MySQL Cloud Service Access Rules Page

The MySQL Cloud Service Access Rules page displays rules used to control network access to MySQL Cloud Service deployments. You use the page to view, manage, and create Oracle Compute Cloud Service security rules.

What You Can Do From the MySQL Cloud Service Access Rules Page

Use the Access Rules page to perform the tasks described in the following topics:

What You See on the MySQL Cloud Service Access Rules Page

The following table describes the key information shown on the MySQL Cloud Service Access Rules page.

Element Description

Results per page

Specifies the number of results you want to view per page. The default value is 10.

Create Rule

Click to create a new rule. See Enabling or Restricting Port Access by Creating an Access Rule.


Displays an icon that indicates whether a rule is enabled or disabled.

Access rule enabled

Indicates the rule is enabled.

Access rule disabled

Indicates the rule is disabled.

Rule Name

Name of the rule. When creating a rule, this must start with a letter, followed by letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. The name cannot start with sys_.


Hosts from which traffic is allowed. Possible values are mysql_MASTER, PUBLIC-INTERNET, or a custom value in the form of an IP address.


Security list to which traffic is allowed. This will be mysql_MASTER security list for the deployment.


Port or range of ports for the rule.


Description of the rule (optional).

Rule Type

Type of rule. Rule types are:

  • DEFAULT—Rules created automatically when the database deployment was created. Can be enabled or disabled, but not deleted. See Enabling Port Access by Enabling an Automatically Created Access Rule.

  • SYSTEM—Rules created by the system. Cannot be enabled, disabled, or deleted.

  • USER—Rules created by you or another user. Can be enabled, disabled, or deleted.

Menu icon (for rule)

Menu that provides the following options:

  • Enable—Enable the rule.

  • Disable—Disable the rule.

  • Delete—Delete the rule (USER rules only).