3 IP Service Activator System Requirements

This chapter describes the software and hardware requirements for installing Oracle Communications IP Service Activator.

Support for Linux

IP Service Activator 7.3 supports Oracle Linux 6 (OL 6) as a 64-bit application. For new host installations, install OL 6 as a 64-bit application. The IP Service Activator client runs on 64-bit Windows 7.

To install IP Service Activator on Linux, follow the server installation procedure. Differences between an Oracle Solaris and a Linux installation are identified within the procedure steps.

Solaris Installation and Configuration

For new host installations, install the full Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) version of Solaris. This ensures that Solaris functions well with IP Service Activator.

Check the Solaris OS Version

IP Service Activator is supported on:

  • Solaris 10 (SunOS 5.10)

  • Solaris 11 (SunOS 5.11)

For supported versions of third-party software, including Solaris, see "Supported Devices and Operating Systems".

To check the Solaris OS version, enter:

$ uname -r


$ uname -a

The SunOS version is returned. For Solaris 10 systems, ’5.10' is returned and for Solaris 11 systems ’5.11' is returned.

For a more detailed indication of your Solaris version, check the /etc/release text file:

Go to the /etc directory of the installed image (for example, /cdrom/sol_10_401_sparc/s0/Solaris_10/Product/SUNWsolnm/reloc/etc), and enter:

# more release

The installed version is returned.

For example:

Solaris 10 4/01 s28s_u4wos_10 SPARC
Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Assembled 01 March 2014

Check the Solaris Patches

Ensure that the latest recommended Solaris patch cluster is installed on each IP Service Activator host machine. This includes those patches recommended for Solaris by Sun.

Patches are available for download on Oracle Technology Network at:


To check which patch revision numbers you have installed:

On the Solaris 64-bit platform, enter:

$ showrev -p | more

Supported Devices and Operating Systems

The following tables list IP Service Activator support for vendor devices and operating systems in this release. For more information about which services are supported on each device and OS combination, refer to the respective cartridge guide or device support guide.

Cisco IOS XR Cartridge

Table 3-1 lists the Cisco IOS XR cartridge support on Cisco devices and IOS XR versions.

Table 3-1 Cisco IOS XR Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator Cisco IOS XR Version

Cisco ASR 9000 Series, Cisco CRS Routers, Cisco GSR 12000 Series

3.x, 4.x

Cisco IOS Cartridge

Table 3-2 lists the Cisco IOS cartridge support on Cisco devices and IOS versions.

Table 3-2 Cisco IOS Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator Cisco IOS Version

Cisco 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 7000, 10000, 12000 series devices

IOS 12.2(33)SRE, IOS 12.4(24)T, IOS 12.0(33)S, IOS 15.0(1)M, and IOS 15.1(2)T

Cisco CatOS Cartridge

Table 3-3 lists the Cisco CatOS cartridge support on Cisco devices and CatOS versions.

Table 3-3 Cisco CatOS Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator Cisco CatOS Version

Cisco 3500, 3750, 4500, 5500, 6500 series devices

CatOS 7.6, 8.5

Huawei Cartridge

Table 3-4 lists the Huawei cartridge support on Huawei devices and VRP versions.

Table 3-4 Huawei Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator VRP Version

Huawei Quidway Series Routers AR18-xx, AR28-xx, AR46-xx

Huawei Quidway NetEngine 05/08/16

Huawei Quidway NetEngine 16E, 40-2, 40-4, 40-8, 80

Huawei Quidway NetEngine 40E, 80E

Huawei Quidway Eudemon 500, 1000

Huawei CX600


5.3, 5.5, 5.7

5.3, 5.5, 5.7

5.3, 5.5, 5.7


5.3, 5.5, 5.7

Brocade Cartridge

Table 3-5 lists the Brocade cartridge support on Brocade devices and IronWare versions.

Table 3-5 Brocade Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator IronWare Version

Brocade NetIron MLX series

Brocade NetIron XMR series

4.1, 5.0

Juniper JUNOS Cartridge

Table 3-6 lists the Juniper JUNOS cartridge support on Juniper devices and JUNOS versions.

Table 3-6 Juniper JUNOS Cartridge Support

Devices Supported by IP Service Activator JUNOS Version

Juniper M-series

Juniper T-series

Juniper J-series

JUNOS 9.6, 10.x, 11.1, 11.2

Pre-installation Tasks for Solaris and Linux

This section describes the tasks that you must complete before you install IP Service Activator on Solaris and Linux operating systems.

Enabling Per-process Core Dumps for Solaris

For Solaris, you must verify that the COREADM_PROC_ENABLED is enabled in the system core configuration file: coreadm.conf. If COREADM_PROC_ENABLED is enabled, the corresponding core file is generated for the IP Service Activator process when a core dump occurs. You can use the pstack tool to review and troubleshoot any core dump of a process.


COREADM_PROC_ENABLED is a system default.

To see the values of the core dump parameters in the coreadm.conf file, you can use this command:

cat /etc/coreadm.conf

The parameters of this file are as follows:


To set the core dump parameters, you can run the following command:


Enabling Per-process Core Dumps for Linux

With some applications requiring Linux, the coreadm tool is missing. Instead, core file management is configured in the kernel configuration file: /etc/sysctl.conf.

You need to enable core dumps from setuid process, remove file size limits for core dumps, and save them in an appropriate location using meaningful names. To do this, you need to add the following lines into the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

  • fs.suid_dumpable = 2

  • kernel.core_pattern = /var/core/core_%h_%e_%u_%g_%t_%p

To make sure you are not imposing limits on the core files, you need to add the following to the /etc/sysconfig/init file:


After you update the /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/sysconfig/init files, you can refresh the settings by running systctl, as follows:

[root@altix ~]# /sbin/sysctl -p
< list of kernel tunables >
fs.suid_dumpable = 2
kernel.core_pattern = /var/core/core_%h_%e_%u_%g_%t_%p
< list of kernel tunables >

Setting File Resources for Device Discovery

A host supporting IP Service Activator must be configured to support a certain minimum number of available open files (File Descriptors) in order for IP Service Activator to successfully discover large numbers of devices (up to 65535) within one device discovery task. The setting for the number of available file descriptors should be 1024.

To permanently set the File Descriptors value on the Policy Server host:

  1. Open the /etc/system file.

  2. Add the following two lines:

    set rlim_fd_cur=1024
    set rlim_fd_max=1024
  3. Save and close the file.

To determine the current Solaris kernel settings, enter:

ulimit -a

If the value of the nofiles (descriptors) is greater than or equal to 1024, enough file descriptors are available.

There is no advantage, from a scalability or performance standpoint, to have more than 1024 file descriptors available. Setting these parameters higher uses additional memory resources with no improvement in IP Service Activator performance.


Ensure that the Max File descriptors is set to a value of at least 1024, to eliminate platform issues.


For increasing the number of available open files (file descriptors), you must edit etc/system file in Solaris. The corresponding file for Linux is /etc/security/limits.conf. The limit is 1024 in Linux by default.

Synchronizing IP Service Activator Host Machines

You should synchronize the system time between IP Service Activator host machines using time synchronization software. Where machines are not synchronized, delays are likely to occur when configuring devices.

Ensure you synchronize the NTP times correctly.

IP Service Activator Administrator UNIX User ID (ipsaadm)

The IP Service Activator administrator (user ID ipsaadm) is the UNIX user account given permissions (during installation) to start and stop the naming service and component manager manually. You must create this user account prior to IP Service Activator software installation.

When creating the ipsaadm user, specify the following details:

  • Username: ipsaadm

  • Group: ipsagrp

  • Secondary group: sys

  • Login shell: /bin/bash

  • Home directory: select any location (known in this document as Service_Activator_home)

Throughout this document, ipsaadm is used as the UNIX user ID associated with IP Service Activator. If you have defined another UNIX user ID for specific uses with IP Service Activator, use it instead of ipsaadm where appropriate.

Setting Permissions for the Installation UNIX User ID

The default permissions set for the installation UNIX account user ID affect the permissions of the directories and files created by the Oracle Universal Installer and configured by the configuration tool. The rest of this section refers to ipsaadm as the account used to run the install.

You must set the umask for the ipsaadm account appropriately for your needs before running the Installer.

The Installer uses the umask from the ipsaadm account during the installation to determine how to adjust the directories and files that it creates.

To set the umask for the ipsaadm account, use the UNIX umask command:

umask [file_creation_mask]

See the Solaris or Linux UNIX documentation for more information about the user account umask.

For example, if the ipsaadm account has a umask of 027, this translates to permissions of "rwxr-x---". The Installer then creates directories with permissions of "rwxr-x---" and configuration files with the permissions "rw-r----".


It is recommended that you use the umask setting of 077, which translates to directory permissions of "rwx------" and configuration file permissions of "rw-------" (full access to the user and no access to the group or anyone else).

Java Development Environment

To develop Java code, you need a development environment, such as the Java Standard Edition, 32- or 64-bit, previously known as the Java Development Kit (JDK).

It is recommended that you use the following version:

  • Java SE 1.7.x with the latest Critical Patch Update

For more information about developing application programming interfaces for IP Service Activator, see IP Service Activator API Developer's Guide.

Hardware Requirements

The following tables list the hardware required to manage various sized networks by IP Service Activator. It includes the hardware required for third-party software used in support of IP Service Activator.

The hardware sizing recommendations in this document assume that the Optimized Customer Edge (CE) management capabilities are applied at Large and Very Large Network Deployments.

Table 3-7 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Policy Server.

Table 3-7 Policy Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-threads RAM

Small (1-1500)


1 GB

Medium (1500-4000)


2 GB

Large (4000-10000)


2 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


8 GB

Table 3-8 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Integration Manager.

Table 3-8 Integration Manager Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-threads RAM

Small (1-1500)


500 MB

Medium (1500-4000)


500 MB

Large (4000-10000)


1 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


2 GB

Table 3-9 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Network Processor with Configuration Management Collector.

Table 3-9 Network Processor with Configuration Management Collector Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-cores RAM

Small (1-1500)


5 GB

Medium (1500-4000)


5 GB

Large (4000-10000)


5 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


8 GB

Table 3-10 lists the minimum hardware requirements for IP Service Activator Client.

Table 3-10 IP Service Activator Client Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-cores RAM

Small (1-1500)


1 GB

Medium (1500-4000)


1 GB

Large (4000-10000)


2 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


4 GB

Table 3-11 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Oracle Database Server. Make sure you are using the latest version of Oracle Database (11g or higher).

Table 3-11 Oracle Database Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-cores RAM

Small (1-1500)


4 GB

Medium (1500-4000)


4 GB

Large (4000-10000)


4 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


8 GB

Table 3-12 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Configuration Management Engine and Oracle WebLogic Server.

Table 3-12 Configuration Management Engine and Oracle WebLogic Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

Network Size (number of managed CE devices) CPU-cores RAM

Small (1-1500)


2 GB

Medium (1500-4000)


2 GB

Large (4000-10000)


2 GB

Very Large (10000 +) 64-bit


2 GB

Table 3-13 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Web Services.

Table 3-13 Web Services Minimum Hardware Requirements

Daily IP Service Activator Order Volume CPU-cores RAM

Small (1-500)


2 GB

Medium (500-1500)


4 GB

Large (1500+)


8 GB