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Oracle® Hierarchical Storage Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 6.0
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6 Configuring the Basic File System

QFS File Systems are the basic building blocks of all Oracle HSM solutions. Used on their own, they offer high performance, effectively unlimited capacity, and support for extremely large files. When used with Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and suitably configured archival storage, they become Oracle HSM Archiving File Systems. Both archiving and non-archiving QFS file systems can then form the basis of more complex, multiple-host and high-availability configurations. So this chapter outlines the basic tasks involved when creating and configuring them:

Configuring QFS File Systems

Creating and configuring a basic QFS file system is straightforward. In each case, you perform the following tasks:

  • Prepare the disk devices that will support the file system.

  • Create a Master Configuration File (mcf).

  • Create the file system using the /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/sammkfs command.

  • Add the new file system to the host's virtual file system configuration by editing the /etc/vfstab file.

  • Mount the new file system.

The process can be performed using either the graphical Oracle HSM Manager interface or a text editor and commandline terminal. But in the examples, we use the editor-and-commandline method to make the parts of the process explicit and thus easier to understand.

For simplicity and convenience during an initial Oracle HSM configuration, the procedures in this section set file-system mount options in the configuration file for the Solaris virtual file system, /etc/vfstab. But most options can also be set in an optional /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file or from the command line. See the samfs.cmd and mount_samfs man pages for details.

Prepare Disk Storage for a QFS File System

Before you start the configuration process, select the disk resources required for your planned configuration. You can use raw device slices, ZFS zvol volumes, or Solaris Volume Manager volumes.

Configure a General-Purpose ms File System

  1. Log in to the file-system host as root. Log in to the global zone if the host is configured with zones.

  2. Create the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf.

    The mcf (master configuration file) is a table of six columns separated by white space, each representing one of the parameters that define a QFS file system: Equipment Identifier, Equipment Ordinal, Equipment Type. Family Set, Device State, and Additional Parameters. The rows in the table represent file-system equipment, which includes both storage devices and groups of devices (family sets).

    You can create the mcf file by selecting options in the Oracle HSM Manager graphical user interface or by using a text editor. In the example below, we use the vi text editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    "/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf"  [New File]
  3. For the sake of clarity, enter column headings as comments.

    Comment rows start with a hash sign (#):

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
  4. In the Equipment Identifier field (the first column) of the first row, enter the name of the new file system.

    In this example, the file system is named qfsms:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
  5. In the Equipment Ordinal field (the second column), enter a number that will uniquely identify the file system.

    The equipment ordinal number uniquely identifies all equipment controlled by Oracle HSM. In this example, we use 100 for the qfsms file system:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100
  6. In the Equipment Type field (the third column), enter the equipment type for a general-purpose QFS file system, ms:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms
  7. In the Family Set field (the fourth column), enter the name of the file system.

    The Family Set parameter defines a group of equipment that are configured together to form a unit, such as a robotic tape library and its resident tape drives or a file system and its component disk devices.

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms
  8. Enter on in the Device State column, and leave the Additional Parameters column blank.

    This row is complete:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on
  9. Start a new row. Enter the identifier for one of the disk devices that you selected in the Equipment Identifier field (the first column), and enter a unique number in the Equipment Ordinal field (the second column).

    In the example, we indent the device line to emphasize the fact that the device is part of the qfsms file-system family set and increment the equipment number of the family set to create the device number, in this case 101:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101
  10. In the Equipment Type field of the disk device row (the third column), enter the equipment type for a disk device, md:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101        md
  11. Enter the family set name of the file system in the Family Set field of the disk device row (the fourth column), enter on in the Device State field (the fifth column), and leave the Additional Parameters field (the sixth column) blank.

    The family set name qfsms identifies the disk equipment as part of the hardware for the file system.

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101        md         qfsms      on
  12. Now add entries for any remaining disk devices, save the file, and quit the editor.

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------------
    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101        md         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5   102        md         qfsms      on
  13. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command.

    The sam-fsd command reads Oracle HSM configuration files and initializes file systems. It will stop if it encounters an error:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
  14. If the sam-fsd command finds an error in the mcf file, edit the file to correct the error and recheck as described in the preceding step.

    In the example below, sam-fsd reports an unspecified problem with a device:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
    Problem in mcf file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf for filesystem qfsms
    sam-fsd: Problem with file system devices.

    Usually, such errors are the result of inadvertent typing mistakes. Here, when we open the mcf file in an editor, we find that we have typed a letter o instead of a 0 in the slice number part of the equipment name for device 102, the second md device:

    qfsms                100        ms         qfsms      on       
      /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0   101        md         qfsms      on
      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0so   102        md         qfsms      on
  15. If the sam-fsd command runs without error, the mcf file is correct. Proceed to the next step.

    The example is a partial listing of error-free output:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    sam-amld      /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date
                  size    10M  age 0
    sam-archiverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-archiverd
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date module
                  size    10M  age 0
    sam-catserverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-catserverd
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date module
                  size    10M  age 0
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  16. Create a mount-point directory for the new file system, and set the access permissions for the mount point.

    Users must have execute (x) permission to change to the mount-point directory and access files in the mounted file system. In the example, we create the /qfsms mount-point directory and set permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x):

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /qfsms
    root@solaris:~# chmod 755 /qfsms
  17. Tell the Oracle HSM software to reread the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the command samd config.

    root@solaris:~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS
  18. If the command samd config fails with the message You need to run /opt/SUNWsamfs/util/SAM-QFS-post-install, you forgot to run the post-installation script when you installed the software. Run it now.

    root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/util/SAM-QFS-post-install
    - The administrator commands will be executable by root only (group bin).
    If this is the desired value, enter "y".  If you want to change
    the specified value enter "c".
  19. Create the file system using the /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/sammkfs command and the family set name of the file system.

    The Oracle HSM software uses dual-allocation and default Disk Allocation Unit (DAU) sizes for md devices. This is a good choice for a general-purpose file system, because it can accommodate both large and small files and I/O requests. In the example, we accept the defaults:

    root@solaris:~# sammkfs qfsms
    Building 'qfsms' will destroy the contents of devices:
    Do you wish to continue? [y/N]yes
    total data kilobytes       = ...

    If we were using mr devices needed to specify a non-default DAU size that better met our I/O requirements, we could do so by using the sammkfs command with the -a option:

    root@solaris:~# sammkfs -a 16 qfs2ma 

    For additional information, see the sammkfs man page.

  20. Back up the operating system's /etc/vfstab file.

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
  21. Add the new file system to the operating system's virtual file system configuration. Open the file in a text editor, and start a line for the qfsms family set device:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc     proc    -     no       -
    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -    
  22. In the sixth column of the /etc/vfstab file, Mount at Boot, enter no in most cases.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    # File
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -     no
  23. To specify round-robin allocation, add the stripe=0 mount option:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc     proc    -     no       -
    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -     no       stripe=0
  24. To specify striped allocation, add the stripe=stripe-width mount option, where stripe-width is the number of Disk Allocation Units (DAUs) that should be written to each disk in the stripe.

    In our example, we set the stripe width to one DAU:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc     proc    -     no       -
    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -     no       stripe=1

    Here, the stripe=1 option specifies a stripe width of 1 DAU and a write size of two DAUs. So, when the file system writes two DAUs at a time, it writes one to each of the two md disk devices in the qfsms family set.

  25. Make any other desired changes to the /etc/vfstab file.

    For example, to mount the file system in the background if the metadata server is not responding, you would add the bg mount option to the Mount Options field:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc     proc    -     no       -
    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -     no       stripe=1,bg
  26. Save the vfstab file, and close the editor.

    qfsms      -        /qfsms    samfs   -     no       stripe=1
  27. Mount the new file system:

    root@solaris:~# mount /qfsms 
  28. The file system is now complete and ready to use.

    Where to go from here:

Configure a High-Performance ma File System

Once the Oracle HSM software is installed on the file-system host, you configure an ma file system as described below.

  1. Log in to the file system host as root. Log in to the global zone if the host is configured with zones.

  2. Select the disk devices that will hold the metadata.

  3. Select the disk devices that will hold the data.

  4. Create the mcf file.

    You can create the mcf file by selecting options in the Oracle HSM Manager graphical user interface or by using a text editor. In the example below, we use the vi text editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    "/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf"  [New File]
  5. For the sake of clarity, enter column headings as comments.

    Comment rows start with a hash sign (#):

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family  Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set     State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ------  ------   -----------------
  6. Create an entry for the file-system family set.

    In this example, we identify the file system as qfsma, increment the equipment ordinal to 200, set the equipment type to ma, set the family set name to qfsma, and set the device state on:

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family  Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set     State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ------  ------   -----------------
    qfsma          200        ma         qfsma   on
  7. Add an entry for each metadata device. Enter the identifier for the disk device you selected in the equipment identifier column, set the equipment ordinal, and set the equipment type to mm.

    Add enough metadata devices to hold the metadata required for the size of the file system. In the example, we add a single metadata device:

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family  Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set     State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ------  ------   -----------------
    qfsma                 200        ma         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201        mm         qfsma   on
  8. Now add entries for the data devices, save the file, and quit the editor.

    These can be either md, mr, or striped-group (gXXX) devices. For this example, we will specify md devices:

    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family  Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set     State    Parameters
    #------------------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------   -----------------
    qfsma                200        ma         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0   201        mm         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0   202        md         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1   203        md         qfsma   on
  9. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command.

    The sam-fsd command reads Oracle HSM configuration files and initializes file systems. It will stop if it encounters an error:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
  10. If the sam-fsd command finds an error in the mcf file, edit the file to correct the error and recheck as described in the preceding step.

    In the example below, sam-fsd reports an unspecified problem with a device:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
    Problem in mcf file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf for filesystem qfsma
    sam-fsd: Problem with file system devices.

    Usually, such errors are the result of inadvertent typing mistakes. Here, when we open the mcf file in an editor, we find that we have typed an exclamation point (!) instead of a 1 in the slice number part of the equipment name equipment name for device 202, the first md device:

    sharefs1              200         ma         qfsma   on       
      /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201         mm         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s!    202         md         qfsma   on
      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    203         md         qfsma   on
  11. If the sam-fsd command runs without error, the mcf file is correct. Proceed to the next step.

    The example is a partial listing of error-free output:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    sam-amld      /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date
                  size    10M  age 0
    sam-archiverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-archiverd
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date module
                  size    10M  age 0
    sam-catserverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-catserverd
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date module
                  size    10M  age 0
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  12. Create the file system using the /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/sammkfs command and the family set name of the file system.

    In the example, we create the file system using the default Disk Allocation Unit (DAU) size for ma file systems with md devices, 64 kilobytes:

    root@solaris:~# sammkfs qfsma
    Building 'qfsma' will destroy the contents of devices:
    Do you wish to continue? [y/N]yes
    total data kilobytes       = ...

    The default is a good, general-purpose choice. But if the file system were to primarily support smaller files or applications that read and write smaller amounts of data, we could also specify a DAU size of 16 or 32 kilobytes. To specify a 16-kilobytes DAU, we would use the sammkfs command with -a option:

    root@solaris:~# sammkfs -a 16 qfsma 

    The DAU for mr devices and gXXX striped groups is fully adjustable within the range 8-65528 kilobytes, in increments of 8 kilobytes. The default is 64 kilobytes for mr devices and 256 kilobytes for gXXX striped groups. See the sammkfs man page for additional details.

  13. Back up the operating system's /etc/vfstab file.

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
  14. Add the new file system to the operating system's virtual file system configuration. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and start a line for the qfsma family set.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    # File
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -
  15. In the sixth column of the /etc/vfstab file, Mount at Boot, enter no.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    # File
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -     no
  16. To specify round-robin allocation, add the stripe=0 mount option:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -     no       stripe=0
  17. To specify striped allocation, add the stripe=stripe-width mount option, where stripe-width is an integer in the range [1-255] that represents the number of Disk Allocation Units (DAUs) that should be written to each disk in the stripe.

    When striped allocation is specified, data is written to devices in parallel. So, for best performance, choose a stripe width that fully utilizes the bandwidth available with your storage hardware. Note that the volume of data transferred for a given stripe width depends on how hardware is configured. For md devices implemented on single disk volumes, a stripe width of 1 writes one 64-kilobyte DAU to each of two disks for a total of 128 kilobytes. For md devices implemented on 3+1 RAID 5 volume groups, the same stripe width transfers one 64-kilobyte DAU to each of the three data disks on each of two devices, for a total of six DAUs or 384 kilobytes per transfer. In our example, we set the stripe width to one DAU:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -     no       stripe=1
  18. You can try adjusting the stripe width to make better use of the available hardware. In the Mount Options field for the file system, set the stripe=n mount option, where n is a multiple of the DAU size specified for the file system. Test the I/O performance of the file system and readjust the setting as needed.

    When you set stripe=0, Oracle HSM writes files to devices using round-robin allocation. Each file is completely allocated on one device until that device is full. Round-robin is preferred for shared file systems and multistream environments.

    In the example, we have determined that the bandwidth of our RAID-5 volume groups are under-utilized with a stripe width of one, so we try stripe=2:

    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc     proc    -     no       -
    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -     no       ...,stripe=2
  19. Otherwise, save the vfstab file.

    qfsma      -        /qfsma    samfs   -     no       stripe=1
  20. Mount the new file system:

    root@solaris:~# mount /qfsms 

    The basic file system is now complete and ready to use.

  21. If you are using Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager to set up an archiving file system, see "Configuring Oracle HSM Archiving File Systems".

  22. If you need to enable WORM (Write Once Read Many) capability on the file system, see "Enabling Support for Write Once Read Many (WORM) Files".

  23. If you need to interwork with systems that use LTFS or if you need to transfer large quantities of data between remote sites, see "Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)".

  24. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

  25. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".

Configuring Oracle HSM Archiving File Systems

Archiving file systems combine one or more QFS ma- or ms-type file systems with archival storage and Oracle HSM software. The Oracle HSM software integrates secondary disk storage and/or removable media into the basic file-system operations, so that files are maintained in multiple copies on varied media. This redundancy provides continuous data protection and supports policy-driven retention and efficient storage of extremely large files.

Prepare Disk Storage for Archival Copies

Oracle HSM archiving file systems can copy files from the primary file-system disk cache to either tape volumes or disk-based file systems that have been configured as disk archives. In the latter case, Oracle HSM uses each file system more or less as it would a tape cartridge and addresses it using an assigned volume serial number (VSN). Disk-archive volumes can be significantly more responsive when small files are frequently archived, re-accessed, and/or modified, because random-access disk devices do not incur the mounting and positioning overhead associated with sequential-access tape devices.

  1. Determine the number of file systems that you are likely to need. For best performance, one Oracle HSM operation should read or write to one disk volume at a time, as with tape volumes. So the number of required volumes depends of the workload that you identified when gathering and defining requirements.

    In typical deployments, a number between 15 and 30 volumes is usually about right.

  2. Identify the disk resources and total capacity that can be made available for disk archiving.

  3. Calculate the number of disk volumes that you can actually create from the available resources. Allow 10 to 20 terabytes per volume. If the total available capacity is less than 10 terabytes, you can create a single archive volume.

  4. Configure a file system for each archive volume.

    You can use any combination of local or NFS-mounted, QFS, ZFS, and/or UFS file systems as archive volumes (NFS-mounted volumes can be particularly useful for creating off-site archive copies).

    Do not try to use subdirectories of a single file system as archival volumes. If multiple volumes are defined on a single set of physical devices, multiple Oracle HSM operations will contend for the same resources. This situation can drastically increase disk overhead and severely reduce performance.

    For the examples in this section, we create fifteen file systems:

    • DISKVOL1 is a local QFS file system that we create specifically for use as archival storage.

    • DISKVOL2 to DISKVOL15 are UFS file systems mounted on a remote server named server.

  5. If you configure one or more QFS file systems as archival storage volumes, assign each a family set name and a range of equipment ordinal numbers that clearly identifies it as an archival storage volume.

    Clearly distinguishing the QFS archival storage file system from other Oracle HSM primary file systems makes configuration easier to understand and maintain. In this example, the new file system DISKVOL1 indicates its function. In the mcf file, this name and the equipment ordinal 800 will distinguish the disk archive from samms and 100, the family set name and ordinal number that we will use when we create an archiving Oracle HSM file system in subsequent examples:

    # Archiving file systems:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                  800       ms       DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7         801       md       DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7         802       md       DISKVOL1  on
  6. On the Oracle HSM host, create a single parent directory to hold the mount points for the archival disk volumes, much as a physical tape library holds archival tape volumes.

    In the example, we create the directory/diskvols.

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /diskvols
  7. In the parent directory, create a mount-point directory for each archival file system.

    In the example, we create the mount-point directories DISKVOL1 and DISKVOL2 to DISKVOL15:

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /diskvols/DISKVOL1
    root@solaris:~# mkdir /diskvols/DISKVOL2
    root@solaris:~# mkdir /diskvols/DISKVOL15
  8. On the Oracle HSM host, back up the /etc/vfstab file. Then open it in an editor, add entries for each archival file system, and add the mount option nosam to each QFS file system. Save the file, and close the editor.

    The nosam mount option makes sure that archival copies stored on a QFS file system are not themselves archived.

    In the example, we use the vi editor to add entries for DISKVOL1 and DISKVOL2 to DISKVOL15.

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device           Device   Mount               System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount         to fsck  Point               Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------         -------  ------------------  ------  ----  -------  ---------
    /devices          -        /devices            devfs   -     no       -
    DISKVOL1          -        /diskvols/DISKVOL1  samfs   -     yes      nosam
    server:/DISKVOL2  -        /diskvols/DISKVOL2  nfs     -     yes      
    server:/DISKVOL3  -        /diskvols/DISKVOL3  nfs     -     yes     
    server:/DISKVOL15 -        /diskvols/DISKVOL15 nfs     -     yes     
  9. On the Oracle HSM host, mount the archival file system(s).

    In the example, we mount DISKVOL1 and DISKVOL2 to DISKVOL15:

    root@solaris:~# mount /diskvols/DISKVOL1
    root@solaris:~# mount /diskvols/DISKVOL2
    root@solaris:~# mount /diskvols/DISKVOL15
  10. Now, Prepare Removable Media Libraries and Drives.

Prepare Removable Media Libraries and Drives

This section addresses the following tasks:

Configure an Oracle StorageTek ACSLS Network-Attached Automated Library

If you have an Oracle StorageTek ACSLS network-attached library, you can configure it as follows or you can use the Oracle HSM Manager graphical user interface to automatically discover and configure the library (for instructions on using Oracle HSM Manager, see the online help).

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM server host as root.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

    root@solaris:~# cd /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs
  3. In a text editor, start a new file with a name that corresponds to the type of network-attached library that you are configuring.

    In the example, we start a parameters file for an Oracle StorageTek ACSLS network-attached library:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/acsls1params
    # Configuration File for an ACSLS Network-Attached Tape Library 1
  4. Enter the parameters and values that the Oracle HSM software will use when communicating with the ACSLS-attached library.

    The Oracle HSM software uses the following Oracle StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Application Programming Interface (ACSAPI) parameters to control ACSLS-managed libraries (for more information, see the stk man page):

    • access=user-id specifies an optional user identification value for access control. By default, there is no user identification-based access control.

    • hostname=hostname specifies the hostname of the server that runs the StorageTek ACSLS interface.

    • portnum=portname specifies the port number that is used for communication between ACSLS and Oracle HSM software.

    • ssihost=hostname specifies the hostname that identifies a multihomed Oracle HSM server to the network that connects to the ACSLS host. The default is the name of the local host.

    • ssi_inet_port=ssi-inet-port specifies the fixed firewall port that the ACSLS Server System Interface must use for incoming ACSLS responses. Specify either 0 or a value in the range [1024-65535]. The default, 0, allows dynamic port allocation.

    • csi_hostport=csi-port specifies the Client System Interface port number on the ACSLS server to which the Oracle HSM sends its ACSLS requests. Specify either 0 or a value in the range [1024-65535]. The default, 0, causes the system to query the port mapper on the ACSLS server for a port.

    • capid=(acs=acsnum, lsm=lsmnum, cap=capnum) specifies the ACSLS address of a cartridge access port (CAP), where acsnum is the Automated Cartridge System (ACS) number for the library, lsmnum is the Library Storage Module (LSM) number for the module that holds the CAP, and capnum is the identifying number for the desired CAP. The complete address is enclosed in parentheses.

    • capacity=(index-value-list) specifies the capacities of removable media cartridges, where index-value-list is a comma-delimited list ofindex=value pairs. Eachindex in the list is the index of an ACSLS-defined media type and each value is the corresponding volume capacity in units of 1024 bytes.

      The ACSLS file /export/home/ACSSS/data/internal/mixed_media/media_types.dat defines the media-type indices. In general, you only need to supply a capacity entry for new cartridge types or when you need to override the supported capacity.

    • device-path-name=(acs=ACSnumber, lsm=LSMnumber, panel=Panelnumber, drive=Drivenumber)[shared] specifies the ACSLS address of a drive that is attached to the client, where device-path-name identifies the device on the Oracle HSM server, acsnum is the Automated Cartridge System (ACS) number for the library, lsmnum is the Library Storage Module (LSM) number for the module that controls the drive, Panelnumber is the identifying number for the panel where the drive is installed, and Drivenumber is the identifying number of the drive. The complete address is enclosed in parentheses.

      Adding the optional shared keyword after the ACSLS address lets two or more Oracle HSM servers share the drive as long as each retains exclusive control over its own media. By default, a cartridge in a shared drive can be idle for 60 seconds before being unloaded.

    In the example, we identify acslserver1 as the ACSLS host, limit access to sam_user, specify dynamic port allocation, and map a cartridge access port and two drives:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/acsls1params
    # Configuration File for an ACSLS Network-Attached Tape Library 1
    hostname = acslserver1
    portnum = 50014
    access = sam_user
    ssi_inet_port = 0
    csi_hostport = 0
    capid = (acs=0, lsm=1, cap=0)
    /dev/rmt/0cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=1)
    /dev/rmt/1cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=2) 
  5. Save the file and close the editor.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/acsls1params
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/acslibrary1
    # Configuration File for an ACSLS Network-Attached Tape Library
    /dev/rmt/0cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=1)
    /dev/rmt/1cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=2) 
  6. If required, Configure Labeling Behavior for Barcoded Removable Media or Set Drive Timing Values.

  7. Otherwise, go to "Configure the Archiving File System".

Configure Labeling Behavior for Barcoded Removable Media

If you have a tape library that uses a barcode reader, you can configure Oracle HSM to base volume labels on the barcodes by using the labels directive in the defaults.conf file. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM host as root.

  2. If you need the library to automatically label each volume using the first six characters of the barcode on the media and have not changed the defaults, stop here. If required Set Drive Timing Values. Otherwise, go to "Configure the Archiving File System".

    By default, if a library holds a barcode reader and barcoded media, Oracle HSM software automatically labels the volumes with the first six characters in the barcode.

  3. If you require a non-default behavior or if you have previously overridden the default, open the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf in a text editor.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/defaults.conf
  4. Locate the directive line labels =, if present add it if it is not present.

    In the example, we add the directive:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.
    labels = 
  5. To re-enable the default, automatic labeling based on the first six characters of the barcode, set the value of the labels directive to barcodes. Save the file, and close the editor.

    The Oracle HSM software now automatically relabels an unlabeled tape using the first six characters of the tape's barcode as the label:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    labels = barcodes
  6. To enable automatic labeling based on the last six characters of the barcode on a tape, set the value of the labels directive to barcodes_low. Save the file, and close the editor.

    When the labels directive is set to barcodes_low, the Oracle HSM software automatically relabels an unlabeled tape using uses the last six characters of the tape's barcode as the label:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    labels = barcodes_low
  7. To disable automatic labeling and configure Oracle HSM to read labels from tapes, set the value of the labels directive to read. Save the file, and close the editor.

    When the labels directive is set to the value read, the Oracle HSM software cannot automatically relabel tapes:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    labels = read
    idle_unload = 0
  8. If required, Set Drive Timing Values.

  9. Otherwise, go to "Configure the Archiving File System".

Set Drive Timing Values

By default, the Oracle HSM software sets drive timing parameters as follows:

  • The minimum time that must elapse before a specified device type can dismount media is 60 seconds.

  • The amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before issuing new commands to a library that is responding to a SCSI unload command is 15 seconds.

  • The amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before unloading an idle drive is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

  • The amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before unloading an idle drive that is shared by two or more Oracle HSM servers is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

To change the default timing values, proceed as follows:

  1. If you are not logged in, log in to the Oracle HSM host as root.

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf file in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
  3. If required, specify the minimum time that must elapse before a specified device type can dismount media. In the defaults.conf file, add a directive of the form equipment-type_delay = number-of-seconds, where equipment-type is the two-character, Oracle HSM code that identifies the drive type that you are configuring and number-of-seconds is an integer representing the default number of seconds for this device type.

    See Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types" for listings of equipment type codes and corresponding equipment. In the example, we change the unload delay for LTO drives (equipment type li) from the default value (60 seconds) to 90 seconds):

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
    li_delay = 90
  4. If required, specify the amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before issuing new commands to a library that is responding to a SCSI unload command. In the defaults.conf file, add a directive of the form equipment-type_unload = number-of-seconds, where equipment-type is the two-character, Oracle HSM code that identifies the drive type that you are configuring and number-of-seconds is an integer representing the number of seconds for this device type.

    See Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types") for listings of equipment type codes and corresponding equipment. Set the longest time that the library might need when responding to the unload command in the worst-case. In the example, we change the unload delay for LTO drives (equipment type li) from the default value (15 seconds) to 35 seconds:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
    li_delay = 90
    li_unload = 35
  5. If required, specify the amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before unloading an idle drive. In the defaults.conf file, add a directive of the form idle_unload = number-of-seconds, where number-of-seconds is an integer representing the specified number of seconds.

    Specify 0 to disable this feature. In the example, In the example, we disable this feature by changing the default value (600 seconds) to 0:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
    li_delay = 90
    li_unload = 35
    idle_unload = 0
  6. If required, specify the amount of time that Oracle HSM software waits before unloading a shared idle drive. In the defaults.conf file, add a directive of the form shared_unload = number-of-seconds, where number-of-seconds is an integer representing the specified number of seconds.

    You can configure Oracle HSM servers to share removable-media drives. This directive frees drives for use by other servers when the server that owns the loaded media is not actually using the drive. Specify 0 to disable this feature. In the example, we disable this feature by changing the default value (600 seconds) to 0:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
    idle_unload = 600
    li_delay = 90
    li_unload = 35
    idle_unload = 0
    shared_unload = 0
  7. Save the file, and close the editor.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character and change the value.
    idle_unload = 600
    li_delay = 90
    li_unload = 35
    idle_unload = 0
    shared_unload = 0
  8. Otherwise, Configure the Archiving File System.

Configure the Archiving File System

The procedure for creating an archiving file system is identical to creating a non-archiving file system, except that we add devices for storing additional copies of the data files:

  1. Start by configuring a QFS file system. You can Configure a General-Purpose ms File System or Configure a General-Purpose ms File System.

    While you can use the Oracle HSM Manager graphical user interface to create file systems, for the examples in this section, we use the vi editor. Here, we create a general purpose, ms file system with the family set name samms and the equipment ordinal number 100:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf 
    # Archiving file systems:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family  Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set     State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- ------  ------ -------------------
    samms                    100       ms        samms   on
     /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3        101       md        samms   on
     /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s4        102       md        samms   on 
  2. To add archival tape storage, start by adding an entry for the library. In the equipment identifier field, enter the device ID for the library and assign an equipment ordinal number:

    In this example, the library equipment identifier is /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5. We set the equipment ordinal number to 900, the range following the range chosen for our disk archive:

    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                 800       ms        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7        801       md        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7        802       md        DISKVOL1  on
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5 900
  3. Set the equipment type to rb, a generic SCSI-attached tape library, provide a name for the tape library family set, and set the device state on.

    In this example, we are using the library library1:

    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                 800       ms        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7        801       md        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7        802       md        DISKVOL1  on
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5 900       rb        library1  on
  4. Optionally, in the Additional Parameters column, enter the path where the library catalog will be stored.

    If you do not opt to supply a catalog path, the software will set a default path for you.

    Note that, due to document layout limitations, the example abbreviates the long path to the library catalog var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/library1cat:

    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                 800       ms        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7        801       md        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7        802       md        DISKVOL1  on
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5 900       rb        library1  on     ...catalog/library1cat
  5. Next, add an entry for each tape drive that is part of the library family set. Add each drive in the order in which it is physically installed in the library.

    Follow the drive order listed in the drive-mapping file that you created in "Determine the Order in Which Drives are Installed in the Library". In the example, the drives attached to Solaris at /dev/rmt/1, /dev/rmt/0, /dev/rmt/2, and /dev/rmt/3 are, respectively, drives 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the library. So /dev/rmt/1 is listed first in the mcf file, as device 901. The tp equipment type specifies a generic SCSI-attached tape drive:

    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------  ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                  800       ms        DISKVOL1 on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7         801       md        DISKVOL1 on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7         802       md        DISKVOL1 on
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5  900       rb        library1  on     ...catalog/library1cat
     /dev/rmt/1cbn             901       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/0cbn             902       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/2cbn             903       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/3cbn             904       tp        library1  on
  6. Finally, if you wish to configure a Oracle HSM historian yourself, add an entry using the equipment type hy. Enter a hyphen in the family-set and device-state columns and enter the path to the historian's catalog in additional-parameters column.

    The historian is a virtual library that catalogs volumes that have been exported from the archive. If you do not configure a historian, the software creates one automatically using the highest specified equipment ordinal number plus one.

    Note that the example abbreviates the long path to the historian catalog for page-layout reasons. The full path is /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/historian_cat:

    # Archival storage for copies:
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family    Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set       State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------ -----------------
    DISKVOL1                 800       ms        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c6t0d1s7        801       md        DISKVOL1  on
     /dev/dsk/c4t0d2s7        802       md        DISKVOL1  on
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5 900       rb        library1  on     ...catalog/SL150cat
     /dev/rmt/0cbn            901       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/1cbn            902       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/2cbn            903       tp        library1  on
     /dev/rmt/3cbn            904       tp        library1  on
    historian                999       hy        -         -      ...catalog/historian_cat
  7. Save the mcf file, and close the editor.

     /dev/rmt/3cbn            904       tp        library1  on
    historian                999       hy         -      -      ...catalog/historian_cat
  8. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command. Correct any errors found.

    The sam-fsd command reads Oracle HSM configuration files and initializes file systems. It will stop if it encounters an error:

    root@solaris:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  9. If you are using one or more file systems as archival storage volumes, create the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/diskvols.conf file in a text editor, and assign a volume serial number (VSN) to each file system. For each file system, start a new line consisting of the desired volume serial number, white space, and the path to the file-system mount point. Then save the file.

    In the example, we have three disk-based archival volumes: DISKVOL1 is the QFS file system that we created locally for this purpose. DISKVOL2 to DISKVOL15 are UFS file systems. All are mounted on the /diskvols/ directory:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/diskvols.conf
    # Volume 
    # Serial     Resource
    # Number     Path       
    # ------     ---------------------
    DISKVOL1     /diskvols/DISKVOL1
    DISKVOL2     /diskvols/DISKVOL2
    DISKVOL15     /diskvols/DISKVOL3
  10. Create a mount-point directory for the new file system, and set the access permissions for the mount point.

    Users must have execute (x) permission to change to the mount-point directory and access files in the mounted file system. In the example, we create the /samms mount-point directory and set permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x):

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /samms
    root@solaris:~# chmod 755 /samms
  11. Tell the Oracle HSM software to reread the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Correct any errors reported and repeat as necessary

    root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS
  12. Next, Mount the Archiving File System.

Mount the Archiving File System

  1. Log in to the file system host as root. Log in to the global zone if the host is configured with zones.

  2. Back up the Solaris /etc/vfstab file, and open it in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor.

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    samms      -        /samms    samfs   -     yes      -
  3. Set the high-water mark, the percentage disk cache utilization that causes Oracle HSM to release previously archived files from disk. In the last column of the Oracle HSM file-system entry, enter the mount option high=percentage, where percentage is a number in the range [0-100].

    Set this value based on disk storage capacity, average file size, and an estimate of the number of files that are accessed at any given time. You want to make sure that there is always enough cache space for both new files that users create and archived files that users need to access. But you also want to do as little staging as possible, so that you can avoid the overhead associated with mounting removable media volumes.

    If the primary cache is implemented using the latest high-speed disk or solid-state devices, set the high-water mark value at 95%. Otherwise use 80-85%. In the example, we set the high-water mark to 85%:

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    samms      -        /samms    samfs   -     yes      high=85
  4. Set the low-water mark, the percentage disk cache utilization that causes Oracle HSM to stop releasing previously archived files from disk. In the last column of the Oracle HSM file-system entry, enter the mount option low=percentage, where percentage is a number in the range [0-100].

    Set this value based on disk storage capacity, average file size, and an estimate of the number of files that are accessed at any given time. For performance reasons, you want to keep as many recently active files in cache as you can, particularly when files are frequently requested and modified. This keeps staging-related overhead to a minimum. But you do not want previously cached files to consume space needed for new files and newly accessed files that have to be staged to disk from archival copies.

    If the primary cache is implemented using the latest high-speed disk or solid-state devices, set the low-water mark value at 90%. Otherwise use 70-75%. In the example, based on local requirements, we set the high-water mark to 75%:

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    samms      -        /samms    samfs   -     yes      high=85,low=75
  5. If your users need to retain some file data in the disk cache when previously archived files are released from disk, enter partial releasing mount options in the last column of the Oracle HSM file-system entry.

    Partial releasing lets Oracle HSM leave the first part of a designated file in the disk cache when it releases archived files to recover disk space. This approach gives applications immediate access to the data at the start of the file while the remainder stages from archival media, such as tape. The following mount options govern partial releasing:

    • maxpartial=value sets the maximum amount of file data that can remain in disk cache when a file is partially released to value, where value is a number of kilobytes in the range 0-2097152 (0 disables partial releasing). The default is 16.

    • partial=value sets the default amount of file data that remains in disk cache after a a file is partially released to value, where value is a number of kilobytes in the range [0-maxpartial]. The default is 16. But note that the retained portion of a file always uses a kilobytes equal to at least one Disk Allocation Unit (DAU).

    • partial_stage=value sets the minimum amount of file data that must be read before an entire partially released file is staged to value, where value is a number of kilobytes in the range [0-maxpartial]. The default is the value specified by -o partial, if set, or 16.

    • stage_n_window=value sets the maximum amount of data that can be read at any one time from a file that is read directly from tape media, without automatic staging. The specified value is a number of kilobytes in the range [64-2048000]. The default is 256.

      For more information on files that are read directly from tape media, see OPTIONS section of the stage man page under -n.

    In the example, we set maxpartial to 128 and partial to 64, based on the characteristics of our application, and otherwise accept default values:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount     System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point     Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------  ------  ----  -------  -------------------------
    /devices   -        /devices  devfs   -     no       -
    samms      -        /samms    samfs   -     yes      ... maxpartial=128,partial=64
  6. If you need to exclude QFS file systems from archiving, add the nosam mount option to the /etc/vfstab entry for each.

    In the example, the nosam option is set for the DISKVOL1 file system, which is a disk archive. Here, the nosam mount option makes sure that archival copies are not themselves archived:

    #Device           Device   Mount               System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount         to fsck  Point               Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------         -------  ------------------  ------  ----  -------  ---------
    /devices          -        /devices            devfs   -     no       -
    samms             -        /samms              samfs   -     yes      ... ,partial=64
    DISKVOL1          -        /diskvols/DISKVOL1  samfs   -     yes      nosam
    server:/DISKVOL2  -        /diskvols/DISKVOL2  nfs     -     yes    
    server:/DISKVOL15 -        /diskvols/DISKVOL15 nfs     -     yes
  7. Save the /etc/vfstab file, and close the editor.

    server:/DISKVOL15 -        /diskvols/DISKVOL15 nfs     -     yes
  8. Mount the Oracle HSM archiving file system

    root@solaris:~# mount /samms
  9. Next, Configure the Archiving Process.

Configure the Archiving Process

Once archiving file systems have been created and mounted, you can generally address all or most of your archiving requirements with little additional configuration. In most cases, you need do little more than create a text file, archiver.cmd, that identifies the file systems, specifies the number of archive copies of each of your, and assigns media volumes to each copy.

While the Oracle HSM archiving process does have a number of tunable parameters, you should generally accept the default settings in the absence of well-defined, special requirements. The defaults have been carefully chosen to minimize the number of media mounts, maximize utilization of media, and optimize end-to-end archiving performance in the widest possible range of circumstances. So if you do need to make adjustments, be particularly careful about any changes that unnecessarily restrict the archiver's freedom to schedule work and select media. If you try to micromanaging storage operations, you can reduce performance and overall efficiency, sometimes drastically.

You should, however, enable archive logging in almost all situations. Archive logging is not enabled by default, because the log files can reach excessive sizes if not properly managed (management is covered in the Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Maintenance and Administration Guide). But, if a file system is ever damaged or lost, the archive log file lets you recover files that cannot otherwise be easily restored. When you Configure File System Protection and maintain them properly, the file-system metadata in a recovery point file lets you rapidly rebuild a file system from the data stored in archive copies. But a few files are inevitably archived before the file system is damaged or lost but after the last recovery point is generated. In this situation, the archival media holds valid copies, but, in the absence of file-system metadata, the copies cannot be automatically located. Since the file system's archive log records the volume serial numbers of the media that holds each archive copy and the position of the corresponding tar file(s) within each volume, you can use tar utilities to recover these files and fully restore the file system.

To create the archiver.cmd file and configure the archiving process, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the host as root.

  2. Open a new /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor.

    Each line in an archiver.cmd consists of one or more fields separated by white space (leading white space is ignored).

    In the example, we use the vi editor to open the file and enter a comment:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
  3. At the beginning of the archiver.cmd file, enter any general archiving directives that you need.

    General directives contain the equals (=) character in the second field or have no additional fields. In most cases, you can use the default values instead of setting general directives (see the GENERAL DIRECTIVES SECTION of the archiver.cmd man page for details).

    While we could leave this section empty, in the example, we have entered the default values for two general directives to illustrate their form:

    • The archivemeta = off directive tells the archiving process that it should not archive metadata.

    • The examine = noscan directive tells the archiving process to check for files that need archiving whenever the file system reports that files have changed (the default).

      Older versions of Oracle HSM scanned the whole file system periodically. In general, you should not change this directive unless you must do so for compatibility with legacy Oracle HSM configurations.

    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    # General Directives
    archivemeta = off                                              # default
    examine = noscan                                               # default
  4. Once you have entered all required general archiving directives, start assigning files to archive sets. On a new line, enter the assignment directive fs = filesystem-name, where filesystem-name is the family set name for a file system defined in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    The assignment directive maps a set of files in the specified file system to a set of copies on archival media. A set of files can be as large as all file systems or as small as a few files. But, for best performance and efficiency, you should not over-specify. Do not create more archive sets than you need to, as this can cause excessive media mounts, needless repositioning of media, and poor overall media utilization. In most cases, assign one archive set per file system.

    In the example, we start the archive-set assignment directive for the archiving file system samms:

    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    # General Directives
    archivemeta = off                                              # default
    examine = noscan                                               # default
    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = samms                                       # Archiving File System
  5. On the next line, enable archive logging. Enter the logfile = path/filename directive, where path/filename specifies the location and file name.

    As noted above, archives log data are essential for a complete recovery following loss of a file system. So configure Oracle HSM to write the archiver log to a non-Oracle HSM directory, such as /var/adm/, and save copies regularly. While you can create a global archiver.log that records archiver activity for all file systems together, configuring a log for each file system makes it easier to search the log during file recovery. So, in the example, we specify /var/adm/samms.archiver.log here, with the file-system assignment directives:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = samms                                       # Archiving File System
    logfile = /var/adm/samms.archiver.log
  6. On the next line, assign files from this file system to archive sets. For each archive set that you need to create, enter the directive archiveset-name starting-directory expression, where:

    • archiveset-name is the name that you choose for new the archive set.

    • starting-directory is the path to the directory where Oracle HSM starts to search for files (relative to the file-system mount point).

    • expression is one of the Boolean expressions defined by the Solaris find command.

    You should keep archive set definitions as inclusive and simple as possible in most cases. But note that, when circumstances dictate, you can limit archive set membership by specifying additional, more restrictive qualifiers, such as user or group file ownership, file size, file date/time stamps, and file names (using regular expressions). See the archiver.cmd man page for full information.

    In the example, we put all files found in the samms file system in a single archive set named allsamms . We specify the path using a dot (.) to start the search in the mount point directory itself (/samms).

    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = samms                                       # Archiving File System
    logfile = /var/adm/samms.archiver.log
    allsamms .
  7. Next, add copy directives for the allsamms archive set of the samms file system. For each copy, start the line with one or more spaces, and enter the directive copy-number -release -norelease archive-age unarchive-age, where:

    • copy-number is an integer.

    • -release and -norelease are optional parameters that control how disk cache space is managed once copies have been made. On its own, -release causes the disk space to be automatically released as soon as the corresponding copy is made. On its own, -norelease prevents release of disk space until all copies that have -norelease set have been made and the releaser process has been run. Together, -release and -norelease automatically release disk cache space as soon as all copies that have -norelease set have been made.

    • archive-age is the time that must elapse from time when the file was last modified before it is archived. Express time as any combination of integers and the identifiers s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks) and y (years). The default is 4m.

    • unarchive-age is the time that must elapse from time when the file was last modified before it can be unarchived. The default is to never unarchive copies.

    For full redundancy, always specify at least two copies of each archive set (the maximum is four). In the example, we specify three copies, each with -norelease until the copy reaches an archive age of 15 minutes. Copy 1 will be made using the archival disk volumes, while copies 2 and 3 will be made to tape media:

    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = samms                                       # Archiving File System
    logfile = /var/adm/samms.archiver.log
    allsamms .
        1 -norelease 15m
        2 -norelease 15m
        3 -norelease 15m
  8. Define archive sets for any remaining file systems.

    In the example, we have configured a QFS file system, DISKVOL1, as archival media for the copy process. So we start an entry for fs = DISKVOL1. But we do not want to be making archival copies of archival copies. So we do not specify a log file, and we use a special archive set called no_archive that prevents archiving for the files in this file system:

    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = samms                                       # Archiving File System
    logfile = /var/adm/samms.archiver.log
    allsamms .
        1 -norelease 15m
        2 -norelease 15m
        3 -norelease 15m
    fs = DISKVOL1                          # QFS File System (Archival Media)
    no_archive .
  9. Next we enter the directives that govern how copies are created. On a new line, start the copy parameters section by entering the key word params.

    fs = DISKVOL1                          # QFS File System (Archival Media)
    no_archive .
    # Copy Parameter Directives
  10. If you need to set any common copy parameters that apply to all copies of all archive sets, enter a line of the form allsets -param value ... where allsets is the special archive set that represents all configured archive sets and -param value ... represents one or more parameter/value pairs separated by spaces.

    For full descriptions of the parameters and their values, see the ARCHIVE SET COPY PARAMETERS SECTION section of the archiver.cmd man page.

    The directive in example is optimal for most file systems. The special allsets archive set insures that all archive sets are handled uniformly, for optimal performance and ease of management. The -sort path parameter insures that the tape archive (tar) files for all copies of all archive sets are sorted by path, so that files in the same directories remain together on the archive media. The -offline_copy stageahead parameter can improve performance when archiving offline files:

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
  11. If you need to set copy parameters for specific copies in all archive sets, enter a line of the form allfiles.copy-number -param value ... where allsets is the special archive set that represents all configured archive sets, copy-number is the number of the copy to which the directive applies, and -param value ... represents one or more parameter/value pairs separated by spaces.

    For full descriptions of the parameters and their values, see the ARCHIVE SET COPY PARAMETERS SECTION section of the archiver.cmd man page).

    In the example, the directive allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G, optimizes copy 1 for disk volumes. It starts archiving when the first file selected for archiving has been waiting for 10 minutes or the total size of all waiting files is at least 500 megabytes. A maximum of 10 drives can be used to make the copy and each tar file in the copy can be no larger than one gigabyte.

    The remaining directives, allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set and allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set, optimize copies 2 and 3 for tape media. They start archiving when the first file selected for archiving has been waiting for 24 or 48 hours, respectively, or when the total size of all waiting files is at least 20 gigabytes. A maximum of 2 drives can be used to make these copies (adjust this number to suit your infrastructure) and each tar file in the copy can be no larger than 24 gigabytes. The -reserve set insures that copies 2 and 3 of each archive set are made using tape media that only contain copies from the same archive set:

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set

    Note that the examples in this section assume the use of disk volumes for archiving. If you use only tape volumes, specify two copies and archive to tape more frequently. The following configuration is optimal for most file systems, once you adjust the specified number of drives to suit your infrastructure:

    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead -reserve set
    allfiles.1 -startage 8h -startsize 8G -drives 2 -archmax 10G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G
  12. If you need to set a directive for a specific archive set and copy, enter a line of the form archive-set-name.copy-number -param value ..., where archive-set-name is the name that you used for the archive set, copy-number is the number of the copy to which the directive applies, and -param value ... represents one or more parameter/value pairs separated by spaces.

    For full descriptions of the parameters and their values, see the ARCHIVE SET COPY PARAMETERS SECTION section of the archiver.cmd man page).

    In the example below, two archive sets are defined for the corpfs file system: hq and branches. Note that the copy directives for hq.1 and hq.2 apply only to archive set hq. Archive set branches is unaffected:

    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = corpfs
    logfile = /var/adm/corporatefs.archive.log
    hq /corpfs/hq/
        1 -norelease 15m
        2 -norelease 15m
    branches /corpfs/branches/
        1 -norelease 15m
        2 -norelease 15m
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    hq.1 -drives 4 
    hq.2 -drives 2 
  13. When you have set all required copy parameters, close the copy parameters list by entering the endparams keyword on a new line:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
  14. Optionally, you can define media pools by entering the vsnpools keyword, one or more directives of the form pool-name media-type volumes, where pool-name is the name that you have assigned to the pool, media-type is one of the media type codes defined in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types", and volumes is a regular expression that matches one or more volume serial numbers (VSNs). Close the directives list with the endvsnpools keyword.

    Media pools are optional, and you do not generally want to restrict the media available to the archiving process. So in these examples, we do not define media pools. For more information, see the VSN POOL DEFINITIONS SECTION of the archiver.cmd man page.

  15. Next, start identifying the archival media that your archive set copies should use. On a new line, enter the keyword vsns:

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    # VSN Directives
  16. Specify media for each archive-set copy by entering a line of the form archive-set-name.copy-number media-type volumes, where archive-set-name.copy-number specifies the archive set and copy to which the directive applies, media-type is one of the media type codes defined in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types", and volumes is a regular expression that matches one or more volume serial numbers (VSNs).

    For full redundancy, always assign each archive set copy to a different range of media, so that both copies never reside on the same physical volume. If possible, always assign at least one copy to removable media, such as tape.

    In the example, we send the first copy of every archive set to archival disk media (type dk) with the volume serial numbers in the range DISKVOL1 to DISKVOL15. We send the second copy of every archive set to tape media (type tp) with volume serial numbers in the range VOL000 to VOL199 and the third copy to tape media (type tp) with volume serial numbers in the range VOL200 to VOL399:

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    # VSN Directives
    allfiles.1 dk DISKVOL[1-15] 
    allfiles.2 tp VOL[0-1][0-9][0-9]
    allfiles.2 tp VOL[2-3][0-9][0-9]
  17. When you have specified media for all archive-set copies, close the vsns directives list by entering the endvsns keyword on a new line. Save the file and close the editor.

    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -drives 10 -archmax 1G
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    allfiles.3 -startage 48h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G -reserve set
    # VSN Directives
    allfiles.1 dk DISKVOL[1-15] 
    allfiles.2 tp VOL[0-1][0-9][0-9]
    allfiles.2 tp VOL[2-3][0-9][0-9]
  18. Check the archiver.cmd file for errors. Use the command archiver -lv.

    The archiver -lv command prints the archiver.cmd file to screen and generates a configuration report if no errors are found. Otherwise, it notes any errors and stops. In the example, we have an error:

    root@solaris:~# archiver -lv
    Reading '/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd'.
    13: #    File System Directives
    14: #
    15: fs = samms
    16: logfile = /var/adm/samms.archiver.log
    17: all .
    18:     1 -norelease 15m
    19:     2 -norelease 15m
    20: fs=DISKVOL1                           # QFS File System (Archival Media)
    42: endvsns
    DISKVOL1.1 has no volumes defined
    1 archive set has no volumes defined
  19. If errors were found in the archiver.cmd file, correct them, and then re-check the file.

    In the example above, we forgot to enter the no_archive directive to the file-system directives DISKVOL1, the QFS file system that we configured as a disk archive. When we correct the omission, archiver -lv runs without errors:

    root@solaris:~# archiver -lv
    Reading '/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd'.
    20: fs=DISKVOL1                           # QFS File System (Archival Media)
    21: no_archive .
    42: endvsns
    Notify file: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/scripts/archiver.sh
        startage: 10m startsize: 500M drives 10: archmax: 1G
      DISKVOL1 (/diskvols/DISKVOL15)
      DISKVOL15 (/diskvols/DISKVOL3)
     Total space available:   150T
        startage: 24h startsize: 20G drives: 2 archmax: 24G reserve: set
     Total space available:  300T
        startage: 48h startsize: 20G drives: 2 archmax: 24G reserve: set
     Total space available:  300T
  20. Tell the Oracle HSM software to reread the archiver.cmd file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the samd config command.

    root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS
  21. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/releaser.cmd file in a text editor, add the line list_size = 300000, save the file, and close the editor.

    The list_size directive sets the number of files that can be released from a file system at one time to an integer in the range [10-2147483648]. If there is enough space in the .inodes file for one million inodes (allowing 512- bytes per inode), the default value is 100000. Otherwise the default is 30000. Increasing this number to 300000 better suits typical file systems that contain significant numbers of small files.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/releaser.cmd
    #        releaser.cmd
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/releaser.log
    list_size = 300000
  22. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.cmd file in a text editor, and add the line maxactive = stage-requests, where stage-requests is 500000 on hosts that have 8 gigabytes of RAM or more and 100000 on hosts that have less than 8 gigabytes. Save the file, and close the editor.

    The maxactive directive sets the maximum number of stage requests that can be active at one time to an integer in the range [1-500000]. The default is to allow 5000 stage requests per gigabyte of host memory.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.cmd
    #        stager.cmd
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.log
    maxactive = 300000
  23. Recycling is not enabled by default. So, if you require recycling of removable media volumes, go to "Configuring the Recycling Process".

  24. If the mcf file for the archiving Oracle HSM file system includes a network-attached tape library in the archiving equipment section, go to "Catalog Archival Media Stored in a Network-Attached Tape Library".

  25. If you need to be able to verify the data integrity of archival tape volumes, go to "Configure Archival Media Validation".

  26. Otherwise, "Configure File System Protection".

Configuring the Recycling Process

When removable media volumes contain fewer than a user-specified number of valid archive sets, the recycler consolidates the valid data on other volumes so that the original volumes can be exported for long-term storage or relabeled for reuse. You can configure recycling in either of two ways:

  • Configure Recycling by Archive Set

    When you recycle media by archive set, you add recycling directives to the archiver.cmd file. You can specify exactly how media in each archive set copy is recycled. Recycling criteria are more narrowly applied, since only members of the archive set are considered.

    Where possible, recycle media by archive sets rather than by libraries. In an Oracle HSM archiving file system, recycling is logically part of file-system operation rather than library management. Recycling complements archiving, releasing, and staging. So it makes sense to configure it as part of the archiving process. Note that you must configure recycling by archive sets if your configuration includes archival disk volumes and/or SAM-Remote.

  • Configure Recycling by Library

    When you recycle media by library, you add recycling directives to a recycler.cmd file. You can thus set common recycling parameters for all media contained in a specified library. Recycling directives apply to all volumes in the library, so they are inherently less granular than archive set-specific directives. You can explicitly exclude specified volume serial numbers (VSNs) from examination. But otherwise, the recycling process simply looks for volumes that contain anything that it does not recognize as a currently valid archive file.

    As a result, recycling by library can destroy files that are not part of the file system that is being recycled. If a recycling directive does not explicitly exclude them, useful data, such as back up copies of archive logs and library catalogs or archival media from other file systems, may be at risk. For this reason, you cannot recycle by library if you are using SAM-Remote. Volumes in a library controlled by a SAM-Remote server contain foreign archive files that are owned by clients rather than by the server.

Configure Recycling by Archive Set

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM file-system host as root.

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor, and scroll down to the copy params section.

    In the example, we use the vi editor.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameter Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 6h  -startsize 6G  -startcount 500000
    allfiles.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -startcount 500000 -drives 5
  3. In the params section of the archiver.cmd file, enter your recycler directives by archive set, in the form archive-set directive-list, where archive-set is one of the archive sets and directive-list is a space-delimited list of directive name/value pairs (for a list of recycling directives, see the archiver.cmd man page). Then save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we add recycling directives for archive sets allfiles.1 and allfiles.2. The -recycle_mingain 30 and -recycle_mingain 90 directives do not recycle volumes unless, respectively, at least 30 percent and 90 percent of the volume's capacity can be recovered. The -recycle_hwm 60 directive starts recycling when 60 percent of the removable media capacity has been used.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # Copy Parameters Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allfiles.1 -startage 6h  -startsize 6G -startcount 500000
    allfiles.1 -recycle_mingain 30 -recycle_hwm 60
    allfiles.2 -startage 6h -startsize 6G -startcount 500000 
    allfiles.2 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_hwm 60
    # VSN Directives
    allfiles.1 dk DISKVOL1
    allfiles.2 tp VOL0[0-1][0-9] 
  4. Check the archiver.cmd file for errors. Use the command archiver -lv.

    The command archiver -lv reads the archiver.cmd and generates a configuration report if no errors are found. Otherwise, it notes any errors and stops. In the example, the file does not contain any errors:

    root@solaris:~# archiver -lv
    Reading '/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd'.
     Total space available:  300T
  5. If errors were found in the archiver.cmd file, correct them, and then re-check the file.

  6. Create the recycler.cmd file in a text editor. Specify a path and file name for the recycler log. Then save the file and close the editor.

    Configure Oracle HSM to write logs to a non-Oracle HSM directory, such as /var/adm/. In the example, we use the vi editor, and specify /var/adm/recycler.log:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
  7. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/scripts/recycler.sh script in a text editor, and enter shell commands for handling recycled removable media volumes.

    When the recycling process identifies a removable media volume that has been drained of valid archive copies, it calls the recycler.sh file, a C-shell script designed to handle disposition of recycled media.

    You edit the file to perform the tasks that you need, from notifying administrators that volumes are ready for recycling to relabeling the volumes for reuse or exporting them from the library for long-term, historical preservation.

    By default, the script reminds the root user to set up the script.

  8. If the mcf file for the archiving Oracle HSM file system includes a network-attached tape library in the archiving equipment section, go to "Catalog Archival Media Stored in a Network-Attached Tape Library".

  9. Otherwise, go to "Configure File System Protection".

Configure Recycling by Library

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM file-system host as root.

  2. Create the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd file in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
  3. Specify a path and file name for the recycler log using the logfile directive.

    Configure Oracle HSM to write logs to a non-Oracle HSM directory, such as /var/adm/. In the example, we specify /var/adm/recycler.log:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
  4. If there are any volumes in the archival media library that must not be recycled, enter the directive no_recycle media-type volumes, where media-type is one of the media type codes defined in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types" and volumes is a regular expression that matches one or more volume serial numbers (VSNs).

    In the example, we disable recycling for volumes in the range [VOL020-VOL999]:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
    no_recycle tp VOL[0-9][2-9][0-9]
  5. On a new line, enter the directive library parameters, where library is the family set name that the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file assigns to a removable media library and where parameters is a space-delimited list of parameter/value pairs drawn from the following list:

    • -dataquantity size sets the maximum amount of data that can be scheduled for rearchiving at one time to size, where size is a number of bytes. The default is 1 gigabyte.

    • -hwm percent sets the library's high-water mark, the percentage of the total media capacity that, when used, triggers recycling. The high-water mark is specified as percent, a number in the range [0-100]. The default is 95.

    • -ignore prevents recycling for this library, so that you can test the recycler.cmd file non-destructively.

    • -mail address sends recycling messages to address, where address is a valid email address. By default, no messages are sent.

    • -mingain percent limits recycling to volumes that can increase their available free space by at least a minimum amount, expressed as a percentage of total capacity. This minimum gain is specified as percent, a number in the range [0-100]. The defaults are 60 for volumes with a total capacity under 200 gigabytes and 90 for capacities of 200 gigabytes or more.

    • -vsncount count sets the maximum number of volumes that can be scheduled for rearchiving at one time to count. The default is 1.

    In the example, we set the high-water mark for library library1 to 95% and require a minimum capacity gain per cartridge of 60%:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
    no_recycle tp VOL[0-9][2-9][0-9]
    library1 -hwm 95 -mingain 60
  6. Repeat the preceding step for any other libraries that are part of the Oracle HSM configuration. Then save the recycler.cmd file, and close the editor.

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd
    # Configuration file for archiving file systems
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
    no_recycle tp VOL[0-9][2-9][0-9]
    library1 -hwm 95 -mingain 60
  7. If the mcf file for the archiving Oracle HSM file system includes a network-attached tape library in the archiving equipment section, go to "Catalog Archival Media Stored in a Network-Attached Tape Library"

  8. Otherwise, go to "Configure File System Protection".

Catalog Archival Media Stored in a Network-Attached Tape Library

After you mount a file system, the Oracle HSM software creates catalogs for each automated library that is configured in the mcf file. However, if you have a network-attached library, you have to take some additional steps to populate the its catalog.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system host as root.

  2. If the archiving file system uses an Oracle StorageTek ACSLS-attached tape library, draw the required Oracle HSM archival media from the library's scratch pool and generate the catalog automatically. Use the command samimport -c volumes -s pool, where volumes is the number of volumes needed and pool is the name of the scratch media pool defined for the library. Stop here.

    In the example, we request 20 tape volumes drawn from the pool called scratch:

    root@solaris:~# samimport -c 20 -s scratch
  3. If the archiving file system uses an IBM 3494 network-attached library configured as a single, unshared logical library, place the required tape volumes in the library mail slot, and let the library catalog them automatically. Stop here.

    The IBM 3494 library is configured as a single logical library when the Additional Parameters field of the mcf file specifies access=private. If access=shared, the IBM 3494 library is divided into multiple logical libraries, and you must use the method specified below.

  4. Otherwise, if the archiving file system uses a shared IBM 3494 network-attached library or any other network-attached library, create a catalog input file using a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor to create the file input3494cat:

    root@solaris:~# vi input3494cat
    "~/input3494cat" [New File]
  5. Start a record by entering the record index. Always enter 0 (zero) for the first record, then increment the index for each succeeding record. Enter a space to indicate the end of the field.

    Rows define records and spaces delimit fields in build_cat input files. The value of the first field, the index, is simply a consecutive integer starting from 0 that identifies the record within the Oracle HSM catalog. In the example, this is the first record, so we enter 0:

    "~/input3494cat" [New File]
  6. In the second field of the record, enter the volume serial number (VSN) of the tape volume or, if there is no VSN, a single ? (question mark). Then enter a space to indicate the end of the field.

    Enclose values that contain white-space characters (if any) in double quotation marks: "VOL 01". In this example, the VSN of the first volume does not contain spaces:

    0 VOL001 
    "~/input3494" [New File]
  7. In the third field, enter the barcode of the volume (if different from the volume serial number), the volume serial number, or, if there is no volume serial number, the string NO_BAR_CODE. Then enter a space to indicate the end of the field.

    In the example, the barcode of the first volume has the same value as the VSN:

    0 VOL001 VOL001 
    "~/input3494cat" [New File]
  8. Finally, in the fourth field, enter the media type of the volume. Then enter a space to indicate the end of the field.

    The media type is a two-letter code, such as li for LTO media (see Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types", for a comprehensive listing of media equipment types). In the example, we are using an IBM 3494 network-attached tape library with LTO tape drives, so we enter li (including the terminating space):

    0 VOL001 VOL001 li 
    "~/input3494cat" [New File]
  9. Repeat steps 3-6 to create additional records for each of the volumes that you intend to use with Oracle HSM. Then save the file.

    0 VOL001 VOL001 li 
    1 VOL002 VOL002 li 
    13 VOL014 VOL014 li 
  10. Create the catalog with the build_cat input-file catalog-file command, where input-file is the name of your input file and catalog-file is the full path to the library catalog.

    If you have specified a catalog name in the Additional Parameters field of the mcf file, use that name. Otherwise, if you do not create catalogs, the Oracle HSM software creates default catalogs in the /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/ directory using the file namefamily-set-name, where family-set-name is equipment name that you use for the library in mcf file. In the example, we use the family set i3494:

    root@solaris:~# build_cat input_vsns /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/i3494
  11. If the archiving file system is shared, repeat the preceding step on each potential metadata server.

    The archiving file system is now complete and ready for use.

  12. Next, Configure File System Protection.

Configure File System Protection

To protect a file system, you need to do two things:

  • You must protect the files that hold your data.

  • You must protect the file system itself, so that you can use, organize, locate, access, and manage your data.

In an Oracle HSM archiving file system, file data is automatically protected by the archiver: modified files are automatically copied to archival storage media, such as tape. But if you backed up only your files and then suffered an unrecoverable failure in a disk device or RAID group, you would have the data but no easy way to use it. You would have to create a substitute file system, identify each file, determine its proper location within the new file system, ingest it, and recreate lost relationships between it and users, applications, and other files. This kind of recovery is, at best, a daunting and long drawn-out process.

So, for fast, efficient recovery, you have to actively protect the file-system metadata that make files and archive copies usable. You must back up directory paths, inodes, access controls, symbolic links, and pointers to copies archived on removable media.

You protect Oracle HSM file-system metadata by scheduling recovery points and saving archive logs. A recovery point is a compressed file that stores a point-in-time backup copy of the metadata for an Oracle HSM file system. In the event of a data loss—anything from accidental deletion of a user file to catastrophic loss of a whole file system—you can recover to the last known-good state of the file or file system almost immediately by locating the last recovery point at which the file or file system remained intact. You then restore the metadata recorded at that time and either stage the files indicated in the metadata to the disk cache from archival media or, preferably, let the file system stage files on demand, as users and applications access them.

Like any point-in-time backup copy, a recovery point is seldom a complete record of the state of the file system at the time when a failure occurs. Inevitably, at least a few files are created and changed after one recovery point is completed and before the next one is created. You can—and should—minimize this problem by scheduling creation of recovery points frequently and at times when the file system is not in use. But, in practice, scheduling has to be a compromise, because the file system exists to be used.

For this reason, you must also save point-in-time copies of the archiver log file. As each data file is archived, the log file records the volume serial number of the archival media, the archive set and copy number, the position of the archive (tar) file on the media, and the path to and name of the data file within the tar file. With this information, you can recover any files that are missing from the recovery point using Solaris or Oracle HSM tar utilities. However, this information is volatile. Like most system logs, the archiver log grows rapidly and must thus be overwritten frequently. If you do not make regular copies to compliment your recovery points, you will not have log information when you need it.

File system protection thus requires some planning. On the one hand, you want to create recovery points and log-file copies frequently enough and retain them long enough to give you the best chance of recovering lost or damaged files and file systems. On the other hand, you do not want to create recovery points and log-file copies while data files are actively changing and you need to be cognizant of the disk space that they consume (recovery point files and logs can be large). Accordingly, this section recommends a broadly applicable configuration that can be used with many file system configurations without modification. When changes are necessary, the recommended configuration illustrates the issues and serves as a good starting point. The remainder of this section provides instructions for creating and managing recovery points. It contains the following subsections:

Create Locations for Storing Recovery Point Files and Copies of the Archiver Log

For each archiving file system that you have configured, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system host as root.

  2. Select a storage location for the recovery point files. Select an independent file system that can be mounted on the file system host.

  3. Make sure that the selected file system has enough space to store both new recovery point files and the number of recovery point files that you plan to retain at any given time.

    Recovery point files can be large and you will have to store a number of them, depending on how often you create them and how long you retain them.

  4. Make sure that the selected file system does not share any physical devices with the archiving file system.

    Do not store recovery point files in the file system that they are meant to protect. Do not store recovery point files on logical devices, such as partitions or LUNs, that reside on physical devices that also host the archiving file-system.

  5. In the selected file system, create a directory to hold recovery point files. Use the command mkdir mount-point/path, where mount-point is the mount point for the selected independent file system and path is the path and name of the chosen directory.

    Do not store recovery point files for several archiving file systems in a single, catch-all directory. Create a separate directory for each, so that recovery point files are organized and easily located when needed.

    In the example, we are configuring recovery points for the archiving file system /samms. So we have created the directory /zfs1/samms_recovery on the independent file system /zfs1:

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /zfs1/samms_recovery
  6. If a file system does not share any physical devices with the archiving file system, create a subdirectory for storing point-in-time copies of the archiver log(s) for your file system(s).

    In the example, we choose to store log copies in the /var directory of the host's root file system. We are configuring file system protection for the archiving file system /samms. So we create the directory /var/samms_archlogs:

    root@solaris:~# mkdir /var/samms_archlogs
  7. Next, Automatically Create Recovery Points and Save Archiver Logs.

Automatically Create Recovery Points and Save Archiver Logs

While you can create metadata recovery point files automatically, either by creating entries in the crontab file or by using the scheduling feature of the Oracle HSM Manager graphical user interface, the latter method does not automatically save archiver log data. So this section focuses on the crontab approach. If you wish to use the graphical user interface to schedule recovery points, refer to the Manager online help.

The procedure below creates two crontab entries that run daily: one that deletes out-of-date recovery point files and then creates a new recovery point and one that saves the archiver log. For each archiving file system that you have configured, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system host as root.

  2. Open the root user's crontab file for editing. Use the command crontab -e.

    The crontab command opens an editable copy of the root user's crontab file in the text editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable (for full details, see the Solaris crontab man page). In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@solaris:~# crontab -e
    # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
    10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
    15 3 * * 0 [ -x /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind ] && /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
  3. First, create the entry that deletes out-of-date recovery point files and creates a new recovery point. On a new line, specify the time of day when the work will be done. Enter minutes hour * * * , where:

    • minutes is an integer in the range [0-59] that species the minute when the job starts.

    • hour is an integer in the range [0-23] that species the hour when the job starts.

    • * (asterisk) specifies unused values.

      For a task that runs daily, the values for day of the month [1-31], month [1-12], and day of the week [0-6] are unused.

    • Spaces separate the fields in the time specification.

    • minutes hour specify a time when files are not being created or modified.

      Creating a recovery point file when file-system activity is minimal insures that the file reflects the state of the archive as accurately and completely as possible. Ideally, all new and altered files will have been archived before the time you specify.

    In the example, we schedule work to begin at 2:10 AM every day:

    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * *  
  4. Continuing on the same line, enter the shell commands that clean up the old recovery point files. Enter the text ( find directory -type f -mtime +retention -print | xargs -l1 rm -f;, where:

    • ( (opening parenthesis) marks the start of the command sequence that the crontab entry will execute.

    • directory is the path and directory name of the directory where recovery point files are stored and thus the point where we want the Solaris find command to start its search.

    • -type f is the find command option that specifies plain files (as opposed to block special files, character special files, directories, pipes, etc).

    • -mtime +retention is the find command option that specifies files that have not been modified for more than retention, an integer representing the number of hours that recovery point files are retained.

    • -print is the find command option that lists all files found to standard output.

    • |xargs -l1 rm -f pipes the output from -print to the Solaris command xargs -l1, which sends one line at a time as arguments to the Solaris command rm -f, which in turn deletes each file found.

    • ; (semicolon) marks the end of the command line.

    In the example, the crontab entry searches the directory /zfs1/samms_recovery for any files that have not been modified for 72 hours (3 days) or more and deletes any it finds. Note that the crontab entry is still a single line—the line break is escaped by the backslash:

    # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
    10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
    15 3 * * 0 [ -x /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind ] && /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /zfs1/samms_recovery -type f -mtime +72 -print | \ 
    xargs -l1 rm -f; 
  5. Continuing on the same line, enter the shell command that changes to the directory where the recovery point is to be created. Enter the text cd mount-point;, where mount-point is the root directory of the archiving file system and the semicolon (;) marks the end of the command line.

    The command that creates recovery point files, samfsdump, backs up the metadata for all files in the current directory and in all subdirectories. In the example, we change to the /samms directory, the mount point for the file system that we are protecting:

    # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
    10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
    15 3 * * 0 [ -x /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind ] && /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /zfs1/samms_recovery -type f -mtime +72 -print | \ 
    xargs -l1 rm -f; cd /samms;
  6. Continuing on the same line, enter the shell commands that create the new daily recovery point. Enter the text /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump -f directory/'date +\%y\%m\%d'), where:

    • /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump is the command that creates recovery points (see the man page for full details).

    • -f is the samfsdump command option that specifies the location where the recovery point file will be saved.

    • directory is the directory that we created to hold recovery points for this file system.

    • 'date +\%y\%m\%d' is the Solaris date command plus a formatting template that creates a name for the recovery point file: YYMMDD, where YYMMDD is the last two digits of the current year, the two-digit number of the current month, and the two-digit day of the month (for example, 150122, January 22, 2015).

    • ; (semicolon) marks the end of the command line.

    • ) (closing parenthesis) marks the end of the command sequence that the crontab entry will execute.

    In the example, we specify the recovery-point directory that we created above, /zfs1/samms_recovery. Note that the crontab entry is still a single line—the line break is escaped by the backslash:

    # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
    10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
    15 3 * * 0 [ -x /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind ] && /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /zfs1/samms_recovery -type f -mtime +72 -print | \ 
    xargs -l1 rm -f; cd /samms ; /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump \ 
    -f /zfs1/samms_recovery/'date +\%y\%m\%d')
  7. Now create the entry that saves the archiver log. On a new line, specify the time of day when the work will be done by entering minutes hour * * * , where:

    • minutes is an integer in the range [0-59] that species the minute when the job starts.

    • hour is an integer in the range [0-23] that species the hour when the job starts.

    • * (asterisk) specifies unused values.

      For a task that runs daily, the values for day of the month [1-31], month [1-12], and day of the week [0-6] are unused.

    • Spaces separate the fields in the time specification.

    • minutes hour specify a time when files are not being created or modified.

    In the example, we schedule work to begin at 3:15 AM every Sunday:

    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /zfs1/samms_recovery -type f -mtime +72 -print | \ 
    xargs -l1 rm -f; cd /samms ; /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump \ 
    -f /zfs1/samms_recovery/'date +\%y\%m\%d')
    15 3 * * 0 
  8. Continuing on the same line, enter a shell command that moves the current archiver log to a backup location and gives it a unique name. Enter the text ( mv /var/adm/samms.archive.log /var/samms_archlogs/"date +%y%m%d";.

    This step saves log entries that would be overwritten if left in the active log file. In the example, we move the archiver log for the samms file system to our chosen location, /var/samms_archlogs/, and rename it YYMMDD, where YYMMDD is the last two digits of the current year, the two-digit number of the current month, and the two-digit day of the month (for example, 150122, January 22, 2015):

    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /samms_recovery/dumps -type f -mtime +72 -print | xargs -l1 rm -f; \ cd /samms ; /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump -f /zfs1/samms_recovery/'date +\%y\%m\%d') 
    15 3 * * 0 ( mv /var/adm/samms.archiver.log /var/samms_archlogs/"date +%y%m%d";
  9. Continuing on the same line, enter a shell command to reinitialize the archiver log file. Enter the text touch /var/adm/samms.archive.log ).

    In the example, note that the crontab entry is still a single line—the line break is escaped by the backslash:

    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /samms_recovery/dumps -type f -mtime +72 -print | xargs -l1 rm -f; \ cd /samms ; /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump -f /zfs1/samms_recovery/'date +\%y\%m\%d') 
    15 3 * * 0 ( mv /var/adm/samms.archive.log /var/samms_archlogs/"date +%y%m%d";\ 
    touch /var/adm/samms.archiver.log ) 
  10. Save the file, and close the editor.

    # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
    10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
    15 3 * * 0 [ -x /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind ] && /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
    30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
    30 0,9,12,18,21 * * * /usr/lib/update-manager/update-refresh.sh
    10 2 * * * ( find /samms_recovery/dumps -type f -mtime +72 -print | xargs -l1 rm -f; \ cd /samms ; /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsdump -f /zfs1/samms_recovery/'date +\%y\%m\%d') 
    15 3 * * 0 ( mv /var/adm/samms.archive.log /var/samms_archlogs/"date +%y%m%d";\ touch /var/adm/samms.archive.log ) 
  11. If you need to enable WORM (Write Once Read Many) capability on the file system, see "Enabling Support for Write Once Read Many (WORM) Files".

  12. If you need to interwork with systems that use LTFS or if you need to transfer large quantities of data between remote sites, see "Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)".

  13. If you need to be able to verify the data integrity of archival tape volumes, go to "Configure Archival Media Validation".

  14. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

  15. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".

Configure Archival Media Validation

Media validation is a technique that evaluates the data integrity of tape media using SCSI verify commands. The SCSI driver on the host calculates a CRC checksum for the logical blocks of data that it writes to the drive and sends a verify command. The drive reads the data blocks, calculates its own checksum, and compares the result with the value supplied by the driver. It returns an error if there is a discrepancy. The drive discards the data it reads as soon as the checksum is complete, so there is no additional I/O-related overhead on the host.

Oracle HSM supports media validation in two ways:

Configure Oracle HSM to Support Data Integrity Validation (DIV)

Data Integrity Validation (DIV) is a feature of Oracle StorageTek tape drives that works with the Oracle HSM software to insure the integrity of stored data. When the feature is enabled (div = on or div = verify), both the server host and the drive calculate and compare checksums during I/O. During write operations, the server calculates a four-byte checksum for each data block and passes the checksum to the drive along with the data. The tape drive then recalculates the checksum and compares the result to the value supplied by the server. If the values agree, the drive writes both the data block and the checksum to tape. During read operations, both the drive and the host read a data block and its associated checksum from tape. Each recalculates the checksum from the data block and compares the result to the stored checksum. If checksums do not match at any point, the drive notifies the application software that an error has occurred.

The div = verify option provides an additional layer of protection when writing data. When the write operation is complete, the host asks the tape drive to reverify the data. The drive then rescans the data, recalculates checksums, and compares the results to the checksums stored on the tape. The drive performs all operations internally, with no additional I/O (data is discarded), so there is no additional overhead on the host system. You can also use the Oracle HSM tpverify (tape-verify) command to perform this step on demand.

To configure Data Integrity Validation, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM server as root.

    In the example, the metadata server is named samfs-mds:

  2. Make sure that the metadata server is running Oracle Solaris 11 or higher.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# uname -r
  3. Make sure that the archival storage equipment defined in the Oracle HSM mcf file includes compatible tape drives: StorageTek T10000C (minimum firmware level 1.53.315) or T10000D.

  4. Idle all archiving processes, if any. Use the command samcmd aridle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd aridle
  5. Idle all staging processes, if any. Use the command samcmd stidle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd stidle
  6. Wait for any active archiving jobs to complete. Check on the status of the archiving processes using the command samcmd a.

    When archiving processes are Waiting for :arrun, the archiving process is idle:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd a
    Archiver status samcmd     6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on samfs-mds
    sam-archiverd:  Waiting for :arrun
    sam-arfind: ...
    Waiting for :arrun
  7. Wait for any active staging jobs to complete. Check on the status of the staging processes using the command samcmd u.

    When staging processes are Waiting for :strun, the staging process is idle:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd u
    Staging queue samcmd      6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on solaris.demo.lan
    Staging queue by media type: all
    sam-stagerd:  Waiting for :strun
  8. Idle all removable media drives before proceeding further. For each drive, use the command samcmd equipment-number idle, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the drive in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging jobs to complete before turning drives off, but will not start any new work. In the example, we idle four drives, with ordinal numbers 801, 802, 803, and 804:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 801 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 802 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 803 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 804 idle
  9. Wait for running jobs to complete.

    We can check on the status of the drives using the command samcmd r. When all drives are notrdy and empty, we are ready to proceed.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd r
    Removable media samcmd     6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on samqfs1host
    ty   eq   status      act  use  state  vsn
    li  801   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  802   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  803   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  804   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
  10. When the archiver and stager processes are idle and the tape drives are all notrdy, stop the library-control daemon. Use the command samd stop.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  11. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf file in a text editor. Uncomment the line #div = off, if necessary, or add it if it is not present.

    By default, div (Data Integrity Validation) is off (disabled).

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor and uncomment the line:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    div = off
  12. To enable Data Integrity Validation read, write, and verify operations, change the line #div = off to div = on, and save the file.

    Data will be verified as each block is written and read, but the Oracle HSM archiver software will not verify complete file copies after they are archived.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    div = on
  13. To enable the verify-after-write option of the Data Integrity Validation feature, change the line #div = off to div = verify, and save the file.

    The host and the drive carry out Data Integrity Validation as each block is written or read. In addition, whenever a complete archive request is written out to tape, the drive re-reads the newly stored data and checksums, recalculates, and, compares the stored and calculated results.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    div = verify
  14. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the defaults.conf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the samd config command.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd config
  15. If you stopped Oracle HSM operations in an earlier step, restart them now using the samd start command.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samd start

    Data Integrity Validation is now configured.

  16. If you need to automate data integrity validation, go to "Configure Oracle HSM Periodic Media Verification".

  17. If you need to enable WORM (Write Once Read Many) capability on the file system, see "Enabling Support for Write Once Read Many (WORM) Files".

  18. If you need to interwork with systems that use LTFS or if you need to transfer large quantities of data between remote sites, see "Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)".

  19. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

Configure Oracle HSM Periodic Media Verification

You can set up Periodic Media Verification (PMV) for Oracle HSM archiving file systems. Periodic Media Verification automatically checks the data integrity of the removable media in a file system. It checks StorageTek T10000 media using StorageTek Data Integrity Validation and other drives using the widely supported SCSI verify(6) command.

The Periodic Media Verification feature adds an Oracle HSM daemon, verifyd, that periodically applies the tpverify command, logs any errors detected, notifies administrators, and automatically performs specified recovery actions. You configure Periodic Media Verification by setting policy directives in a configuration file, verifyd.cmd. Policies can specify the times when verification scans are run, the types of scan done, the libraries and drives that can be used, the tape volumes that should be scanned, and the actions that Oracle HSM takes when errors are detected. Oracle HSM can, for example, automatically re-archive files that contain errors and/or recycle tape volumes that contain errors.

  1. If you have not already done so, Configure Oracle HSM to Support Data Integrity Validation (DIV).

  2. Log in to the Oracle HSM server as root.

    In the example, the metadata server is named samfs-mds:

  3. Make sure that the metadata server is running Oracle Solaris 11 or higher.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# uname -r
  4. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd file in a text editor.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    # For additional information about the format of the verifyd.cmd file,
    # type "man verifyd.cmd".
    # Enable Oracle HSM Periodic Media Validation (PMV)
    pmv = off
  5. To enable Periodic Media Verification, enter the line pmv = on.

    By default, Periodic Media Verification is off. In the example, we set it on:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    # For additional information about the format of the verifyd.cmd file,
    # type "man verifyd.cmd".
    # Enable Oracle HSM Periodic Media Validation (PMV)
    pmv = on
  6. Set a run time. Enter the line run_time = always to run verification continuously or run_time = HHMM hhmm DD dd, where HHMM and hhmm are, respectively, starting and ending times and where DD dd are an optional starting and ending day.

    HH and hh are hours of the day in the range 00-24, MM and mm are numbers of minutes in the range 00-60, and DD and dd are days of the week in the range [0-6], where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. The default is 2200 0500 6 0.

    But verification will not compete with more immediately important file system operations. The verification process automatically yields tape volumes and/or drives that are required by the archiver and stager. So, in the example, we set the run time to always:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    # For additional information about the format of the verifyd.cmd file,
    # type "man verifyd.cmd".
    # Enable Oracle HSM Periodic Media Validation (PMV)
    pmv = on
    # Run all of the time.  PMV will yield VSNs and drives when
    # resources are wanted by the SAM-QFS archiver and stager.
    run_time = always
  7. Specify a verification method. Enter the line pmv_method = specified-method where specified-method is one of the following:

    • The standard method is specifically for use with Oracle StorageTek T10000C and later tape drives. Optimized for speed, the standard method verifies the edges, beginning, end, and first 1,000 blocks of the media.

    • The complete method is also for use with Oracle StorageTek T10000C and later tape drives. It verifies the media error correction code (ECC) for every block on the media.

    • The complete plus is also for use with Oracle StorageTek T10000C and later tape drives. It verifies both the media error correction code (ECC) and the Data Integrity Validation checksum for each block on media (see "Configure Oracle HSM to Support Data Integrity Validation (DIV)").

    • The legacy method can be used with all other tape drives and is used automatically when media is marked bad in the catalog and when drives do not support the method specified in the verifyd.cmd file. It runs a 6-byte, fixed-block mode SCSI Verify Command, skipping previously logged defects. When a new permanent media error is found, the legacy method skips to the next file and logs the newly discovered error in the media defects database.

    • The mir rebuild method rebuilds the media information region (MIR) of an Oracle StorageTek tape cartridge if the MIR is missing or damaged. It works with media that is marked bad in the media catalog and is automatically specified when MIR damage is detected.

    In the example, we are using LTO drives, so we specify legacy:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    # resources are wanted by the SAM-QFS archiver and stager.
    run_time = always
    pmv_method = legacy
  8. To use all available libraries and drives for verification, enter the line pmv_scan = all.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = all
  9. To use all available drives in a specified library for verification, enter the line pmv_scan = library equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment number assigned to the library in the file system's mcf file.

    In the example, we let the verification process use all drives in library 800.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = library 800 
  10. To limit the number of drives that the verification process can use in a specified library, enter the line pmv_scan = library equipment-number max_drives number, where equipment-number is the equipment number assigned to the library in the file system's mcf file and number is the maximum number of drives that can be used.

    In the example, we let the verification process use at most 2 drives in library 800:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = library 800 max_drives 2 
  11. To specify the drives that the verification process can use in a specified library, enter the line pmv_scan = library equipment-number drive drive-numbers, where equipment-number is the equipment number assigned to the library in the file system's mcf file and drive-numbers is a space-delimited list of the equipment numbers assigned to the specified drives in the mcf file.

    In the example, we let the verification process use drives 903 and 904 in library 900:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = library 900 drive 903 904 
  12. To specify the drives that the verification process can use in two or more libraries, enter the line pmv_scan = library-specification library-specification..., where equipment-number is the equipment number assigned to the library in the file system's mcf file and drive-numbers is a space-delimited list of the equipment numbers assigned to the specified in the mcf file.

    In the example, we let the verification process use at most 2 drives in library 800 and drives 903 and 904 in library 900:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = library 800 max_drives 2 library 900 drive 903 904 
  13. To disable periodic media verification and prevent it from using any equipment, enter the line pmv_scan = off.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_method = legacy
    pmv_scan = off
  14. To automatically flag the media for recycling once periodic media verification has detected a specified number of permanent errors, enter the line action = recycle perms number-errors, where number-errors is the number of errors.

    In the example, we configure Oracle HSM to flag the media for recycling after 10 errors have been detected:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_scan = all
    action = recycle perms 10 
  15. To automatically re-archive files that contain bad blocks after errors have accumulated for a specified period, enter the line action = rearch age  time, where time is a space-delimited list of any combination of SECONDSs, MINUTESm, HOURSh, DAYSd, and/or YEARSy and SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, and YEARS are integers.

    The oldest media defect must have aged for the specified period before the file system is scanned for files that need archiving. In the example, we set the re-archiving age to 1 (one) minute:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_scan = all
    action = rearch age 1m  
  16. To mark the media as bad when periodic media verification detects a permanent media error and take no action otherwise, enter the line action = none.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_scan = all
    action = none 
  17. Specify the tape volumes that should be verified periodically. Enter the line pmv_vsns = selection-criterion, where selection-criterion is all or a space-delimited list of regular expressions that specify one or more volume serial numbers (VSNs).

    The default is all. In the example, we supply three regular expressions: ^VOL0[01][0-9] and ^VOL23[0-9] specify two sets volumes with volume serial numbers in the ranges VOL000 to VOL019 and VOL230 to VOL239, respectively, while VOL400 specifies the volume with that specific volume serial number:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_scan = all
    action = none
    pmv_vsns = ^VOL0[01][0-9] ^VOL23[0-9] VOL400

    Oracle HSM will not try to verify volumes if they need to be audited, if they are scheduled for recycling, if they are unavailable, if they are foreign (non-Oracle HSM) volumes, or if they do not contain data. Cleaning cartridges, volumes that are unlabeled, and volumes that have duplicate volume serial numbers are also excluded.

  18. Define the desired verification policy. Enter the line pmv_policy = verified age vertime [modified age modtime] [mounted age mnttime], where :

    • verified age specifies the minimum time that must have passed since the volume was last verified.

    • modified age (optional) specifies the minimum time that must have passed since the volume was last modified.

    • mounted age (optional) specifies the minimum time that must have passed since the volume was last mounted.

    • The parameter values vertime, modtime, and mnttime are combinations of non-negative integers and the following units of time: y (years), m (months), d (days), H (hours), M (minutes), and S (seconds).

    Oracle HSM identifies and ranks candidates for verification based on the amount of time that has passed since the volume was last verified and, optionally, modified and/or mounted. The default policy is the single parameter, verified age 6m (six months). In the example, we set the last-verified age to three months and the last-modified age to fifteen months:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_scan = all
    action = none
    pmv_vsns = ^VOL0[01][0-9] ^VOL23[0-9] VOL400
    pmv_policy = verified age 3m modified age 15m   
  19. Save the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd file, and close the editor.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd
    pmv_vsns = ^VOL0[01][0-9] ^VOL23[0-9] VOL400
    pmv_policy = verified age 3m modified age 15m
  20. Check the verifyd.cmd file for errors by entering the tpverify -x command. Correct any errors found.

    The tpverify -x command reads the verifyd.cmd and stops if it encounters an error:

    root@solaris:~# tpverify -x
    Reading '/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/verifyd.cmd'.
    PMV: off
         Start Time: 2200
    End Time: 0500
    PMV Scan: all
    PMV Method: legacy
    STA Scan: off
    Action: none
    PMV VSNs: all
    PMV Policy:
         Last Verified Age: 6m
  21. Restart the verification service using the new verifyd.cmd file. Enter the command tpverify -r command.

    root@solaris:~# tpverify -r

    You have finished configuring periodic media verification.

  22. If you need to enable WORM (Write Once Read Many) capability on the file system, see "Enabling Support for Write Once Read Many (WORM) Files".

  23. If you need to interwork with systems that use LTFS or if you need to transfer large quantities of data between remote sites, see "Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)".

  24. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

  25. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".

Enabling Support for Write Once Read Many (WORM) Files

Write-once read-many (WORM) files are used in many applications for legal and archival reasons. WORM-enabled Oracle HSM file systems support default and customizable file-retention periods, data and path immutability, and subdirectory inheritance of the WORM setting. You can use either of two WORM modes:

  • standard compliance mode (the default)

    The standard WORM mode starts the WORM retention period when a user sets UNIX setuid permission on a directory or non-executable file (chmod 4000 directory|file). Since setting setuid (set user ID upon execution) permission on an executable file presents security risks, files that also have UNIX execute permission cannot be retained using this mode.

  • emulation mode

    The WORM emulation mode starts the WORM retention period when a user makes a writable file or directory read-only (chmod 444 directory|file), so executable files can be retained.

Both standard and emulation modes have both a strict WORM implementation and a less restrictive, lite implementation that relaxes some restrictions for root users. Both strict and lite implementations do not allow changes to data or paths once retention has been triggered on a file or directory. The strict implementations do not let anyone shorten the specified retention period (by default, 43,200 minutes/30 days) or delete files or directories prior to the end of the retention period. They also do not let anyone use sammkfs to delete volumes that hold currently retained files and directories. The strict implementations are thus well-suited to meeting legal and regulatory compliance requirements. The lite implementations let root users shorten retention periods, delete files and directories, and delete volumes using the file-system creation command sammkfs. The lite implementations may thus be better choices when both data integrity and flexible management are primary requirements.

Take care when selecting a WORM implementation and when enabling retention on a file. In general, use the least restrictive option that is consistent with requirements. You cannot change from standard to emulation modes or vice versa. So choose carefully. If management flexibility is a priority or if retention requirements may change at a later date, select a lite implementation. You can upgrade from the lite version of a WORM mode to the strict version, should it later prove necessary. But you cannot change from a strict implementation to a lite implementation. Once a strict WORM implementation is in effect, files must be retained for their full specified retention periods. So set retention to the shortest value consistent with requirements.

Enable the WORM Support on an Oracle HSM File System

You enable WORM support on a file system using mount options. Proceed as follows.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Back up the operating system's /etc/vfstab file.

    root@solaris:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
  3. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor and locate the entry for the Oracle HSM file system for which you want to enable WORM support.

    In the example, we open the /etc/vfstab file in the vi editor and locate the archiving file system worm1:

    root@solaris:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -       /worm1   samfs  -    yes     -
  4. To enable the strict implementation of the standard WORM compliance mode, enter the worm_capable option in the Mount Options column of the vfstab file.

    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -       /worm1   samfs  -    yes     worm_capable
  5. To enable the lite implementation of the standard WORM compliance mode, enter the worm_lite option in the Mount Options column of the vfstab file.

    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -       /worm1   samfs  -    yes     worm_lite
  6. To enable the strict implementation of the WORM emulation mode, enter the worm_emul option in the Mount Options column of the vfstab file.

    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -       /worm1   samfs  -    yes     worm_emul
  7. To enable the lite implementation of the WORM emulation mode, enter the emul_lite option in the Mount Options column of the vfstab file.

    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -      /worm1    samfs  -    yes     emul_lite
  8. To change the default retention period for files that are not explicitly assigned a retention period, add the def_retention=period option to the Mount Options column of the vfstab file, where period takes one of the forms explained in the following paragraph.

    The value of period can take any of three forms:

    • permanent or 0 specifies permanent retention.

    • YEARSyDAYSdHOURShMINUTESm where YEARS, DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES are non-negative integers and where specifiers may be omitted. So, for example, 5y3d1h4m, 2y12h, and 365d are all valid.

    • MINUTES where MINUTES is an integer in the range [1-2147483647].

    Set a default retention period if you must set retention periods that extend beyond the year 2038. UNIX utilities such as touch use signed, 32-bit integers to represent time as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. The largest number of seconds that a 32-bit integer can represent translates to January 18, 2038 at 10:14 PM

    If a value is not supplied, def_retention defaults to 43200 minutes (30 days). In the example, we set the retention period for a standard WORM-capable file system to 777600 minutes (540 days):

    #Device   Device  Mount    System fsck Mount   Mount
    #to Mount to fsck Point    Type   Pass at Boot Options
    #-------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------
    /devices  -       /devices devfs  -    no      -
    /proc     -       /proc    proc   -    no      -
    worm1     -       /worm1   samfs  -    no     worm_capable,def_retention=777600
  9. Save the vfstab file, and close the editor.

    The file system is WORM-enabled. Once one or more WORM files are resident in the file system, the Oracle HSM software will update the file system superblock to reflect the WORM capability. Any subsequent attempt to rebuild the file system with sammkfs will fail if the file system has been mounted with the strict worm_capable or worm_emul mount option.

  10. If you need to interwork with systems that use LTFS or if you need to transfer large quantities of data between remote sites, see "Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)"

  11. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

  12. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".

Enabling Support for the Linear Tape File System (LTFS)

Oracle HSM can import data from and export data to Linear Tape File System (LTFS) volumes. This capability facilitates interworking with systems that use LTFS as their standard tape format. It also eases transfer of very large volumes of data between remote Oracle HSM sites, when typical wide-area network (WAN) connections are too slow or too expensive for the task.

For information on using and administering LTFS volumes, see the samltfs man page and the Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and StorageTek QFS Software Maintenance and Administration Guide.

To enable Oracle HSM LTFS support, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM metadata server as root.

  2. Idle all archiving processes, if any. Use the command samcmd aridle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd aridle
  3. Idle all staging processes, if any. Use the command samcmd stidle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd stidle
  4. Wait for any active archiving jobs to complete. Check on the status of the archiving processes using the command samcmd a.

    When archiving processes are Waiting for :arrun, the archiving process is idle:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd a
    Archiver status samcmd     6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on samfs-mds
    sam-archiverd:  Waiting for :arrun
    sam-arfind: ...
    Waiting for :arrun
  5. Wait for any active staging jobs to complete. Check on the status of the staging processes using the command samcmd u.

    When staging processes are Waiting for :strun, the staging process is idle:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd u
    Staging queue samcmd      6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on solaris.demo.lan
    Staging queue by media type: all
    sam-stagerd:  Waiting for :strun
  6. Idle all removable media drives before proceeding further. For each drive, use the command samcmd equipment-number idle, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the drive in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging jobs to complete before turning drives off, but will not start any new work. In the example, we idle four drives, with ordinal numbers 801, 802, 803, and 804:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 801 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 802 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 803 idle
    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd 804 idle
  7. Wait for running jobs to complete.

    We can check on the status of the drives using the command samcmd r. When all drives are notrdy and empty, we are ready to proceed.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samcmd r
    Removable media samcmd     6.0 14:20:34 Feb 22 2015
    samcmd on samqfs1host
    ty   eq   status      act  use  state  vsn
    li  801   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  802   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  803   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  804   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
  8. When the archiver and stager processes are idle and the tape drives are all notrdy, stop the library-control daemon. Use the command samd stop.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samd stop
  9. Download and review the LTFS Open Edition (LTFS-OE) documentation for the current version of the software. Documents are available at https://oss.oracle.com/projects/ltfs/documentation/.

    At a minimum, review the README.txt file and the installation document for Solaris (the operating system used on the metadata server): INSTALL.solaris. Check the README.txt file for hardware compatibility information.

  10. Download, install, and configure the LTFS-OE packages. Follow the instructions in the INSTALL document.

    Download packages from https://oss.oracle.com/projects/ltfs/files/ or as directed in the INSTALL document.

  11. Once LTFS-OE is installed, open the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf in a text editor.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
  12. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf in a text editor.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
  13. In the defaults.conf file, add the line ltfs = mountpoint workers volumes, where mount point is the directory in the host file system where the LTFS file system should be mounted, workers is an optional maximum number of drives to use for LTFS and volumes is an optional maximum number of tape volumes per drive. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we specify the LTFS mount point s /mnt/ltfs and accept the defaults for the other parameters:

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    ltfs = /mnt/ltfs
  14. Tell the Oracle HSM software to reread the defaults.conf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Correct any errors reported and repeat as necessary.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd config
  15. If you stopped Oracle HSM operations in an earlier step, restart them now using the samd start command.

    [samfs-mds]root@solaris:~# samd start
  16. Oracle HSM support for LTFS is now enabled. If you have additional requirements, such as multiple-host file-system access or high-availability configurations, see "Beyond the Basics".

  17. Otherwise, go to "Configuring Notifications and Logging".

Beyond the Basics

This completes basic installation and configuration of Oracle HSM file systems. At this point, you have set up fully functional file systems that are optimally configured for a wide range of purposes.

The remaining chapters in this book address more specialized needs. So, before you embark on the additional tuning and feature implementation tasks outlined below, carefully assess your requirements. Then, if you need additional capabilities, such as high-availability or shared file-system configurations, you can judiciously implement additional features starting from the basic configurations. But if you find that the work you have done so far can meet your needs, additional changes are unlikely to be an improvement. They may simply complicate maintenance and administration.