A Command Grammar

This appendix provides full details of the command grammar.

Basic Grammar for Commands

The basic grammar for commands is described here using Regular Expressions:

token* means zero to many appearances of the token

token+ means at least one appearance of the token

token? means zero or one appearance of the token

(tokenA | tokenB) means either tokenA or tokenB

command ::= COMMAND_[no default]ME (' ' parameter )*


The command name is one of the following:

abort | alias | commit | copy | create | delete | discover | events | getAccess | find | findParameters | getAttributes | getChildren | getID | getName | getPath | getParents | gettargets | link | listTrans | login | logout | manage | merge | modify | rollback | schedule | setPath | subscribe | unlink | unsubscribe | unmanage | use | unuse | xmlexport

parameter ::= relative_path | absolute_path | attribute_couple | reg_exp
absolute_path ::= '/'  relative_path*
relative_path ::=  object  ('/' object )*
object ::= prefixed_name | object_id | ".." | '.'  
object_id ::= '[' digit+ ']'
prefixed_name ::= EOM_TYPE ':' object_name

The EOM Type strings recognized are the objects accessible in the EOM. See "The External Object Model" for full details.

object_name ::= string | letter+ 
attribute_couple ::= ATTRIBUTE_[no default]ME  '='  attribute_value
Attribute names are defined in the OIM External Object Model Reference.
attribute_value ::=  string |  (letter | digit | '.' | '-' | '_' )+ 
regexp ::= '"' str_content * ( '?' | '*' ) str_content* '"'
string ::= '"' str_content * '"'
str_content::= <any non escaped character> | "\\" | "\?" | "\n" | "\*" | "\"" 


The quote characters may appear inside a string if it is escaped with a backslash. The backslash character in a quoted string needs to be escaped with a further backslash. For example:

Domain:"Some domain"

Domain:"A domain with \"embedded\" quote marks"

digit ::= [0-9]
letter ::= [a-z] | [A-Z]

Each command follows the same basic command format. For example, a command string using the unmanage command would look as follows:

unmanage domain:"Europe"/site:"London"/device:"UK120"

This example unmanages device 'UK120' within domain 'europe' and site 'London'.