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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Manager's Guide
Release 19.0
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20 Special Order Maintenance

After a Special Order account has been created, the account information is available from the Back Office. Use the Back Office Special Order Account Maintenance functions to track, update, and maintain Special Order accounts.


Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service User Guide for information about setting up Special Order accounts.

Special Orders Report:

A Special Orders Report is available from the Back Office Reports Menu. This report shows when the account was created, the owner's name, the account's status, and the item amount.


Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service User Guide for information about this report.

Figure 20-1 Reporting Menu - Special Orders Report

Reporting - Special Orders Report

Accessing Back Office Special Order Maintenance

  1. Select the Back Office option.

  2. After logging in to the Back Office, select the Customer option from the Back Office Main Menu and press Enter.

    Figure 20-2 Back Office Main Menu - Customer Option

    Back Office Main Menu - Customer Option


    You can also press the number or letter associated with the menu option on the keyboard to access the function.

  3. Select the Special Order Account Maintenance option and press Enter.

    Figure 20-3 Customer Menu - Special Order Account Maintenance

    Customer Menu - Special Order Account Maintenance
  4. Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays the Special Order Search form, prompting for search criteria. Enter the criteria you want to use for finding a Special Order record and select Process.

    Figure 20-4 Special Order Search Form

    Special Order Search Form
    • If you enter a Special Order ID, Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays that Special Order record if the ID exists and if it is unique.

    • Your search criteria may result in multiple records being found. Your system may also be set up to display the accounts list even when only one record is found. You must select the record you want from the list and then press Enter.

Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays the Special Order screen for the selected record.

Figure 20-5 Special Order Screen

Special Order Screen

The Special Orders screen contains the following information:

Static Information Area

The upper portion of the screen shows the summary information for the Special Order account, including its status and customer contact information. This panel is always displayed when viewing any of the tabs on this screen.

Customer Information

The customer information area displays:

  • Sold To - The purchasing customer's name and address information.

  • Company - The purchasing customer's company, if applicable.

  • Email - The purchasing customer's email address.

  • Phone - The purchasing customer's telephone number(s).

  • Ship To - The name and address information to ship to.

Order Totals

The order totals information displays:

  • Subtotal - The order subtotal (the shipping fee amount is not included in the subtotal).

  • Fees - Additional cost associated with the order.

  • Tax - The tax on the order.

  • Total - The total for the order (the shipping fee amount is included in the total).

  • Balance Due - The amount due for the order.

Special Order Tab Information

Detailed Special Order information is presented on three tabs; Items, Activity, and Comments. You can navigate between the tab sections by using the Previous Tab and Next Tab menu options. Each tab contains specific information about the customer's Special Order account.

  • Items Tab: Shows the item information for the Special Order account.

  • Activity Tab: Shows the activity information for the Special Order account.

  • Comments Tab: Shows any comments associated with the Special Order account.

Items Tab

The Items tab contains the following information:

Figure 20-6 Items Tab Information

Items Tab Information
  • Status: The status of the item (Open, Received, Ship, Picked Up, Cancelled, Cancelled to Escrow).

  • Item ID: The item identifier.

  • Item Description: The item description.

  • Quantity: The item quantity.

  • Ext. Price: The extended price for the item (price x quantity).

Activity Tab

The Activity tab contains the following information:

Figure 20-7 Activity Tab Information

Activity Tab Information
  • Date: The date the Special Order activity took place.

  • Type: The Special Order activity type associated with the amount of the activity.

  • Activity: The action performed.

  • Item ID: The item identifier.

  • Amount: The amount for the associated type of activity on the account.

  • Store: The store identifier where the Special Order activity took place.

  • Reg: The register identifier where the Special Order activity took place.

  • Tran ID: The transaction identifier for the Special Order activity.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab contains the following information:

Figure 20-8 Comments Tab Information

Special Order - Comments Tab
  • Created Date: The date this comment was added to this Special Order account record.

  • Created By: The identifier for the employee who created the comment.

  • Comment: The text that was entered.


You can also add a new comment for this Special Order account record when viewing this tab. Select the Add Comment option, type a comment, then press Enter. Xstore adds the new comment to the Special Order account record.

To Cancel a Special Order Account

The option to cancel a special order account is available on all three tabs: Items, Activity, and Comments while you are viewing the account you want to cancel. Closed accounts cannot be canceled.

  1. Search for the special order account that you want to cancel.

  2. When Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays the account, select the Cancel Special Order option.

  3. Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays a message asking if the customer is present during the cancellation of the special order account. Select Yes or No.

    Figure 20-9 Checking for Presence of Customer

    Customer Present Prompt
    • If you select No, continue with Customer Not Present.

    • If you select Yes, continue with Customer Present.

    Customer Not Present:

    If you select No, indicating the customer is not present:

    1. The system displays a prompt asking if you are sure you want to cancel the special order account. Select Yes.

    2. The system displays a prompt indicating that the balance amount due to the customer has been transferred to an escrow account. Press Enter to respond to the prompt and continue.

    3. The system returns to the Special Order Search form. You may select Back to return to the Customer Maintenance and Accounts Menu and perform other options. See Special Order Search Form.

      The order status and item status are updated to Cancelled to Escrow.

    Customer Present:

    If you select Yes, indicating the customer is present, Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of- Service displays the following prompt. Press Enter to continue.

    Figure 20-10 Prompt if Customer is Present

    Prompt if customer is present


    Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service User Guide for more information about Special Order accounts at the POS.

    1. Select the Register option from the menu.

      Figure 20-11 Register Menu Option

      Register Menu Option
    2. At the Register Pre-Sale screen, assign an associate to the transaction if your system's configuration requires an associate and press Enter.

    3. The Customer Lookup form displays. Enter search criteria in the form for the customer whose special order account must be canceled and select Process.

    4. If more than one customer name matches your criteria, select the correct customer from the list and choose Select & Continue.

    5. The Register Sale screen displays and the customer who owns the special order account is associated with it. Select Extended Transaction from the menu.

    6. Select Special Order from the Extended Transaction menu.

    7. Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service displays a list of special order accounts for the selected customer. Select the special order account to be canceled and press Enter to continue.

      Figure 20-12 Special Order Results - Cancellation

      Special Order Results - Cancellation
    8. The system displays the details of the special order account you selected in the Special Order Mode. Select the Cancel Special Order options on the menu.

      Figure 20-13 Special Order Screen

      Special Order Screen - Cancel Order


      For more information on cancelling special orders, see the Oracle Retail Xstore Point-of-Service User Guide.