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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point-of-Service Mobile User Guide
Release 18.0
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14 Warranty and Service Plan Transactions

A warranty/service plan is a promise made by a manufacturer or seller to support a product after its purchase. Typically, this involves the purchase of a contract that covers the costs of parts and service on an item beyond the manufacturer's original warranty period.

Additional benefits may be offered during the manufacturer's warranty and throughout the entire coverage period. A warranty/service plan may be offered to a customer during a sales transaction. It may also be used to bring the customer back to the store when the plan includes an option for periodic merchandise inspections.

Warranty/service plan specifications are defined and downloaded from the home office.


The terms warranty/service plan, warranty plan, warranty, and plan are used interchangeably in this guide.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Selling a Warranty/Service Plan

  1. When you sell an item that is eligible for a warranty or service plan, the system automatically displays a list of plans that are available for the specific item.


    Items that are eligible for warranty plans but have not been associated with any plan show the No Warranty Purchased icon No Warranty Purchased icon on the View Port.

    Only warranty plans that apply to the item are shown in this list.

    Table 14-1 Warranty Plans

    If the customer... then...

    wants to purchase a warranty/service plan,

    • select a warranty plan from the list. See Figure 14-1.

    • select the option to add the warranty item (as a non-merchandise item) to the sale.

    • go to step 2 below.

    does not want to purchase a warranty/service plan,

    • press Esc to return to the sale and continue selling items.

      Note: The "No Warranty Purchased" icon No Warranty Purchased icon indicates that the warranty for this item was declined.

    • tender the transaction when the sale is complete.


    If the customer decides to purchase the warranty after you escape from the warranty plan screen-but before tendering-you can add the warranty to the item from the Extended Transaction menu. Refer to To Add a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item - In the Current Transaction for the procedure.

  2. After the warranty item is added to the sale as a non-merchandise item, the system prompts for the customer to be associated with this warranty.


    Since a warranty/service plan must have an owner, you must associate a customer name with the plan. The plan owner may be a different person than the customer who purchases the item and the warranty/service plan. For example, the customer may purchase an item as a gift and also wants to assign the warranty to the person receiving the gift.

    If a customer is associated with this sale:

    When a customer is associated with this sale, the system prompts you to verify that this current customer owns the warranty/service plan.

    Figure 14-2 Warranty Customer Prompt

    Description of Figure 14-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-2 Warranty Customer Prompt''

    If no customer is currently associated with this sale:

    When no customer is associated with this sale, the system prompts for warranty customer information.

    1. Enter the customer's information as required.

    2. The system prompts to confirm that this is the customer who will own the warranty plan.

      • Select Yes if this is the customer to be named on the warranty/service plan. The system adds the warranty customer's name to the warranty plan.

      • Select No if this is not the correct warranty customer's name. The system re-prompts for a customer's name for the warranty plan.

  3. When the sale transaction is tendered, the system creates receipts as required by your store's policy.

    Figure 14-5 Customer Sale Receipt With Warranty Item Example

    Description of Figure 14-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-5 Customer Sale Receipt With Warranty Item Example''

    Figure 14-6 Warranty Receipt Example

    Description of Figure 14-6 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-6 Warranty Receipt Example''

Adding a Warranty/Service Plan After a Purchase

A customer may decide to purchase a warranty/service plan after purchasing an item. For example, the item may have been purchased as a gift and the recipient would like to purchase a warranty for the item. Perhaps the customer has reconsidered the warranty option and returns to the store later to purchase the warranty. You can also add a warranty plan in the current transaction if the customer declines the warranty at first and reconsiders the decision before the transaction is tendered.


Warranty/Service Plans are only available for designated items as determined by the home office.

  1. In a sale transaction, select Extended Transaction from the Context menu.

  2. Select the Warranty option to view the Warranty menu.

    You have the following options on the Warranty menu:

Adding a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item

...continued from step 2

  1. Select the Add Warranty option from the Warranty menu. See Figure 14-7.

    The system prompts you to select a source for locating a previously-purchased item that will be covered by a warranty/service plan:

    Figure 14-8 Add Item Warranty Options

    Description of Figure 14-8 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-8 Add Item Warranty Options''

To Add a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item - In the Current Transaction

Use this option for customers who originally decline the warranty/service plan for an eligible item but change their minds before the transaction is tendered.

If the customer declined to purchase the warranty for an item in the current sale, the No Warranty Purchased symbol displays next to the item information on the View Port.

Figure 14-9 Sale With Declined Warranty Item

Description of Figure 14-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 14-9 Sale With Declined Warranty Item''

  1. To purchase a warranty/service plan for this item, select Extended Transaction, Warranty and then Add Warranty.

  2. The system displays a list of sources for the item that will have the warranty. Select Current Transaction from the list of item sources.

    Figure 14-10 Locate Item for Warranty - Current Transaction Option

    Description of Figure 14-10 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-10 Locate Item for Warranty - Current Transaction Option''

  3. The system displays a list of warranty-eligible items in the transaction. Select the item that will be associated with the warranty and press Enter.

    Figure 14-11 List Of Items Eligible For A Warranty/Service Plan

    Description of Figure 14-11 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-11 List Of Items Eligible For A Warranty/Service Plan''

  4. The system displays a list of warranty plans that can be associated with the item. Select the warranty plan option from the list to add the warranty plan (as a non-merchandise item) to the sale.

    Figure 14-12 Warranty Plan Options for the Selected Item

    Description of Figure 14-12 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-12 Warranty Plan Options for the Selected Item''

  5. The system prompts for the customer to be associated with this warranty. Refer to step 2 for more information about associating a customer with a warranty/service plan.

    When you tender the sale transaction, the system creates a receipt with the warranty details.

To Add a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item- Using Customer History Information

Use this option to locate the item in the customer's purchase history record.

  1. In a sale transaction, select Extended Transaction - Warranty - Add Warranty.

  2. Select the Customer History option from the list of sources and press Enter.

    Figure 14-13 Locate Item - Customer History Option

    Description of Figure 14-13 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-13 Locate Item - Customer History Option''

  3. The system displays a list of warranty-eligible items the customer has purchased. Select the item the customer would like to purchase a warranty plan for and press Enter.

    Figure 14-14 Customer History-Previous Items Purchased

    Description of Figure 14-14 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-14 Customer History-Previous Items Purchased''

  4. The system displays a list of warranty plan options associated with this item. Select the warranty plan option from the list to add the warranty plan (as a non-merchandise item) to the sale.

    Figure 14-15 Warranty Plan Options for the Selected Item

    Description of Figure 14-15 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-15 Warranty Plan Options for the Selected Item''

  5. The system prompts for the customer to be associated with this warranty. Refer to step 2 for more information about associating a customer with a warranty/service plan.

    When you tender the sale transaction, the system creates a receipt with the warranty details.

To Add a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item - Using the Customer's Original Sale Receipt

Use this option when the customer has the original receipt for the item. The system retrieves the item information from the original transaction receipt.

  1. In a sale transaction, select Extended Transaction - Warranty - Add Warranty.

  2. Select the Previous Transaction With Receipt option from the list of warranty item source and press Enter.

    Figure 14-16 Locate Item - Previous Transaction With Receipt Option

    Description of Figure 14-16 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-16 Locate Item - Previous Transaction With Receipt Option''

  3. At the prompt for original transaction information, scan the barcode from the original receipt, or enter the required original transaction information and select Process to continue.

    The system finds the original transaction information in the database and displays a list of items found in the transaction that are eligible for a warranty plan.

    Figure 14-17 Original Transaction Item(s) Eligible for a Warranty Plan

    Description of Figure 14-17 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-17 Original Transaction Item(s) Eligible for a Warranty Plan''


    Only warranty-eligible items are shown in this list.

  4. Select the item to be covered by a warranty plan and press Enter to continue.

    The system displays a list of warranty plans that are applicable to this item.

    Figure 14-18 Warranty Plan List

    Description of Figure 14-18 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-18 Warranty Plan List''

  5. Select the warranty plan option from the list and select the Add Plan option to add the warranty item (as a non-merchandise item) to the sale.

  6. The system prompts for the customer to be associated with this warranty. Refer to step 2 for more information about associating a customer with a warranty/service plan.

    When you tender the sale transaction, the system creates a receipt with the warranty details.

To Add a Warranty/Service Plan to an Item - Manual Entry

Use this option if the customer does not have the original receipt and the purchase record cannot be found in the purchase history for the customer.

  1. In a sale transaction, select Extended Transaction - Warranty - Add Warranty.

  2. Select the Manual Entry option from the list of warranty sources and press Enter.

    Figure 14-19 Locate Item - Manual Entry Option

    Description of Figure 14-19 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-19 Locate Item - Manual Entry Option''

  3. The system prompts for the warrantied item. Type the item ID and press Enter, or scan the item barcode.

    Figure 14-20 Warrantied Item ID Prompt

    Description of Figure 14-20 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-20 Warrantied Item ID Prompt''

  4. If prompted, enter the price of the warrantied item, without a decimal point, and press Enter to continue.

    Figure 14-21 Warrantied Item Price Prompt

    Description of Figure 14-21 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-21 Warrantied Item Price Prompt''

    The system displays a list of plan options associated with this item.

    Figure 14-22 Warranty Plans Associated with the Item

    Description of Figure 14-22 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-22 Warranty Plans Associated with the Item''

  5. Select a warranty plan from the list to include it (as a non-merchandise item) in the sale.

  6. The system prompts for the customer to be associated with this warranty. Refer to step 2 for more information about associating a customer with a warranty/service plan.

    When you tender the sale transaction, the system creates a receipt with the warranty details.

Changing the Warranty/Service Plan Customer

Use this process to change the owner of the warranty/service plan.

  1. 1. At the Sale screen, with the warranty sale transaction displayed in the View Port, select Extended Transaction -- Warranty -- Change Customer.

    Figure 14-23 Warranty Menu - Change Customer Option

    Description of Figure 14-23 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-23 Warranty Menu - Change Customer Option''

  2. The system displays a list of the warranties on the current transaction. Select the warranty/service plan you want to update and press Enter.

    Figure 14-24 List Of Warranties on the Current Transaction

    Description of Figure 14-24 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-24 List Of Warranties on the Current Transaction''

  3. The system prompts for customer information. Enter the information for the new warranty/service plan owner as required by your store's policy.

    The system updates the warranty plan information with the new warranty customer's name and information.

    Figure 14-25 Updated Warranty Plan Information

    Description of Figure 14-25 follows
    Description of ''Figure 14-25 Updated Warranty Plan Information''

    When the sale transaction is completed, the system creates a receipt with the warranty details.