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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point-of-Service Mobile User Guide
Release 18.0
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5 Processing Tenders

Tendering is the last step that occurs just before completing a sale. You must select a form of payment or refund, and it may involve check or credit card authorizations, if any of these tender types are selected.

For all tender types, you must select or enter two basic items of information:

  1. Form of payment (also called tender type; that is, cash, check, credit card, and so on)

  2. Amount paid for each selected tender type

Depending upon the form of payment and your system's requirements, you may have to enter or select additional information, for example:

This section covers the following topics:

Selecting Tenders

The exchange of tender for merchandise is the final step in a transaction. Many types of tender can be exchanged for merchandise.

  1. When you are ready to complete the transaction, press Enter to list the tenders that are available for the type of transaction you are processing. You can also swipe a credit card at the sale screen.

Sale Tenders

The following tender types are available:

To tender a transaction:

  1. Select the AMOUNT DUE area to begin transaction tendering.


    Your tender list may be different form the example shown here.

  2. Select the proper tendering method. To tender a sale, refer to the section for the appropriate tender type as indicated below:

    Table 5-1 Tender Types

    Tender Type Refer to




    Check (Personal)

    Credit/Debit Card

    Credit Card, and Debit Card

    Gift Card

    Gift Card

    Gift Certificate


    Redeem Store Credit

    Redeem Store Credit

    Redeem Merchandise Credit Card


    Travelers Check


    Foreign Currency





Cash is one type of tender that can be exchanged for merchandise.

  1. When all items have been entered or scanned, use the up and down arrow keys to select the Cash option and then press Enter.


    Depending upon the configuration of your system, the Cash Amount Due prompt may default to the total amount owed for the transaction.

  2. Enter the amount of cash presented by the customer and then press Enter.

    Enter dollar amounts.


    Choose one of the Quick Cash options.

    Figure 5-4 Quick Cash Options.

    Description of Figure 5-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-4 Quick Cash Options.''

    A prompt may display asking if the sale is complete.

  3. Select the method for providing the receipt:

    • Click Email to email the receipt and, if necessary, also provide a printed copy.

    • Click Print Only to provide only a printed copy. The transaction ends.

  4. If you selected an email receipt, enter the customer's email address.

  5. When you complete the sale, Xstore Mobile opens the cash drawer. You can accept money from the customer, place it in the cash drawer and return the change due amount, if the total of all tenders exceeds the amount due.

    Figure 5-7 Close Register Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-7 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-7 Close Register Prompt''

    If configured, a prompt displays reminding you to close the cash drawer. After the cash drawer has been closed, the sale receipt is printed and the system is ready for the next transaction.

    The receipt indicates that the purchase was paid with cash, shows the amount tendered, the change amount, and the tender type received.

    Figure 5-8 Customer Sale Receipt - Cash Tender Example

    Description of Figure 5-8 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-8 Customer Sale Receipt - Cash Tender Example''

Check (Personal)

A personal check is a type of tender that can be exchanged for merchandise. Depending upon your store policy, the prompts for additional tender information may be different from the prompts shown here. These prompts display when a MICR is not available, or if your store policy requires additional information for check processing.

  1. After all items have been entered or scanned, select the Check option and then press Enter.


    Note: After selecting the Check option from the Sale Tender list, the system may automatically prompt you to place the check in the MICR device. After the system gets the required information from the check, other on-screen prompts may follow, depending on your system's configuration. If the MICR fails to read the check information, the system may display a prompt that allows you to reinsert the check and try again, or disable the device and enter the information manually. Disabling a device may require a particular security level.

  2. If prompted, enter the check's MICR number (Route number + Account number + Check number) and then press Enter.

    Figure 5-9 Check MICR Number Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-9 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-9 Check MICR Number Prompt''


    The entry must consist of a single string of characters with no other embedded spaces or additional characters.

  3. If prompted, enter the check number and then press Enter. It must be the same check number that you entered when the system prompted for the MICR number.

    Figure 5-10 Check Number Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-10 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-10 Check Number Prompt''

  4. If prompted, enter the state from which the customer's ID was issued and then press Enter.


    Enter only the two-letter abbreviation for the state.

    Figure 5-11 Tender State Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-11 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-11 Tender State Prompt''

  5. If prompted to enter the customer's driver's license number, a credit card number, or other form of ID, enter the ID number and then press Enter.

  6. If prompted, enter the customer's birth date (as printed on the state-issued ID card) in the MM/DD/YYYY format and then press Enter.

    Figure 5-13 Check Birth Date Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-13 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-13 Check Birth Date Prompt''

  7. Enter the check amount, or accept the default amount for the total due, and press Enter.

    Figure 5-14 Check Amount Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-14 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-14 Check Amount Prompt''

  8. If the tender authorization is currently offline, a message displays prompting you to perform one of the following activities:

    Figure 5-15 Tender Authorization Offline Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-15 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-15 Tender Authorization Offline Prompt''

    • Select Cancel to re-tender with another tender type. Xstore Mobile returns to the tender list where you can select a different tender type.

    • Select Retry to attempt to process the check again.

    • Select Manual to begin the manual authorization process.

    If you chose to authorize the card manually, follow the instructions on the prompt and enter the authorization number in the Authorization Number field. Select OK to continue.

  9. After the information is processed, the system displays a prompt asking if the sale is complete. Press Y for Yes to continue and complete the sale. If you press N for No, Xstore Mobile returns to the Sale Tender screen.


    If your store issues email receipts, additional/different prompts display. Refer to Chapter 3, Email Receipt Options, for more information about sending email receipts.

Credit Card


This section applies to Credit and Debit Cards.


Debit Cards are supported via Oracle Retail EFTLink.

To tender a transaction with a credit card:

  1. Select Credit.

    Enter the card information by doing one of the following:

    Swipe the card on the Xstore Mobile device or enter the card manually. See Manual Entry.

    Figure 5-17 Enter Tender Amount

    Description of Figure 5-17 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-17 Enter Tender Amount''

  2. Enter the tender amount. Default value is the total for the transaction.

  3. Select OK.

    Xstore Mobile attempts to authorize the tender.

    • If authorization is successful, continue the transaction.

    • If authorization fails, either use a different tender, or continue with Tender Authorization.

    Figure 5-18 Authorization Signature

    Description of Figure 5-18 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-18 Authorization Signature''

  4. The customer should provide their signature.

  5. After the customer signs, select Accept.

  6. Select the method for providing the receipt:

    • Click Email to email the receipt and, if necessary, also provide a printed copy.

    • Click Print Only to provide only a printed copy. The transaction ends.

  7. If you selected an email receipt, enter the customer's email address.

    Figure 5-21 Receipt Signature Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-21 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-21 Receipt Signature Prompt''

  8. If necessary, confirm that the customer signed the receipt.

The transaction is complete.

Manual Entry

To enter a card manually:

Figure 5-22 Enter Credit Card Number

Description of Figure 5-22 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-22 Enter Credit Card Number''

  1. Enter the card number.

  2. Select OK.

    Figure 5-23 Enter Expiration Date

    Description of Figure 5-23 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-23 Enter Expiration Date''

  3. Enter the card expiration date in MMYY format.

  4. Select OK.

Continue the transaction.

Gift Card

To tender a transaction with a gift card

Figure 5-24 Tender - Gift Card

Description of Figure 5-24 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-24 Tender - Gift Card''

  1. Select Gift Card.

    Enter the card information by doing one of the following:

    Swipe the card on the Xstore Mobile device or enter the card manually. See Manual Entry.

    Figure 5-25 Enter Gift Card Amount

    Description of Figure 5-25 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-25 Enter Gift Card Amount''

  2. Enter the amount to tender on the gift card.

  3. Select OK.

    Xstore Mobile attempts to authorize the tender.

    • If authorization is successful, continue the transaction.

    • If authorization fails, either use a different tender, or continue with Tender Authorization.

  4. Select the method for providing the receipt:

    • Click Email to email the receipt and, if necessary, also provide a printed copy.

    • Click Print Only to provide only a printed copy.

    • If you selected an email receipt, enter the customer's email address.

The transaction is complete. Return to the Main Menu.

Manual Entry

To enter a card manually:

Figure 5-27 Enter Gift Card Number

Description of Figure 5-27 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-27 Enter Gift Card Number''

  1. Enter the card number.

  2. Select OK.

Continue the transaction.

Redeem Store Credit

To tender a transaction by redeeming store credit:

Figure 5-28 Tender - Redeem Store Credit

Description of Figure 5-28 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-28 Tender - Redeem Store Credit''

  1. Select Redeem Store Credit.

    Figure 5-29 Enter Store Credit Number

    Description of Figure 5-29 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-29 Enter Store Credit Number''

  2. Scan the store credit receipt or enter store credit number.

  3. Select OK.

    Figure 5-30 Select Receipt Method Prompt

    Description of Figure 5-30 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-30 Select Receipt Method Prompt''

  4. Select the method for providing the receipt.

    • Click Email to email the receipt and, if necessary, also provide a printed copy.

    • Click Print Only to provide only a printed copy.

  5. If you selected an email receipt, enter the customer's email address.

The transaction is complete. Return to the Main Menu.

Tender Authorization

If an attempt to authorize a tender fails, perform one of the following procedures to continue with the same tender:

Retry Authorization

To attempt the authorization again:

Troubleshoot the connection to the authorizer.

  • Check the network connection for the Xstore Mobile server.

  • Check whether the Xstore Mobile server can connect to the internet.

Figure 5-32 Tender Authorization Offline

Description of Figure 5-32 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-32 Tender Authorization Offline''

  1. Select the Retry button.

If the retry is successful, continue the transaction.

If the retry fails, either perform another retry, or continue with Manual Authorization.

Manual Authorization


Call the appropriate authorization provider to manually authorize a tender. Xstore Mobile does not provide manual authorization numbers.

To enter manual authorization information:

  1. Select the Manual button.

    Figure 5-33 Enter Authorization Code

    Description of Figure 5-33 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-33 Enter Authorization Code''

  2. Enter the authorization number.

  3. Select OK.

Continue the transaction.