3 Preparing for Configuration

In this chapter, you start configuring the ELS software. But first, there are several items you need to get done in MVS to ensure a successful configuration. So before configuring HSC/VTCS, complete the preparation tasks described in the following sections:

Defining A Security System User ID for HSC and VTCS

ELS software (HSC and VTCS) uses the MVS System Authorization Facility (SAF) to control the usage of MVCs. Before mounting an MVC and before issuing writes to an MVC, VSM issues a SAF query to verify that the HSC user has UPDATE authority for the MVC.

You must define a security system user ID to be used by the SAF queries. All all VSM SAF queries are issued by HSC, so the security system user ID must be associated with the HSC started task. Refer to your security system documentation for details on how to associate a security system user ID with the HSC started task.

You must also set up tape volume security profiles to ensure that VSM is authorized to mount MVCs, to ensure that VSM is authorized to update MVCs, and to guard against accidental overwrites of MVCs; for more information, see "Defining MVC Pool Volser Authority."


Depending on the default settings of your security system, VSM may not be able to mount and to write to MVCs until you have defined a security system user ID for HSC and tape volume security profiles for the MVCs.

Configuring MVS Device Numbers and Esoterics

The following sections tell how to use the HCD facility to do the following:

  • Assign MVS device numbers to VTDs, library drives, and RTDs.

  • Associate these MVS device numbers and esoterics.

You determined these values in "Determining HSC/VTCS Configuration Values." Refer to your IBM documentation for more information on the HCD facility.

Assigning MVS Device Numbers to VTDs and Library Drives

Use the HCD facility to assign MVS device numbers to these devices (VTDs are seen as 3490 devices).


You do not need to define any specific esoterics (except in JES3) but you may want to define any number of esoterics to be referenced by SMC policies.For considerations for defining esoterics for ELS, refer to Configuring and Managing SMC.

Assigning MVS Device Numbers to RTDs

Use the HCD facility to assign MVS device numbers to these RTDs.

Tip: You must use the same unit addresses you determined for these transports for LIBGEN updates as described in "Planning for Library-Attached Transports."

Setting the MVS Missing Interrupt Handler (MIH) Value

The VTSS's internal error recovery procedures requires the MVS missing-interrupt handler (MIH) value to be 20 minutes. You set this value by modifying the MIH parameter in SYS1.PARMLIB member IECIOSxx.


When you are using VSM synchronous replication, set the MIH value to 45 minutes.