Loading Your Data One Time Only

If you want to load data once only, you execute a load plan directly in Configuration Manager. For example, your deployment project might be in test phase. You load data during off-peak hours. In addition, if you are loading Fusion Applications data from an Oracle Cloud Storage Service, then you perform the data load after the Cloud Extract (that is, from Fusion Applications source into Oracle Cloud Storage Service) has completed.

To load data one time only:
  1. In Configuration Manager, select the Manage Load Plans link on the Tasks pane.
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    Description of GUID-282F7F2F-D95D-41D0-8F59-A5910FD4D917-default.gif
  2. In the Load Plans list, select the load plan that you want to execute.
  3. On the Load Plans toolbar, click Execute.
  4. Specify the following execution details:
    • Context — Select Global.
    • Local Agent — Select OracleDIAgent.
    • Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository — Select the ODI Work repository.
    When you have executed a load plan, you monitor the load plan executions in Configuration Manager, as described in Monitoring and Diagnosing Data Load Issues
    If irregularities are found in the source data or auto-corrections are made, then the Administrator receives a Health Check notification email. For more information, see Responding to a Health Check notification email.