile\Sdk\samples\dotnet\bdb\transport\doc\Transport Tutorial.doc

  • For Android: <ORACLE_ HOME>\Mobile\Sdk\samples\android\ transport\Transport Tutorial.pdf

  • For iOS: <ORACLE_HOME>\Mobile\Sdk\samples\ios\ transport\Transport Tutorial.pdf

3 Publish the Transport Application

Follow the steps below to publish the Transport Application:

  1. Create the Application Schema and data in back-end Oracle Database XE.

  2. Create a Mobile Server publication for the application data using the MDW - a GUI publication tool included in the MDK.

  3. Create the Transport application for your device platform.

  4. Publish the Transport application to Mobile Server using the Packaging Wizard.

  5. Create mobile users using the Mobile Manager.

  6. Grant user access to the Transport application using the Mobile Manager - DMS online administrative console.

  7. Install mobile client on your device, download the Transport application to your device, and synchronize data between the Transport application and back-end Oracle Database.

4 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Mobile Server Getting Started Guide, Release 12.1.0


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