C Tape Management System Interface (SLUDR*) Routines

This appendix describes TMS (Tape Management System) interface routines called by the HSC SLUCONDB utility and SMC SMCUDBX utility. These utilities call the appropriate routine based on the tape management system being used.

Routines include the following:






These routines are included in the SEALINK library generated during ELS installation. The data returned from these routines is used to format the SMC scratch extract file.


The SLUDRCA1 routine is called to read the CA-1 Tape Management Catalog (TMC) when CA-1 is defined as the tape management system. SLUDRCA1 utilizes CA-1 macros to map the layout of the CA-1 TMC.

The macro names which map the CA-1 TMC have changed from Release 4.9 to Release 5.0. Both macros are located at the end of the SLUDRCA1 routine with the CA-1 Release 4.9 macro as a comment. The version of SLUDRCA1 supplied in SAMPLIB utilizes CA-1 Release 5.0 macro and was assembled using this macro.

  • If you are using CA-1 Release 4.9 or earlier, you must comment out the Release 5.0 macro, remove the asterisk in column 1 of the Release 4.9 macro, and reassemble this module. Make sure the appropriate CA-1 macro library is used in the assemble SYSLIB concatenation.

  • If you are running CA-1 Release 5.0 without any local modifications, this module does not need to be reassembled and nothing further must be done to this module. If you have local modifications, you must reassemble this module.


The SLUDRRMM routine is called to read the DFSMSrmm report extract file when DFSMSrmm is defined as the tape management system. SLUDRRMM uses the DFSMSrmm EDGRVEXT macro to map the layout of the report extract file.

Fields read in the extract file include:

  • RVTYPE (record type)

  • RVVOLSER (volser number)

  • RVLCDATE (last change date)

  • RVNAME (unit type)

  • RVSTATUS (volume status)

  • RVEXPDT (volume expiration date)

  • RVEXPDTO (volume original expiration date)

  • RVLABEL (volume label type).

SLUDRRMM processes the extract and passes the volume record information to SLUCONDB, which builds scratch card images to be input to SLUADMIN. Volume scratch status (scratch/nonscratch) is then updated in the CDS for each volume record in the extract file.

Dates on the RMM report must be in Julian date format (EDGHSKP run with PARM ’DATEFORM(J)'). Tapes listed on the RMM report without expiration dates are skipped by SLUDRRMM.


The SLUDRTLM routine is called to read the CA-DYNAM/TLMS Volume Master File (VMF) when CA-DYNAM/TLMS is defined as the tape management system. SLUDRTLM utilizes a CA-DYNAM/TLMS COPY member to map the layout of the VMF.

SLUDRTLM must be re-assembled if you are running TLMS Release 5.4 or if you have local modifications. If you re-assemble this module, make sure the appropriate CA-DYNAM/TLMS source library is used in the assemble SYSLIB concatenation.


The SLUDRSMC routine is called to read the extract file created by the SMCUDBX utility from a client tape management system. This file includes one record for every scratch volume extracted that contains the volume serial number and the time of the extract run.

During execution, correct scratch synchronization is provided by matching the time (in GMT format) of the scratch extract run with the volume's ”last select time.” Any volume selected after the scratch selection run is skipped in SLUCONDB processing.


The SLUDRZAR routine is called to invoke an application programming interface (API) to read Zara's database when Zara is defined as the tape management system.