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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Numerical Computation Guide

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Updated: June 2016


Numbers and Symbols

-fastindex iconSubnormal Numbers and Nonstandard Arithmetic
-fnonstdindex iconSubnormal Numbers and Nonstandard Arithmetic


abort on exception
C exampleindex iconieee_handler: Abort on Exceptions
abrupt underflowindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
flush underflow results
index iconTwo Examples of Gradual Underflow Versus Abrupt Underflow
index iconGaps Between Representable Single-Format Floating-Point Numbers
floating-point operationsindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
significant digits (number of)index iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
thresholdindex iconDoes Underflow Matter?
random number utilitiesindex iconRandom Number Facilities
argument reduction
trigonometric functionsindex iconArgument Reduction for Trigonometric Functions


base conversion
base 10 to base 2index iconBase Conversion in the Oracle Solaris Environment
base 2 to base 10index iconBase Conversion in the Oracle Solaris Environment
formatted I/Oindex iconBase Conversion in the Oracle Solaris Environment


C driver
example, call FORTRAN subroutines from Cindex iconCalling Fortran From C
clock speedindex iconfpversion(1) Function: Finding Information About the FPU
conversion between number setsindex iconComparison of a Set of Numbers Defined by Digital and Binary Representation
conversions between decimal strings and binary floating-point numbersindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
binary floating-pointindex iconData Conversion Routines
data conversionindex iconData Conversion Routines


data types
relation to IEEE formatsindex iconStorage Formats
dbxindex iconUsing the Debugger to Locate an Exception
decimal representation
maximum positive normal numberindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
minimum positive normal numberindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
precisionindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
rangesindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
double-precision representation
C exampleindex iconIEEE Arithmetic
FORTRAN exampleindex iconDouble Precision Example


examine the accrued exception bits
C exampleindex iconieee_flags — Accrued Exceptions
examine the accrued exception flags
C exampleindex iconExamining the Accrued Exception Flags


exceptions listindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
rounding directionindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
rounding precisionindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
floating-point accuracy
decimal strings and binary floating-point numbersindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
floating-point exceptionsindex iconFloating-Point Environment
abort on exceptionsindex iconieee_handler: Abort on Exceptions
accrued exception bitsindex iconieee_flags — Accrued Exceptions
common exceptionsindex iconWhat Is an Exception?
default resultindex iconIEEE Floating-Point Exceptions
definitionindex iconWhat Is an Exception?
flagsindex iconDetecting Exceptions
accruedindex iconDetecting Exceptions
currentindex iconDetecting Exceptions
ieee_functionsindex iconieee_sun(3m)
ieee_retrospectiveindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
list of exceptionsindex iconWhat Is an Exception?
priorityindex iconNotes for Table 4-1
trap precedenceindex iconNotes for Table 4-1
floating-point queue (FQ)index iconFloating-Point Status Register and Queue
floating-point status register (FSR)
index iconFloating-Point Status Register and Queue
index iconSome Debugging Commands (SPARC)
define handler types
C and C++index iconieee_handler (3m)
flush to zero (seeabrupt underflow)index iconUnderflow Thresholds


generate an array of numbers
FORTRAN exampleindex iconRandom Number Generator
gradual underflow
error propertiesindex iconError Properties of Gradual Underflow


IEEE double extended format
biased exponent
x86 architectureindex iconDouble-Extended Format (x86)
bit-field assignment
x86 architectureindex iconDouble-Extended Format (x86)
x86 architectureindex iconDouble-Extended Format (x86)
SPARC architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns
x86 architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns (x86)
x86 architectureindex iconBit Patterns in Double-Extended Format and Their Values (x86)
normal number
SPARC architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns
x86 architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns (x86)
quadruple precision
SPARC architectureindex iconQuadruple Format
sign bit
x86 architectureindex iconDouble-Extended Format (x86)
explicit leading bit (x86 architecture)index iconDouble-Extended Format (x86)
subnormal number
SPARC architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns
x86 architectureindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns (x86)
IEEE double format
biased exponentindex iconDouble Format
bit patterns and equivalent valuesindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
bit-field assignmentindex iconDouble Format
denormalized numberindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
index iconDouble Format
index iconDouble Format
storage on SPARCindex iconDouble Format
storage on x86index iconDouble Format
implicit bitindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
Inf, infinityindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
NaN, not a numberindex iconBit Patterns in Double-Storage Format and Their IEEE Values
normal numberindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
precisionindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
sign bitindex iconDouble Format
significandindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
subnormal numberindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format
IEEE formats
relation to language data typesindex iconStorage Formats
IEEE single format
biased exponentindex iconSingle Format
biased exponent,implicit bitindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
bit assignmentsindex iconSingle Format
bit patterns and equivalent valuesindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
bit-field assignmentindex iconSingle Format
denormalized numberindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
fractionindex iconSingle Format
Inf, negative infinityindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
Inf,positive infinityindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
mixed number, significandindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
NaN, not a numberindex iconBit Patterns in Single-Storage Format and Their IEEE Values
normal number
maximum positiveindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
normal number bit patternindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
precision, normal numberindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
sign bitindex iconSingle Format
subnormal number bit patternindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
IEEE Standard 754
double extended formatindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
double formatindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
single formatindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
accrued exception flagindex iconieee_flags(3m)
examine accrued exception bits-C exampleindex iconieee_flags — Accrued Exceptions
rounding directionindex iconieee_flags(3m)
rounding precision
index iconieee_flags Input Values for the Rounding Direction
index iconieee_flags(3m)
set exception flags-C exampleindex iconExamining the Accrued Exception Flags – Fortran
truncate roundingindex iconParameter Values for ieee_flags
bit mask operationsindex iconieee_functions(3m) and ieee_sun(3m)
floating-point exceptionsindex iconieee_sun(3m)
ieee_handlerindex iconieee_handler (3m)
abort on exception
FORTRAN exampleindex iconieee_handler: Abort on Exceptions
example, calling sequenceindex iconUsing dbx to Locate the Instruction Causing an Exception
trap on common exceptionsindex iconWhat Is an Exception?
trap on exception
C exampleindex iconieee_handler: Trapping Exceptions
check underflow exception flagindex iconSubnormal Numbers and Nonstandard Arithmetic
floating-point exceptionsindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
floating-point status register (FSR)index iconieee_retrospective(3m)
getting information about nonstandard IEEE modesindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
getting information about outstanding exceptionsindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
nonstandard_arithmetic in effectindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
precisionindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
roundingindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
suppress exception messagesindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
IEEE classification functionsindex iconieee_functions(3m) and ieee_sun(3m)
quadruple-precision valuesindex iconieee_values(3m)
representing floating-point valuesindex iconieee_values(3m)
representing Infindex iconieee_values(3m)
representing NaNindex iconieee_values(3m)
representing normal numberindex iconieee_values(3m)
single-precision valuesindex iconieee_values(3m)
ieee_values functions
C exampleindex iconIEEE Special Values
index iconSpecial Cases and libm Functions
index iconFloating-Point Environment
default result of divide by zeroindex iconIEEE Floating-Point Exceptions


random number utilitiesindex iconRandom Number Facilities
list of functionsindex iconStandard Math Library
libm functions
double precisionindex iconCalling Single, Double, and Extended/Quadruple Functions
quadruple precisionindex iconCalling Single, Double, and Extended/Quadruple Functions
single precisionindex iconCalling Single, Double, and Extended/Quadruple Functions
list of functionsindex iconOracle Math Library


index iconSpecial Cases and libm Functions
index iconBit Patterns in Quadruple Format
index iconFloating-Point Environment
gradual underflowindex iconnonstandard_arithmetic(3m)
turn off IEEE gradual underflowindex iconSubnormal Numbers and Nonstandard Arithmetic
underflowindex iconnonstandard_arithmetic(3m)
normal number
maximum positiveindex iconValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format
minimum positive
index iconGaps Between Representable Single-Format Floating-Point Numbers
index iconUnderflow Thresholds
number line
binary representationindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
decimal representationindex iconRanges and Precisions in Decimal Representation
powers of 2index iconNumber Line


operating system math library
libm.aindex iconStandard Math Library


infinitely precise valueindex iconArgument Reduction for Trigonometric Functions


default result of invalid operationindex iconIEEE Floating-Point Exceptions


random number generatorsindex iconRandom Number Generator
random number utilities
shufransindex iconRandom Number Facilities
represent double-precision value
C exampleindex iconDouble Precision Example
FORTRAN exampleindex iconPrint Smallest Normal Numbers in Each Format (Continued)
represent single-precision value
C exampleindex iconDouble Precision Example
round-off error
loss ofindex iconHow Does IEEE Arithmetic Treat Underflow?
rounding directionindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?
C exampleindex iconieee_flags — Rounding Direction
rounding precisionindex iconWhat Is IEEE Arithmetic?


set exception flags
C exampleindex iconExamining the Accrued Exception Flags – Fortran
shuffle pseudo-random numbersindex iconRandom Number Facilities
single formatindex iconSingle Format
single precision representation
C exampleindex iconIEEE Arithmetic
turn on IEEE behaviorindex iconSubnormal Numbers and Nonstandard Arithmetic
subnormal numberindex iconGaps Between Representable Single-Format Floating-Point Numbers
floating-point calculationsindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
System V Interface Definition (SVID)index iconStandards Compliance


abort on exceptionindex iconieee_handler: Abort on Exceptions
ieee_retrospectiveindex iconieee_retrospective(3m)
trap on exception
C example
index iconTrap on Underflow (SPARC)
index iconieee_handler: Trapping Exceptions
trap on floating-point exceptions
C exampleindex iconieee_handler: Trapping Exceptions
trigonometric functions
argument reduction
index iconArgument Reduction for Trigonometric Functions
index iconArgument Reduction for Trigonometric Functions


floating-point calculationsindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
gradualindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
nonstandard_arithmeticindex iconnonstandard_arithmetic(3m)
thresholdindex iconGaps Between Representable Single-Format Floating-Point Numbers
underflow thresholds
double extended precisionindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
double precisionindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
single precisionindex iconUnderflow Thresholds
unit in last place (ulp)index iconAbout the Algorithms
unordered comparison
floating-point valuesindex iconNotes for Table 4-1
NaNindex iconNotes for Table 4-1