Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS)

Purpose: You can use the Work with Warehouses function to create, change, delete, or display warehouse information. A warehouse is required for each physical and logical warehouse in which you track inventory.

A logical warehouse can be:

• a section of a physical warehouse that is treated as if it were a separate warehouse. For example, if you have inventory in one building that is both a retail store and a mail order fulfillment center, you can establish this building as two separate warehouses to track retail and mail order inventory separately. Or, you might have areas in the warehouse where defective merchandise and merchandise that will be returned to the vendor is stored.

• a means to track inventory that is not kept in a warehouse; for example, you can map a logical warehouse to a retail outlet, or to represent stock that is in transit between warehouses.

Note: Inventory reservation takes place at the warehouse level. Maintain separate warehouses for defective merchandise and merchandise that you are returning to the vendor, so that these quantities are not included in inventory reservation.

Additionally, you can use this function to:

• create and maintain retail store information for a warehouse that represents a retail store.

• use the Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL) to create, change, delete, or display the sequence in which warehouses will be selected to fulfill orders if you ship merchandise from more than one warehouse.

• use the Work with Item Warehouse Screen to create, change, delete, or display item warehouse assignments.

• use the Work with Van Routes Screen to create, change, delete, or display van routes defined for the warehouse.

In this topic:

Work with Warehouses Screen

Create Warehouse Screen

Create Store Screen

Change Warehouse Screen

Display Warehouse Screen

Work with Van Routes Screen

Create Van Route Screen

Change Van Route Screen

Work with Warehouse Devices Screen

• See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL)

For more information:

Work with Warehouses Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WWHS in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Warehouses from a menu.




A number that identifies the warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


This field indicates whether the warehouse represents a retail store rather than a true warehouse.

Valid values are:

selected = The warehouse represents a retail store.

unselected = The warehouse does not represent a retail store.


This field indicates whether you can reserve inventory from the warehouse.

Valid values:

selected = the warehouse is allocatable.

unselected = the warehouse is not allocatable.

If a warehouse is not flagged as allocatable, its on-hand quantity is not included in the availability calculation for items; also, it is not included in the product import to Locate when the Send Inventory by Warehouse to Locate (L06) system control value is unselected.

O/E (Order entry)

This field indicates whether inventory availability can be viewed in Order Entry.

selected = inventory availability is displayed in Order Entry.

unselected = inventory availability does not display in Order Entry.

Telephone #

The telephone number at the warehouse.

Numeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a new warehouse

Select Create to advance to the Create Warehouse Screen.

Change warehouse information

Select Change for a warehouse to advance to the Change Warehouse Screen.

Delete a warehouse

Select Delete for a warehouse to delete it.

Display warehouse information

Select Display for a warehouse to advance to the Display Warehouse Screen.

Work with warehouse device

Select Devices for a warehouse to advance to the Work with Warehouse Devices Screen.

Work with item warehouse

Select Items for a warehouse to advance to the Work with Item Warehouse Screen.

Work with user defined fields

Select User Field for a warehouse to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Work with van routes

Select Van Routes for a warehouse to advance to the Work with Van Routes Screen.

Work with warehouse lists

Select Warehouse List for a warehouse to advance to the Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL).

Create Warehouse Screen

To create: At the Work with Warehouses Screen, select Create.




A code to identify the warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The name of the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The address of the warehouse.

Alphanumeric; three lines, 31 positions each; optional.


The city where the warehouse is located.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The code representing the state or province where the warehouse is located. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

The system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF in the first three positions of the postal code.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Zip code

The zip code or postal code where the warehouse is located. See Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The country where the warehouse is located. Country codes are validated against the Country Code table. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Drop point

The shipping point associated with the warehouse, or carrier pick-up point. The drop point is used in determining the correct destination UPS zone for a shipment in relation to the warehouse or carrier pick-up point from which it is shipped, and ultimately the shipping charge for the order. The code is validated against the Drop Point table.

Example: If you have a warehouse in Boston and a warehouse in Chicago, the UPS zone assignments will be different for each warehouse. If you ship an order from Boston to Los Angeles, Los Angeles is zone 8 in relation to Boston. If you ship an order from Chicago to Los Angeles, Los Angeles is Zone 4 in relation to Chicago. By assigning different drop points to each warehouse, you can establish the correct UPS zones for each warehouse and have the correct meter charges calculated.


The drop point also represents a carrier pick-up point when zone skipping is used. In zone skipping, orders are shipped from your warehouse to a UPS pick-up point by another carrier. The UPS zone to which the orders are shipped and the meter charges are determined in relation to the carrier pick-up point, and not your warehouse.


Example: If your warehouse is located in Boston, you may ship your west coast orders via common carrier to a UPS pick-up point in Chicago, and then ship the orders via UPS from Chicago to their final destination. The UPS zone and the meter charges must be based upon the zone assignments for Chicago even though your warehouse is actually located in Boston.

Note: If you are using the Freight by order weight freight method, the drop point for the warehouse must match the drop point for the SCF/Ship Via on the order. See Working with Weight Tables for Order Weight (WFTB).

The drop point field is required even if you have only one warehouse and are not using zone skipping.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The name of the warehouse manager.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Telephone #

The telephone number of the warehouse. You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers you enter into the system. The system defaults the telephone number formats for the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) for any phone number entered on this screen. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Numeric, 11 positions; optional.

Fax #

The fax number of the warehouse. See the Telephone number field description above for information on telephone number formats.

Numeric, 11 positions; optional.

Allocatable flag

The allocatable flag indicates whether merchandise in the warehouse can be reserved to fulfill consumer orders.

Valid values are:

Selected = merchandise in this warehouse can be reserved to fulfill orders. The inventory reservation program considers inventory quantities in the warehouse when evaluating whether merchandise is available for shipment.

Unselected = merchandise in the warehouse will not be used to fulfill orders. Examples of non-allocatable warehouses include non-saleable and defective item warehouses. If a warehouse is not flagged as allocatable, its on-hand quantity is not included in the availability calculation for items.

This field also controls whether the system displays item availability for the warehouse on the Display Item Availability Screen; also, a non-allocatable warehouse is not included in the product import to Locate when the Send Inventory by Warehouse to Locate (L06) system control value is unselected.

Viewable in O/E (Viewable in Order Entry)

This flag indicates whether inventory availability for the warehouse can be viewed in Order Entry. When you view item availability in Order Entry, a list of all viewable warehouses and the item quantity available in each warehouse is displayed.

Valid values are:

Selected = inventory quantities in this warehouse can be viewed in Order Entry.

Unselected = inventory quantities in this warehouse cannot be viewed in Order Entry.

Receive restock transfers

A flag indicating whether the warehouse replenishment request will remain on the system after the transfer has been confirmed when using Replenish Warehouses. You use this function to create a request containing the items and quantities that should be replenished to the store or warehouse. When the shipment is confirmed, you must transfer the merchandise to the Auto restock location in the 'To' warehouse.

Note: The system uses this field to determine whether to retain replenishment requests you create using the standard process, where the system evaluates the 'To' warehouse's replenishment needs and the 'From' warehouse's available stock. The same is not true of outlet transfers, in which the system creates the request based on a work table containing purchase orders from outlet warehouses.


Valid values are:

Selected = the replenishment request remains on the system when the restock shipment is confirmed. This allows the receiving warehouse to use the replenishment request to process inventory transactions transferring merchandise from the Auto restock location to the warehouse locations where the items are stored. The request is deleted from the system when the merchandise is moved from the Auto restock location.

Note: For outlet transfers, the system puts each item within the request in a C status if this field is selected.


Unselected = the replenishment request is deleted from the system as soon as the restock shipment is confirmed (when the merchandise has been shipped to the receiving warehouse). The receiving warehouse must use the Inventory Transactions module to transfer the merchandise from the Auto restock location to the warehouse locations where the items are stored.

Note: For outlet transfers, the system puts each item within the request in a X status if this field is unselected.

Auto restock location

A location in the receiving warehouse where transferred stock is placed when it is transferred using the standard replenish warehouses process or the retail store restock process.

Replenishing warehouses: The system does not use this location when you replenish warehouses using the outlet transfer process; instead, it uses the default outlet transfer (OT) location you define using Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

See Replenish Warehouses for more information on working with warehouse replenishment, and see Retail Stores for more information on working with retail store restock.

Retail store restock: The system uses this location as the destination for a retail store restock transfer as long as there is no In-transit warehouse and In-transit location specified at the Create Store Screen screen. If both this field and the in-transit fields are blank, the system does not perform a transfer transaction; instead, it performs an issue (I), as it does for a standard order shipment. See Understanding Store Restock for an overview.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Inventory value G/L #

The general ledger account number for posting changes to inventory valuation resulting from purchase order receipts and order shipments. The system uses this value if there is no Inv G/L # (Inventory general ledger account number) in the Item table.

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Retail store

This field indicates whether the warehouse represents a retail store rather than a true warehouse.

Valid values are:

Selected = The warehouse represents a retail store.

Unselected = The warehouse does not represent a retail store.

When creating a warehouse, you advance to the Create Store Screen if you select this field and the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value is selected.

Value inv at retail (value inventory at current retail price)

Not currently implemented.

Retail type

This field indicates whether the warehouse represents a retail outlet that is available to fulfill backorders through the Retail Fulfillment process. Set this field to S if the warehouse represents a retail outlet for retail fulfillment; otherwise, leave the field blank.

The Retail Fulfillment process allows you to place a backordered item on hold while you are determining whether it is available for shipment from a retail outlet. Once you are notified that the retail outlet has shipped the item, you cancel the order line.

See Retail Fulfillment Overview for more information on the retail fulfillment process, including setup options.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

The Sharing warehouse and Shared company/warehouse fields appear only if the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value is selected.

Sharing warehouse

This field indicates whether the warehouse serves as a sharing warehouse for orders you take in another company.

Valid values are:

Selected = This warehouse provides inventory to fulfill orders you take in another company.

Unselected (default) = This is not a sharing warehouse

Shared company/warehouse

These fields indicate whether to reserve and fulfill orders from a different warehouse in a different company.


The company where the sharing warehouse (the warehouse that provides the inventory) is located. Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table; see Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The warehouse in the company, specified in the Company field, that is providing the inventory to fulfill orders against the current company and warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The division to use for posting changes to inventory valuation and accounts payable activity to the General Ledger Interface table, overriding the division that you specify at other fields and screens. The division is displayed as the Div (Division) at the Work with General Ledger Interface Screen.


Applies to what postings? If you specify a division here, the system always uses this division for general ledger postings:

• for any inventory transaction that affects this warehouse. This division overrides the Default Division for Inventory Transactions (C17) system control value.

• for A/P purchases that affect this warehouse. The warehouse division overrides the division you enter at the Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Using Batching) or Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Not Using Batching).

• for A/P disbursements that affect this warehouse. The warehouse division overrides the division specified at the Enter Bank/Division window in Work with A/P Checks (WCHK) or at the Enter Division and Bank Screen in Print A/P Checks (PCHK).

• for any of the general ledger postings listed above when you run the Resetting the General Ledger Interface Table (RGLI) menu option. The warehouse division overrides the division you enter at the Reset General Ledger Interface Screen.


A/P postings use the A/P Transaction table: The division used for A/P postings is derived from the A/P Transaction table (APTRAN). The system creates an A/P Transaction record when you receive a purchase order if the Use Purchase Order/Drop Ship Matching (D21) system control value is selected.


Division not used for A/P postings when: The system does not use the warehouse division for A/P postings if:

• you assign it to the warehouse after receiving a purchase order (when the A/P Transaction record has already been created).

• you enter an unmatched invoice

• you enter an invoice for a drop shipment


If blank: If you leave the division blank for a warehouse, the system continues to use the division from the Default Division for Inventory Transactions (C17) system control value or that you enter at any of the screens listed above.

The division code is defined in and validated against the Division table; see Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Locate location

The code that identifies the warehouse to Locate as a location. If this code matches the location code set up in Locate and if the Send Inventory by Warehouse to Locate (L06) system control value is selected:

• CWSerenade sends inventory information for each item flagged as Locate eligible if it has a record in this warehouse when a system import is initiated in Locate.

• The BROKER process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) sends fulfillment requests to the Order Broker requesting any new retail pickup or delivery orders assigned to this warehouse for fulfillment.

If the Send Inventory by Warehouse to Locate (L06) system control value is unselected, then these activities are aggregated under the Locate Default Location (K51), and item warehouse records are included only if the warehouse is flagged as allocatable. See Locate’s Product Import Process for an overview and examples.

If the location code set up in Locate contains any non-numeric characters, they should be uppercase.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Note: If the Retail outlet field is selected and the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value is selected, you advance to the Create Store Screen automatically when you create a warehouse.

Create Store Screen

Purpose: Use this screen or the Change Store screen to enter additional information for a warehouse that represents a retail store. The system uses the retail store information to create promotions for the retail store and create orders to restock the retail store. See Retail Stores.

How to display this screen: You advance to this screen automatically after completing the Create Warehouse Screen if:

• the Retail outlet field on the Create Warehouse Screen is selected, and

• the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value is selected.



Store ID

The code and name of the retail store. This is the code and description of the warehouse that represents the retail store.

Store code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Store description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The region where the retail store is located, such as New England.

Store regions are defined in and validated against the Store Region table. See Working with Store Regions (WSRG).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.


The rank of the retail store, such as outlet.

Store ranks are defined in and validated against the Store Rank table. See Working with Store Ranks (WSTR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Standard commission

An informational field that defines whether the retail store uses standard commission.

Valid values are:

Selected = This retail store uses standard commission.

Unselected (Default) = This retail store does not use standard commission.


An informational field that represents the district where the store is located.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Truck route

An informational field that represents the truck route for the store.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Warranty commission

An informational field that defines whether the retail store uses warranty commission.

Valid values are:

Selected = This retail store uses warranty commission.

Unselected (Default) = This retail store does not use warranty commission.

Telephone #2

A second telephone number for the retail store. The first telephone number for the store is located on the Create Warehouse Screen.

You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers you enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Retail group

An informational field that represents the retail group for the store. You can use the retail group to group similar stores together for custom reporting.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Date opened

An informational field that represents the date the retail store was opened.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Modem #1

A modem telephone number for the retail store.

You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers you enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Payroll group

An informational field that represents the payroll group for the retail store. You can use the payroll group to generate payroll listings.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Date closed

Informational only.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Modem #2

A second modem telephone number for the retail store.

You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers you enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Fax reports

This field indicates whether you wish to send faxes to the retail store.

This option is not currently implemented.

Date relocated

An informational field that defines the date the store moved to a new location.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Speed dial

An informational field that represents the speed dial number for the retail store.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Report activity

An informational code that identifies whether the retail store is included in retail store restock. You can use this information to produce custom reports.

Valid values are:

Include = Include this store in retail store restock.

Exclude = Exclude this store from retail store restock.

See Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR).


Relocate from

An informational field that identifies the location of the store before the store relocated.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


This field indicates whether the store is active, for example the store is open for business, or inactive.

Valid values are:

Active = The store is active. The store is included when you select Select All at the Select Stores Screen in Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR).

Inactive or blank = The store is inactive. The store is not included when you select Select All at the Select Stores Screen in Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR), but you can select it individually.


Sequence # (Store sort sequence number)

An informational field that is used to sort records on user-defined reports.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Relocate to

An informational field that identifies the location where the store relocated.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

The following fields are used in retail store restock. See Understanding Store Restock for an overview, and Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR) for instructions on generating store restock orders.

Customer # (Store restock customer number)

The sold-to customer that represents a retail store.

The system uses this customer number as the sold-to customer for retail store restock orders.

The system displays an error message such as the following if you enter a customer number that does not have this warehouse/store number in the Warehouse field for the customer:

Warehouse/Store not assigned for Customer 26.

For this reason, you need to:

1. create the warehouse that represents the retail store

2. create or modify the customer to use on store restock orders, assigning this warehouse number

3. use the Change Store screen to specify the customer number

Sold to customer numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer table. See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Ship via

The ship via code for the system to use on retail store restock orders.

The system assigns this ship via code to the order header on a store restock order.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The source code for the system to use on retail store restock orders. Typically, you create a separate source code for these orders, using a different pricing method than on source codes you use for customer orders.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Pay type

The pay type code for the system to use on retail store restock orders. Typically, you create a new cash pay type that has a very high Order $limit in order to prevent retail store restock orders from going on hold, and to create separate postings to the General Ledger Interface table.

Pay type codes are defined in and validated against the Pay Type table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

From warehouse

The warehouse where the system reserves inventory to restock this retail store.

The system displays an error message if you enter the warehouse code that is the same as the retail store: Store Restock From Warehouse can not be same as Store #.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Replenish day

An informational field that represents the day this retail store should be restocked.

Valid values are 1-14.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Pick day

An informational field that represents the day inventory used to restock this store should be picked.

Valid values are 1-14.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Delivery day

An informational field that represents the day the inventory used to restock this retail store is expected to be delivered.

Valid values are 1-14.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Frequency (Restock frequency)

An informational field that represents how often this store is restocked.

Valid values are:

Bi-weekly = This retail store is restocked biweekly.

Weekly = This retail store is restocked weekly.


Type (Restock type)

Determines which items in the store are in need of restock when you perform a store restock.

Valid values are:

Out of stock only = The system restocks items whose on hand quantity equals zero only.

Full = Full restock to highest maximum quantity. The system restocks items whose on hand quantity is less than or equal to the highest minimum.

Loose Pick = The system restocks items that are set up with the location class from the Location Class for Loose Pick Store Restock (G22) system control value and the item's on hand quantity is equal to zero. For any items that are assigned to a location class, the system uses the full restock logic to restock the item.

Note: If you leave this field blank, the system does not automatically generate retail store restock orders for the warehouse when you use the Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR) menu option.



Indicates whether an active, unconfirmed restock order exists for this store.

Valid values are:

Selected = An active, unconfirmed restock order exists for this store. You cannot create another restock order until the existing restock order is confirmed or canceled.

Unselected (default) = There are currently no active, unconfirmed restock orders for this store; it is eligible for a new retail store restock order.

The system identifies an order as a restock order if:

• The sold to customer on the order matches the store restock customer number for the retail store warehouse.

• The order type on the order matches the Default Order Type for Store Restock Orders (G23).

Store distribution

An informational field that indicates whether the store is included in distribution.

Valid values are:

Selected = The store is included in distribution.

Unselected = The store is not included in distribution.

In-Trans whs (In-transit warehouse)

Optionally, enter the in-transit warehouse to enable you to track inventory on a store restock order when it is in-transit between your main warehouse and the retail store.

Note: If you specify an in-transit warehouse, you must also specify an In-Trans location (In-transit location).

Use in retail store restock process: When you confirm shipment of a retail store restock order for this store, the system transfers the inventory from the From warehouse to this warehouse. When the store receives the shipment, you can transfer the inventory from the in-transit warehouse to the warehouse representing the retail store, either through a menu option such as Working with Inventory Transactions in Batch Mode (WITB) or through the Generic Inventory Transaction Upload.

Setup options: When setting up your in-transit warehouse and location, you can:

• create a special -in-transit location in the retail store warehouse itself, so you can use the same warehouse code to track in-transit inventory en route to this store

• create a single in-transit warehouse and location to use for all retail stores

• create a single in-transit warehouse to use for all retail stores, but a separate in-transit location in this warehouse to use for each retail store

• create a separate in-transit warehouse and location to use for each retail store

Typically, you use a non-allocatable warehouse as the in-transit warehouse; also, the warehouse should not be viewable in order entry, and it should not be set up to receive restock transfers. See the Create Warehouse Screen for related fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional (required if you specify an In-Trans location (In-transit location)).

In-Trans location (In-transit location)

Optionally, enter the in-transit location to enable you to track inventory on a store restock order when it is in-transit between your main warehouse and the retail store. Your entry must be an existing location in the in-transit warehouse.

Note: If you specify an in-transit location, you must also specify an In-Trans whs (In-transit warehouse).

For more information: See the description of the in-transit warehouse, above.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional (required if you specify an In-Trans whs (In-transit warehouse)).

The following fields are used in retail store sales.

Customer # (Sales customer number)

The sold to customer that represents a retail store.

Sold to customer numbers are defined in and validated against the Customer table. See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Ship via

Not currently implemented.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


Not currently implemented.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

User fields

Three informational fields for you to enter additional store information.

Alphanumeric, three 10-position fields; optional.

Note: An error message indicates that you selected Exit on the Create Store Screen and the Retail outlet field on the Create Warehouse Screen is selected: Retail store details must be defined. You must enter the required retail store information or unselect the Retail outlet field.

Change Warehouse Screen

To change: Select Change for the warehouse at the Work with Warehouses Screen to advance to the Change Warehouse screen. At this screen you can change any information except the warehouse code. See the Create Warehouse Screen for field descriptions.

If the Retail outlet field for the warehouse is selected and the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value is selected, you advance to the Change Store screen after you complete this screen. At this screen you can change any information except the store ID, store description, and active status. See Create Store Screen for field descriptions.

Display Warehouse Screen

To display: Select Display for a warehouse at the Work with Warehouses Screen to advance to the Display Warehouse screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Warehouse Screen for field descriptions.

If the Retail outlet field for the warehouse is selected and the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value is selected, you advance to the Display Store screen, where you can review store information. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Store Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Van Routes Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define van routes for a warehouse. Van routes are used to define the routes used to deliver merchandise to a customer.

How to display this screen: Select Van Routes for a warehouse at the Work with Warehouses Screen.

Van routes display on this screen alphanumerically in ascending van route order.




The warehouse selected at the Work with Warehouses Screen. The description displays to the right.

Warehouse code: numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Warehouse description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Van Route

The route used to deliver merchandise to a customer.

Enter a full or partial van route and select OK to display van routes in alphanumeric order, starting with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The name of the van route.

Enter a full or partial name and select OK to display van routes that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a van route

Select Create to advance to the Create Van Route Screen.

Change a van route

Select Change for a van route to advance to the Change Van Route Screen.

Delete a van route

Select Delete for a van route to delete it.

The system advances you to the Confirm Delete window; select Delete to confirm the delete; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

Display a van route

Select Display for a van route to advance to the Display Van Route screen. All fields on this screen are display-only. See the Change Van Route Screen for field descriptions.

Create Van Route Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a van route for a warehouse.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Van Routes Screen.




The warehouse selected at the Work with Warehouses Screen. The description displays to the right.

Warehouse code: numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Warehouse description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Van Route

The route used to deliver merchandise to a customer.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.

Van Route Name

The name of the van route.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

To create: Complete the Van Route and Van Route Name fields and select OK.

Change Van Route Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change a van route.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a van route at the Work with Van Routes Screen.




The warehouse selected at the Work with Warehouses Screen. The description displays to the right.

Warehouse code: numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Warehouse description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Van Route

The route used to deliver merchandise to a customer.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Van Route Name

The name of the van route.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Change screen: required.

Display screen: display-only.

To change: Update the Van Route Name and select OK. The system returns you to the Work with Van Routes Screen.

Work with Warehouse Devices Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default PC manifest, pick slip, and report output devices for a warehouse.

Note: It is not necessary to define PC manifest server devices if you use the PC Manifesting Interface.

How to display this screen: Select Devices a warehouse on the Work with Warehouses Screen.




The type of output device. Valid values are:

PC Manifest Server ID = You must define this device if you are using batch PC manifesting.

Note: It is not necessary to define PC manifest server devices if you use the PC Manifesting Interface.

Pick Output Queue

Report Output Queue



The description of the device type. Types and descriptions are system-defined.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The name of the output device.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new warehouse device

Select Create to advance to the Create Warehouse Device Window. At this window, you can enter the device type and name. See above for field descriptions.

Change warehouse device information

Select Change for a warehouse device to advance to the Change Warehouse Device Window. At this window, you can change the device name. See above for more information.

Delete a warehouse device

Select Delete for a warehouse device to delete it.

WWHS Serenade 5.0 March 2015