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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Mobile User Guide
Release 20.0
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23 Maintenance Functions

Maintenance functions or those accessible outside of sale mode, are available from the Main Menu that is displayed when you log in to the Mobile POS. Some functions on the list may not be available to all employees or on all devices. Individual access is based on menu configuration. Security may be different for each employee, employer group, or register group.

See Feature Availability for a list of functionality available by device type - Desktop, Thin Client, Tablet, and Handheld.


Because each Oracle Retail Xstore Mobile POS menu is configurable, the button functions and the menu options on your system may appear in a different order or have different text than the examples shown in this guide.

Figure 23-1 Mobile POS Main Menu

Mobile Tablet Main Menu

The main menu consists of the following areas:


Used to manage the register operations such as opening and closing the registers.

Functionality available includes:

  • Open/Close Register

  • Store Safe Maintenance (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Safe Bag Management (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Till Maintenance

  • Till Options

Figure 23-2 Mobile POS Till Menu

Mobile Tablet Till Menu

Figure 23-3 Mobile Handheld Till Menu

Mobile Handheld Till Menu

Table 23-1 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Till Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options


Open/Close Options

Change Business Date

Check for Updates

Force Close

Print Till Summary Receipt

Refresh Promotions

Register Open

Store Close

Store Safe Management

Till Maintenance

Cash Pickup

Cash Transfer

Mid-day Deposit

Till Audit

Till Options

Change Float

Foreign Currency Maint.

No Sale

Paid In

Paid Out

Post Void

Tender Exchange


This option covers all employee maintenance tasks. (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

Functionality includes:

  • Associate Advance

  • Employee Borrow

  • Employee Scheduling

  • Message Maintenance

  • Time and Attendance including Payroll

Figure 23-4 Employee Menu

Employee Menu

Table 23-2 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Employee Menu Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options


Employee Maintenance

Associate Advance

Employee Borrow

Employee Maintenance

Employee Scheduling Maintenance

Employee Schedule

Maintain Employee Time Off

Shift Maintenance

Message Maintenance

Time and Attendance

Payroll and Timecard Maintenance

Regenerate Payroll File

System Admin

Hardware and configuration is accessed via this option and includes:

  • Datasource Status

  • EFTLink Admin Functions

  • Managed Networked Cash Drawers (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Mobile Device Access

  • Mobile Device Quick Config

  • Mobile Device Users (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Offline Transactions

  • Reinitialize Hardware

  • Temporary Store

Figure 23-5 Mobile POS System Admin Menu

System Admin Menu

Figure 23-6 Mobile Handheld System Admin Menu

Mobile Handheld System Admin Menu

Table 23-3 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client System Admin Menu Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options

System Admin

Datasource Status

EFTLink Admin Functions

Managed Networked Cash Drawers

Mobile Device Access

Mobile Device Quick Config

Mobile Device Users

Offline Transactions

Reinitialize Hardware

Temporary Store


Includes activities that relate to entering new customers into the customer database and updating customer information.

Functionality includes:

  • Balance Inquiry

  • Customer Maintenance

  • Gift Registry (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Layaway Maintenance (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Order Options

  • Receipt Reprint Options

  • Special Order Maintenance (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Work Order Options (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

Figure 23-7 Mobile POS Customer Menu

Mobile Tablet Customer Menu

Figure 23-8 Mobile Handheld Customer Menu

Mobile Handheld Customer Menu

Table 23-4 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Customer Menu Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options


Balance Inquiry

Gift Card Balance

Gift Certificate Balance

Gift Receipt Inquiry

Loyalty Balance

Store Credit Balance

Customer Maintenance

Gift Registry

Layaway Maintenance

Order Options

Order Maintenance

Order Status Report

Order Worklist

Unfulfillable Status

Receipt Reprint Options

Rebate Receipt

Reissue Gift Receipt

Reprint Document

Reprint Last Receipt

Special Order Maintenance

Work Order Options

Receive Work Orders

Ship Work Orders

Work Order Invoice History

Work Order Invoicing

Work Order Maintenance


Functionality includes:

  • Change Password

  • Associate Tasks (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • View Schedule and Timecards (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

Figure 23-9 Associate Menu

Associate Menu

Table 23-5 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Associate Menu Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options


Change Password

Associate Tasks

My Tasks

View Schedule & Time

View Schedule

View Scheduled Employees

View Timecard


Xstore provides several functions to help you maintain your store's inventory through shipping, receiving, and counts. The information in this guide will help you understand what shipping, receiving, and inventory functions are available, how to access the functions you need, and how to use the processes for your business needs.

All merchandise items-whether entering the store through receiving and return functions, or leaving the store through sales and shipping functions-are tracked using an inventory process. This inventory tracking performs at the item level, resulting in an audit trail from the time the item enters the store and continuing until the item leaves the store.

Perform inventory actions such as:

  • Inventory Adjustment

  • Inventory Counts Options

  • Inventory Replenishment

  • Item Lookup

  • Item Transfer

  • Print Shelf Labels/Tickets

  • Receiving

  • Serial Number Exchange

  • Shipping

Figure 23-10 Mobile POS Inventory Menu

Mobile Tablet Inventory Menu

Figure 23-11 Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

Table 23-6 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Inventory Menu Options

Main Menu Option Sub-Menu Options


Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Counts Options

Inventory Count

Store Layout Maintenance

Inventory Replenishment

Item Lookup

Item Transfer

Print Shelf Labels/Tickets


Serial Number Exchange



Provides access to view and print reports. (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)

  • Dashboard

  • Customer Reports

  • Electronic Journal

  • Employee Reports

  • Inventory Reports

Figure 23-12 Reporting Menu

Reporting Menu


An icon showing a single piece of paper represents a report. Selecting a single report opens it.

An icon showing a group of papers means there is a collection of reports under that menu option.

Table 23-7 Mobile Tablet and Thin Client Reports

Report Category Sub-Menu Options


Customer Reports

Customer Account Activity Summary Report

Customer List Report

Layaway Reports

Special Orders Report

Electronic Journal

Employee Reports

Employee Productivity Report

Employee Schedule Reports

Employee Performance

Employee Schedule Detail Report

Employee Time Off Summary Report

Employee Tasks

Time and Attendance Reports

Open Timecard Report

Payroll Detail by Employee

Payroll Summary

Posted Timecard

Inventory Reports

Inventory Movement

Inventory Movement History Report

Inventory Movement Pending Report

Inventory Stock Cost

Item List Report

Receiving Exception Report

Receiving Report

Replenishment Open Product Requests Report

Replenishment Product Request Report

Restock report

Shipping Exception Report

Shipping Manifest Report

Operation Reports

Price Change Report

Saved Reports

Store Locations Report

Till Reports

Cash Drawer Audit Report

Cash Drawer Report

Paid In/ Paid Out

Sales Reports

Airport Sales Tax Report

Flash Sales

Journal report

Retail Reports

Best Sellers

Cancelled Transaction Report

Credit Card Report

Daily Sales & Cash Report

Daily Sales Report

Gift Certificate Report

Line Void report

Merchandise Sales Analysis Report

No Sale Report

Post Void Transaction Report

Price Override Report

Restock Report

Returned Merchandise Report

Sales by department Report

Sales by Hour Analysis Report

Sales by Hour Report

Sales Goals Report

Suspended Transaction Report

Tax Exemption Report

Xstore Mobile Guide

The menu option opens the browser with the mobile guide for help. (Mobile Tablet and Thin Client)