Interface with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module: Overview and Setup

Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment is a module of Locate that provides a collaborative, browser-based environment for retailers and vendors to share order, customer, and shipping information related to drop ship processing, and to automatically process drop ship orders. Locate is a MICROS application that also provides distributed order fulfillment through its Order Broker module.

You can integrate with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module to fulfill drop ship purchase orders with any number of vendors, and at the same time use either CWCollaborate, CWSerenade, or both to fulfill drop ship purchase orders with other vendors.

Locate and its Supplier Direct Fulfillment module are sold as a separate product. For more information about purchasing Locate, contact your MICROS representative.

For more information: See Supplier Direct Fulfillment Processing for details on process flows and the communication between CWSerenade and Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

In this topic:

Integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module: Overview

Setup for Integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

System Control Values Related to Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

Related Secured Features

Related Menu Options

CDC Async

Properties File Settings for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Integration

Integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module: Overview

Although CWSerenade allows you to process drop ship orders in several ways, manual intervention is required to complete the business processes. The interface with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module creates a bridge between CWSerenade and the Locate application so you can exchange information with drop ship vendors via the internet, track transactions, and automate the business process, without the need for manual intervention.

The interface with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module automatically sends drop ship purchase order information to Locate, which makes the information available to your vendors, creates packing slips when the vendors pull orders, and sends tracking and transaction information back to CWSerenade. Optionally, you can use the Locate interface to create invoices from vendors. The interface bridge uses one of Locate’s web services to pass information between the two systems.

Vendor Portal: Locate provides both the screens that you, as the retailer, use for configuration and inquiry, and also a separate Vendor Portal where vendors can log in and work with their assigned purchase orders; the tasks available include printing pack slips, confirming shipments, and generating invoices. The Vendor Portal typically resides on a separate server outside your firewall.

Vendor integration: Optionally, you can enable a vendor to integrate with Locate in order to receive purchase orders and confirm shipments without the requirement to use the Vendor Portal screens for these tasks.

The interface in CWSerenade enables you to:

• Identify vendors for whom you use Locate to process drop ship orders based on the Drop ship output setting in the Vendor table.

• Create or update vendor name and information in Locate based on the information in CWSerenade.

• Use retail brands to identify the logos to print on packing documents, and sort purchase orders for review, pack slip generation, and shipment.

• Process drop ship orders using the Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) menu option and:

• Automatically create and send drop ship purchase orders to Locate, where they are available to their associated vendors.

• Through Locate, automatically send email notifications to your vendors to inform them that there are purchase orders to be selected and fulfilled.

• From Order Inquiry or Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI):

• Initiate a request to cancel a drop ship item.

• Through Locate, automatically send an email notification to your vendor regarding the cancel request.

• Automatically cancel the drop ship purchase order line when the vendor accepts a cancel request.

Note: If you send a cancel request before the vendor has begun working on the purchase order, Locate cancels the purchase order line automatically.

• Track the status of Locate drop ship orders to identify when they have been:

• Created in CWSerenade and sent to Locate.

• Received by Locate but not yet selected by the vendor for fulfillment.

• Updated by the vendor, including changes to the due date or to the hold status of a purchase order line.

• Updated with information sent from CWSerenade, such as cost changes or address changes.

• Selected by the vendor for fulfillment.

• Canceled or had a cancel request denied.

• Shipped by the vendor.

• When you process backorder cards:

• You can generate backorder notices with a meaningful expected ship date based on Vendor lead days and CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36).

• Optionally, send immediate backorder notices.

• When the vendor submits invoices for drop ship orders, you can upload the invoices from Locate into CWSerenade, matching the invoices to the purchase order detail lines.

For more information: See Supplier Direct Fulfillment Processing.

Setup for Integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

Purpose: Setup in CWSerenade for integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module includes:

System Control Values Related to Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

Related Secured Features

Related Menu Options

CDC Async

Properties File Settings for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Integration

In addition, you need to complete configuration in Locate. See Setting Up Data for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module in the Locate online help for more information.

System Control Values Related to Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

System Control Value


Required System Control Values for the Integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

Drop Ship Values Screen (H20)

This umbrella system control value defines whether your system uses an interface to transmit information to CWCollaborate or Locate for processing drop ship orders. Also, you can use this screen to specify the system code identifying your company in Locate, and the location code identifying your default warehouse in Locate.

Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13)

Controls whether the CDC Async will become active, and whether you can set the Drop ship output field for a vendor to Collaborative shipping for integration with CWCollaborate or to Locate drop shipping for integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Note: This screen includes additional system control values related only to integration with CWCollaborate for drop ship processing and not required for integration with Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

The number of days you want to add to the date passed to Locate to calculate Expected ship date in CWSerenade. See Calculating an Expected Ship Date for CWCollaborate Items.

Locate System (K50)

The code identifying your company as a system in Locate. Used in all communication with Locate.

Locate Default Location (K51)

The code identifying your default warehouse as a location in Locate. Used in the CreateDSOrder message to create a purchase order in Locate.

Locate Account (K49)

The name of the Locate database, as specified in the Account field at the Tenant screen in version 5.1 or later of Locate. In prior Locate releases, the account is specified in the file on the Locate server. This account name is passed as the destination in messages to Locate.


• The Order Broker integration with Locate also uses the Locate System (K50) and Locate Default Location (K51) system control values.

• The Drop Ship Values Screen (H20) also includes the Locate Account (K49) system control value; however, this system control value is not used by the Drop Ship Module integration.

Additional system control value

Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship PO (M13)

If this system control value is selected, the system generates a separate drop ship purchase order for each item when you use Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

System Control Values Related to Drop Ship Integration Backorder Card Processing

Note: System control values FTC - Number of Days to Add for Special Handling (C67) and FTC - Number of Days to Add for Drop Ships (C68), and Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (D89), which define values used for drop ship processing within CWSerenade rather than through an integration.

For additional system control values related to backorder card processing for all items, see Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (F19)

Unselect this system control value if you want to generate backorder notices for any items, including drop ship items.

Backorder Card Print Program (D04)

Must be set to a valid program (the standard program is BOCARDS).

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

The number of days you want to add to the date passed to Locate or CWCollaborate to calculate Expected ship date in CWSerenade.

FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71)

The number of days the system will add to the backorder card processing date to create a new expected ship date When the Expected Ship Date Expires with No Shipment.

System Control Values Related to the A/P Invoice Upload

See A/P Invoice Upload Setup for a complete list.

Related Secured Features

Secured Feature


Order Maintenance Access (A22)

You must have authority to this secured feature to initiate a cancel request.

Cancel Collaborate/Locate Drop Ship PO (J04)

Users with authority to this secured feature can cancel a drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

Related Menu Options

Menu Option


Working with Drop Ship Background Jobs (WPBJ)

Use this option to start and stop the CDC async job, which processes drop ship transactions and updates passed between CWSerenade and Locate.

Working with Retail Brands (WRBD)

Use this option to create and maintain retail brands, and associate them with one or more entities in your company. You must set up at least one retail brand in order to integrate with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Each retail brand must be associated with at least one entity. Entities are associated with divisions; the source code on an order must point to the division associated with the entity for which you have set up retail brands. See Working with Retail Brands (WRBD) for more information.

Note: Retail brands appear on Locate screens as Brands.

In Locate, you can use brands to specify a logo, packing slip messages, and a pack slip and pull sheet form type. Also, the vendor can restrict the display of purchase order information, or the purchase orders selected for pack slip generation.

Creating and Working with Items (MITM)

Vendor item: The information for the vendor item, including the vendor item code, description, price, ship via, lead days, and unit of measure, defaults to the purchase order. If you do not set up a vendor item, the item number and description are passed as the vendor item ID and vendor item description in the CreateDSOrder message to create the purchase order generated through Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP), and the PO and vendor unit price are from the item/SKU’s cost.

Vendor item ship via: The ship via defined for the vendor item of the first line on a drop ship purchase order defaults to the header of a purchase order sent to Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module; otherwise, if no ship via is defined for the vendor item on the first purchase order line, the ship via from the sales order header is assigned.

Ship weight: The item or SKU’s ship weight or sell weight defaults when the vendor uses the Integrated Shipping screen in the Vendor Portal to confirm shipment. From the:

Ship weight from the SKU, if any; otherwise, the

Ship weight from the item, if any; otherwise, the

Sell weight from the SKU, if any; otherwise, the

Sell weight from the item, if any; otherwise, no weight is passed.

To Send Backorder Notices

The Suppress backorder card field in the SKU table must be unselected for the item.

Working with Vendors (WVEN)

For each vendor who will use Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module to process your drop ship orders, set the Drop ship output field on the Second Create Vendor Screen to Locate drop shipping. You also need to enter an email address for the vendor in the Vendor Contact table.

Switching a vendor from CWCollaborate to Locate: If you switch a vendor’s Drop ship output setting from Collaborative shipping to Locate drop shipping, the system updates the Cutover date for the vendor. The system no longer sends purchase order updates on existing purchase orders to CWCollaborate that were created before this date. Updates consist of address changes, cost changes, and cancellations. To communicate these changes to the vendor for purchase orders created in CWCollaborate, contact the vendor directly.

Working with Entities (WENT)

Use the Retail brand field on the Create/Change/Display Entities screens to associate a retail brand with an entity. Not displayed if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value is unselected. See Working with Retail Brands (WRBD).

Downloading Drop Ship Vendors (ECSV)

Use this option to transmit new or changed vendor information to Locate for all vendors whose Drop ship output field is set to Locate drop shipping. See the CreateDSVendor Message Samples for the information sent to Locate through this menu option.

Displaying Unprocessed Drop Ship Items (DUDS)

Use this option to review all drop ship order detail lines that have been entered but not yet processed through the Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) menu option.

Working with Drop Ship Errors (WDSE)

Use this option to review errors that occurred during the integration with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module and delete the records in error from the CSF Transaction table (FLCSFT).

Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU)

Use this option to review and correct any errors related to invoices from your vendors sent through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Printing Drop Ship Reports (PDSR)

Use this option to print the following reports:

Drop Ship Items on Hold from Vendor Report

Drop Ship Items with Revised Due Date Report

Drop Ship Items Pending Cancellation Report

Drop Ship Items Confirmed Cancellation Report

Drop Ship Items Sent to Integrated System Report

Drop Ship Items Pending Shipment Report

Drop Ship Items Shipped Report

CDC Async

The CDC async job processes drop ship transactions between Locate and CWSerenade. For each company that has the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value selected, and for each vendor whose Drop ship output field is set to Locate drop shipping.the job processes:

• sending address changes to Locate (SetDSAddressChange message)

• sending cost changes to Locate (SetDSCostChange message)

• sending cancellation requests to Locate (SetDSCancel message)

• requesting activity updates from Locate (GetDSChanges message)

• requesting invoices from Locate (GetDSInvoices message)

See Sample Drop Ship Messages between CWSerenade and Locate for examples of these messages and additional background.

The CDC async job does not send new purchase orders (the CreateDSOrder message) or new/updated vendors (the CreateDSVendor message) to Locate. See Sending Drop Ship Purchase Order Information to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module and Downloading Drop Ship Vendors (ECSV) for information on these processes.

You can start and stop the CDC async job using the Working with Drop Ship Background Jobs (WPBJ) menu option. The CDC async job should be stopped and started each day.

Note: You can start the CDC async job only if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value on the Drop Ship Values Screen (H20) is selected for at least one company in your environment.

For more information: See Troubleshooting the CDC Async Job for troubleshooting steps.

Properties File Settings for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Integration

Complete the following settings in the Locate Properties File.

CW_LOCATE_PURCHASING_SERVICES_MESSAGE_VERSION: Specifies the outbound message version to send to Locate for integration with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Should be set to 4.5 or higher.

CW_LOCATE_PURCHASING_SERVICES_WSDL_LOCATION: Needs to specify the URL for the Locate drop ship (purchasing services) wsdl, such as http://server:8280/LOCATE/PurchasingServices?WSDL, where server is the name of your Locate server and LOCATE is the name of the Locate database and LOCATE is the account specified in the Locate Account (K49)system control value. Required if you are integrating with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CW_LOCATE_PURCHASING_SERVICES_MAX_UPDATES: Indicates the maximum number of drop ship updates for Locate to include in drop ship status inquiry responses. For example, you might set this number to 100 to prevent a large number of status updates from impeding system performance. If this property is blank, Locate does not limit the number of updates included in the response message.

CW_LOCATE_PURCHASING_SERVICES_MAX_INVOICES: Indicates the maximum number of drop ship invoices for Locate to include in invoice request responses. For example, you might set this number to 5 to prevent a large number of invoices from impeding system performance, since invoices can include a variable number of drop order shipments. If this number is blank, Locate does not limit the number of invoices in the response message.

• The CW_LOCATE_SERVICES_WSDL_LOCATION property needs to specify the URL for the Locate Order Broker wsdl, such as http://server:8280/Locate/LocateServices?WSDL, where server is the name of your Locate server and LOCATE is the account specified in the Locate Account (K49)system control value. This entry is required even if you are integrating with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module but not the Order Broker module.

For more information: See Locate/CWSerenade Configuration (Order Broker) for configuration requirements related to integration with Locate’s Order Broker.

FU07_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015