This topic does not apply to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Open the MySQL Cloud Service console.
Click the name of the service whose snapshot you want to use as the basis for a linked clone deployment.
The MySQL Cloud Service Overview page is displayed.
Click the Administration tile and then click the Snapshots tab.
The MySQL Cloud Service Snapshots page is displayed.
In the Available Storage Snapshots list, locate the snapshot you want to create a linked-clone deployment from and choose Create Clone from that snapshot’s action menu.
The Create Service wizard is displayed.
Step through the pages of the wizard to provide information about the linked-clone deployment.
Several options are not selectable; for example, Database Schema Name or Server Character Set. Such options are not selectable because their values are determined from the snapshot upon which the linked-clone is based.
Also note that some options are required: you must provide a new service name, specify an SSH public key, and provide an administrator password. You can change the other selectable from their defaults if you want to; for example, Shape and Backup Destination.
After completing the wizard by clicking Create on the Confirmation page, the Instances page is displayed, including notice that creation of the database deployment has begun.