4 Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Software

This chapter provides Oracle Communications IP Service Activator-specific guidance for installing Oracle Database software.

The current Oracle Database releases supported by IP Service Activator are versions,, and newer versions. For more information about the currently supported version numbers of additional software components, refer to "IP Service Activator System Requirements".


As you perform the installation, record custom values in the Oracle Database Installation Data checklist. See "Installation Checklists and Worksheet".

Oracle Database software components must be installed before you begin installation of IP Service Activator.

For the latest versions of Oracle Database documentation, with details about the installation and configuration of Oracle Database software, consult the following Oracle documentation repository:


If Oracle Database is already installed, arrange with your on-site Oracle Database administrator to create and configure the IP Service Activator database and to configure Oracle Database components. When this is complete, you can install IP Service Activator system components. Refer to the Oracle Installation Data checklist in "Installation Checklists and Worksheet" for configuration information.

If you are already running an instance of the Oracle Instant Client, you can configure IP Service Activator to use it by providing connection information during the IP Service Activator installation process.


This section provides information about some of the configuration decisions you must make before installing Oracle Database.

For supported versions of software components, including Oracle Database software, see "IP Service Activator System Requirements".

Some of the IP Service Activator components (for example, Policy Server, System Logger, Event Handler, Configuration Management, and Network Processor) require that an Oracle Instant Client be installed on the machine on which they reside. The Oracle Instant Client is bundled with IP Service Activator and is typically installed automatically.

Installing Oracle Database Using Oracle Universal Installer

Install the Oracle Database software using the Oracle Universal Installer. When prompted, choose a ’General Purpose' database installation.

Upon installation, the listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, and tnsnames.ora environment files are configured. The naming method for connecting to the database must be set to the default local naming method.

Provide the following information when prompted.

In the Database Identification window, specify:

  • Global Database Name: IPSA.WORLD

    The Global database name consists of the System Identifier (IPSA) and your network domain.

  • System Identifier (SID), $ORACLE_SID: IPSA

    If the environment variables were set before Oracle Database installation, this is the default value.

    In the Database Character Set dialog box, click the Choose one of the common character sets button, and select a character set.

    Oracle recommends using the AL32UTF8 character set for the IP Service Activator database instance. However, if IP Service Activator is the only application that is using the database instance, you can use the default character set for your location.

    The national character set can be left to the default value for your location.

Oracle Database Post-Installation Tasks

Additional Oracle Database configuration tasks may be required. For more information, see Oracle Database Installation Guide.

Updating the Net Service Name Setting

After installing Oracle Database, you might have to update the Net Service Name setting.


The Net Service Name value in the IPSA section of the tnsnames.ora file on the Policy Server machine must match the equivalent Net Service Name value in your global Oracle Database settings.

Setting Up the IP Service Activator Environment in Oracle Database

When you create an Oracle Database tablespace for use with IP Service Activator, Oracle recommends using IPServiceActivatorDb for the tablespace name.


You can choose a different name. Make sure it is an identifiable name for the IP Service Activator system tablespace and that there are no spaces between its characters, and then record the name in the Oracle Database Installation Data checklist located in "Installation Checklists and Worksheet".

Text that you enter in the dialog box is automatically displayed in capitals.

Use an initial file size of 250 MB. Use the AUTOEXTEND parameter, and set the Increment value to 5 MB. Set the Maximum size to Unlimited.

When you create an Oracle Database user for IP Service Activator, set the Name to admin (or other suitable database user name). This is the name that you are prompted for when IP Service Activator is installed. Set your password and make sure you record it in the Oracle Installation Data checklist, located in "Installation Checklists and Worksheet".

Set the Default value for Tablespaces to IPServiceActivatorDb. This ensures that IP Service Activator tables use the correct tablespace. Leave the Temporary tablespace as the default value: system-assigned.

Grant the new Oracle Database user the following privileges:











The SQL commands to create the tablespace, Oracle Database user, and granting privileges are as follows:

> sqlplus system/manager
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> create tablespace <tablespacename> logging datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/<databaseinstancename>/<tablespacename>.dbf' size 250M reuse autoextend on next 5M maxsize unlimited default storage (initial 128K next 128K minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645 pctincrease 0);
SQL> create user ipsaadm profile "DEFAULT" identified by <password for ipsaadm user> default tablespace <tablespacename> temporary tablespace <temporarytablespacename> account unlock;
SQL> grant unlimited tablespace to ipsaadm; 
SQL> grant connect to ipsaadm; 
SQL> grant resource to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant create view to ipsaadm;
SQL> create directory ipsa_plsql_dir as '<ipsadir>';
SQL> grant read,write on directory ipsa_plsql_dir to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant execute on sys.utl_file to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant create procedure to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant create trigger to ipsaadm; 
SQL> grant create table to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant create type to ipsaadm;
SQL> grant create sequence to ipsaadm;

Suggested minimum values for Oracle Database parameters are as follows:

  • shared_pool_size:50 331 648

  • large_pool_size:8 388 608

  • db_cache_size:25 165 824

  • undo_management:auto

  • undo_retention:10 800

  • processes:1000

  • open_cursors:5000