B Library Identification

Each ACS, LSM, and CAP is assigned a unique identification number during LIBGEN. Use this number in ELS commands and utilities to identify a specific ACSid, LSMid, or CAPid.


Each ACS is identified by an ACSid (acs-id), a two digit decimal identifier from 00-99

The first ACS acquires an identifier of 00, the second ACS acquires and identifier of 01, and so forth until all ACSs are identified.


Each LSM is identified by an LSMid (lsm-id), consisting of an ACSid and LSM number separated by a colon The LSMid differentiates each LSM from every other LSM in a library.

The format is AA:LL, where:

  • AA is the ACSid, a two digit decimal identifier from 00-99.

  • LL is the LSM number, a two digit decimal identifier from 00-99.


Each library CAP is identified by a CAPid (cap-id), consisting of an LSMid and CAP number separated by a colon. The format is AA:LL:CC, where:

  • AA:LL is the LSMid.

  • CC is the CAP number, a two digit decimal identifier from 00-11.

CAP Numbers

The following are valid CAP numbers:

  • 00

    • For 4410 and 9310 LSMs, standard 21-cell CAP or the right-hand 40-cell enhanced CAP

    • For 9740 LSMs, fixed rack 14-cell or 10-cell removable magazine CAP

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is a 234-cell AEM CAP

    • For SL8500 LSMs, the CAP consists of 3, 13-cell removable magazines.

    • For SL8500 LSMs, the Bulk CAP consists of 3, 12-cell removable magazines.

  • 01

    • For 4410 and 9310 LSMs, left-hand 40-cell enhanced CAP

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is an optional CEM CAP consisting of 2, 13-cell removable magazines.

    • For SL8500 LSMs, this is an optional CAP consisting of 3, 13-cell removable magazines.

    • For SL8500 LSMs, the optional Bulk CAP consists of 3, 12-cell removable magazines.

  • 02

    • Priority CAP (PCAP) for a 4410 or 9310 LSM enhanced CAP

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is an optional CEM CAP consisting of 2, 13-cell removable magazines.

    • For SL8500 LSMs, this is an optional CAP consisting of 3, 13-cell removable magazines.

  • 03, 04, 05

    • For SL3000 LSMs, these are optional CEM/DEM CAPs consisting of 2, 13-cell removable magazines.

  • 06

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is the only required BDM CAP consisting of 2, 13-cell removable magazines.

  • 07, 08, 09, 10

    • For SL3000 LSMs, these are an optional CEM CAPs consisting of 2, 13-cell removable magazines.

  • 11

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is a right-side AEM CAP, consisting of 18, 13-cell removable magazines.

    • For SL3000 LSMs, this is a 234-cell AEM CAP

Panels, Rows and Columns

Certain ELS commands and utilities allow you to specify panels, rows, and columns within a library.


Each panel­list element is a one or two digit decimal number, specific to the LSM type:

  • LSM Models 4410 and 9310 PowderHorn

    • 0-11 for outer wall panels

    • 12-19 for inner wall panels

  • LSM Model 9360 WolfCreek

    • 0-2 for Model 9360­050

    • 0-3 for Model 9360­075

    • 0-4 for Model 9360­100

  • LSM Model 9740 TimberWolf

    • 0-2 (panel 3 is included if the optional cells are present).

  • LSM Model SL3000 Library

    • Access Expansion Module (AEM optional) - panels 0-1 and 22-23 are located on both ends of the library and in this release serve only as library end caps.

    • Base Drive Module (BDM required) - panels 12-13

    • Drive Expansion Module (DEM optional) - panels 10-11 are located left of the BDM.

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM optional) - panels 2-9 are located left of the BDM or optional DEM.

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM optional) - panels 14-21 are located right of the BDM.

    • Parking Expansion Module (PEM) - Dual Robots only - panel numbers equate to the same panel numbers of the CEM it replaces, depending on its location right or left of the BDM.


    The SL3000 library has static panels numbers starting with the left-most back panel (panel 0) and ending with the right-most front panel (panel 23) on a fully-configured library. The panel numbering starts with the BDM, the only required module (panels 12 and 13), and works outward to the left and to the right.
  • LSM Model SL8500 Library

    • Base library: 2-10

    • With one expansion panel: 2-23 (expansion panel is 8-15)

    • With two expansion panels: 2-26 (expansion panels are 8-23)

    • With three expansion panels: 2-34 (expansion panels are 8-31)

    • With four expansion panels: 2-42 (expansion panels are 8-39)

    • With five expansion panels: 2-50 (expansion panels are 8-47)


Each row­list element is a one or two digit decimal number, specific to the LSM type:

  • LSM Models 4410 and 9310 PowderHorn

    • 0-14 for outer wall panels

    • 0-5 and 8-14 for inner wall panels.

    • The maximum list is 4 rows (approximately 100 cells).

  • LSM Model 9360 WolfCreek

    • 0-41 (all models). The maximum list is 20 rows (approximately 100 cells).

  • LSM Model 9740 TimberWolf

    • 0-41 on panels 0, 2, and 3

    • 36-41 on panel 1


    • Column 3 on panel 2 allows row entries only on rows 28-41.

    • The cells on panel 3 are optional.

  • LSM Model SL3000 Library

    • Access Expansion Modules - panels 0-1 and 22-23 (no cells in this initial release)

    • Base Drive Module (BDM) - panel 12 (back)

      • 12-47 with 8 drives installed

      • 23-47 with 16 drives installed

      • 35-47 with 24 drives installed

    • Base Drive Module (BDM) - panel 13 (front)

      • 0-51 on the front panel

    • Drive Expansion Module (DEM) - panel 10 (back)

      • 12-47 available with 8 drives installed

      • 23-47 available with 16 drives installed

      • 35-47 available with 24 drives installed

      • No rows available with 32 drives installed

    • Drive Expansion Module (DEM) - panel 11 (front)

      • 0-51 available on the front panel

    • Cartridge Expansion Modules (CEM) - all panels

      • 0-51 available on both front and back panels

    • Parking Expansion Module (PEM) - all panels

      • 0-51 available on the back and front panels

  • LSM Model SL8500 Library

    • 0-26 on a standard panel

      • 0-12 on a short panel (panels 4, 6-7)

      • 6-12 on a PTP panel (panel 5)


Each column­list element is a one or two digit decimal number, specific to the LSM type:

  • LSM Models 4410 and 9310 PowderHorn

    • 0-23 for outer wall panels

    • 0-19 for inner wall panels

  • LSM Model 9360 WolfCreek

    • 0-5 (all models).

  • LSM Model 9740 TimberWolf

    • 0-3 for panels 0, 2, and 3 (if the optional cells are present)

    • 0-2 for panel 1

  • LSM Model SL3000 Library

    • Access Expansion Module (AEM) panels 0-1 and 22-23

      • No columns available in the initial release

    • Base Drive Module (BDM) - panel 12 (back)

      • 0 available, if a CEM or DEM is added to the left of the BDM

      • 1-5 available for rows 12-47 with 8 drives installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 23-47 with 16 drives installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 35-47 with 24 drives installed

    • Base Drive Module (BDM) - panel 13 (front)

      • 0 available with expansion to the left of the BDM

      • 5 available for rows 39-51 with expansion to the right of the BDM

      • 1-3 available for rows 0-38 with a CAP installed

      • 1-4 available for rows 39-51 with a CAP installed

      • 1-3 not available for rows 9-16 with optional window/Operator panel installed

    • Drive Expansion Module (DEM) - panel 10 (back)

      • 0 is available with expansion to the left of the DEM

      • 1-5 available for rows 12-47 with 8 drives installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 23-47 with 16 drives installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 35-47 with 24 drives installed

      • No columns available with 32 drives installed.

    • Drive Expansion Module (DEM) - panel 11 (front)

      • 0 available with expansion to the left DEM

      • 1-3 available for rows 0-38 with a CAP installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 39-51, with a CAP installed

      • 1-3 not available for rows 9-16 with a window installed

      • 1-5 available for rows 0-51 on a standard DEM panel

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM) - panels 2, 4, 6, 8 (back)

      • 0 available with expansion to the left

      • 1- 5 available on the standard CEM back panel

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM) - panels 3, 5, 7, 9 (front)

      • 0 available with expansion to the left

      • 1-3 available for rows 0-38 with a CAP installed

      • 1-4 available for rows 39-51, with a CAP installed

      • 1-4 available on the standard CEM front panel

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM) - panels 14, 16, 18, 20 (back)

      • 0-5 available on the standard CEM back panel

    • Cartridge Expansion Module (CEM) - panels 15, 17, 19, 21 (front)

      • 0-3 available for rows 0-38 with a CAP installed

      • 0-5 available for rows 39-51 with a CAP installed

      • 0-5 available on the standard CEM front panel

    • Parking Expansion Module (PEM) - left side PEM

      • 3-5 available on the back and front panels with a second robot installed

    • Parking Expansion Module (PEM) - right side PEM

      • 0-2 available on the back and front panels with a second robot installed

  • LSM Model SL8500 Library

    • 0-1 for all panel types


    All SL3000 columns are numbered 0-5 (left to right).