9 Registering Interface Policies and Creating Interfaces

This chapter provides some practical examples of how to register and use the interface management configuration policies to create interfaces in Oracle Communications IP Service Activator.


Before creating any Interface Policy Registration, you must load the InterfaceManagementPolicyTypes.policy file on the Domain dialog box.

For information about configuration policies, see IP Service Activator QoS User's Guide.

About Interface Creation and Decoration

An Interface Decoration Policy allows you to configure an existing interface or sub-interface. The Decoration Policy cannot be applied to an interface that has been created by a Creation Policy. You cannot directly use the interface management configuration policies to take over management and ownership of an existing interface that has been decorated but not created using the interface management configuration policies. In this case, you must delete the sub-interface in the object model and re-create it using the interface management configuration policies.


As this deletes and recreates the interface object in the object model, all service associations with the interface are lost. These associations must be recreated.

For more information on creating and decorating interfaces or sub-interfaces, see the IP Service Activator online Help.

Example of Creating and Removing a Cisco Serial Sub-interface

This example illustrates the following:

Registering Interface Creation Configuration Policies

To register an interface creation configuration policy:

  1. On the Policy tab, right-click the Interface Policy Registrations folder and select Add Interface Policy Registration.

  2. On the Interface Policy Registration dialog box, specify the following attributes with their corresponding values:

    • Name: frSubInterfaceDataCreate

    • Action: Create

    • Menu Text: Serial Subinterface

    • Policy Type: Frame Relay Interface

    • Applied Context: Interface

    • Vendor Name: Cisco (9)

    • SNMP ifType: 32 (frameRelay)

    • Interface Pattern: Serial

  3. Display the Creation Template property page by selecting Creation Template. Specify the additional attributes:

    • SNMP ifType: 32 (frameRelay)

    • Speed: 0

      The Speed attribute is used to set the initial interface speed value in the Object Model, but is not used for configuration of the device or interface. The object model value is automatically updated when the interface is discovered.

    • Interface Name Prefix: Select Get prefix from parent

  4. Click OK.

  5. Commit the transaction.

Creating a Sub-interface

Before creating a sub-interface, create a parent interface by doing one of the following:

  • Discover the parent interface from the network.

  • Create an interface using a registered interface configuration policy.

To create a sub-interface:

  1. For a managed device, select the appropriate device and interface roles.

  2. Right-click a serial interface and select Add Sub-Interface from the context menu.

  3. Select the Serial Subinterface option created by the newly registered Interface Policy Registration.

    The New Sub-interface dialog box appears with the contents of the frSubinterfaceData configuration policy.


    The encapsulation of the parent interface must be set to Frame Relay (ifType frameRelay(32)). The Add Sub-Interface menu does not appear if the Serial interface type is prepPointToPointSerial(22) or ppp(23). To change the interface encapsulation, configure the parent interface with encapsulation frame relay and rediscover the device.
  4. On the New Sub-interface dialog box, specify the sub-interface data as required.

    • Name: Serial0/1/3.2 (mandatory field)

    • Data Link Connection Identifier (dlci): 16 (mandatory field)

  5. Select Role.

    The Role property page appears.

  6. Select the interface role as required. If the role is not set, the interface will not be created.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Commit the transaction.

    The following Serial sub-interface is created on the device:

    2007-09-06 20:02:14||interface Serial0/1/3.2 point-to-point
    2007-09-06 20:02:14||frame-relay interface-dlci 16   
    2007-09-06 20:02:14||interface Serial0/1/3.2 point-to-point
    2007-09-06 20:02:14||exit

Removing a Sub-interface

To remove a sub-interface:

  1. Select the sub-interface.

  2. Right-click the sub-interface and select Delete from the context menu.

  3. Commit the transaction.

If the sub-interface object is deleted from the IP Service Activator object model, the sub-interface on the device is also removed.

Example of Decorating and Removing a Cisco Serial Sub-interface

This example illustrates the following:

Creating an Interface Policy Registration

To create an Interface Policy Registration:

  1. On the Policy tab, right-click the Interface Policy Registrations folder and select Add Interface Policy Registration from the context menu.

    The Interface Policy Registration dialog box is displayed.

  2. Specify the following attributes with the corresponding values:

    • Name: ciscoUniversalInterfaceDecorateFrameRelay

    • Action: Decorate

    • Menu Text: Interface Settings

    • Policy Type: Cisco Universal Interface

    • Applied Context: Sub-Interface

    • Vendor Name: Cisco (9)

    • SNMP ifType: 32 (frameRelay)

  3. Click OK.

  4. Commit the transaction.

Decorating an Existing Sub-interface

To decorate a sub-interface:

  1. For a managed device, specify the appropriate device and interface roles.

  2. Right-click a Serial sub-interface and select Configure Sub-interface from the context menu.

  3. Select the Interface Settings option created by the newly registered Interface Policy Registration.

    The Sub-interface dialog box appears with the contents of the Cisco Universal Interface configuration policy.

  4. Specify the sub-interface data as required.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Commit the transaction.

Removing a Sub-interface Decoration

To remove a sub-interface decoration:

  1. Right-click a decorated Serial sub-interface and select Configure Sub-interface from the context menu.

  2. Deselect the Interface Settings option.

  3. Commit the transaction.

    The decorated settings will be removed from the interface.


Deleting a decorated interface from the IP Service Activator object model will remove the decorated configuration from the device, but will not remove the interface. The interface will be recreated in the object model the next time the device is re-discovered.

Example of a Cisco Channelized Serial Interface

This example illustrates the following:

Before creating a channelized serial interface, perform the following preconfiguration tasks:

  1. Modify the Config/AutoDiscovery.cfg file to enable controller discovery.

  2. Follow the Controller Discovery comments in the AutoDiscovery.cfg file to comment and uncomment the appropriate lines.

  3. Restart the Policy Server.

  4. Discover the device.

The controllers are discovered on the device as a special interface type with a different icon.

For more information about customizing discovery using AutoDiscovery.cfg, see IP Service Activator User's Guide.

Creating an Interface Policy Registration

To create an Interface Policy Registration:

  1. On the Policy tab, right-click the Interface Policy Registrations folder and select Add Interface Policy Registration from the context menu.

    The Interface Policy Registration dialog box appears.

  2. Specify the following attributes with the corresponding values:

    • Name: e3ChannellizedSerialInterfaceCreateFrameRelay

    • Action: Create

    • Menu Text: E3 Channellized Serial Interface Frame Relay

    • Policy Type: E3 Channelized Interface

    • Applied Context: Device

    • Vendor Name: Cisco (9)

  3. Select Creation Template.

    The Creation Template property page is displayed.

  4. Specify the additional attributes:

    • SNMP ifType: 32 (frameRelay)

    • Speed: 0

    • Interface Name Prefix: Serial

  5. Define the Interface, Sub-Interface and VC Capabilities by doing one of the following:

    • Manually selecting on the Interface Capabilities, Sub-Interface Capabilities and VC Capabilities tabs

    • Using the capabilities of an existing interface by dragging an existing interface object onto the Interface Policy Registration Object.

    These are the capabilities that get assigned in the object model when the device level interface is created.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Commit the transaction.

Configuring the E3 Controller

Before configuring the E3 Controller, perform the following preconfiguration tasks:

  1. On the Policy tab, expand the Policy Types folder, expand Service, then select General.

  2. Right-click the General folder and select Add Policy Type.

    The General\- Policy Type dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Import HTML, and under the SamplePolicy folder, select e3Controller.html.

  4. In the Name field, specify the name of the policy type.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Commit the transaction.

To configure the E3 Controller:

  1. Right-click the E3 Controller and select Add Configuration Policy from the context menu.

  2. Select General, then select e3Controller.

  3. On the Configuration Policy dialog box, provide a suitable descriptive name for the configuration policy.

  4. Specify the policy attributes to configure the E1 line.

  5. Add a new configuration policy for each E1 line as follows:

    • Name: E3 0/1/0.1

    • E1 Number: 1

    • Clock Source: internal

  6. Select Role.

    The Role property page is displayed.

  7. Select the configuration policy role.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat steps 1–8 for each E1 Line to be configured.

  10. Commit the transaction.

The following figure illustrates the configuration policies for the controller E3 0/1/0:

  • e1 1 clock source internal

  • e1 3 clock source internal

  • e1 6 clock source internal

Creating a Channelized Serial Interface

The e3ChannellizedSerialInterface interface creation policy is used to create a new Serial interface on a device, based on the Interface Registration Policy defined in "Creating an Interface Policy Registration".

To create a channellized Serial interface:

  1. Right-click the device and select Add Interface from the context menu.

  2. Select E3 Channellized Serial Interface Frame Relay.

    The New Interface dialog box appears with the contents of the e3ChannellizedSerialInterface configuration policy.

  3. Set the interface data as required.

    The encapsulation field should be set to match the encapsulation applicable to the ifType defined in the interface policy registration to ensure the created interface capabilities are aligned.

    • propPointToPointSerial(22): HDLC

    • ppp(23): ppp

    • frameRelay(32): Frame Relay, Frame Relay IETF

  4. For the e3ChallenlizedSerialInterface interface creation, the time slots filed must be configured as follows:

    • Name: Serial0/1/0/1.1

    • Encapsulation: Frame Relay

    • Time Slots: 1-5

  5. Select the interface role.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Commit the transaction.

IP Service Activator creates the new interface on the device and configures allocated time slots in the E3 controller, as shown below:

2007-09-11 22:04:24||controller E3 0/1/0
2007-09-11 22:04:25||e1 1 channel-group 1 timeslots 1-5
2007-09-11 22:04:25||exit
2007-09-11 22:04:25||interface Serial0/1/0/1:1
2007-09-11 22:04:25||encapsulation frame-relay2007-09-11 22:04:26||exit

Removing a Channelized Serial Interface

To remove the channelized interface:

  1. Select the channelized interface.

  2. Right-click the channelized interface and select Delete from the context menu.

Deleting the interface from the IP Service Activator object model will remove the Channelized interface from the device, as shown below:

2007-09-11 22:07:43||no interface Serial0/1/0/1:1.1
2007-09-11 22:07:43||interface Serial0/1/0/1:1
2007-09-11 22:07:43||no encapsulation
2007-09-11 22:07:43||exit
2007-09-11 22:07:43||controller E3 0/1/0
2007-09-11 22:07:44||no e1 1 channel-group 1
2007-09-11 22:07:44||exit


Any child sub-interface of the channelized interface is also automatically removed, both from the object model and the device.