5 Error Handling

This chapter provides details about error handling.


The API returns four general exception types. Specific information concerning the cause of the exception is contained in a descriptive string parameter called Reason.


This exception type occurs if the command syntax is not recognized.

  • The command issued is unknown

  • The path entered is malformed

  • The attribute entered is unknown

  • The command is malformed and has not been recognized

  • Unexpected regular expression

  • The attribute appears more than once in the parameter list

  • The parameter supplied is not valid in this context


Indicates that a command could not execute. The returned string is used to indicate the specific error condition:

  • The command is invalid

  • The system could not resolve the object supplied to an existing or a valid object

  • A required parameter is missing from the argument list

  • Too many parameters to the command

  • The command requires a path

  • The command requires precisely two path arguments

  • The attribute value specified is out of range

  • The specified EOM object type is invalid and cannot be created

  • Cannot change the value for this attribute

  • Command cannot be applied on this object or you do not have permission to perform this command

  • Command has resulted in Object Model integrity violation

  • The find command requires at least one Object, Attribute value or Regular Expression

  • The find command does not accept a Regular Expression and an Object simultaneously

  • This object is not a valid child of the specified class

  • This object cannot be unlinked from the specified object

  • This object cannot be linked to the specified object

  • This object cannot be copied

  • The copied object cannot be of the type specified

  • The attribute values of the Global Template are read-only

  • The type of the object is read-only and cannot be modified

  • The link to a Global Template and the local values cannot be changed in the same time

  • No child matching the given attributes could be found

  • An attempt to merge a TransactionEntry has failed

  • An attempt to rollback a TransactionEntry has failed

  • The user does not have permissions to perform this command


A general system error has occurred. The returned string is used to indicate the specific error condition. Examples are:

  • Failure to communicate with the Policy Server

  • Memory Error

  • Shutdown is in progress

  • This command cannot be executed


Indicates errors occurring whilst trying to login to the API. The returned string is used to indicate the specific error condition:

  • Invalid user name or password

  • The login procedure has repeatedly failed