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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Performance Library User's Guide

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Updated: June 2016

Libraries Included With Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library

The Performance Library contains enhanced versions of the following standard libraries:

  • LAPACK version 3.5.0 – For solving linear algebra problems.

  • BLAS1 (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) – For performing vector-vector operations.

  • BLAS2 – For performing matrix-vector operations.

  • BLAS3 – For performing matrix-matrix operations.

  • Netlib Sparse-BLAS - performing sparse vector operations

  • NIST Sparse-BLAS 0.5 - performing fundamental sparse matrix operations

  • SuperLU 3.0 - solving sparse linear systems of equations

  • Sparse Solver - direct sparse solver routines

  • FFTPACK - performing fast Fourier transform

  • VFFTPACK - performing vectorized fast Fourier transform

  • XBLAS - extra precise basic linear algebra subroutines

  • Other Routines - transpose, Convolution, correlation and sort

Note -  LINPACK has been removed from Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library. LAPACK version 3.5.0 supersedes LINPACK and all previous versions of LAPACK. If the LINPACK routines are still needed, you can obtain the LINPACK library and documentation from http://www.netlib.org.

Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library is available in both static and dynamic library forms. There are optimized SPARC versions for sparcvis, sparcvis2, and sparcfmaf and advanced architectures on the Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Linux operating systems. There are also optimized versions for x86/x64 architectures on Oracle Solaris 11 systems, along with Oracle Linux systems. All versions have support for parallel programming on multiprocessor platforms. See the Oracle Developer Studio 12.5: Release Notes for details.

Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library LAPACK routines have been compiled with a Fortran 95 compiler and remain compatible with the Netlib LAPACK version 3.5.0 library. The Performance Library versions of these routines perform the same operations as the Fortran callable routines and have the same interface as the standard Netlib versions.

LAPACK contains driver, computational, and auxiliary routines. The Performance Library does not support the auxiliary routines, because auxiliary routines can be changed or be removed from LAPACK without notice. Because the auxiliary routines are not supported, they are not documented in this user guide or in the 3P section man pages.

Many auxiliary routines contain LA as the second and third characters in the routine name; however, some do not. Appendix B of the LAPACK User's Guide, Third Edition (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/) contains a list of auxiliary routines.

About Netlib

Netlib is an online repository of mathematical software, papers, and databases maintained by AT&T Bell Laboratories, the University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and professionals from around the world.

Netlib provides many libraries, in addition to the libraries used in Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library. While some of these libraries can appear similar to libraries used with the Performance Library, they can be different from, and incompatible with the Performance Library.

Using routines from other libraries can produce compatibility problems, not only with Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library routines, but also with the base Netlib LAPACK routines. When using routines from other libraries, refer to the documentation provided with those libraries.

For example, Netlib provides a CLAPACK library, but the CLAPACK interfaces differ from the C interfaces included with Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library. A LAPACK 90 library package is also available on Netlib. The LAPACK 90 library contains interfaces that differ from the Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library Fortran 95 interfaces and the Netlib LAPACK version 3.5.0 interfaces. If using LAPACK 90, refer to the documentation provided with that library.

For the base libraries supported by Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library, Netlib provides detailed information that can supplement this user's guide. The LAPACK User's Guide, Third Edition (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/) describes LAPACK algorithms and how to use the routines, but it does not describe the Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library extensions made to the base routines.

Related Documentation

The LAPACK User's Guide is the official reference for the base LAPACK version 3.5.0 routines. An online version of the LAPACK Users' Guide is available at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/, and the printed version is available from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) http://www.siam.org.

Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library routines contain performance enhancements, extensions, and features not described in the LAPACK Users' Guide. However, because Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library maintains compatibility with the base LAPACK routines, the LAPACK Guide can be used as a reference for the LAPACK routines and the Fortran interfaces.

Note -  LINPACK has been removed from the Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library. The LINPACK libraries and documentation are still available from http://www.netlib.org.

See the following locations for information describing the performance library routines that form the basis of the Oracle Developer Studio Performance Library.

LAPACK version 3.5.0


BLAS, levels 1 through 3


FFTPACK version 4


VFFTPACK version 2.1


Sparse BLAS


NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Fortran Sparse BLAS


SuperLU version 3.0
