Work with A/P Checks (WCHK)

Purpose: This topic describes the Work with A/P Checks screen, which you may use to adjust or review A/P check information before you pay or delete the checks.

Using this function: Use this function after you complete the Generate A/P Checks Screen, which adds the A/P check records automatically to the A/P Checks table without printing the checks. This gives you the opportunity to review the checks that are eligible to be paid, to adjust or delete checks, as desired, to rerun the Accounts Payable Due List to reflect any changes, or to print the appropriate checks.

In this topic:

System Control Values Related to A/P Checks

Work with A/P Checks Screen

Paying and Printing Checks

Paying Checks

Performing Updates

A/P Invoice Notes

Deleting and Holding Checks

Create A/P Check Screen

Creating a Check for an Existing Invoice

Entering a Direct Disbursement

Creating the Check Record

Reprinting the Due List

Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen

Regenerate Vendor Checks Window

System Control Values Related to A/P Checks

Use Preprinted Checks (C51) controls whether you are prompted to enter a check number when you print checks, or if the system automatically assigns the next available number from the Number Assignment table.

A/P Check Printing Program (C52) defines the program to use to print A/P checks. The standard program is APCHECK.

Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53) indicates the maximum number of invoices to include on each check to a vendor before the system generates an additional check. You can include up to 10 invoices on an A/P check.

Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check (D18) indicates whether to include the total payment for a vendor on the first check generated, or base the check amount on the invoices included on each check and void any additional checks.

Work with A/P Checks Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WCHK in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with A/P Checks from a menu.



Sts (Status)

The status of the A/P check.

Valid values are:

Pay = Pay the A/P check

Pay Do Not Print = This option is not currently implemented.

Delete = Don’t pay the A/P check.

Pay status

The system assigns a Pay status to all records in the A/P Checks table when the checks are added to the table through the Generate A/P Checks Screen or through a direct disbursement. The actual checks will be printed for these check records when you select Print Checks. See Paying Checks.

Pay/No Chk

This option is not currently implemented.


Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for the merchandise or service purchased.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; display-only.

Vendor #

A code that identifies the person or business from whom you made a purchase.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The dollar amount of the A/P Check. Represents the total merchandise and other amounts specified through Entering A/P Invoices.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.


The dollar amount of the discount that will be applied to each detail line on the A/P invoice, as defined through Entering A/P Invoices.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.


The payment amount of the check, which is calculated by subtracting the discount from the invoice amount. This is the amount that you are paying your vendor for the merchandise or service purchased.

You may override the payment amount by typing over the this amount.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Vendor description (Unlabeled field under the Invoice # field)

The name associated with the vendor number.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The number of the off-line check used to pay off this invoice. This is a check that is not produced by the system.

Typically, you would specify a check number if you used Pay/No Chk to pay the invoice, but to issue no check.

Alternatively, you may override the system-assigned check number when using Pay to pay the invoice.

When you assign the same check number for multiple invoices for a vendor, the system will combine the invoices onto a single check, regardless of the invoice date.

The system will combine invoices onto a single check only up to the value in the Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53) field in the System Control table. In any case, the system will not include more than 10 invoices on a check.

The system does not allow you to assign the same check number to multiple vendors.

Numeric, 7 positions; required if you are paying an invoice but not issuing a check.


The date on which you wrote the manual check. Complete this field only if you specified an off-line check number in the Ck# field.

The system does not print this date on the Disbursements Journal; instead, the system uses the date on which you selected Print Checks to print the checks as the disbursement date.

Numeric, 6 positions; MMDDYY format, required if you are paying an invoice but not issuing a check.

Screen Option


Select an A/P check for payment and print the associated check when you select the Print Checks function

Select Pay for the check. See Paying Checks.

Delete an A/P check from the A/P Checks table

Select Don’t Pay for the check. See Deleting and Holding Checks.

Select an A/P check for payment

Select Pay/No Chk for the check. See Paying Checks.

Remove an A/P check from the A/P Checks table and place it on hold so it cannot be issued

Select Don’t Pay/Hld Inv for the check. See Deleting and Holding Checks.

Add an existing A/P invoice to the A/P Checks table or pay off an invoice that has not been posted to the Accounts Payable system

Select Create to advance to the Create A/P Check Screen.

Review, adjust or create a payment schedule for the vendor to disburse payments over a 4-week period

Select Vend. Pay Sched. to advance to the Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen.

Print checks and generate the Disbursements Journal for each check being paid (and optionally printed)

Select Print Checks to advance to the Enter Bank/Division window. See Paying Checks.

Paying and Printing Checks

Purpose: Use the pay and print checks options on the Work with A/P Checks Screen to select which checks will be paid and printed.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Override the amount of the check in the Pay field, if desired.

2. Optionally, select Pay for each check you previously designated for nonpayment. The system changes the status of the A/P check from Delete (don't pay) to Pay (pay).

3. Select Print Checks to print all eligible checks.

4. At the Enter Bank/Division pop-up window (see the Enter Division and Bank Screen for field descriptions), enter the codes for the division and bank against which the A/P disbursements should post. If you use A/P-PO matching, the system uses the Division, if any, assigned to the warehouse where you received the matched purchase order; otherwise, it uses the division you enter here to post to the General Ledger Interface table.

5. If the Starting Check # Window opens, enter the check number in the Chk# field. This pop-up window opens only if you use preprinted checks, as determined by the Use Preprinted Checks (C51) system control value.

The system submits the CHKPRT job, which generates the Disbursements Journal and the A/P Checks. This job also generates á

Troubleshooting A/P check printing: If the A/P checks do not print, confirm that:

• the A/P Check Printing Program (C52) system control value is set to a valid printing program. The standard program name is APCHECK.

• the vendor’s Print checks flag (on the second Create/Change/Display Vendor screen) is selected. If this flag is unselected, the system does not print checks for the vendor.

Paying Checks

Purpose: Use the pay/no check option on the Work with A/P Checks Screen to identify an A/P check as “paid” without producing the actual check for the vendor.

Selecting this option: Select this option when the vendor is paid via wire transfers and does not require a check for payment.

Step-by-step instructions: To flag a check as “paid” without printing checks:

1. Select Pay/No Chk for each check you want to identify as paid.

2. Optionally, override the amount of the check in the Pay field.

3. Enter the off-line check number (manual check number) in the Chk# field.

4. Enter the date on which you issued the check in the Date field.

5. Select OK to accept your entries. The system changes the status of the check from Pay (paid) or Delete (don't pay) to Pay do not print (pay/no check).

Performing Updates

Types of updates the system performs when you pay an A/P check:

• submits the CHKPRT program, which generates:

• the Disbursements Journal (ACR0173$), which identifies the amount paid to each vendor. This report list the checks paid and the checks paid and printed.

• the A/P Invoice Notes (APR0010$), which includes all notes flagged for printing for each invoice being paid on this check. The notes are listed in the same sequence as the checks.

• assigns a check number of 0 (zero) on the Disbursements Journal to checks disbursed for vendors with the Print checks field unselected in the Vendor table; typically, these vendors are paid via a wire transfer or a direct deposit

If you selected Print Checks, the system submits the APCHECKS program (ACR0143$), which generates the actual checks.

Additionally, the system:

• removes the check from the Work with A/P Checks Screen

• displays the check on the Work with A/P Check Reconciliation (WREC) screen

• changes the status of the check to Pay (paid) in the A/P Checks table

• leaves the check “open” in the Accounts Payable system if you made a partial payment

• reduces the value in the Open A/P field in the Vendor record by the amount paid on the invoice

• reduces the appropriate A/P aging bucket in the Vendor record by the amount paid on the invoice

About paid invoices: When you select Print Checks to print the checks, the system consolidates all the checks into a single document.

The system deletes all invoices for which checks have been printed from the Work with A/P Checks Screen.

The system identifies the invoice status as paid even if you partially pay the invoice.

A/P Invoice Notes

When A/P invoice notes are printed: Select Print Checks to print the A/P checks only if the notes are flagged for printing (Print is Selected on the Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen).

You can attach these notes to the check you are sending to the vendor if you are not paying the full amount on the invoice if, for example, you were short-shipped or the items were damaged.

Sample notes: The notes are printed in the same sequence as the checks.

Note: Notes flagged to print for an invoice print each time you generate checks for the vendor/invoice. You must unselect the Print field on the Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen before generating the checks if the notes should not print again.


Vendor number: The code for the vendor from whom you purchased the items.

Vendor address: The vendor's name and company address, from the Vendor table. This address is not the Remit To address that prints on the checks.

Check number: The number on the check used to pay the vendor. User-assigned or preprinted. The notes page-break by check number.

Invoice number: The number of the vendor's invoice for which you are generating payment. All invoices paid on the check are listed on the A/P notes document, even if notes were not entered for some of the invoices.

Notes: The notes entered for this invoice.

Deleting and Holding Checks

Completing this screen: Select Don’t Pay for each check you want to delete from the A/P Checks table. The system changes the status of the A/P check from Pay or Pay do not print to Delete (don't pay). The system removes the checks you will not be paying automatically from the A/P Checks table. These checks no longer display on the Work with A/P Checks Screen.

These checks may be added back to the A/P Checks table when you use the Generate A/P Checks Screen if the checks meet the specified criteria for check generation.

Instructions: To delete A/P checks from the A/P Checks table and hold them so they cannot be issued:

1. Select Do not Pay/Hold Inv for each check you want to delete from the A/P Checks table and hold and select OK. The system changes the status of the A/P check from Pay or Pay do not print to Delete (don't pay).

2. The system removes the checks you will not be paying automatically from the A/P Checks table. These checks no longer display on the Work with A/P Checks Screen.

These checks will be held, will not be picked up during the next Check Generation, and will be listed on the Accounts Payable Held Invoices Report that prints automatically during A/P Check Generation. An authorized user must remove the checks from hold for the checks to be issued (the A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) field in the Secured Features table controls access).

Create A/P Check Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

• add an existing A/P invoice directly to the A/P Checks table if it:

• was not picked up during A/P Check Generation, or

• is on hold and you want to override the hold status and issue the check to the vendor

• enter a direct disbursement for a vendor invoice that has not been posted to the Accounts Payable system

Note: You may also create an A/P Check by entering CMCK in the Fast path field on a menu.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with A/P Checks Screen.



Direct disbursement

This flag indicates whether the A/P Check you are adding to the A/P Checks table is a direct disbursement not yet posted to the Accounts Payable system.

Valid values are:

Selected = The A/P check is a direct disbursement; the system will not attempt to match the A/P check against a vendor/invoice posted to the system

Unselected = The A/P check is not a direct disbursement.

If you unselect this flag, you must enter a valid vendor number and invoice number in the Vendor # and Invoice # fields and select OK. This enables you to add a vendor invoice to the A/P Checks table without first selecting the Generate A/P Checks Screen. The system fills in the bottom half of the screen with the appropriate information from this invoice because the invoice was already posted to the system.

Vendor #

A code that identifies the person or business from whom you made a purchase.

Vendor numbers are defined in and validated against the Vendor table.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for the merchandise or service purchased.

If you are adding a check to the A/P Checks table, simply enter the vendor number and invoice number. The system will display the appropriate information in the remaining fields on this screen from the existing A/P Invoice record.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; required if you are not performing a direct disbursement.

Override vendor hold status?

This flag indicates whether to remove the hold status from this vendor invoice so that you can issue a check to pay the vendor.

Only authorized users can change the vendor hold status, based on the authority defined for the A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) field in the Secured Features table. This overrides the hold status for the current check only.

Valid values are:

Selected = Take the check off hold so it can be issued to pay the vendor's invoice.

Unselected = Do not remove the hold status from the vendor/check.

Merchandise amount

The dollar total for merchandise on this A/P invoice. Represents the purchase price of the items and does not include any other additional charges, such as sales tax or freight charges.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if entering a direct disbursement or defaults if adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table.

Other amount

The total dollar amount for additional charges on the invoice, such as a charge for sales tax or freight.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if entering a direct disbursement or defaults if adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table.

Invoice date

The date of the vendor's invoice.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format), required if entering a direct disbursement or defaults if adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table.


A code that represents the vendor's terms for payment of this invoice.

Terms codes are defined in and validated against the Terms table.

Numeric, 2 positions; required if entering a direct disbursement or defaults if adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table.

Discount %

The discount percentage you are applying to the vendor's invoice. If you enter a discount amount in this field, the system will apply the discount to each detail line on the invoice.

When you generate the checks, you have the option to apply the discount if you pay the invoice within the vendor's payment terms (for example, if you pay the invoice within 30 days of receipt) or to apply the discount regardless of when the invoice is paid.

If you are adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table, a discount percentage may default to this field from the Vendor record, but may be overridden.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Gross due days

The number of days used to calculate the due date for the invoice. This field defaults from the Terms code, but may be overridden.

When the terms type is “days,” this number of days is added to the invoice date to determine the gross due date. When the terms type is EOM (end-of-month), this number of days is added to the end of the month to determine the gross due date.

Numeric, 3 positions; required if entering a direct disbursement or defaults if adding a posted invoice to the A/P Checks table.

Net due days

The number of days after the invoice date, but before the due date, that you may take the discount on the invoice, if one exists. This field may default from the terms code, but may be overridden.

Numeric, 3 positions.

G/L expense #

The General Ledger account number against which this A/P transaction will post.

General Ledger account numbers are defined in and validated against the G/L Accounts table.

Numeric, 8 positions.


The cost to purchase the item.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal.


The number of units of the item for which you are remitting payment. This field defaults to 1.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Apply discount

This flag indicates whether the system will take any eligible discounts for this A/P transaction.

Valid values are:

Selected (default) = Apply any applicable discount to this transaction

Unselected = Do not apply the discount (in the case of an invoice for other charges such as sales tax, freight, etc.)

Creating a Check for an Existing Invoice

Step-by-step instructions: Use this option if you want to cut a check for an existing invoice without first selecting Work with A/P Checks (WCHK).

1. Select the Direct disbursement flag; this indicates that you want to add an invoice to the A/P Checks table without using Generate A/P Checks Screen.

2. Enter the vendor number in the Vendor # field.

3. Enter the number of the vendor's invoice in the Invoice # field.

4. If authorized to do so, select the Override vendor hold status? flag to issue the check. The system validates your entries and displays the appropriate invoice information in the fields located in the bottom half of this screen.

5. Optionally, adjust any values on this screen and select OK to update the record.

6. Select Accept to generate the A/P check record or select Reject to reject the A/P check record; the system returns you to the Work with A/P Checks Screen.

Entering a Direct Disbursement

Step-by-step instructions to enter a direct disbursement to pay off a vendor invoice that has not been posted to the Accounts Payable system:

1. Select the Direct disbursement flag to indicate that you want to pay an invoice that you have not posted to the system.

2. Enter the vendor number in the Vendor # field.

3. Enter the invoice number in the Invoice # field.

4. If authorized to do so, select the Override vendor hold status? flag to issue the check.

5. In the Merchandise amount field, enter the dollar amount that you will be applying towards merchandise.

6. In the Other amount field, enter the dollar amount that you will be applying towards miscellaneous charges on the invoice, such as sales tax or freight.

7. Enter the date of the vendor's invoice in the Invoice date field.

8. Enter the code for the vendor's payment terms in the Terms field. The system will highlight the remaining required fields; however, the system will default values to the Discount %, Gross due days, and Net due days fields based on the Terms code. Verify or adjust these values, if necessary.

9. Enter the General Ledger account number in the G/L expense # field against which you will post this transaction.

10. In the Cost field, enter the dollar value at which you purchased the item.

11. Enter the number of units for which you are remitting payment; otherwise, accept the default of 1 unit.

12. Unselect the Apply discount flag if you are creating a check for miscellaneous charges (such as sales tax or freight) or accept the default to apply any applicable discount to each detail line on the invoice.

13. Select OK to validate your entries and make any necessary corrections.

14. Select Accept to add a check to the A/P Checks table based on your entries to this screen or select Reject to cancel this action. The system clears the screen if you selected Accept. You may create another A/P check or select Reject to return to the Work with A/P Checks Screen.

Creating the Check Record

Processing the check records: The system will check the Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53) field in the System Control table to determine the maximum number of invoices that can be included on a single check. If the number of eligible invoices for which you are generating checks is greater than this value, the system will generate additional checks. In any case, the system will not include more than 10 invoices on a check.

If you have overpaid on an invoice, so that there is a negative invoice on the system (representing a credit), the system will:

• use the invoice date as the due date so that the credit can be applied immediately.

• apply the credit (negative invoice) against an invoice or invoices that are due, automatically subtracting the credit from the invoice.

The system will not print a negative or .00 value check.

Updates: These updates occur when you create a check for an existing invoice or you perform a direct disbursement towards an A/P invoice that has not been posted to the Accounts Payable system:

• the check displays on the Work with A/P Checks Screen in a Pay status

• the direct disbursement check is added to the A/P Check Reconciliation table

• an A/P invoice is created and paid for a direct disbursement

• the Open A/P field and appropriate aging bucket(s) in the Vendor record are reduced by the amount of the check

Working with the new check: You may select the Work with A/P Checks function and use one of these options to work with the check:

• select Don’t Pay for the check to delete the check from the A/P Checks table if you do not want to pay the check at this time

• select Pay/No Chk for the check to pay the check without printing the check if the vendor receives payment via a wire transfer or a direct deposit.

• enter over the amount in the Pay field to adjust the amount that the vendor will be paid

• select Print Due List to rerun the Accounts Payable Due List to reflect the addition of this check to the A/P Checks table

• select Print Checks to print all eligible checks and run the Accounts Payable Due List, the Disbursements Journal Summary, and the Accounts Payable Held Invoices Report.

Screen Option


Add the check to the A/P Checks table

Select Accept.

Cancel the creation of the check

Select Reject.

Reprinting the Due List

Purpose: Select this function to re-print the Accounts Payable Due List to reflect your updates, additions, or deletions to the A/P Checks table since you used the Generate A/P Checks Screen. Use the Accounts Payable Due List to evaluate the checks that have been generated and determine which checks should be printed, adjusted, or deleted from the A/P Checks table. The report identifies the A/P checks that are ready to print, in vendor number sequence.

The system does not pay any checks when you submit this report.

Printing this report: Select Print Due List on the Work with A/P Checks Screen after you perform any necessary updates to the checks in the A/P Checks table. The system returns you to the menu and submits the CHKDUE job, which generates the report.

Using this report: Once you review this report, you can decide whether to:

• print the actual checks for each vendor

• make adjustments to the pending checks

• delete checks from the A/P Checks table

Each check listed on the report is available for you to update or print through Work with A/P Checks (WCHK).

Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review, define or update the payment schedules for your vendors, which enable you to spread out vendor payments over a 4-week period or to select particular weeks on which specific payments can be applied.

How to display this screen: Select Vend. Pay Sched. on the Work with A/P Checks Screen screen.

All vendors currently defined on the system are listed on this screen, even if a payment schedule has not been defined. The system displays each Vendor Extended record, which is created when you add the vendor to the system.

Adjusting the schedule: Once you define or update the vendor's payment schedule, you may select Regenerate checks for the appropriate vendor record on this screen to regenerate the A/P checks based on the adjusted schedule of payments.


• the system generates new A/P checks for the vendor based on the new vendor payment schedule and the check criteria specified on the Generate A/P Checks Screen

• the system adjusts, deletes or adds checks to the Work with A/P Checks Screen based on your entries

• the system updates the Vendor Extended record to reflect the new payment schedule



Vendor #

A code used to identify the vendor from whom the purchase was made.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor table.

Numeric, 7 positions.


The description associated with the vendor number.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Wk 1 - Wk 4

This flag indicates whether this week is selected for an A/P disbursement.

Valid values include:

Yes = Vendor is due for a payment this week.

No = (default) Vendor is not due for a payment this week.

Select the appropriate week selection flag if you enter an amount to disburse.

When you generate or regenerate checks based on the vendor payment schedule, the system issues payment to the vendor:

• if the vendor is scheduled for payment on the designated week, and

• in the amount specified for the designated week, and

• up to the value in the Amount to disburse field on the Generate A/P Checks Screen


Amount (Unlabeled fields to the right of the Wk1 - Wk4 fields)

The dollar amount you want to pay towards open invoices for this vendor this week.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Step by step instructions: To adjust the vendor's payment schedule and regenerate checks:

1. Locate the vendor by entering the vendor number or vendor name in the fields at the top of this screen or by selecting Next if the vendor does not display.

2. Select Yes in the Wk1, Wk2, Wk3 and/or Wk4 field(s) to indicate that the vendor is eligible for a payment on the selected week(s).

3. Enter the amount to disburse in the appropriate Amount field to the right of the selected week.

4. Optionally, enter over the value in the Amount field(s) to change the payment amount for the designated week.

5. Optionally, delete the values in the Wk and Amount fields to make the vendor ineligible for a disbursement on the selected week(s).

6. Select OK to accept your entries.

7. Select Regenerate checks for the vendor(s) for whom you want to regenerate A/P checks. The Regenerate Vendor Checks pop-up window appears for you to define how the vendor discounts will be calculated and to specify the weeks for which you want to generate checks. See Regenerate Vendor Checks Window.

Screen Option


Regenerate checks for the vendor based on the updated payment schedule.

Select Regenerate checks for the vendor record to advance to the Regenerate Vendor Checks Window.

Regenerate Vendor Checks Window

Purpose: Use this window to:

• define how the system should calculate the vendor discounts

• identify the weeks for which you want to regenerate vendor checks

How to display this screen: Select Regenerate checks for a vendor record on the Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen.

One pop-up window appears for each vendor record selected for check regeneration.

Completing this window:

1. Enter TERMS in the Discount field to calculate and apply the discount only if payment is issued within the vendor's terms or enter UNCONDITIONAL in the Discount field to calculate and apply the discount regardless of when the payment is issued.

2. Select the Wk 1 - Wk 4 flag(s) to regenerate checks for the selected weeks. The system will regenerate checks for the vendor only if the vendor is scheduled for payment on the specified weeks.

3. Select Accept to accept your entries and submit the check regeneration or select Reject to reject your entries.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each vendor selected for check regeneration. You return to the Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen when you complete all the Regenerate Vendor Checks pop-up windows.

Screen Option


Regenerate checks based on your updates to the vendor payment schedule

Select Accept.

Return to the Work with Vendor Payment Schedule Screen without regenerating checks for the selected vendor

Select Reject.

WCHK Serenade 5.0 March 2015