5 Installing and Configuring Supplemental Software Components

This chapter provides instructions for installing and configuring the supplemental software components required by Oracle Communications IP Service Activator.

Installing Supplemental Software Components

IP Service Activator requires the supplemental software components listed in Table 5-1.

Download the supplemental software components, unzip and untar them to a folder, and use them during installation. For more information, see "Preparing the Supplemental Software Component Packages".

Preparing the Supplemental Software Component Packages

This procedure describes how to download and prepare the supplemental software components (omniORB, GCC runtime, and Saxon-B) needed by IP Service Activator.


Create a directory and download the supplemental software components to this directory, for example, /opt/web/supplementalSoftware. When you run the Oracle Universal Installer, you will use this directory path. Do not uncompress the files. The Installer uncompresses the files as part of its process.
  1. Download the omniORB distribution.

    Use the link in the table above to download the correct distribution for the OS on the server where you are installing IP Service Activator or the IP Service Activator client.

On a Solaris 64-bit or Linux server:

  1. Download the Saxon-B distribution using the link in the table above.

    Note: Download the supplemental software components to the same directory, for example, /opt/web/supplementalSoftware. When you run the Installer, you will use this directory path. Do not uncompress the files. The Installer uncompresses the files as part of its process.

  2. Ensure the tar, gzip, gunzip, zip, and unzip utilities are installed and in the path for the ipsaadm user.

    Preserve the contents of the directory for other installations.


    During installation, on the Supplemental Software Location window, specify the directory created.

On a Windows host:

  1. Create a directory for the supplemental software.

  2. Transfer the omniORB zip file into this directory.

    Preserve the contents of the directory for other installations.


    During installation, on the Supplemental Software Location window specify the directory created.

CORBA ORB Configuration for IP Service Activator

IP Service Activator requires omniOrb 2.8 on Solaris, Linux, and Windows platforms to provide CORBA ORB services.

By default, IP Service Activator uses TCP wrappers for access control for CORBA connections. IP Service Activator processes must be properly named as being allowed to connect to the ORB.

One approach is to ensure that the default configuration files allow the connection of the various IP Service Activator components. The configuration files are:


Another approach is to provide alternative configuration files to the ORB by adding the following lines to the omniorb.cfg file of the IP Service Activator Config folder:

GATEKEEPER_ALLOWFILE /opt/OracleCommunications/ServiceActivator/Config/hosts.allow
GATEKEEPER_DENYFILE /opt/OracleCommunications/ServiceActivator/Config/hosts.deny

Alternatively, you can use specific component names as the daemon names (for example, /opt/OracleCommunications/ServiceActivator/bin/policy_server). A simpler approach to implement this solution is to use a common string such as IPSA as the daemon name, and provide -ORBserverName IPSA as a command line option for each of the components by adding the option to the cman.cfg file.

The appropriate hosts.allow file should be configured to allow the communication to the service (IPSA in the example above).

The use of TCP wrappers might be disabled on the IP Service Activator installation because it is possible to disable TCP wrappers by specifying non-existent configuration files.