Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the maximum number of vendor invoices that can be included on a single A/P check.

Number field: Enter the number of vendor invoices that can be included on a single A/P check before generating an additional check to the vendor. The system supports up to 10 invoices per check.

Example: If this value is set to 8 and there are 10 payable invoices for a vendor, the first check generated includes 8 invoices and the second check generated includes 2 invoices.

If this system control value is blank, the system includes 10 invoices per check before generating an additional check.

Note: Vendor charge backs count toward the total number of invoices to include.

The Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check (D18) controls whether to include the total amount due for all invoices to the first check, or split the payable amount across the checks based on the included invoices.

For more information: See Working with A/P Checks.

IN03_11 Serenade 5.0 March 2015