10 Troubleshooting the Installation

This chapter outlines some of the problems that can occur during the installation of Oracle Communications IP Service Activator, and explains how to fix them.

See IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide for general troubleshooting information.


See IP Service Activator Release Notes for release-specific workarounds for known issues.

There is no mechanism for repairing IP Service Activator components. If faults are reported by the operating system when starting up a system component, we recommend that you remove and reinstall the software.

If you cannot resolve your installation problem, contact My Oracle Support:


This chapter provides information about the following:

Oracle Database Installation Fails to Run

You might get the following error when trying to run the IP Service Activator 7.3.0 installer:

Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory occurred.. 
libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

If you receive this error, run the following script:

yum install glibc.i686 libXext.i686 libXrender.i686 libXtst.i686 lib.gcc.i686

You should then be able to run the installer.

Oracle Database Installation Fails Before Completion

Check the following:

  • The parameters in the /etc/system file are correct and match those supplied in the template file

  • The oracle user exists and you are installing Oracle Database software as that user

  • The dba group exists and the oracle user is assigned to that group

  • You have applied all recommended Oracle Solaris patches. For more information, "Planning an IP Service Activator Installation".

  • You have applied all recommended Linux patches.


    For more information about how this works in a Solaris environment, log into a Solaris 10 or 11 box and type man ulimit.

Manually Configuring Oracle Client Connection: Solaris

The Oracle client connection is typically automatically configured by the IP Service Activator server software installation program on Solaris, which has a pre-selected option to install the Oracle client. However, if you did not install the supplied Oracle client, you must manually configure the database connection to your own Oracle client by editing the tnsnames.ora file. It is located at:


You might also have to create the ORACLE_HOME environment variable on the server.

To configure the Oracle client connection manually on Solaris:

  1. Change to the root user:

    $ su – root
  2. Change to the Oracle administration directory. For example, for Oracle8i:

    # cd /usr/local/oracle/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/admin
  3. Edit the tnsnames.ora file as follows:

    net_service_name = 
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = host_name)(Port = port_no))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = service_name))


    • host_name is the host name of the machine on which the database resides

    • port_number is the port number to be used for communication

    • net_service_name is the name of the Net8 (NetCA) service

    • service_name matches the value in the equivalent section of the Oracle server's tnsnames.ora file

    Consult your local Database administrator if you need additional help.


    The procedure for manually configuring the Linux client connection is the same as Solaris.

Client Errors

If an error occurs in the IP Service Activator client, a critical message is written to the current faults pane. These messages are displayed on a red background. See IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide for more information.

omniORB Use of TCP Wrappers

Installers should be aware that omniORB uses TCP wrappers.

Incorrect configuration of TCP wrappers can trigger various CORBA-related issues including:

  • Inability of the Policy Server to communicate with the Naming Service

  • Inability of the client to connect

  • Inability of OSS Integration Manager (OIM) processes to connect

  • Other anomalies around the use of the Naming Service

To correct these issues, correct the omniOrb configuration so that IP Service Activator processes are properly named as being allowed to connect to the ORB.

If this condition has already affected your installation, correct the /etc/hosts.* files (/etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow) or force omniORB to different configuration files with environment variables. For information about environment variables, see:


For more information, see "CORBA ORB Configuration for IP Service Activator".

Oracle Universal Installer Error

You might get an error when Installing the IP Service Activator client on Windows 7.

After double-clicking on setup.exe, if you see the following error, either enter y to ignore or adjust the virtual memory setting and enter n.

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 500 MB required.     Failed <<<<
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors Higher than
256 .    Actual 4294967296     Passed
Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these  requirements before
continuing with the installation,
 Continue? (y/n) [n]

If you encounter errors or issues when using the Oracle Universal Installer to install IP Service Activator or the IP Service Activator client, see Appendix B in the Universal Installer documentation for more information:


Client Cannot Connect to Policy Server

  • Verify that the policy server is running by running ./ipsaps on the server machine. See IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • Verify that you can ping the IP address to which the client is attempting to connect

  • Check that you are attempting to connect a Win64 client to a 64-bit policy server, or a Win32 client to a 32-bit policy server, and not mixing 32-bit and 64-bit

  • Check whether the Windows firewall is blocking access. On Windows 7, if the firewall is turned on and set to notify when Windows firewall blocks a new program, allow access to the IP Service Activator applications when prompted and they (IP Service Activator, Explorer, omninames) will be added to the list of programs to be allowed through the Windows firewall.

Loading SharedPolicyData.policy to Avoid Incomplete Software Upgrade

Errors received while loading policy files such as default.policy or advanced.policy into IP Service Activator might be triggered by an incomplete software upgrade.

Load SharedPolicyData.policy to create new rows for IPv6 in the database. See IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide for more information about loading configuration policies.

IPSAPS Does Not Work

IPSAPS does not work if the policy server output is too long.

If you see the following error:

awk: record ` 12138 ?        S  0...' too long

You must set up AWK_PATH, as shown in the following example:


Problem Running npUpgrade on Linux

You might receive the following error when running npUpgrade on Linux:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/OracleCommunications/ServiceActivator/odbc/lib/libocijdbc11.so: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)

To resolve this error and run npUpgrade successfully, you must make sure the Linux libaio package is installed. This package is part of the Linux setup library.