6 Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server

This chapter describes the tasks relating to Oracle WebLogic Server that you perform before installing Oracle Communications ASAP.

About Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server

This chapter describes procedures relating to installing the WebLogic Server and other required applications, and also configuring the WebLogic Server domain where you will install ASAP.


Ensure that the WebLogic server is running before you install ASAP.

WebLogic Server Java Requirements

ASAP uses WebLogic Server to support Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications such as the Java SRP, User Security Management, and the Service Activation Deployment Tool (SADT).

See "Software Requirements" for the required WebLogic Server version, Java Standard Edition (Java SE) Java Development Kit (JDK). See "Patch Requirements" for more information on required patches WebLogic Server.

Downloading and Installing the WebLogic Server Software

You must create a WebLogic Server UNIX user account and password to install and configure the WebLogic Server. Make certain that you use this account for any subsequent changes to the WebLogic Server configuration.

If you have an existing WebLogic Server installation, ensure that the versions and patches of your existing installation meet the requirements for ASAP (see "Patch Requirements").

If you do not have an existing WebLogic Server installation, you must perform a full installation and create a WebLogic Server Domain.

To download and install Oracle WebLogic Server software:


This procedure contains example commands for Solaris.
  1. Install the appropriate JDK for your platform and the required version of the Oracle WebLogic Server (see "WebLogic Server Java Requirements").


    Ensure that you follow the latest Oracle WebLogic Server installation documentation carefully, performing all required steps.
  2. Locate the generic Oracle WebLogic Server software distribution file included with the ASAP software on the Oracle software delivery website.

  3. Download the generic Oracle WebLogic Server software distribution file for your hardware platform. (You may have to save it to an interim machine, and then use FTP to transfer the file to your target machine.)

  4. Switch to the UNIX account you created to install the WebLogic Server:

    su - WLS_user

    Where WLS_user is the name of the account you used to install the WebLogic Server.

  5. Change the permissions on the installation JAR file so that your WebLogic Server user can run it. For example:

    chmod a+x fmw_12.
  6. If you are running X-Windows on a remote display, export the display. For example:

    export DISPLAY=
  7. Start the Oracle WebLogic installer. For example:

    java -jar fmw_12.


    Specify a different directory from the directory containing the install JAR file for the Oracle installation.
  8. When the installation is complete, perform domain creation and configuration for ASAP as described in "Creating a WebLogic Server Domain."

Creating a WebLogic Server Domain

The instructions below describe a scenario to configure an admin server domain or an Admin server with managed server domain. You may decide to vary your implementation based on the requirements of your installation. Refer to the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for details.


When the Oracle WebLogic Server is started or stopped, you should not have the ASAP Environment_Profile sourced. Some settings in the ASAP CLASSPATH can interfere with the java libraries needed for log4j and cause errors such as java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. You can use the command:

prior to starting the WebLogic Server to avoid the conflict.

To install and configure an Oracle WebLogic Server domain:


This procedure contains example commands for Solaris.


The paths in the steps below are specified for a standard Oracle WebLogic and Oracle Database configuration. Ensure you use paths appropriate to your installation.

Navigate to WebLogic_home/common/bin and execute the following commands at the prompt, substituting the placeholder values with the actual name values:

  • export WL_HOME=domain_home

  • export ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_home

  • export PATH="$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin"

  • If you are using Sun Solaris, use the command:

  1. From WebLogic_home/common/bin, start the WebLogic Configuration Wizard using the following command:


    The Configuration Type screen displays on which you can choose either to Create or Extend a Configuration.

  2. On the Configuration Type screen, select Create a new domain, and in Domain Location, specify the location where you want to install your domain.

  3. Click Next.

    The Templates screen is displayed.

  4. On the Templates screen, select Create Domain Using Product Templates:


    Basic WebLogic Server Domain... is automatically selected.
  5. Click Next.

    The Administrator Account screen is displayed.

  6. On the Administrator Account screen, specify the admin user name and password for your WebLogic domain.

  7. Click Next.

    The Domain Mode and JDK screen is displayed.

  8. On the Domain Mode and JDK screen choose from Development mode or Production mode. Select the location of the installed JDK for WebLogic to use.

  9. Click Next.

    The Advanced Configuration screen is displayed.

  10. On the Advanced Configuration screen, select the Administration Server and Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence check boxes.


    ASAP does not support clusters, but the screen to configure clusters appears after the Managed Servers configuration screen. Ignore the Clusters screen.
  11. Click Next.

    The Administration Server screen is displayed.

  12. On the Administration Server screen, specify the values described in Table 6-1.

    Table 6-1 Configure the Administration Server screen

    Administration Server fields Values


    Enter a name for your WebLogic server.

    Listen address

    Select All Local Addresses from the list.

    Listen port

    Enter a port number for your WebLogic server.

    SSL listen port

    Enter an SSL port number for your WebLogic server. The SSL enabled check box must be selected before a value can be entered for this field.

    SSL enabled

    Select this check box to enable SSL.

  13. Click Next.

    The Managed Servers screen is displayed.

  14. On the Managed Servers screen, enter values for the managed server that you want to configure. To configure a managed server click Add. The Listen address should match the IP address of the WebLogic Server host. Enable SSL and specify a listen and an SSL port.

  15. After you add your managed server specified, click Next.

    The Clusters screen is displayed.

  16. Click Next.

    The Machines screen is displayed.

  17. Select the Unix Machine tab and add and configure the machines that you want. For more information about configuration options, see WebLogic Server documentation.

  18. Click Next.

    The Assign Servers to Machines screen is displayed.

  19. After you assign servers to machines, click Next.

    The Configuration Summary screen is displayed.

  20. Review the configuration settings you have made. Click Create.

    The Configuration Progress screen is displayed.

  21. When creation is 100% complete, click Next.

    The Configuration Success screen is displayed.

  22. Click Finish.

    For more information on the steps required to configure each of these options, see Fusion Middleware Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard for your version of WebLogic Server.

    The main Oracle WebLogic Server software installation is complete – continue with the installation of required patches below.

Patching the WebLogic Server Software

You may need to apply a patch to the WebLogic Server software after installation.

See "Patch Requirements" for details.