Entering A/P Invoices

Purpose: This part describes how to enter an A/P invoice onto the system for merchandise or services received either with or without a purchase order:

Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE) describes how to set up controls, select the purchase order against which merchandise has been invoiced, create an invoice, review the contents of a purchase order receipt.

Entering A/P-PO Invoices describes how to enter an A/P invoice for a purchase order receipt or drop ship purchase order. This process may include reviewing the A/P transactions, working with discounts, including or excluding A/P transactions for payment, changing the number of units associated with each A/P transaction, changing the G/L number, and accepting or rejecting the postings to the A/P system.

Entering Drop Ship Invoices describes how to enter an A/P invoice for drop ship items shipped from the vendor to your customer for vendors who use drop ship pick slips. This process may include reviewing the A/P transactions, including or excluding A/P transactions for payment, changing the number of units associated with each A/P transaction, changing the G/L number, and accepting or rejecting the postings to the A/P system.

Entering A/P Invoices describes how to enter invoices that you are not matching to purchase orders or drop ship invoices.

Working with and Processing A/P Batches describes how to review, change, accept, or reject A/P invoice batches.

Printing the Purchase Journals describes how to print the A/P Purchase Journal, which identifies the A/P invoices that were posted to or updated on the system on the specified date.

Maintaining A/P Invoices describes how to enter controls for and select A/P invoices for maintenance and how to enter, change or review free-form notes about the invoice.

Printing the Open AP/PO Receipt Reports (PAPO) describes how to print these reports listing purchase orders which you have received, but which you have not yet matched to an A/P invoice.

Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) describes the A/P invoice upload process, and how you work with errors.

Resetting Open A/P (ROAP) describes how to reset the open A/P balance when it becomes out of balance.

AP02_00 Serenade 5.0 March 2015