Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check (D18)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to consolidate payment for multiple vendor invoices into a single check.

Yes/No field: Select this field to print the entire amount being paid to the vendor on the first check, list each invoice being paid on the check stubs, and void all checks but the first.

The number of invoices that you can list on a single check is controlled by the value in the Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53) system control value.

Leave this field unselected to print the amount being paid to the vendor on each check and print the corresponding invoice numbers on each check stub.


There are 10 payable invoices for a vendor, each for a dollar value of $10.00. The Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53) system control value system control value is set to 6.

If the Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check system control value is:

Selected: The system generates two checks:

• The first check lists the first six invoices and the check amount is $100.00.

• The second check lists the last four invoices and the check amount is zero; this check is marked VOID.

Unselected: The system generates two checks:

• The first check lists the first six invoices and the check amount is $60.00.

• The second check lists the last four invoices and the check amount is $40.00.

For more information: See Working with A/P Checks.

IN03_11 Serenade 5.0 March 2015