Retail SKU Generation (ERSG)

Purpose: Use this menu option to generate SKUs based on information in the Retail SKU Generation table.

In this topic:

Retail SKU Generation Process

Retail SKU Generation Table

Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen

Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen

Change SKU Window

Enter SKU Base Information Window

Retail SKU Generation Process

Use the following steps to create SKUs for an item using the Retail SKU Generation process.


Create records in the Retail SKU Generation Table for the SKUs you wish to create for an existing item in CWSerenade.


Use the Retail SKU Generation (ERSG) menu option to upload records in the Retail SKU Generation table.

At the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen:


Enter the item number associated with the SKUs you wish to create in the Base item number field. The item number you enter must allow SKUs (the SKU field for the item must be selected).


Enter the style number associated with the SKUs you wish to create in the Style number field. This is the style number defined in the RST primary style field in the Retail SKU Generation table.


Select OK to validate your entries. The system:

• defaults the long SKU department defined for the item in the L/S department field.

• validates that the Style number and L/S department combination is a valid combination in the Retail SKU Generation table.


Select OK again to advance to the Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen, where you can define details for the SKUs you are creating.

The Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen displays the SKU records uploaded from the Retail SKU Generation Table. The system uploads records whose RSG primary style and LSD department match the Style number and L/S department you entered at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen. For example, if you enter Style number 2 and Long SKU department 1 at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen, the system only uploads records in the Retail SKU Generation table whose RSG primary style is 2 and whose LSD department is 1.


Review the SKUs that will be created by the Retail SKU Generation Process and if necessary:

• select the Delete checkbox for any SKUs you do not wish to create for the item.

• change the SKU, SKU description, or Cost for a SKU.

• change the value in the first SKU element defined for a group of SKUs from one value to another value. For example, you can change the value from BRWN to BRN; see Change SKU Window.


Select OK to validate your entries.


Select Accept to advance to the Enter SKU Base Information Window; otherwise select Reject to cancel the generation of SKUs.

Note: A Warning window opens when you select Accept if one or more of the SKU upload records already exists as a valid SKU for the item. Select Exit to return to the Work with Retail SKU Generator screen, where you can select the Delete checkbox for the duplicate SKUs or change the SKU elements to avoid duplicates. Otherwise, select Reject to reject the upload of these SKUs.


At the Enter SKU Base Information Window, enter information, such as warehouse and location, that will apply to all of the SKUs that will be created and select OK. The system submits the Retail SKU Generation program, which creates the SKUs. You can review the SKUs you created at the Work with SKUs Screen.

Retail SKU Generation Table




The CWSerenade company.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

LSD Department

The long SKU department associated with the item for which you wish to create SKUs.

Numeric, 4 positions; required.

RSG primary style

The retail SKU generation style number. The system uses this in combination with the LSD department to determine which SKUs are created for an item.

Example: If you enter Style number 2 and Long SKU department 1 at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen, the system only uploads records in the Retail SKU Generation table whose RSG primary style is 2 and whose LSD department is 1.

Updates the User field 2 field for the SKU.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

RSG sequence number

The sequence number assigned to the retail SKU generation record.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

RSG child style 1

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

RSG child style 2

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

RSG child style 3

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

RSG child style 4

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

RSG reference description

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

RSG list price

Updates the List price field for the SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

RSG SKU cost

Updates the Cost field for the SKU.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

RSG SKU user field 1

Updates the User field 1 field for the SKU.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

RSG Chg/Add/Delete

Informational only.

Valid values are:

A = Add SKU

C = Change SKU

D = Delete SKU

Note: You can only add new SKUs to an item using the Retail SKU Generation process. Changing or deleting a SKU using the Retail SKU Generation process is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

RSG SKU description

Updates the SKU description for the SKU.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions.

RSG SKU delete

Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

RSG SKU element 1

Updates the first SKU field.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

RSG SKU element 2

Updates the second SKU field.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

RSG SKU element 3

Updates the third SKU field.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen

Use this screen to select the record in the Retail SKU Generation table you wish to upload to create or maintain a CWSerenade SKU.

The following message displays if the Retail SKU Generation table is locked because it is currently being updated by another user or by the Retail SKU Generation process: The ARMS file is currently being loaded or is in use by another user.



Enter the item number for which you wish to create SKUs in the Base item number field. The item number you enter must allow SKUs (the SKU field for the item must be selected).


Enter the style number associated with the SKUs you wish to create in the Style number field. This is the style number defined in the RST primary style field in the Retail SKU Generation table.


Select OK. The system:

• defaults the long SKU department defined for the item in the L/S department field.

• validates that the Style number and L/S department combination is a valid combination in the Retail SKU Generation table.


Select OK again to advance to the Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen, where you can define details for the SKU you are creating or maintaining.

For more information: See Retail SKU Generation Process for complete instructions.

How to display this screen: Enter ERSG in the Fast path field or select Retail SKU Generator from a menu.



Base item number

The item number for which you with to create or maintain a SKU.

The item number you enter must allow SKUs (the SKU field for the item must be selected: SKUs are not allowed for this item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Style number

The style number defined in the RSG primary style field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

The system uploads all retail SKU generation records whose RSG primary style and LSD department combination match the values you enter in the Style number and L/S department fields.

An error message indicates if the Style number and L/S department combination does not exist for any of the records in the Retail SKU Generation table: Department/Style not found.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

L/S department

The long SKU department defined for the item in the Base item number field. This value should match the long SKU department number defined in the LSD department field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

The system uploads all retail SKU generation records whose RSG primary style and LSD department combination match the values you enter in the Style number and L/S department fields.

An error message indicates if the Style number and L/S department combination does not exist for any of the records in the Retail SKU Generation table: Department/Style not found.

Numeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review and maintain the details of the SKU(s) you wish to create for an item through the Retail SKU Generation process.

This screen displays the SKU records uploaded from the Retail SKU Generation Table. The system uploads records whose RSG primary style and LSD department match the Style number and L/S department you entered at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen.

Example: If you enter Style number 2 and Long SKU department 1 at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen, the system only uploads records in the Retail SKU Generation table whose RSG primary style is 2 and whose LSD department is 1.



Review the SKUs that will be created by the Retail SKU Generation Process and if necessary:

• select the Delete checkbox for any SKUs you do not wish to create for the item.

• change the SKU, SKU description, or Cost for a SKU.

• change the value in the first SKU element defined for a group of SKUs from one value to another value; see Change SKU Window.


Select OK to validate your entries.


Select Accept to advance to the Enter SKU Base Information Window; otherwise select Reject to cancel the generation of SKUs.

For more information: See Retail SKU Generation Process for complete instructions.

How to display this screen: Select OK at the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen.




The number and description of the item for which you are creating or maintaining a SKU. This is the item number you entered on the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen.

Number: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The long SKU department defined for the item.

Numeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The style number defined in the RSG primary style field in the Retail SKU Generation table. This is the style you entered on the Retail SKU Generator Prompt Screen.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.


The SKU you wish to create or maintain for the item.

• The first SKU element is from the RSG SKU element 1 field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

• The second SKU element is from the RSG SKU element 2 field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

• The third SKU element is from the RSG SKU element 3 field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

Enter a full or partial SKU code and select OK to display SKUs in alphanumeric order, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.

Scan fields: optional.

Entry fields: required.


A description of the SKU.

From the RSG SKU description field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.


Indicates whether the SKU should be deleted.

Select this field is you wish to delete the SKU.

Unselect this field is you wish to create or maintain the SKU.



The cost of the SKU.

From the RSG SKU cost field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

List price

The list price of the SKU.

From the RSG List price field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Ref desc

A description of the SKU.

From the RSG Reference description field in the Retail SKU Generation table.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a SKU

Select the Delete check box for a SKU and select OK.

Change the first SKU element for a group of SKUs

Select Change SKU (where SKU is the name of the first SKU element) to advance to the Change SKU Window.

Submit the Retail SKU Generation program to create or update the specified SKUs

Select Accept to advance to the Enter SKU Base Information Window.

Reject the SKUs and do not perform any updates

Select Reject.

Change SKU Window

Use this window to change the first SKU element for a group of SKUs from one value to another value.

To change:

1. In the first field, enter the value for the first SKU element that you wish to change for a group of SKUs.

2. In the second field, enter the value to which you wish to change the first SKU element for a group of SKUs.

3. Select OK to validate that the values you enter a valid values for the first SKU element.

4. The system updates the value defined in the first SKU element to the new value and returns you to the Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen.

How to display this screen: Select Change SKU (where SKU is the name of the first SKU element) at the Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen.



Change all SKUs with

In the first field, enter the value for the first SKU element that you wish to change and in the second field, enter the value to which you wish to change the first SKU element.

For example, if you wish to change all SKUs whose first SKU element value is BRWN to BRN, enter BRWN in the first field and enter BRN in the second field.

Note: The values you enter must be valid values for the first SKU element.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.

Enter SKU Base Information Window

Purpose: Use this window to define the information applicable to all the SKUs you are creating through the Retail SKU Generation process. The system copies this information to each SKU.

Instructions: Enter information, such as warehouse and location, that will apply to all of the SKUs that will be created and select OK. The system submits the Retail SKU Generation program, which creates the SKUs. You can review the SKUs you created at the Work with SKUs Screen.

For more information: See Retail SKU Generation Process for complete instructions.

How to display this screen: Select Accept at the Work with Retail SKU Generator Screen.




The code and description of the base item for which you are creating SKUs.

Code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

U/M (unit of measure)

A standard by which a vendor’s item is sold. Typical units of measure include EA (each), IN (inch), C12 (case of 12).

If you leave this field blank, the unit of measure defined for the base item defaults for the SKUs.

Unit of measure is defined in and validated against the Unit of Measure table; see Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Item category

A code assigned to the item to classify and group like items for use in Item Relationships. The Compatibility field should be completed to fully use Item Relationships. See Working with Item Category Codes (WITG).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.


A code assigned to an item or SKU which you can use in Item Relationships to display a list of compatible items.

Example: Item PC1 represents an IBM PC. You can assign a compatibility code of 01 (IBM Products) to this item and to other IBM items such as printers.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


Indicates whether the SKU can be returned. Informational only.

Valid values are:

Selected = The SKU is returnable.

Unselected = The SKU is not returnable.


Country of origin

A code representing the country where the SKU originated.

Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country table; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

S/O control (soldout control)

Indicates when the item is considered sold out.

An item can be sold out:

• immediately

• when the available quantity equals zero

• when the available quantity plus any quantity due on purchase orders equals zero

If you have specified a Default Soldout Control Code (D72) it defaults, but you can override it.

If the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value is selected, the system disregards soldout control rules for items reserved against a non-allocatable warehouse. If the item cannot be reserved, the system backorders the item in the non-allocatable warehouse. See this system control value for more information.

Soldout control codes are defined in and validated against the Soldout Control table; see Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Suppress B/O card

Indicates whether to produce a backorder card for the SKUs. You might use this field to identify promotional items, free gifts, or catalogs, to prevent them from generating backorder cards or appearing on backorder lists.

Valid values are:

Selected = Suppress normal backorder card generation for the SKU.

Unselected = Do not suppress normal backorder card generation.

If the Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (F19) system control value is selected, suppressed SKUs will never appear on a backorder card. If this system control value is unselected, suppressed SKUs will appear only on the first backorder card for the order, and only if an unsuppressed item triggers the backorder card generation.


Zone reservation

A code assigned to weather-sensitive SKUs such as plant stock on insure that the SKUs will ship to different regions of the country within date windows suited to the regions.

Zone reservation coded SKUs will not be reserved during order entry; instead, they will be assigned a backorder status of Z (Zoned Reservation), and will be reserved during pick generation using the batch reservation function, at an optimal time for shipping.

Zone reservation logic requires:

• The SKU must be assigned a zone reservation code.

• The offer associated with the order must be assigned a season code.

• The shipping address for the order must be assigned to a geographic zone, using either the postal zip code of the ship to address, or the SCF (Sectional Center Facility) code of the ship to address. The SCF code consists of the first three digits of the zip code.

• For each zone reservation code, you must define zone date windows for all geographic zones in the country.

See Creating and Maintaining Geographic Zones (WGZN).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


A code that represents the warehouse where you will keep the SKU.

The Default Warehouse (A04) defaults, but you can override it.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Max (warehouse maximum)

The recommended maximum quantity of the SKU to keep in the warehouse. The Replenish Warehouses program uses this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Min (warehouse minimum)

The recommended minimum quantity of the SKU to keep in the warehouse. The Replenish Warehouses program uses this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Allocation freeze

Indicates whether reservations can be performed against the SKU in the specified warehouse.

Selected = The SKU is on hold for item reservation. All other inventory transactions are allowed.

Unselected = The SKU is not on hold for item reservation.


Protected qty

An amount of inventory that is not reserved automatically for the SKU.

You can reserve the protected quantity through Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV) only, as in the case of large wholesale orders or preferred mail order customers. Protected quantity is included in on-hand quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reorder qty

The quantity of the SKU that should be ordered when the on-hand quantity reaches the minimum defined in the Min qty field. The Replenish Warehouses program uses this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The default location in the warehouse where the item is kept. This location is sometimes referred to as the "primary primary" location. The "primary primary" location is stored in the Primary location field in the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Max (location maximum)

The maximum quantity of the SKU to keep in this location. The Replenish Warehouses program uses this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Min (location minimum)

The minimum quantity of the SKU to keep in this location. The Replenish Warehouses program uses this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Freeze flag

Indicates whether to generate pick slips and process replenishment requests for the item location.

Valid values are:

Selected = The item location is available for pick slips and replenishment requests.

Unselected = The item location is not available for pick slips and replenishment requests.

Required if you specify a location.


Defines whether you can accept an order for the SKU in order entry and whether demand is captured.

Valid values are:

Selected = The operator cannot accept an order for this SKU.

Unselected = The operator can accept an order for this SKU.


ESKG Serenade 5.0 March 2015