
abnormal end of task (abend)

A software or hardware problem that terminates a computer processing task.

access method

A technique for moving data between processor storage and input/output devices.


A method used in the LIBGEN process to identify ACSs by using decimal digits, 00 to 99.


Automated Cartridge System, a fully-automated, cartridge storage and retrieval library subsystem consisting of one or more Library Storage Modules (LSMs) connected by pass-thru ports.

ACS library

A library is composed of one or more Automated Cartridge Systems (ACSs), attached cartridge drives, and cartridges residing in the ACSs.

ACS routine

An SMS term referring to automatic class selection routine. Not to be confused with the HSC term, ACS, referring to automatic cartridge system.


Coded representation of hardware id, or the destination or origination of data.


The assignment of resources to a specific task.


Automatic Migration Threshold, values that determine when virtual tape volume migration begins and ends. VTV migration begins when the VTSS buffer reaches the high AMT and ends when the buffer reaches or falls below the low AMT. These thresholds apply to all VTSSs.


Authorized Program Facility.


VTAM APPLID definition for the HSC.


The storage of backup files and associated journals, usually for a given period of time.

asynchronous transmission

Character-oriented data transmission (as distinct from IBM's block-mode transmission).


A VSM audit (which is not the same as an HSC audit) reconstructs VTV and MVC information.

Automated Cartridge System (ACS)

See ACS.

Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)

The library control software, which runs in the UNIX®-based Library Control System.

automatic mode

A relationship between an LSM and all attached hosts. LSMs operating in automatic mode handle cartridges without operator intervention. This is the normal operating mode of an LSM that has been modified online. The opposite situation is ”manual mode.”

See also manual mode.

automatic migration

Migrating VTVs to MVCs that is automatically initiated and controlled by VSM.

Automatic Migration Threshold (AMT)

See AMT.

automatic recall

Recalling VTVs to the VTSS that is automatically initiated and controlled by VSM.

automatic reclaim

Reclaiming MVC space that is automatically initiated and controlled by VSM.

bar code

A code consisting of a series of bars of varying widths. This code appears on the external label attached to the spine of a cartridge and is equivalent to the volume serial number (volser). This code is read by the robot's machine vision system.


Binary Synchronous Communications, an early low-level protocol developed by IBM and used to transmit data on a synchronous communications link. It is a form of data transmission in which synchronization of characters is controlled by timing signals generated at the sending and receiving stations.


A collection of contiguous records recorded as a unit. Blocks are separated by interblock gaps, and each block may contain one or more records.


A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of data flow, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.


Cartridge Access Port, an assembly that allows several cartridges to be inserted into or ejected from an LSM without human entry into the LSM.


A CAPid uniquely defines the location of a CAP by the LSM on which it resides. A CAPid is of the form ”AA:LL:CC” where AA:LL is the LSMid and CC is the two digit CAP number.


The plastic housing around the tape. It is approximately 4 inches (100 mm) by 5 inches (125 mm) by 1 inch (25 mm). The tape is threaded automatically when loaded in a transport. A plastic leader block is attached to the tape for automatic threading. The spine of the cartridge contains an OCR/Bar Code label listing the VOLSER (tape volume identifier).

Cartridge Access Port (CAP)

See CAP.

Cartridge Drive (CD)

See CD.

cartridge tape I/O driver

Operating system software that issues commands (for example, read, write, and rewind) to cartridge subsystems. It is the software focal point for attaching a particular type of control unit. (An example is Oracle's StorageTek CARTLIB product.)


Channel Address Word, an area in storage that specifies the location in main storage at which a channel program begins.


Cartridge Drive, a hardware device containing two or four cartridge transports and associated power and pneumatic supplies.


Cross Domain Resource Manager definition (if not using existing CDRMs).


Cross Domain Resource definition.


Control Data Set, the data set used by the host software to control the functions of the automated library. Also called a library database.


Channel End.


A receptacle in the LSM in which a single cartridge is stored.


Customer Field Test.


Common Gateway Interface


A device that connects the host and main storage with the input and output devices' control units. A full-duplex channel has two paths (that is, 2 wires, or one wire with signals at two frequencies). A half-duplex channel requires that one port receives while the other transmits.

Channel Address Word (CAW)

See CAW.

Channel-to-Channel (CTC)

See CTC.


Detection of an error condition.


Converter/Interpreter (JES3).


The ultimate user of the ACS services as provided by the Library Control System.

client link

The communications link between the LCS and a client.


A model of interaction in a distributed system in which a program at one site serves a request to a program at another site and awaits a response. The requesting program is called a client; the program satisfying the request is called a server.

client system

The system to which the LCS provides an interface to a StorageTek Automated Cartridge System.

Client System Component (CSC)

See CSC.


Cluster link, the path between a primary VTSS and secondary VTSS in a cluster. The Clink path is used to copy replicate VTVs from the primary to the secondary.


Two VTSSs which are physically cabled together by Clink paths and are defined in CONFIG as a cluster. A cluster consists of a primary and a secondary VTSS. VTVs with the replicate attribute attached will be copied from the primary to the secondary as soon as possible after dismount time.

cluster link (CLINK)


coaxial cable

A transmission medium used in data transmissions for networks using synchronous communications, as opposed to twisted-pair, the primary medium for asynchronous RS-232 communications.


A system composed of other systems, specifically the ACS server system and the client system.

connected mode

A relationship between a host and an ACS. In this mode, the host and an ACS are capable of communicating (in the sense that at least one station to this ACS is online).

connection number

The unique identifier on the server for a communications path. The number is assigned by TCP/IP to identify the unique connection between the server node and a specific port on the server, and the client node and a specific port on the client. The connection number exists only as long as the connection exists.


The primary I/O device to control a session on a system.

Control Data Set (CDS)

See CDS.

control data set allocation map

A CDS subfile that marks individual blocks as used or free.

control data set data blocks

CDS blocks that contain information about the library and its configuration or environment.

control data set directory

A part of the CDS that maps its subdivision into subfiles.

control data set pointer blocks

CDS blocks that contain pointers to map data blocks belonging to a subfile.

control data set recovery area

A portion of the CDS reserved for maintaining integrity for updates that affect multiple CDS blocks.

control data set subfile

A portion of the CDS consisting of Data Blocks and Pointer Blocks containing related information.

Control Path Adaptor (CPA)

See CPA.

Control Unit (CU)

See CU.

conventional transport

An HSC–controlled transport that is not defined to VSM as an RTD.

coupling facility

A special logical partition that provides high-speed caching, list processing, and locking functions in a sysplex.(I)

coupling facility channel

A high bandwidth fiber optic channel that provides the high-speed connectivity required for data sharing between a coupling facility and the central processor complexes directly attached to it.(I)

coupling services

In a sysplex, the functions of XCF that transfer data and status between members of a group residing on one or more MVS systems in the sysplex.(I)

cross-host recovery

The ability for one host to perform recovery for another host that has failed..

Cross-system Coupling Facility (XCF)

See XCF.


Control Path Adapter, a Bus-Tech, Inc. hardware device that allows communications between a host processor's block multiplexer channel and a local area network.


Client System Component, software that provides an interface between the Client Computing System's operating system and the Oracle StorageTek Library Control System (LCS).


Customer Service Engineer.


Consolidated System Inventory.


Cartridge Scratch Loader.


Channel-to-Channel, refers to the communication (transfer of data) between programs on opposite sides of a channel-to-channel adapter.(I)


Control Unit, a microprocessor-based unit situated locally between a channel and an I/O device. It translates channel commands into device commands and sends device status to the channel.


Dump Analysis Elimination.


Direct Access Storage Device, IBM's term for a disk drive storage device.


Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is, or might be, assigned.

Data Buffer Utilization (DBU)

See DBU.

data class

A collection of allocation and space attributes, defined by the storage administrator, that are used to create a data set.

data compaction

An algorithmic data–reduction technique that encodes data from the host and stores it in less space than unencoded data. The original data is recovered by an inverse process call decompaction.

data-compaction ratio

The number of host data bytes divided by the number of encoded bytes. It is variable depending on the characteristics of the data being processed. The more random the data stream, the lower the opportunity to achieve compaction.

Data Control Block (DCB)

See DCB.

Data Path Adapter

A hardware device which translates from a client computing system's data protocol to the data protocol of the StorageTek Control Unit or IMU. An example is DEC's TC44-AA/BA STI-to-4400 ACS Interconnect.

data set

A set of records treated as a unit.

data sharing

The ability of concurrent subsystems or application programs to directly access and change the same data while maintaining data integrity.(I)

data streaming

A continuous stream of data being transmitted in character or binary–digit form, using a specified format.


Disk Buffer Utilization, the ratio of used to total VTSS buffer capacity.


Data Control Block, a control block used by access routines in storing and retrieving data.


Dynamic Device Reconfiguration, a facility that allows a demountable volume to be moved, and repositioned if necessary, without abnormally terminating the job or repeating the initial program load procedure.

demand allocation

An MVS term meaning that a user has requested a specific unit.

demand migration

Migrating VTVs to MVCs that an administrator does with the MIGRATE command or utility.

demand recall

Recalling VTVs to the VTSS that an administrator does with the RECALL command or utility.

demand reclaim

Reclaiming MVC space that an administrator does with the RECLAIM command or utility.

device number

A four-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a device attached to a processor.

device preferencing

The process of preferring one 36-track transport type over another 36-track transport type.

device separation

See drive exclusion.


Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem.

direct access storage device (DASD)


directed allocation

See drive prioritization.

disconnected mode

A relationship between a host and an ACS. In this mode, the host and the ACS are not capable of communicating (there are no online stations to this ACS).

disk buffer utilization (DBU)

See DBU.


Pertaining to a console message that was previously highlighted during execution, but is now at normal intensity.

dotted-decimal notation

The syntactic representation of a 32-bit integer that consists of four 8-bit numbers written in base ten with periods (dots) separating them. In TCP/IP descriptions, dotted-decimal notation is used for Internet addresses.


The deletion of data from an MVC. May be accompanied by a ”virtual” eject to prevent the MVC from being reused.

drive exclusion

(previously known as device separation) refers to the SMC function of excluding drives for an allocation request based on SMC exclusion criteria.

drive loaded

A condition of a tape drive in which a tape cartridge has been inserted in the drive, and the tape has been threaded to the beginning–of–tape position.

drive panel

An LSM wall containing tape transports. The drive panel for a T9840 transport can contain either 10 or 20 transports. The drive panel for a non-T9840 transport can contain a maximum of 4 transports.

drive prioritization

(previously known as directed allocation) refers to the SMC function of influencing selection of a particular drive based on allocation criteria, including volume location.

Dual LMU

A hardware/microcode feature that provides a redundant LMU capability.


A printed representation of the contents of main storage at time t. This representation is used for debugging purposes.

Dynamic Device Reconfiguration (DDR)

See DDR.

dynamic server switching

The capability of switching server processors when a system failure occurs on the active server.


Error Code, a numeric code displayed by messages indicating the type of problem that caused an error.


Enhanced Capacity Cartridge.


Event Control Block, provides an area for a completion code to be stored when an operation has completed.


Eligible Device List, a group of tape drives that are available to satisfy an allocation request.

eligible device list (EDL)

See EDL.

enhanced CAP

An enhanced CAP contains two forty–cell magazine–style CAPs and a one–cell priority CAP (PCAP). Each forty–cell CAP holds four removable magazines of ten cells each. An LSM access door with an enhanced CAP contains no cell locations for storing cartridges. An enhanced CAP is ordered as Feature Number CC80.

See also Cartridge Access Port (CAP) and standard capacity cartridge.

effective recording density

The number of user bytes per unit of length of the recording medium


The LSM robot places a cartridge in a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) so the operator can remove it from the LSM.

enhanced capacity cartridge

A cartridge that has a length of 1100 feet and can be used only on 36-track transports (that is, 4490, 9490, and 9490EE).

Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON)



End–of–Tape marker.


Emergency Power Off.


Error Recording Data Set.


Environmental Recording, Editing, Printing.


Error Recovery Procedure, a procedure designed to help isolate and, where possible, to recover from errors in equipment.

error codes (EC)

See EC.

Error Recovery Procedures (ERP)

See ERP.


Enterprise Systems Connection, a set of products and services that provides a dynamically connected environment using optical cables as a transmission medium.(I)

esoteric name

The name assigned to transports that have the same device type.


One LAN architecture using a bus topology that allows a variety of computers to be connected to a common shielded coaxial spine. The Ethernet architecture is similar to the IEEE 802.3 standard.

event control block (ECB)

See ECB.


Expert Performance Reporter, collects performance data and generates reports about Oracle StorageTek Nearline ACSs and VTSS status and performance. It has an MVS component and a PC component.

Expert Performance Reporter (ExPR)

See ExPR.


A set of related records treated as a unit.

file protected

Pertaining to a tape volume from which data can be read only. Data cannot be written on or erased from the tape.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

See FTP.

foreign socket

One of two end-points in a TCP/IP connection-oriented protocol. Specifies the address of a foreign host that can connect to the server.


The arrangement or layout of data on a data medium.


File transfer protocol, a TCP/IP command that provides a way to transfer files between machines connected through TCP/IP.


1,073,741,834 bytes of storage


Generation Data Group, an MVS data set naming convention. Sequence numbers are appended to the basic data set name to track the generations created for that data set.

generalized trace facility (GTF)

See GTF.

generation data group (GDG)

See GDG.


Generalized Trace Facility, an MVS facility used to trace software functions and events.


A flow-of-control signal sent by one process to another.


Head/Disk Assembly.

helical cartridge

A high capacity, helical scan cartridge that can hold up to 50GB of uncompressed data. This cartridge can be used only on RedWood (SD-3) transports.

High Watermark Setup (HWS)

See HWS.

host computer

A computer that controls a network of computers.

Host Software Component (HSC)

See HSC.


Host Software Component, software running on the Library Control System processor that controls the functions of the ACS.


Hierarchical Storage Manager.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol.


High Watermark Setup, relates to chains set up for tape transport allocation in JES3.

IEEE 802.3

A standard produced by the IEEE and accepted worldwide for local area networks using CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection).


Improved Cartridge Recording Capacity, a compression and compaction feature that increases the amount of data that can be stored on a 1/2-inch cartridge.

Improved Cartridge Recording Capability (ICRC)



Identifier or identification.


Interpreter Dynamic Allocation exit, a subfunction of the DFSMS/MVS subsystem request (SSREQ 55) that the MVS JCL Interpreter and dynamic allocation functions issue for calling DFSMS ACS routines for management of the data set requested.


Initial Microprogram Load, a process that activates a machine reset.


A function performed by the cartridge loader that moves cartridges down the input or output stack one cartridge position. A loader can perform multiple consecutive indexes.

Initial Microprogram Load (IML)

See IML.

Initial Program Load (IPL)

A process that activates a machine reset.

Interactive Storage Management Facility

A series of applications for defining DFSMS/MVS storage groups and classes.


A collection of networks using TCP/IP that functions as a virtual network.

Internet address

The numbering system used to specify a network or host on that network for TCP/IP communications. Standard Internet address notation is dotted-decimal format.

Internet Protocol (IP)

See IP.

Interpreter dynamic allocation exit (IDAX)



Internet Protocol, formal description of messages and rules two networks use to exchange messages.


Interactive Storage Management Facility

IVP Installation Verification Programs

A package of programs that is run by a user after the library is installed in order to verify that the library is functioning properly


Job Control Language, a problem oriented language designed to describe a job's processing requirements to an operating system.


Job Entry Subsystem.(I)


An MVS subsystem that receives jobs into the system, converts them to internal format, selects them for execution, processes their output, and purges them from the system. In an installation with more than one processor, each JES2 processor independently controls its job input, scheduling, and output processing.

See also JES3.


An MVS subsystem that receives jobs into the system, converts them to internal format, selects them for execution, processes their output, and purges them from the system. In complexes that have several loosely coupled processing units, the JES3 program manages processors so that the global processor exercises centralized control over the local processors and distributes jobs to them through a common job queue.

See also JES2.

Job Control Language (JCL)

See JCL.


The log associated with journaling. The log (stored in a data set) contains a record of completed work and changes to the control data set since the last backup was created.


A technique for recovery that involves creating a backup control data set and maintaining a log of all changes (transactions) to that data set.


Local Area Network, a network in a small (local) geographic area


Library Control System, the library control platform and the Library Control Software.

LCS processor console

The Library Control System processor console is used to control the VM operating system (for the VM-based LCS).


Library Control Unit, the portion of an LSM that controls the movements of the robot.


The process of defining the configuration of a library to the VM/HSC.


See TapePlex.

library cartridge transport

See transport.

library complex

A library complex consists of one HSC Control Data Set (CDS) and may contain up to 256 Automatic Cartridge Systems (ACSs), each of which may contain up to 24 Library Storage Modules (LSMs).

library control component

Software that controls the mounting and dismounting of cartridges in an ACS.

library control platform

The hardware and software that provides the proper environment for the Library Control System.

library control processor

Properly configured computer hardware that supports the operation of the Library Control System.

Library Control Software

A library control component, the client system interface, and library utilities.

Library Control System (LCS)

See LCS.

Library Control Unit (LCU)

See LCU.

library database

A file or data set containing information about the location and status of the removable media volumes, such as cell location, scratch status. Also called a control data set (CDS).

library drive

A cartridge drive in the ACS, as distinct from a standalone cartridge drive.

Library Management Unit (LMU)

See LMU.

library mode

The operation of a 4480 Cartridge Subsystem as part of a 4400 Automated Cartridge System, as opposed to manual mode, in which the operator inserts cartridges into the transports.

See also manual mode.


Software that allows MVS hosts to share ACS facilities with client systems.

Library Storage Module (LSM)

See LSM.


Library Management Unit, a hardware and software product that coordinates the activities of one or more LSMs/LCUs.

Local Area Network (LAN)

See LAN.

local port

The designation of a given application or process among many that are available for a TCP/IP-capable host processor.

local socket

The address combination of a TCP/IP-capable host's network address and a specific port for an application process.

logical port (LP)

See LP.


Logical Port, CLS software that interfaces with the client system. The CLSLP is one of the software components used to pass data between the client system and the VM/HSC.


Library Storage Module, the standard LSM (4410) a twelve-sided structure with storage space for up to around 6000 cartridges. It also contains a free-standing, vision-assisted robot that moves the cartridges between their storage cells and attached transports. See also PowderHorn, SL3000, SL8500, and WolfCreek.

See also PowderHorn (9310), SL3000, SL8500, and WolfCreek (9360).


An LSMid is composed of the ACSid joined to (concatenated with) the LSM number.

LSM number

A method used to identify an LSM. An LSM number is the result of defining the SLIACS macro LSM parameter during a LIBGEN. The first LSM listed in this parameter acquires the LSM number of 00 (decimal) the second LSM listed acquires a number of 01, and so forth, until all LSMs are identified (up to a maximum of 99).

management class

A collection of management attributes, assigned by the storage administrator, that are used to control the allocation and use of space by a data set. Note that SMS Management Classes are different from VSM Management Classes.

manual mode

Operation of a cartridge drive apart from an ACS.

See also library mode.

master LMU

The LMU currently controlling the functional work of the ACS in a dual LMU configuration.

media capacity

The amount of data that can be contained on storage media and expressed in bytes of data.


The movement of VTVs from the VTSS to the RTD where the VTVs are stacked onto MVCs. See automatic migration and demand migration.

See also automatic migration and demand migration.

mixed configuration

A configuration that contains different types of cartridge drives in both manual and library modes.


A device that enables digital data to be transmitted over an analog transmission facility.


The environment where more than one (homogenous or heterogeneous) client system is connected to one LCS.

Multi-Volume Cartridge (MVC)

See MVC.


multi-volume cartridge, a physical tape cartridge residing in an LSM that either contains migrated virtual tape volumes (VTVs) or is identified as a volume that can be selected for VTV stacking.

MVS system console

The MVS/CSC provides an operator interface through the MVS system console.

OCR label

Optical Character Recognition Label, an external label attached to the spine of a cartridge that is both human and machine readable.

operator console

In this document, the operator console refers to the MVS client system console.

Operating System (OS)

See OS.


Operating System, software that controls the execution of programs that facilitate overall system operation.

PARMLIB control statements

Parameter library (PARMLIB) control statements allow you statically specify various operation parameters which take effect at HSC initialization. Identifying your system requirements and then specifying the appropriate control statements permits you to customize the HSC to your data center.

Pass-thru Port (PTP)

See PTP.


Product Change Request, a request for enhancement to a product. Normally, this request comes from a client, but may come from Oracle.

physical port

The communications hardware required to support a server/client link.

physical volume

A physically bound unit of data file media.

See cartridge.

PowderHorn (9310)

The high-performance version of the standard LSM.

preconfigured package

A storage server package including all hardware, software, and configuration parameter settings delivered by the vendor.


One of two VTSSs in a cluster which is designated in CONFIG as the primary. During normal operations the primary services the host workload and copies replicate VTVs to the secondary.

Product Change Request (PCR)

See PCR.

Program Temporary Fix (PTF)

See PTF.

Program Update Tape (PUT)

See PUT.


A formal description of message formats and the rules two or more machines must follow to exchange these messages.


Program Temporary Fix, a software release designed to remedy one or a series of defects.


Pass-Thru Port, a mechanism that allows a cartridge to be passed from one LSM to another in a multiple LSM ACS.


Program Update Tape, one or more tapes containing updates to, or new versions of, the MVS/CSC system software.


Resource Access Control Facility, security software controlling access to data sets.

Real Tape Drive (RTD)

See RTD.


The movement of VTVs from the MVC back to the VTSS. May be automatic or on demand.


Refers to MVC space reclamation. For automatic and demand reclamation, VTCS uses the amount of fragmented free space on the MVC and the amount of VTV data that would have to be moved to determine if space reclamation is justified.


An automatic process initiated when a cluster is reestablished after the primary or secondary has been offline. Reconciliation ensures that the contents of the primary and secondary are identical with respect to replicate VTVs.


Automatic or manual procedures to resolve problems in the server system.


Identifier of a specific tape volume. Equivalent to volume serial number (VOLSER).


Copying a replicate VTV from the primary VTSS to the secondary VTSS in a cluster. When replication completes, there are two copies of the VTV, one in the primary and one in the secondary.

replicate VTV

A VTV which has had the replicate attribute attached to it by a management class statement.


Term used to refer to commands issued to the 4400 ACS to perform a tape-related function.

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)



Real Tape Drive, the physical transport attached to the LSM. The transport has a data path to a VTSS and may optionally have a data path to MVS or to another VTSS.

scratch tape

A tape that is available to any user because it is not owned.

scratch tape subpool

A defined subset of all scratch tapes. Subpools are composed of one or more ranges of volsers with similar physical characteristics (type of volume—reel or cartridge, reel size, length, physical location, and so on). Some installations may also subdivide their scratch pools by other characteristics such as label type.


Oracle's StorageTek helical cartridge transport. Also known as RedWood.


Oracle's StorageTek SL3000 modular library offers mixed media, logical and physical partitioning capabilities, advanced management, and high availability. It supports mixed environments, including mainframe and open systems, and is scalable from 200 to just under 6,000 cartridge slots.


Oracle's StorageTek SL8500 modular library offers mixed media, logical and physical partitioning capabilities, advanced management, and high capacity and availability. It supports mixed environments, including mainframe and open systems, and is scalable from the standard 1,450 cartridge slots to 100,880 cartridge slots in a complex configuration.


One of two VTSSs in a cluster which is designated in CONFIG as the secondary. During normal operations the secondary receives copies of replicate VTVs, stores them, and makes a migration copy on an MVC as soon as possible.

secondary recording

A technique for recovery involving maintaining both a control data set and a copy (secondary) of the control data set.


An ELS library control system such as HSC. In SMC a server is represented by a named SERVER path to a named TAPEPLEX. While the SMC HTTP server component is required as the middle ware on the remote host, the server, as far as SMC is concerned is the ELS library control system operating on the remote host.

Small Programming Enhancement (SPE)

See SPE.


Storage Management Component, software interface between IBM's z/OS operating system and StorageTek automated library control systems, HSC and MVS/CSC. SMC performs the allocation processing, message handling, and SMS processing for the ELS solution.


System Modification Program.


System Modification Program Extended.


System Managed Storage.


Systems Network Architecture, a description of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences for transmitting information units through and controlling the configuration and operation of networks.


A unique address on a network plus a node address plus the id of one specific application on a specific network. An abstraction used by TCP/IP.


Small Programming Enhancement, a supplement to a released program that can affect several products or components.

standard capacity cartridge

A cartridge that can be used on any longitudinal transport (that is, 4480, 4490, 9490, or 9490EE).


The status of a station that has been varied online but is connected to the standby LMU of a dual LMU ACS.

standby LMU

The redundant LMU in a dual LMU configuration that is ready to take over in a Master LMU failure or when the operator issues a SWITCH command.


A hardware path between the host computer and an LMU over which the VM/HSC and LMU send control information.

storage class

A named list of storage attributes that identify performance goals and availability requirements for a data set. Note that SMS Storage Classes are different from VSM Storage Classes.

storage group

A collection of storage volumes and attributes defined by the storage administrator. Note that this is an SMS concept, not a VSM concept.

storage server

A set of hardware and software products designed to enable heterogeneous computer systems to use automated tape cartridge library services.

Storage Management Component (SMC)

See SMC.


The assumption of master LMU function by the standby LMU.



synchronous LAN

Local area network built on synchronous communications.


A set of MVS systems communicating and cooperating with each other through certain multisystem hardware components and software services to process customer workloads.(I)

Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

See SNA.

tape drive

A tape processing device consisting of up to four transports in a cabinet. A drive can refer to an individual transport.

Tape Library Management System (TLMS)



(formerly ”library”), a single StorageTek hardware configuration, normally represented by a single HSC Control Data Set (CDS). A TapePlex may contain multiple Automated Cartridge Systems (ACSs) and Virtual Tape Storage Subsystems (VTSSs).


Transmission Control Protocol, an inter-network standard protocol that provides a full-duplex stream service.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.


Tape Library Management System, refers to any tape library management system, not to CA-1.

trace event type

Types of event traced through the system when tracing is enabled.

trace file

A file that contains information useful for debugging the system.


A specific set of input that triggers the execution of a specific process.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

See TCP.


An electro-mechanical device used to thread, position, and read or write from a tape.


Unit Control Block.


Sometimes referred to as the VM userid, the userid is the name that identifies a specific ”virtual machine” user or client.


Program that performs a function ancillary to the chief function(s) of a computer system.

Virtual Machine (VM)

See VM.

virtual storage

A feature of the OS where main storage requirements are allocated by segments (or pages) as needed by programs, thus creating the apparent existence of unlimited or virtual storage.

Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)

See VSM.

Virtual Tape Control System (VTCS)


Virtual tape drive (VTD)

See VTD.

Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem (VTSS)


Virtual tape volume (VTV)

See VTV.

Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)


virtual thumbwheel

An HSC feature that allows read–only access to a volume that is not physically write–protected.


Virtual Machine, a functional simulation of a computer and its associated devices. Each virtual machine is controlled by a suitable operating system.


A tape cartridge (data carrier) that is mounted or dismounted as a unit.


Volume Serial Number, an identifier of a physical volume.

volume serial number (VOLSER)



Virtual Storage Manager, a storage solution that virtualizes volumes and transports in a VTSS buffer to improve media and transport use.


Virtual Telecommunications Access Method, IBM host-resident communications software that serves as a common interface for communications.


Virtual Tape Control System, the primary host code for the Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) solution. This code operates in a separate address space, but communicates closely with HSC.


Virtual Tape Drive, an emulation of a physical transport in the VTSS that looks like a physical tape transport to MVS. The data written to a VTD is really being written to DASD. The VTSS has 64 VTDs that do virtual mounts of VTVs.


Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem, the DASD buffer containing virtual volumes (VTVs) and virtual drives (VTDs). The VTSS is a StorageTek RAID 6 hardware device with microcode that enables transport emulation. The RAID device can read and write ”tape” data from/to disk, and can read and write the data from/to a real tape drive (RTD).


Virtual Tape Volume, a portion of the DASD buffer that appears to the operating system as a real tape volume. Data is written to and read from the VTV, and the VTV can be migrated to and recalled from real tape.

WolfCreek (9360)

The high-performance LSM with a smaller capacity than the standard LSM.

Write Tape Mark (WTM)

See WTM.


Write Tape Mark, the operation performed to record a special magnetic mark on tape. The mark identifies a specific location on the tape.




Write–to–Operator with reply.


Cross-system Coupling Facility, a component of MVS that provides functions to support cooperation between authorized programs running within a sysplex.(I)